
May 262017

It’s been months since Twitler has had to share center stage with anyone.  But on his foreign trip this week, Melania and Pope Francis were also there – and it didn’t go all that well for Donnie.  And if you don’t think Twitler lusts for demands the starring role at center stage, take a look at his thuggish behavior that he showed to Montenegrin prime minister, Dusko Markovic yesterday.

On their arrival in Israel, Melania took matters into her own hand, so to speak.  There is absolutely no doubt that when Twitler tried to hold her hand walking down the red carpet on the tarmac, she swatted it away.

But you have to wonder if Donnie didn’t say something to her, because at the next attempt at hand-holding when arriving in Rome, she was much subtler in her avoidance by instead quickly fixing her hair.

Melania has clearly learned that Donnie requires constant adoration and affirmation.  That was sadly evident by keeping an eye on her during his inauguration.

But his inauguration was filled with episodes documenting his disdain for women in general – even including his wife.  But the Obamas came to Melania's rescue. 

Then again, we always knew the Obamas were gracious and loving people as evident in this clip.  And please note the caring squeeze Michelle gives her Marine escort’s hand as he departs.

So is it any wonder the Tiffany-wrapped giftbox that Melania gave to the Obamas on the White House porch steps actually held an urgent plea?

Then later this week there was the meeting with Pope Francis which also didn’t go well …

And the remarkable thing is that Pope Francis is quite a jovial, fun-loving guy … usually

But I swear the expressions in this photo …

Show that three out of four people are filled with abject fear that God’s “Smiting Lightning Bolt” might go wide!  (Feel free to add you own Caption in the comments.)

However, there is a very simple explanation as to why the Pope is not happy having Donnie around …

Sadly, Twitler’s travels will be coming to an end soon, and I guess we’ll have to take him back.  *sigh*

You think we can book him for another foreign junket … SOON?  I’d vote to send him to Somalia – but I’m open for suggestions.


May 212017

We’ve all enjoyed the Bribe & Emoluments Light Show that artist Robin Bell projected onto the Trump Hotel in Washington, DC this past week.  But in case you missed it, a quick review

While it's great to know where to send the Bribes – the Bigger Question we have is: Where do we send all the upcoming subpoenas?

And Mr. Bell's own Tweet of it as a video:

This is not the first time Artist Bell has entertained the public with a creative political light show message for the masses.  In fact Bell is so dedicated that he has designed a specially-equipped van from which he projects his light shows, after creating them with Photoshop and his projection-mapping software.

And so happens there actually was a more recent one involving Attorney General Sessions – “Sessions Must Go” – at DOJ)


NOTE:  You have to click on the little movie projector icon, and then click to run the video below]

The Bribe-Emoluments light show at the Trump Hotel lasted just about 10 minutes before security personnel from the hotel asked him to quit.  And when he didn’t, they physically moved to stand in front of the projection, blocking it.  But I was wondering if Bell’s provocative and creative light shows are legal.  Could he be charged with criminal trespassing?

You may remember it was just a week ago that reporter Dan Heyman was arrest for “willful disruption of government processes.”  Heyman tried to ask Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price a question about how the GOP AHCA would impact victims of domestic violence.  The criminal complaint accused him of a misdemeanor — “willful disruption of governmental processes” — and said he was “aggressively breaching the secret service agents.”

So there is clearly a legitimate concern by the media if Trump thugs trying to shut down the press’ First Amendment rights. 

Fortunately for Mr. Bell to the question of criminal trespassing charges, the answer is “Probably not.”

Looking into it, there actually is case law addressing this issue: Int'l Union of Painters & Allied Trades Dist. Council 15 Local 159 v. Great Wash Park, LLC.

The court ruled that while the union had no First Amendment right or labor law right to project a message onto an employer’s wall, it also held that the projection itself is not against the law.

Trespassing cases generally revolve around if there were “invasion of land through a physical, tangible object” – or torts “when intangible matter, such as particles emanating from a manufacturing plant, cause actual and/or substantial damage to the [property].”

But virtually all “light trespass” cases involved ambient light “leaking or diffusing” onto private property – like from construction lighting or drive-in movie theater.

But a projected light show is designed to send a specific message, so it could not be considered “ambient”.  But the court ruled that unless a light show lasted an excessively long time, or happened to shine into the room of a paying guest – it would not meet the criteria of criminal trespassing.

However, it would most likely reach the standards for a tort of nuisance. 

But Mr. Bell proudly has announced that other light shows will continue to follow.

Seems appropriate to end with a message from our own creative Light Brigade last winter in Madison, WI:



Friday Fun In Absentia

 Posted by at 6:58 am  Politics
May 122017


I’m going to have to take a pass on posting today.  While getting ready for bed, my Mom tripped on the bedcover and fell the other evening.  I got called and she was taken by ambulance to the hospital.

So I’ve been tied up w/ medical things the past couple of days.  They didn’t find anything major, and she’s back in her Assisted Living apartment.  But she “just doesn’t feel well.”

They did find signs of a UTI and she’s on a broad-spectrum antibiotic – so I’m not sure if it’s that, or if she picked up a bug while in the ER.  Lord knows they’re plenty of them in an ER.

Hopefully things will settle down, and I’ll be “back in the saddle” next Friday.

May 052017

Was planning on doing this one last week – but instead I had to head up to Illinois to refill and restock my Mom’s meds.  (And unfortunately 3 of the 4 prescription meds she takes had run out of refills, so they all needed new authorization.  What a hassle!)

Obviously science has been a big part of my life.  I know, I know – it’s a large part of EVERYONE’S life.  But unfortunately, we’ve not done a good job of convincing Twitler and his Luddite minions of that fact.

Which brings us to the recent March for Science.  A March that was joined by millions not just across our country – but around the world.  It was great to see people marching to acknowledge the role that science, in its broadest sense, plays in bettering our lives.  So I thought I’d share some of my favorite signs from the March – some funny, some serious and some very clever.

Let’s start with a clever one that takes some familiarity with the building blocks of chemistry, because someone decided to add a new element to the Periodic Table: "Wtf"

But the disbelief that Twitler’s troglodytes have so poisoned the academic arena that we actually had to have a March for Science was a common theme in several signs:

So maybe we should start with the Serious Ones:

[Maybe hard to read.  It was from the Boston March:

Nobel Science Laureates

Harvard – 118

MIT – 84

Trump U – ZERO

And one my centenarian Mom would love:

Some Funny Ones:

Some Clever Ones:

And two head-scratchers that were so clever it took me a while to figure out.  (Full Disclosure: Along with the help of Google for the first one)

Proudly post your answers in the Comments.

And for all of Twitler’s knuckle-draggers who hated that millions joined the March for Science to protest Twitler’s policies, I’ll close with the wisdom of Albert Einstein



My “Friday Fun” posts tend to be heavy on the graphics.  I made the photos the “Medium” size to take up less real estate.  Would you rather I keep them formatted individually – or as a scrolling GIF like the one close to the top?

I can make the GIF larger than the individual photos, and I think the 3.5 second timing is about right.  But you cannot stop it like a slideshow if you want to look at just one of the photos. 

If you do click on one photo, it will open it in another window, and hangs an additional second or two longer – but then starts scrolling again.

Makes no difference to me, but I’d appreciate your input in the Comments as to individual (takes up more space) versus GIF (less space, but less “control”).  And is 3.5 seconds too fast, too slow or about right?


Apr 212017

Well, I’m going to accost you with my lamentations – because this has NOT been a particularly fun week.

It started out fine with taking my pseudo-aunt (my aunt’s sister) to the Kansas City Zoo.  She uses a walker, but we went last year in April and had a great time.  We only got about half the Zoo visited last year, so we did the other half this Monday.

On leaving my VSA (Vehicle Stability Assist) warning light came on and stayed on.  It does that when you spin tires on ice – but goes out once everything is back to normal – and it was a gorgeous spring day  So I pulled off the road and read Owner’s Manual.  It said turn off the engine and then restart the car – if it lights up again, take it in for a service.


But then not 30 seconds later, the Engine Malfunctioning Indicator light came on – and stayed on.  (At least it wasn’t blinking, which means it needs immediate attention.)  So I called to get a service appointment – but since it wasn’t an emergency, they gave me Wednesday.

And by Wednesday, the light had gone out – but since I’m going to Illinois next week for Mom’s cardiology appointment, I decided to take it in.

It was $79 for the diagnostic test to learn it was some “computer glitch” – probably the best I could hope for.

BUT they also said from the diagnostics that my left rear wheel bearings were shot and needed immediate replacing!  That was $809 of ouch!

I will say my pseudo-aunt had heard something odd from the right rear last year on a trip that led to my replacing the right rear wheel bearings.  And on the trip to the Zoo on Monday said she hear something similar but fainter from the left rear.

Then yesterday when I went to mow the lawn, my Toro would not start.  So I had to rent one (hate asking the neighbors), and will take it into the shop today.  There goes another boatload of money, I’m sure.


So this will be very brief – and there’ll be none next week when I’m in Illinois.  (I’ll be taking my pseudo-aunt up, too, so she can visit her sister – my real aunt.)

Thought we could all learn a lesson in the difference between class (Thanks, Obama!) and crass (ahhhh … that’d be YOU, Twitler!).

As you probably know, Twitler invited Sarah Palin to dinner at the White House this week, and Palin brought along Ted Nugent & Kid Rock.  They decided to post a couple of photos with the Hillary portrait.  To contrast their demeanor, compare it to the respect Pres. Obama shows the Reagans.

Pres. Obama's official White House photographer, Pete Souza was ever so subtle, but effective, with his Instagram response:

Being respectful.

A post shared by Pete Souza (@petesouza) on

Now compare that to this …

This official White House photograph is being made available for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way or used in materials, advertisements, products, or promotions that in any way suggest approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.

And to at least include a little fun, how about some feline critters demanding food service

Apr 142017

Texas annually anticipates its springtime carpet of bluebonnets producing a Floral Photo Fantabula

But this year California is taking over the top floral spot with a Super Bloom rarely seen.

[NOTE: I created free-standing GIFs, so you can't stop it to view individual photos.  If you do click on it at a certain photo, it'll open in a new window that takes a while to load – but then reverts to slideshow mode.]

Thanks to the record-breaking, drought-ending drenching California experienced this past winter, its parched desert hills and valleys are awash in a technicolor Super Bloom – a phantasmagorical palette that has not been seen for years and years.

According to research ecologist, Cameron Barrows, seeds that have been dormant in the desert sands for 5, 10, or even 30 years are responding to the rains of winter, creating carpets of red, orange, yellow, and purple flowers that have drawn record crowds – and it’s easy to see why!

The U.S. Department of the Interior, which posted photos to their Facebook page, wrote:

"The Valley floor has endless expanses of yellows and purples from coreopsis, tidy tips and phacelia, with smaller patches of dozens of other species.  Not to be outdone, the Temblor Range is painted with swaths of wildflowers in oranges yellow and purple like something out of a storybook."

And amazingly the Super Bloom fields are so vast, they’re visible from space!

Senior environmental specialist Wendy Picht, notes that the poppy fields draw the largest crowds because they last the longest and are brighter than other area species, such as baby blue eyes, arroyo lupine, caterpillar phacelia, Canterbury bells, goldfields, cream cups, delphinium and blue dicks (I’m NOT kidding, that’s what their name is – you can Google it – the fact that it’s edible … Oh, never mind)

Let's take a closer look at some of these beauties …

But she pleads with all visitors to respect the environment and STAY ON THE TRAILS

Granted, it may be hard to not wander afield – but for those that follow, please do Stay On The Trails.  What do you think – did this gal stay on a trail for her selfie?

A woman uses a selfie stick to photograph herself in a massive spring wildflower bloom caused by a wet winter in Lake Elsinore, California, U.S., March 14, 2017. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

The Super Bloom show started in the deserts close to the Mexican border, and has worked its way north.  If you’re in the LA Metro – or want to travel – this site has a map of the best locations.  But better hurry – the show is coming to a close soon:


Apr 072017

A few days late, but I just can’t resist a good April Fools’ Day prank – and Math & Computer Science professor Matthew Weathers of Biola University in California has honed his pranks to a fine art-form! 

He began about 7 years ago using a Halloween prank to liven up his lesson, but decided that they’re better suited as an April Fools’ Day joke.  And he has really become a master. 

The class starts as any typical college math class does.  (zzzzzzz)  And like most teachers, he frequently uses a video screen for a lesson.  But for Prof. Weathers, the screen morphs into his stage – and before you know it, things escalate rapidly when a twin “Professor” in the video starts interacting with the real one!

Sometimes he’s in front of the screen, and sometimes he goes “inside the screen” to “become” a part of the video itself.

Weathers explained that he uses Adobe Premiere along with Adobe After Effects to create the video skits.  And as one can imagine, he admits he spends a great deal of time practicing to ensure everything works perfectly to get the joke across.

"I practiced about 20 times to get the timing right."  And he admits he learned to add audio cues to the video because “that helped a lot" – especially when he’s behind the screen.

So let’s see him in action, noting that as the years went by he became more elaborate with his creative skits:

2014 – The Quickest Way to Buy a Book from Amazon

2015 – Getting Trigonometry Wrong

2016 – His Internet Connect Goes Haywire

2017 – His Video Screen Has an “Accident”

Not only has he been written up in Time magazine – but he’s even made a serious video demonstrating how he MAKES his videos.

You can view all his videos here:

It almost makes you wish you were back in a college math class with a professor this fun … ALMOST!



Mar 312017

Does it really take a Village, People, to troll Kellyanne Conway?

Apparently not – as one guy got it done all by himself.  But more on that in a little bit.  Let’s start with what I think makes for a great Trump Theme Song – sung to the Village People’s anthem of “YMCA”.

I’m including the lyrics below – but a HEADS-UP … the lyrics are NSFW [NOT Safe for Work]!


White men,

Here's how it's going down.

All the black men,

We'll shoot them into the ground.



This is not your hometown,

We're gonna build a wall 'round the country.


It's time to clear your shit out.


Hey Muslims,

Take the first flight out.

Yo Putin,

You're my BFF now.

Together we can nuke

Any country

Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb


That's how it's gonna be in

Trump's USA!

I have successfully,

Fucked USA-A!


We have no gun control,

So you men can enjoy,

Just don't make out with,

Any boys…



You can suck my cock,

I didn't mean that,

It was just locker room talk


So ladies…

Don't be too shocked

If I grab you

By the pussy.


(I actually said that)


That's how it's going to be in

Trump's USA!


Of course, Kellyanne Conway has made herself an easy target for trolling between her “alternative facts” and “spying microwaves” – but Alfredo Pelicci (an attorney in Washington) deserves a medal for a great one.

A couple of weeks back I came across this Tweet that was all the rage about Alfredo approaching Conway at the Lupo Verde restaurant in Washington and asking for a selfie.  [NOTE: Given my lack of hearing, their conversation was what I gleaned from reading comments about the Tweet.  So I’d appreciate your 2¢ on what you think they actually said.]

Conway agreed – but rather than the standard issue “Say: ‘Cheese’, Alfredo went with “Say: ‘I’m ruining America’ – in what was described as a cheerful voice. 

And when Conway demurs, saying “Are you happy?  You must feel really brave saying that”, Alfredo politely and cheerfully closes with “No?  Alright.  Thank you.”

Let’s close with a useful Schadenfreude tool to follow along on the (hopefully soon) demise of Twitler’s administration.  It’s a site that provides an INTERACTIVE Historical Tracking of Presidential Approval Ratings

You select the presidents you want to compare to Trump and duration of administration – it then graphs them out, but it does load a little slow.  Below is the current graph comparing everyone from Reagan on.  That red line way down at the bottom?  That’s Twitler.

ETA [Edited to Add]

Just saw two magazine covers that came out in the past 24 hours that are smile-inducing – so I'll slip them in.

First is from our beloved "The New Yorker" – Andy's home – titled "Broken Windows":

And the second is a very clever animation from "The Economist" – also following a golf theme that so aptly illustrates Twitler violating "The First Law of Holes": If you find yourself in one, STOP DIGGING!
