
Oct 282016

It’s that time of year when our doorbells will be getting their heaviest workout of the year with the ringing and buzzing from impatient Trick or Treaters.


Since Halloween is now the second most commercialized holiday of the year (after Christmas), I thought it'd be a hoot to take a look at some of the history, trivia and fun facts about it.

Oh, yeah … Samhainophobia is the term for a fear of Halloween.

Halloween Comes to Us Via Ireland

Samhain was a sacred Celtic festival that marked the end of the Celtic calendar year.  Celts believed that during Samhain the wall between the present-day world and the afterlife became porous allowing spirits to get through.  So it was a common practice for the Celts to disguise themselves in costumes and masks to befuddle the evil spirits that may be wandering their streets, and thus escape their attention.  While at the same time, covering all their bases, they would put out special food treats to placate them.


As part of the celebration of Samhain, bonfires were lit to ensure the sun would return after the coming long, hard winter.  And Druid priests would throw the bones of cattle into the flames – hence, “bone fire” became “bonfire.”

Catholics had a three-day Hallowmas holiday close to the Samhain time that was designed to honor and pray for the recently deceased.  And in the hopes of winning pagan converts over to them, in the early part of the 11th century the Pope decreed Hallowmas would coincide, lasting from Oct. 31 (All Hallow's Eve) until Nov. 2.

"All Hallow's Eve" then evolved into "All Hallow's Even" – and by the 18th century it was commonly referred to as "Hallowe'en."

But Halloween has also been called Witches Night, Lamswool, Snap-Apple Night, Samhain, and Summer’s End – all centering around harvest time. 

It’s not all Irish that influences the holiday.  Some traditions of Halloween come by way of the ancient Roman festival Pomona, which celebrated the Harvest Goddess of fruit trees who goes by the same name.  That’s where are custom of bobbing for apples at Halloween parties comes from.  And it was the tradition that the whoever got the first bite of the apple would be the next one permitted to marry.

But the Irish did provide the legend behind our ubiquitous Jack-o’-Lanterns.  They’re named after a fellow called Stingy Jack

The folklore is that Stingy Jack was out drinking with the Devil when Jack convinced Beelzebub to turn himself into a coin to pay for the drinks so Jack wouldn’t have to.  Jack then put the Devil-turned-coin into his pocket – which just also happened to hold a silver cross, thus preventing the Devil from transforming back.  Jack promised to free the Devil as long as the Devil wouldn’t bother him for a year, and when he died, the Devil would never claim his soul.

Jack played several more tricks like this on the Devil, all designed to ensure that the Devil would never take his soul.  But when Jack finally did die, God was not pleased with his chumminess with the Devil and so decided he wasn’t fit for heaven.  And since the Devil kept his promise to never claim his soul, Jack was sent off to roam Earth with only a burning lump of coal from purgatory for light. 

He put the coal into a turnip carved with opening to serve as a lantern, and Stingy Jack became “Jack of the Lantern” or “Jack o’ Lantern.”  


And the Irish actually carved scary faces preferably into turnips, but also beets and potatoes, to scare away Stingy Jack or any other foreboding spirits of the night.  But when they arrived in America turnips were hard to come by, so they switched to pumpkins.

Halloween wouldn’t be completed without mentioning witches.  The word “witch” comes from the Old English wicce, which means “wise woman.”  Surprisingly, wiccans were highly respected people at one time and were said to hold one of their two main meetings, or sabbats, on Halloween night.  In fact they still celebrate their New Year on Samhain – or Halloween.

Wiccans provide us with their familiar family of fiendish friends – black cats, spiders and bats.  Black cats were often sacrificed by Druid priests in the bonfires during Samhain celebration.  This has led a number of animal shelters to refuse the adoption of black cats during the month of October for fear of similar sick sacrifices.  (Not sure why, but white cats, rather than black cats, are thought to bring bad luck in the UK.  Maybe Lona has some thoughts.)

And those same Samhain bonfires drove away insects – which then attracted bats feasting on a ready-made buffet.

And it seems that the traditions of Halloween keep evolving – even to today.  More and more of us adults are now coopting the holiday for ourselves, apparently not wanting to let go the fond memories of our Halloweens of yesteryear. 

In fact the sale of adult costumes now outpaces that for kids.  It’s anticipated that we’ll spend $2.6 billion on Halloween costumes, broken down as $1 billion on children’s costumes – but $1.2 billion on adult costumes, with another $330 million spent on pet costumes!

About three-quarters of us will hand out candy, half will carve a pumpkin, 20% will visit a haunted house and a little over 10% will costume their critters.

Why, here’s a cat that’s dressing up as the Easter Bunny:


So what about the treats, you ask?  Well, about half of the kids prefer chocolate candy, a quarter want something non-chocolate and about 10% want gum.  (That gum number surprised me.) 

Although Snickers are ranked as the favorite by Trick-or-Treaters, Reese’s actually outsold them for Halloween in 2012: $510 million to $457 million.  And M&M’s were actually the #2 seller at $501 million. 

That’s a LOT of candy, but maybe not so surprising, given that the annual consumption of the stuff in the USA is close to 25# per person!  (Are you doing your share?  I know I am!)

Some fun facts about those ubiquitous Candy Corn Kernels you see at this time of year.  October 30th is National Candy Corn Day.  Brach's uses the same recipe (sugar, corn syrup and marshmallow) as the original Jelly Belly company did back in 1900.  Although they were actually invented by George Renninger in the 1880’s in Philadelphia. 


It was originally called “Chicken Feed” and didn’t become associated with Halloween until after WWII.  We purchase over 20 million pounds of the Kernels each year, and if Brach’s laid out the Candy Corn Kernels it sells each year end to end, they would wrap around the Earth 4.25 times!

All totaled, we’ll spend close to $6 BILLION dollars to celebrate Halloween.  That includes the costumes, candy and cards – and works out to about $70 per person.  Living in the KCMO Metro – home to Hallmark – we thank you for shelling out for those 19 MILLION Halloween cards that get sent. 

But that only gives it sixth place honors for card-sending.  Christmas comes in first place, with a whopping 1.6 billion cards sent each year!  My guess is Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Birthdays and ??? have more.  But what do you think is in fifth place?

When it comes to the accoutrements of Halloween, it looks like there’s been another world record set this year for the largest pumpkin weighing in at 2,632 pounds – shattering the record set just last year of 2,323 pounds.


And the fastest pumpkin carver honors go to a Stephen Clarke, who got it done in 24.03 seconds – smashing his previous record of 54.72.  The rules of the competition state that the pumpkin must weigh NO less than 24 pounds and be carved in a traditional way, which requires at least eyes, nose, ears, and a mouth.


But I like the boasting rights for most lit Jack-o’-Lanterns with a close race between Boston (30,128) …


And Keene, NH (30,581)


And although 99% of all pumpkins grown end up destined for Jack-o’-Lanterns, some ended up in this record-shattering pumpkin pie measuring 20 feet in diameter and weighing in at 3,699 pounds. It was baked by the New Breman Giant Pumpkin Growers in Ohio in 2010, breaking their own previous world's record of 2,020 pounds. The ginormous orange pie contained 1,212 pounds of pumpkin, 233 dozen eggs, 109 gallons of evaporated milk, 525 pounds of sugar, 7 pounds of salt, and 14.5 pounds of cinnamon.


But there’s no contest when it comes to the world’s largest Halloween parade.  That goes to the Greenwich Village Halloween parade in New York City with 50,000 participants and over 2 million spectators. 

I actually attended it once back in 1988 – the year that Greg Louganis won his diving Gold Medal in Seoul.  If you recall, Louganis had suffered a concussion and cut his head when he landed head-first on the diving board.  There was this guy who actually looked a lot like Louganis who had a great costume.  His head was poking through a diving board made of Styrofoam with“blood” streaming down his face while walking around in just a Speedo.  Well, it IS the Village!

And a fun fact: In Alabama, it is illegal to dress-up as a priest for Halloween.  I have NO idea why.  Then again, it’s illegal to wear a mask without a permit in Walnut Creek, CA; to go Trick-or-Treating if you’re a teen in Bellville, MO; or to sell,  or even possess, Silly String on the 31st in Hollywood!


To end on a serious note – be careful out there!  Children are more than twice as likely to be killed in a pedestrian/car accident on Halloween than on any other night of the year. 


And feel free to stash away some of your treats if you or your child makes a killing.  Milk chocolate candy is good for about 9 months, and dark chocolate candy lasts for two years.  Hard candy stays good for about a year.  But watch your intake of treats!  Both the high fructose content found in most candies – or even worse, the sorbitol in sugar-free candies – can cause a case of … well, Republicrrhea.



Oct 212016

Well, that’s that – they’re done.  If you missed the Debate Wednesday night, the Cliff Notes version would focus on a few key bumper sticker gems supplied by Trump.  (Hillary thinks, speaks and acts in complete sentences and paragraphs.  Trump’s mind is just not capable of even that level of thought.) 

I mean Trump was supplying Twitter with so many mocking Memes generated by his debate stupidity that you had to wonder if he even knew that his mic was on!

(I should note that all the quotes are from the annotated transcript from the Washington Post.)

So let’s have a little fun with the bilious blathering bombast from that bloviating buffoon better known as Donald Trump:

TRUMP: But we have some bad hombres here, and we're going to get them out.

Well, THAT should help with the republican Latino outreach program.

And throughout all three of their debates, Hillary has been deft at dangling that wiggly worm in front of Trump.  And once again he was just NOT able to refuse taking the bait.  So I guess that makes Hillary a Master Baiter.

Here’s proof-positive that Trump was able to rise only to the level of any competent third-grader's witty repartee with the standard issue “I’m-Rubber-You’re-Glue…” response on this exchange:


CLINTON: Well, that's because he'd rather have a puppet as president of the United States.

TRUMP: No puppet.  No puppet.

CLINTON: And it's pretty clear…

TRUMP: You're the puppet!

CLINTON: It's pretty clear you won't admit…

TRUMP: No, you're the puppet.

But of course we all know who’s pulling Trump’s strings.  The entire intelligence community services have documented that it’s Putin behind the curtain


But the most popular Meme of the evening that will be around for quite some time is when Trump unwisely interrupted HIllary with this outburst – an outburst that yet again burnished his credentials as a card-carrying, world-class misogynist.

TRUMP: Such a nasty woman.

For fun, type into your URL address bar – and see where it takes you.

But the debate did provide a seriously disturbing quote that will haunt Trump – AND the entire republican Party – for a long time to come.  If it were not already a done-deal, I think it cost him the election.

It happened after Moderator Wallace gave him several chances to pledge that he would accept the will of the American people on Election Day.  But Trump turned away Wallace’s repeated offers with:

TRUMP: What I'm saying is that I will tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense. OK?

Trump’s main mantra in response to the looming likelihood of him becoming a Loser has been that the election is rigged and Hillary cheats.

Now this may come as surprise, but it appears that Trump may be right WRT the latter charge.  Did you happen to catch the candidate TV shot of Hillary’s cheat-sheet notes that she kept glancing down at during the debate? 


Oops … wrong notes.

But the debate did have its lighter moments.  Even Trump decided he could tell a few jokes …

TRUMP: Nobody has more respect for women than I do. Nobody.


Yep – there apparently was so much audience laughter at this whopper that Moderator Wallace had to turn around and admonish them not to dis Fox's chosen candidate.

Of course it's no laughing matter, given that …

And here’s my take on it:


See … the Debates CAN be fun!


Oct 142016

My apologies – and my explanation excuses:

Typically, I put my "Friday Fun" posts together on Thursday.  But yesterday morning was my annual furnace maintenance day, so the morning was shot. 

And then in the afternoon I had a medical equipment "Urgency" (not an "Emergency" but something that needed tending).  And when I was coming back from the hospital in midtown KCMO – through rush hour traffic – there was an accident up ahead closing down TWO lanes! 

I had to get off and take surface streets, so it took me over 90 minutes just to get home.

So I didn't get to work on the one I wanted, but I’m hopeful I may be able to get it done by Saturday or Sunday.  But the weekend is data entry time at Hillary Headquarters (since I can’t phone bank or canvas people because of my lack of hearing, it's my contribution to keep Satan out of the Oval Office) – so if not, then next week.



Oct 102016

I don't know how it appeared on your TV, but this is what the creepy, lurking, stalking Donald looked like on my set:


And the tape of Donald bragging about being able to "Grab them by the pu$$y" is a prime example of GOP hypocrisy:


And I found the reaction of Trump's daughter, Tiffany, post-debate very … well, disturbing:


Oct 072016

Whether you agree with the pundits who characterized this week’s Vice-President Debate as the “Thrilla in Vanilla” featuring bland-to-bland combat or not, it’s the only time (thank God!) we’ll have to put up with Pence’s pitiful prevarications on primetime TV.  (Whatever else you may think of Pence, you’ve got to hand it to him – the man can lie with the same aplomb as his running mate.  Although it appears he may even be denying that Trump IS his running mate based on his lack of knowledge – or willful ignorance.)

To let you know up front what my take on the evening, I’ll tell you right now how I’d score the debate:



Evening’s WinnerFolks who watched anything else

So what did the “Twitterverse” have to say about the night?  It was the common consensus that Kaine’s incessant interruptions were a distraction that undermined his clear superior command of the facts – and I’d agree with that.  But “Liar, Liar Pence on Fire” wanton and repeated denial of easily verifiable facts also produced the consensus that while Pence may have won the evening, Kaine won the morning. 

Facts and truth have a way of doing that – at least we hope so!

So while Pence lied the night away – he looked “Presidential” … very “Presidential” … with his lying.  To the point that some pundits wondered how Pence’s upstaging his boss would sit with Trump.

Hell, even Bill “The Bloody” Kristol joined in

So the question is, did Pence throw Trump under the bus in order to position himself for a run in 2020?

And the follow-up question of, how would “The Donald” react to the fact that republicans now wish they had chosen Pence over him because Pence looked slicker while bullshitting Americans with his bald-faced lies(GOP: “Facts?  We don’t need no stinkin’ facts!”)

Was there any doubt that Trump would recover by taking full credit for Pence’s performance?

The Twitterverse did veer off on a tangent sympathizing with the impossible task for Moderator Elaine Quijano of keeping control and fact-checking Pence’s endless lies.

So of course we were then treated to a flurry of Elaine/Seinfeld Tweets …

But then we were taken aback when Pence, a full-fledged Talibangelical christianist, provided a couple of surprising double entendres:

So what’s the final verdict?  Kaine may not have won, but it’s clear that Trump lost:

And the bottom line take-home:

Here’s a minute and a half video highlighting a few of Pence’s prevarications:

My conclusion?  There’s absolutely nothing Trump won’t outsource.  Not even his lying!



Sep 302016

With all the sniffling Trump did throughout the entire debate, Dr. Howard Dean raised a reasonable question.

While I personally think it's not only doubtful (Trump doesn't even drink), I think it was a distraction from a stellar performance by Hillary.  But other folks agreed with Dean.

And even more graphically …

Several times Trump whined about how "nasty" Hillary's ads have been.  Not only does this prove that Irony is dead in the Trump camp, but that Trump doesn't even remember what he's said.

One thing that was very striking and indicative of Trump's incredible misogyny and bullying is how often he interrupted both Hillary and Moderator Lester Holt

Time magazine actually did a more accurate analysis based on the actual transcript of the debate – and it shows Trump interrupted them FIFTY-FIVE TIMES!

But whatever the count, if you had "Interruptions" as part of your evening's Drinking Game, well …

Hillary brought up Trump's stiffing not only the working middle class people – to which Betty F*ckin' White [Sorry – no "Blue Star" – so not THAT Betty White, but still funny] offers a great suggestion:

But also stiffing all American patriotic citizens by not paying his taxes – which Trump brags "It makes me smart"

And of course Trump tried to counter with the mendacious claim that Hillary lacks "stamina"

And of course …

At first I was upset that Lester Holt didn't take charge as moderator.  But then I thought, even though Lester is a registered republican – boy, letting Trump expose himself as a misogynistic, idiotic bully is great. 

And Holt dealt with the abuse in his own way, unique way …

But Trump, despite praising a fellow republican after the debate now claims that Lester rigged them.  So it's not surprising that Trump actually refused to shake the Moderator's hand post-debate – very sad …

And of course NBC's republican sycophant Chuck Todd had to find SOMETHING to complain about with Hillary – so he said she was "Over-Prepared"

Ahhh, Chucky – she's running for PRESIDENT!  Do you think Chucky would ever complain that his surgeon was "Over-Prepared"?

And then the Reviews started rolling in. 

Hell, even the republicans realized Trump got trampled:

The "Best Pithy Review Award" has got to go to Jerry Springer:

"Best Advice to Trump Supporters Award" goes to the Lawrence, KS (home of the U of Kansas) Police Dept.:

"Best Straightforward Review Award" goes to Alexandra Petri:

"Best Final Word of Advice Award" goes to Hillary:

And thanks to Hillary's now famous "Shoulder Shimmy"


It's now made even more enjoyable thanks to Shaq and a cat …


Sep 232016

(And that’s the last pun for this week.)

It was last week in my post on Cats taking over a London tube station that I mentioned I try to shy away from the science/tech stuff, given they hold an inherent interest for me and I don’t want to favor that topic too much.  But Edie said she thought we’d enjoy them – so I’ll give it a go with a quickie one.

One in three of us (I was surprised that not everyone gets them) have suffered through what’s frequently called an Ice Cream Headache, Cold-Stimulus Headache, Trigeminal Headache or its given scientific name Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia (meaning "pain of the sphenopalatine ganglion nerve").  Or more commonly – a Brain Freeze.

Frozen Brain

Frozen Brain

The term Ice Cream Headache first appeared in a manuscript by Rebecca Timbres on January 31, 1937 that was eventually published as book in 1939 with the snappy title of “We Didn't Ask Utopia: A Quaker Family in Soviet Russia”.  (With a title like that, is it any wonder it took her TWO YEARS to get the thing published?)

And while it’s been discussed in the medical literature since at least the 1850s, it wasn’t until 1988 that the International Headache Society formally recognized the malady, which they have labeled “Cold Stimulus Headache”.


The phenomenon occurs about 10-20 seconds after too rapidly eating or drinking an extremely cold food – whereby it comes in contact with the soft palate, thereby inducing that sharp, stabbing, bi-frontal headache.  It usually only last 30-60 seconds, and never more than five minutes.  And fortunately it’s self-limited.


Theory 1 – Trigeminal Nerve Factor

It long been known that when something cold contacts your palate, the sudden temperature change of the tissue stimulates nerves to cause rapid dilation of blood vessels in an effort to bring warm blood to the area.  This rapid dilation of the blood vessels triggers pain receptors, which release pain-causing prostaglandins, thereby increasing sensitivity to further pain. 

These signals are transmitted by the Trigeminal Nerve  – the Fifth (V) of our twelve cranial nerves.  Because the trigeminal nerve also senses facial pain, the brain interprets the pain signal as coming from the forehead – or what is called 'referred pain' since the cause of the pain is in a different location from where you feel it.


Theory 2 – Blood Flow Factor

Where food enters – and exits – our bodies are two of the most highly vascularized areas we have.  It’s why those are the two most common sites to take a temperature. 

Eating or drinking something very cold, especially when done rapidly, doesn’t allow the mouth enough time to absorb and acclimate to the cold very well.  This rapid change in temperature of the palate is where the internal carotid artery branches into the anterior cerebral artery.


Our brains are not fond of rapid change in their environment, and so as a self-defense mechanism, there is a rapid dilatation of the anterior cerebral artery to rush warm blood to the brain.  Given our brains are encased in a rather non-flexible skull, this extra blood flow causes an increase in Intracranial Pressure (ICP), which causes pain.

Surprising enough, the brain itself is not capable of feeling pain despite its billions of neurons.  But the meninges that cover the brain certainly can.  And it’s the stretching of the meninges from the increased ICP that causes the headache.

As the area warms up, the artery constricts, blood flow diminishes returning to normal, and the ICP drops back down again.  Headache gone!

This was rather eloquently demonstrated by Dr. Jorge Serrador, a cardiovascular electronics researcher at Harvard Medical School, who studied 13 volunteers.  They had their cerebral blood flow monitored in several brain arteries by a transcranial Doppler (a type of ultrasound).  They first sipped ice cold water through a straw aimed at their palate and were instructed to raise their hand when pain began. 

This was shown to correlate when the anterior cerebral artery dilated.

Then they raised their hand again when the pain went away.  And that correlated with the constriction of the anterior cerebral artery.

As a control they did the same thing while drinking room temperature water – and no changes were observed.

Dr. Jorge Serrador and his team presented these finding at the Experimental Biology 2012 meeting, San Diego, and they’ve been widely accepted as the current “Gold Standard”.

Here's a video that sort of combines the two theories together:


So what should you do if you are one of the one-in-three who gets Brain Freeze? 


First and foremost (as always in medicine)  is prevention.  The surest way of that is avoidance – but who wants to give up the joy of ice cream, or Slurpees, or a dozen other frigid delights?

But it does help if you eat your cold item slowly – and try to avoid the palate.  So aim that straw away from the back of your mouth, and hold the food item in the front of your mouth to warm it up.

Intuitively drinking something warm, or even room temperature, will help alleviate that headache.  But since that’s not always available, sticking your tongue on the roof of your mouth is a good and socially acceptable remedy.


It’s also recommended to stick your nice warm thumb on your palate – something that may NOT be as socially acceptable.


You can also cup your hands over your mouth and catch the body-temperature expired air in an effort to warm up your palate.



The similarity of the mechanics of Ice Cream Headache and migraines are strikingly similar.  It’s hoped that further study will may lead to better management of migraines.

The term "brainfreeze" was registered as a trademark by 7-Eleven in 1994

Worldwide, the town that drinks the most Slurpees (7-Eleven's brand of slushies) is chilly Winnipeg, Manitoba in Canada.

Maya Kaczorowski, a 13 year-old had her study, "Ice cream Evoked Headaches Study: Randomized Trial of Accelerated Versus Cautious Ice Cream Eating Regimen" published in the British Medical Journal and Scientific American

AND it appears that our feline friends can also get Ice Cream Headaches …



