
Feb 192016

What do three energetic brothers, who want to help save lives, do in the dead of Minnesota winters when surrounded by tons of snow?  Build snow sculptures … of course!

Let’s begin by viewing some of the creations of the Bartz brothers from New Brighton, MN: Austin (21), Trevor (20) and Connor (17).  It began, like it did for a lot of us growing up in Northern climates, with building snow forts.


As they got older, they decided to get more creative.  They first started out building a Pufferfish built in the 2011-12 winter after one of the brothers caught one on a family trip to Florida.  It took the brothers two hours to get the main body done, another hour and a half to mold and attach the tail, and then another four hours to add the spikes.  And if you look close, you’ll see a tiny fish in the Pufferfish’s mouth.


The following winter the brothers sculpted a Walrus – and the thing didn’t melt until May!  In fact they now have a contest guessing when the last of their creations will revert to water.  And the winner gets a copy of National Geographic’s “100 Things to Make You Happy” which features the Bartz brothers.



They decided that their creations would stick with the “sea world” theme, so the next winter they went to the dark side – and did a Shark!  “Jaws” was 25’ long x 9’ wide and 16’ tall, and it took over 95 hours to construct.



You may be wondering where they get all their snow, because you can see from the photos that there front yard is still covered with it.  They explained the snow comes from their neighbors’ driveways, tennis courts and church parking lots.  How’s that for a neat snow-removal service?

And if it’s too cold when it snow, producing that great powder that skiers love – but is terrible for sculpting – they store in their garage, crank the heat up to 90 degrees … and wait until it’s packable!


While they clearly got a kick from crafting the shark, they learned that a lot of the little kids that come to visit their front yard from literally around the world, found it too scary.  So the winter of 2014-15 they did a “gentle” Sea Turtle.

It’s pretty clear their projects are getting bigger and more elaborate.  Mr. Turtle (who has a striking resemblance to Mitch McConnell) is 37’ long x 31’ wide x 12’ tall, and it took 300 hours to put him together.  (Wouldn’t it be great if McConnell would just melt away like this guy did?)



It was in January of 2015 they decided to take the suggestion of so many visitors who wanted to donate and put their talents to use in a positive way.  So this year they partnered with One Day’s Wages charity and setup a fund to help Haitians in procuring safe, potable water – a real rarity in that poor nation.

I’ll let the Bartz brothers explain it in fuller detail:

Five Years Running

For five years, we have built an annual snow sculpture as a way to get outside, hang out together, and bring a little cheer to our community—and, as news spread, to the world.

For several years, community supporters who were moved by our work told us we should erect some sort of donation box where they could toss in a few bucks in exchange for the joy they felt as they drove by, and this year, we finally took their advice. Given the sole raw asset of our work—snow—we thought it made sense to have collected monies go toward providing clean drinking water for people in need.

Why Water Matters

According to the World Health Organization, nearly one million people die each year due to lack of clean drinking water – a situation residents of Haiti, the poorest country in the West, know all too well. `More than 40 percent of Haitians have no improved water source, which means they’re relegated to drinking contaminated water and thus contracting totally avoidable diseases.

Our partnership organization, One Day’s Wages, works with International Action to solve this problem by installing community-operated clean-water chlorinators into three areas in Haiti that need the assistance most.

Now, Here's Where You Come In

If you would like to join us in providing safe, clean water for Haiti, please contribute at the donation box or online between the dates of January 5 and March 5, 2016 below. Our goal is to raise $10,000 during this two-month period,

For more information on One Day’s Wages clean-water initiative in Haiti, please visit 100% of donations go straight to this cause.


One Day's Wages' partnership with International Action providing clean water in Haiti has been funded!  Donations to the Bartz Brothers "Sculpting Snow for a Life-Saving Cause" on this page will now go to clean water projects in other parts of the world experiencing extreme poverty. 100% of donations go straight to the work on the ground! Thank you for joining us in providing clean water by donating below!

So let’s take a look at this year’s creation that has raised almost $14,000 and still counting (you can donate until March 5th) – “Octavius Octopus” (so named by Facebook visitors in another contest).




“Octavius” stands 18’ tall and took approximately 500 hours to complete – and they calculate he weighs 300,000 pounds!  He’s clearly their most ambitious and elaborate engineering project so far.  The Bartz brothers say they plan to do two more sculptures before they put away their shovels – and we’ll all be looking forward to it!

Besides well-deserved local coverage, the brothers have been featured on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and NBC’s “Today” and “Nightly News” shows.

To learn more about the Bartz Brothers Snow Sculptures, the easiest place to start is their publicly available Facebook page

It includes more information and links to their partnering with “One Day’s Wages” charity to raise funds for providing clean water in Haiti.

Thanks guys!  Not only do you do great work, but your great works do great work!  No doubt the people of Haiti say “Thank You!”



Feb 052016

Almost two decades ago I first learned of Omaha’s Cathedral Arts Project annual Flower Show.  It’s occurs about the last weekend in January (close to Super Bowl time), because Nebraskans need a reminder that Spring WILL arrive … eventually!  And it draws 10,000 people over its two-day run!

One of the things that so striking about it is that it’s held at St. Cecilia Cathedral, one of the nation’s ten largest cathedrals – and it’s gorgeous!  Another is that they utilize about 30 local florists to develop arrangements based on a yearly Theme (somewhat similar to what the Rose Parade does) that are placed at different stations in the cathedral.  This year’s theme was “A Night at the Movies”.  Other ones have been Quilts, Garments, South Pacific, Harvests, Art from the Joslyn Museum, etc.

But to be honest, it’s frequently hard to tell how the flowers actually reflect or interpret the Theme – it’s pretty loosey-goosey.  The displays are mainly arranged along the Aisles where there are small chapels, altars and shrines, as well as along the Ambulatory in the part of the Apse behind the Sanctuary.  Other than a fairly large arrangement in the Crossing of the Nave (between the North and South Transepts) and a few in the Sanctuary, the Nave and Sanctuary are not a major area where arrangements are displayed..

It was their 31st Year last weekend, and I’ve been fortunate enough to have gone to at least six.  This year I took my “aunt” and “uncle”.  (They’re actually the brother [a retired Lutheran minister] and sister of my real aunt in Illinois.  But my real aunt is my aunt by marriage, so they’re not my “blood” aunt and uncle.)   I’ve taken them separately at least three other times, but they’re 10-15 years older than I am, and don’t like to drive.  It’s a great day-trip, as Omaha is only about 200 miles north of KCMO.

[But I got to tell you that one time when I took my “pseudo” aunt and sister-in-law it was so cold (well, it IS Omaha) my window washer fluid froze!  I always carry a refill-jug with me – which also froze!  So we stopped at a convenience store, and I put the jug in their microwave to thaw it out, and then added it to the reservoir.  It worked!  But to be fair to Omaha, last weekend it got up to ~ 50 degrees for our trip.]

I’ll share lots of photos of the floral displays.  I know there are quite a few, but it was actually difficult to winnow them down.  Some are my photos, some are from friends I’ve taken, and some are ones I found online. 

And I’ve got to say that the fragrance when you first enter the Cathedral … well, it’s heavenly!

It may be good to begin by orienting you to the layout of the Cathedral.


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01 St. Cecilia Diagram

Fish-Eye View Of The Sanctuary & About One-Quarter Of The Nave From The North Transept

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The Organ Balcony

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Small Clerestory Stained Glass Window

(Large Stained Glass Wikndows Are Gorgeous, But Without a Telephoto Lens, It’s Hard To Get A Photo Of Them – But You Can See Them in Several of the Other Photos)

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Sampling of Center Arrangements Throughout the Years in the Crossing Part of the Nave, Between the North & South Transepts

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DCF 1.0

DCF 1.0[/caption]

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DCF 1.0

DCF 1.0

DCF 1.0[/caption]

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With 10,000 visitors there’s always a wait before you can actually begin the tour.  But they have constant musical programs of choirs, string quartets, pianists, vocal soloists, etc. perform in the sanctuary.  (It’s lost on me, but the friends & family I’ve taken always enjoy being entertained while we wait.)

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This “Theme” Was Interpretations Of Paintings From Omaha’s Joslyn Museum

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This “Theme” Was Interpretations Of Clothing

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The  Ambulatory in the Apse behind the Santuary has quite a bit of already installed artwork (as does the Cathedral as a whole) – but since it’s a relatively small area it’s usually pretty “free-form”

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This “Theme” Was Interpretations of Quilts







This “Theme” Was Interpretations Of Paintings From Local Artists

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This One Below Is a Painting of St. Cecilia Cathedral

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And SOMETIMES They Actully Look Almost Like the Artwork

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Of course I wish you could view them in real-life – but this will have to do … unless you make it to Omaha in late January!

Feb 012016

Well, at least how the Democrats do it.  (Republicans use a secret ballot – you just write down a name.  Please note: You got to spell out T-R-U-M-P … and  NOT Hairball, The Bouffant Buffoon, Hair Furor, Mr. Wiggy Piggy, Pander Hair, Prima Donald or any other variants.  Oh, and BTW – damn right I want Trump to be the GOP nominee!)

Vermont Public Radio put together a cute little YouTube video of Legos characters showing how it works.  (The CC isn’t all that great, but enough to connect the dots.)


And there’s a little more detail at the Vermont Public Radio website:

To participate in the Democratic caucus in Iowa, a person must: 

  • Be 18 years old by the day of the general election. This cycle, that means if your 18th birthday is on or before Nov. 8, 2016, you can participate in the Iowa caucus. 
  • Be a registered Democrat. Technically the caucuses are "closed," meaning only party-members may participate, but according to the Iowa Democratic Party, it's possible to register as a Democrat on caucus night itself.
  • Be a resident in the precinct you plan to caucus in. While there is no minimum residency requirement, *Iowa defines residency as spending nights at your in-precinct address.*


It has a Link to a PDF explaining the arcane math used to divvy up actual delegates:

Jan 292016

Almost a decade ago, back in 2007 (know it was because of the pictures' “Created Date”), I came across a site that featured whimsical sculptures made out of Scotch Packaging Tape.  They caught my eye, so I saved a bunch of them that I’ll share with you today.

I can’t find that site from 2007, but it looks like it got some coverage and probably led to Scotch Tape by 3M developing a contest “Off the Roll” – at least from 2010 to 2012.  (Can’t find anything before or after – and more on that at the end.)

We’ll start with the originals that I came across back in 2007














Here’s the Scotch Tape site for Entering the 2012 Contest – with the “Winners”, FAQs, Tips & Tricks, etc.

From that site, here is the 2012 Grand Prize Winner




Here's the 2011 Grand Prize Winner



And here's what I think may be the cutest one I came across – the 2010 Grand Prize Winner


Here's a YouTube of how an artist goes about making a human cast, along with its installation and some pedestrians’ reactions.

Now aren't you glad you stuck around for a bit?

Jan 242016

If you’re feeling a little “Blue” because it’s been awhile since you enjoyed the movie “Avatar”, and were wondering how James Cameron and crew came up with such jaw-dropping creative settings for planet Pandora … well, it turns out that a good many of the surreal, out-of-this-world scenes were actually inspired by quite a few locations and things right here on Earth.  So let’s take a look at a few.


Probably the most striking are the Hallelujah Mountains of Pandora – floating land pods that are sacred to the Na'vi people.



Their inspiration comes from several sources, but we know the main locale is the Wulingyuan Scenic Zone in Hunan Province, China with its Tianzi Mountains.

We know for a fact that the crew spent at least four days taking photos of the mountains there before filming even began — and a good portion of the movie was actually shot in the region.






The mammoth “central character” of the Hallelujah Mountains has been said to be inspired by Venezuela's Tepui (“House of Gods”) in the Mount Roraima range – and it’s easy to see why.





While maybe not playing a major role, breathtaking waterfalls are frequently in the background.  And again, the mile-high Tepui tabletop mountain with its hundreds of waterfalls is a major inspiration.




Waterfalls play a more prominent part when Jake Sully and Neytiri first ride the flying Banshee, and also during the helicopter action.  And Angel Falls in Venezuela’s Canapa National Park is said to be an inspiration.


Despite its 3,212 feet height soaring to the heavens, Angel Falls has nothing to do with angels.  It’s named after its aerial discoverer – American aviator Jimmie Angel who first flew over the falls in 1933.  Not only is it the world’s tallest waterfall, it’s one of the Eight Natural Wonders of the World.






Moving in for a little closer look, we frequently find Hometrees all over Pandora.  They’re about 150 meters tall (taller than our Redwoods), and serve as the home for different clans of Na’vi.


While not nearly as tall or majestic, they’re silhouette is said to be inspired by the Dragon Blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari) found on Socotra Island in the Indian Ocean.  It got its name, Dragon Blood, because the trees produce a sap that is blood red.




Bioluminescence is common to nearly all Pandoran flora and fauna, including the Na’vi people, and over a dozen different types of flora.  Glowing colors of green, blue, indigo, and violet are pretty much everywhere on Pandora – even in the water!

Avatar_Biolumen_01 Avatar_Mushrooms_02

Fortunately for Cameron, he could good look to several locales for ideas.  Let’s start with the Mosquito Bioluminescent Bay on the Island of Vieques in Puerto Rico.

The Bay is filled with microscopic dinoflagellates (Pyrodinium bahamense or Swirling Fire) that, when agitated, react by emitting a blue-green light.

[NOTE: No, they are NOT Photoshopped!]







Found in the forests of Asia and Brazil, Mycena chlorophos are mushrooms that glow during the rainy season.  They make the forest floor light up with their spores, but the bioluminescent phase only lasts about three to four days.






[NOTE: Not sure why two of these show up – on the work page there’s only one]


And we’ll end with “Glow Worms” that are found in the caves of New Zealand and Australia.

OK, they’re not actually worms, but larvae of the gnat fly (Arachnocampa luminosa). They spin a silk hammock on the cave’s ceiling and then hang down as many as 70 threads with drops of sticky mucus attached to catch prey that are attracted by their glowing light.




Now it’s time to pop in your “Avatar” CD/DVD or stream it to appreciate some of the inspiration locales, flora and fauna.


NOTE: No links because I literally used hundreds.  But I’m sure “The Google” will help you find answers & more information

But here are two excellent sources for tons of information about “Avatar”.  The first one provides incredibly minute details about flora, fauna, characters and LOTS more – it’s mind-boggling!

And one for a good storyline summary:


Jan 222016


This has not been a good month for my friends and family.  Shortly before Christmas my nurse of many years at work, who was 10-15 years younger than I am and a model of healthy living, had a massive coronary event, went into pulmonary failure and was subsequently taken off all support systems.

Then shortly after Christmas a favorite aunt, who had been in a car accident, developed pneumonia and passed away.

And yesterday I learned that the nurse practitioner in our office, with whom I became fast friends with both her and her family, had also passed away.

The deaths of three people I cherish in a month’s time have kind of taken the wind out of my sails. 

I had already started work on this week’s “Friday Fun”, so I should be able to post it by tomorrow or Sunday.  And I’ll still be commenting, because I hope it’ll be therapeutic.

As a preview, I’ll note that Lynn had recently mentioned she’s working her way through the 2009 Oscar-winning movie “Avatar”.  In the dregs of my mind that reminded me that a number of the surreal locations in the film were actually inspired by other-worldly spots right here on earth.  We’ll visit some of them shortly …


Jan 152016

We’ve all been to zoos or aquariums and marveled at some of the colorful creatures.  To make it easy for your enjoyment, I’m showcasing some of the more unusual ones. 

BUT to make it interesting, I’m going to also include some Fake ones.  Your job is to identify which ones are Fakes in the Comments section.

To help you out, I’ll let you know there are six (6) Fakes.  But NO FAIR Googling to find out!  After all, there are no Prizes


There’s a technically untrue description in at least one of the titles.  It’s really pretty picayune, but interesting.  Can you identify it?

Albino Peacock


Half-Albino Peacock


Leafy Sea Dragon


Lilac-Breasted Roller


Black Rooster


Bluebonnet Rattlesnake


Cobalt Blue Tarantula


Halloween Crab


Sunset Moth


Indian Bullfrog


Albino Snow Snake


Mandarin Fish


Pink Orchid Mantis


Trunk Fish


Rainbow Pigeon


Pink Katydid


Dragon-winged Gecko


Pink Polish Pigeon


Rainbow Cricket


Rainbow Snail

Colorful_Rainbow-Snail_- Rainbow Owl


Red Velvet Ant


Regal Ring-necked Snake


