Having just returned from a delightful and low-key Christmas visit to my Mom’s in Illinois, this one will be brief.
While Donald may strut the world-stage thinking he’s cock of the walk (well, he is a dick – so there’s that), China has taken a different approach to his impending presidency disaster. They’ve decided to mock and ridicule him with a 23-foot tall statute of a cock. (23-feet? Right … with those tiny fingers? In your dreams, Donald!)
Since the coming January 28th Chinese Lunar New Year will be the “Year of the Rooster”, the company that owns a shopping mall in the Chinese city of Taiyuan (in the northern province of Shanxi) commissioned a giant statue of one to stand outside welcoming shoppers to their complex.
But this rooster comes complete not only with Donald’s peculiarly curious coif, but also his overgrown bushy eyebrows and strange semaphore hand gestures. (And you don’t have to be familiar with American Sign Language to know that Trump’s hands signal he’s a schmuck.)
So while Trump in just the short time from his “election” has managed to ruffle the feathers of China, they’ve managed to make money by mocking him. You can buy replicas of the Trump cock rooster being sold by the Shenghe Yangtai Business for anywhere from $57 up to $1,739 for one standing 32-feet tall.
And it’s not the first time the Chinese have enjoyed mocking Trump. Back in November a visitor to the zoo in Hangzhou noticed a golden pheasant had a striking resemblance to Donald.
Meet the pheasant-elect: Bird sporting 'Donald Trump's hairstyle' soars to internet fame in China https://t.co/qYUbMcDYmV pic.twitter.com/VTPlDcaBcp
— People's Daily,China (@PDChina) November 14, 2016
My PSA of a Personal Note:
This was brief because, as I mentioned, I just got back from my Christmas visit, and spent this morning paying my county’s Personal and Real Property taxes, and doing my year-end charity donations online.
From my own experience, for those of you interested in taking advantage of your tax-deductible donations, it may not be common knowledge that while some organizations are fully designated as 501(c)(3) [for me, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, Doctors Without Borders, Southern Poverty Law Center] – others that you may want to give to [like ACLU and Planned Parenthood] are not.
SO to work around that obstacle and get a tax deduction, you can instead donate to the ACLU FOUNDATION (both national and state ones) and the Planned Parenthood FEDERATION of AMERICA, Inc. Those are 501(c)(3) and fully tax-deductible.
Oh and don’t forget our duty for the next four years is to …