
Jan 012016

For those of you nursing the results of a wee bit too much celebration from last night, you may want to just move on to the next post, because these will be New Year’s Fireworks.

It goes without saying that they are best viewed in Full Screen.  And some of them tend to be quite long, so fill free to skip forward.  And if your YouTube screen ends up white with a gray circle in the center containing a white exclamation mark – the “Gray Circle of Death” – it’s because your Flash Player is overloaded.  So be sure to only play one at a time, and stop it before you play the next one.

We’ll start with a quick, one-minute overview from around-the-world.  (And apparently SkyNews has one font setting: HUGE!)


This is a more in-depth view from London, New York, Dubai and Japan.  (No offense to all my Big Apple friends, but your Times Square New Year’s Eve fireworks pale in comparison to almost every other city.  OK, I did come across a kind of puny display from Reykjavik, Iceland – but what do you expect?)


This one is purported to be of the world’s largest firework shells – 48” diameter shells!  In Trump’s vernacular, it’s YUUUGGGEEE!

The first minute-and-a-half is them loading a shell in its 12 METER firing tube!  It’s a little boring after you’ve seen it a little while, so you can skip forward in jumps.  The actually firings are very impressive – but the video is pretty static, filmed from just one point of view.  So after you’ve seen a couple of them, you can skip forward also.


This is a nicely done series of still photos of New Year’s Eve fireworks from around the world, but put together as a YouTube video.


Apparently there’s a big competition between London and Sydney (or, as they spell for New Year’s Eve – SydNYE) when it comes to New Year’s Eve fireworks.  This is Sydney’s celebration in HD:

This is London’s celebration from the BBC in HD – I think it’s the best display of them all as it’s very professionally done. 

And if you prefer to just look at pictures of the rivalry, “Daily Mail” has a nice series:


Dec 232015

Come on everyone – Wake Up!  WAKE UP!!!


I’m so excited … it’s finally CHRISTMAS! 


And that just makes me want to dance!


So, did you enjoy my dancing?


(There’s a critic in every crowd.  I’ll just send Penguin Guido over to have a “chat” with him …)


Now, come on all you Penguins – it’s time to gather together to sing our favorite Christmas Carol



Well, of course we want the kids, too …


Sure, Mom – we’d love to have Baby Junior join in with us.  Bring him along!


For us Penguins, this is our favorite Holiday song.  And NOT just at this time of year – but year round, because it has such deep meaning for us. 

Feel free to join in singing with us – I’m including the lyrics.  It’s sung to that old favorite tune “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”

“Hark!” the Herald Penguins sing:

“Please don’t eat our little wings!

“Eat a goose down to the bone,

“But leave Penguins all alone.


“Baby ducks are very sweet;

“Tastier than Penguin meat.

“Find us in your grocery store?!?

“Please don’t shop there anymore!”


And in case the message wasn’t clear enough, just a reminder that we do have Penguin Guido who is able to … hmmm … shall we say, take it up a notch.


Oh, yeah – don’t forget to keep an eye out for Santa.  And safe travels to all!



(NOTE: The lyrics are from a December 23 & 30, 2013 Issue of “The New Yorker” – but I can’t find a link)


Dec 182015


“It’s the most wonderful time of the year …” and for our Cats, too!


Well, at least for MOST cats …


That’s better.  So let’s get decked out in our Holiday finest to celebrate the spirit of the Season …


… Oops, wrong Holiday


And enjoy some feline “Feliz Navidad” frolicking festivities …







But always remember …






Dec 082015

Yep, courtesy of Trump’s own words below, ISIS recruiters can take a break & just loop The Donald’s unfathomable hate-mongering words over and over.

Donald J. Trump called on Monday for the United States to bar all Muslims from entering the country until the nation’s leaders can “figure out what is going on” after the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, Calif., an extraordinary escalation of rhetoric aimed at voters’ fears about members of the Islamic faith.

A prohibition of Muslims – an unprecedented proposal by a leading American presidential candidate, and an idea more typically associated with hate groups – reflects a progression of mistrust that is rooted in ideology as much as politics.

Trump has smashed Godwin’s Law to smithereens!

Because when it comes to comparing Trump to Hitler, Donald passes the “Duck Test” with flying colors!

Don’t know about you, but I’m beginning to believe this is NOT “just” a candid shot.  What do you think?


Looking forward to TC’s, Lynn’s, JLA’s & Judi’s more detailed analysis – if they’re so inclined.

Dec 062015

It’s Sunday, with many of us heading off to church.  In more churches than we’d like, Christians will hear how evil Islam is.  But here’s an experiment done by a couple of pranksters from the Dutch internet show “Dit Is Normaal” (“This is Normal”) that shows we’re not so very different. 

[Islam] has been under huge scrutiny lately and is often [criticized] for being an aggressive religion… but what about Christianity? In this video we disguised a Bible as a Quran and read some of its most gruesome verses to the people. This is what they had to say.

It wasn’t a bit difficult to convince the people on the street that the violent, misogynistic, unforgiving passages were straight out of the Quran. 


But what is heartening are their reactions when they learn that it’s actually from the Bible …


“That’s just sick!  Really sick!!”

… And how objective they were in assessing their shock.


To save you all the time and trouble, I Googled the Bible passages they used so you don’t have to – with a few surrounding verses where appropriate:

(NOTE: They were all New International Version [NIV])

◄ Leviticus 26:15 ►

15: and if you reject my decrees and abhor my laws and fail to carry out all my commands and so violate my covenant …

◄ Leviticus 26:29 ►

29: You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters.

◄ 1 Timothy 2:12 ►

 [11: A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness.

12: But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.

[13: For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve.]

◄ Deuteronomy 25:12 ►

[11: "If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals]

12: then you shall cut off her hand; you shall not show pity.

◄ Leviticus 20:13 ►

13: If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Second Bonus:

How well do you know your Bible?  Here’s a pretty tough quiz TEST with 50 questions.  Or you can skip it and just click the “Submit” button at the bottom to find the Answers.

I scored 22, and 15 is the average.  How did you do?


Nov 292015

From Rep. Brian Sims (D) Facebook page:


Terrorism has many faces around the world.  This is the very familiar face of terrorism in the United States.

He's not ISIS, Hamas, or a Crip.  He's not Muslim or an Atheist.  He doesn't have brown skin or wear a kaffiyeh.  He didn't come here in a boat or on a raft.  He hasn't run from genocide or been persecuted by a ruthless dictator.  He's not a refugee, a "thug" or foreigner.  

He's ours.

This is the face of American Terrorism. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Rep. Brian K. Sims is a Democratic member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from Philadelphia.  Elected in 2012, Sims is also a lawyer and activist on LGBT civil rights.  Sims is the first openly gay elected state legislator in Pennsylvania history.

