Not satisfied with just her stellar rollout of the Orwellian concept of “Alternative Facts” on "Meet the Press", Kellyanne Conway decided to take it up a notch with her vivid – and totally mendacious – detailed history of the “Bowling Green Massacre” by two Iraqis to justify Twitler’s Muslim Ban on Chris Matthews’ "Hardball"
Well, Kellyanne – your biggest problem is IT NEVER HAPPENED!
But that doesn't stop them from trying to claim their Muslim Ban is exactly the same thing that Pres. Obama did. But WaPo shot that “Alternative Fact” falsehood down with a THREE Pinocchio rating!
But there is one good fallout from Conway’s fantasy: It has led to some entertaining memes. So let’s enjoy a few …
We Honor Them by Never Forgetting
Please RT this photo as a reminder of those we lost in the Bowling Green Massacre. #NeverForget
— Fox Base Alpha (@jeffthelad) February 3, 2017
NBC’s Brian "My-Helicopter-Was-Shot-Down" Williams Proudly Served
Brian Williams won a Purple Heart for his service at the Bowling Green Massacre.
— Michael Blackman (@ParaComedian09) February 3, 2017
And if you missed it, Twitler celebrated Black History Month by talking about the abolitionist slave Frederick Douglass in the present tense:
“Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice.”
Trump: Fredrick Douglas, 'someone who's done an amazing job.' Fred, u here? Where's Fred? Not here? Well he's done an amazing job. The best.
— Jeffrey Wright (@jfreewright) February 1, 2017
And when his Press Secretary was asked to explain why Trump talked about Douglass in the present tense, Sean “Alternative Facts” Spicer also failed American History 101 by explaining: “I think the contributions of Frederick Douglass will become more and more.”
Which explains this Tweet:
One still shudders to think how bad the Bowling Green massacre would've been if not for the heroic intervention of Fred Douglass.
— Alec MacGillis (@AlecMacGillis) February 3, 2017
A Nice Memorial
Here are all the names of the people that perished in the Bowling Green Massacre. May they Rest In Peace
— Sam Z Comedy (@SamZComedy) February 3, 2017
Well, there WAS one Bowling Green massacre … but it involved football – and NO ONE was killed!
This is the only Bowling Green Massacre I have ever heard of:
— Jen Myers (@downhiller1976) February 3, 2017
So Mark Your Calendars
Thank you, @KellyannePolls for reminding us about the famous Bowling Green Massacre, which occurred on February 30th at 13:00.
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) February 3, 2017
Anything for a Buck (Must Be a Trumpkin)
if you'd like to donate to the fund for the victims of the bowling green massacre please PayPal me directly
— Max Read (@max_read) February 3, 2017
Trudat: There Was One casualty – Another Nail in the Conway Credibility Coffin
The only victim of the Bowling Green Massacre is Kellyanne Conway's credibility.
— Michael Blackman (@ParaComedian09) February 3, 2017
For those who would like to help the countless number who suffered from the "Bowling Green Massacre" – I'm sure Kellyanne Conway would Want You To Donate
So – for a good laugh, just click the "Donate Now" button
(chortle – chortle)
Oh, and regarding Twitler’s Muslim Ban? Let me just add: