As we all know, White House physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, has declared that Trump is allegedly in “excellent health” … all 6’-3” & 239 pounds of him.
But doubts about the accuracy of this assessment have swept through the Twittersphere & Internet. And thanks to Chris Hayes, we now have the mocking rise of the “Girther Movement”.
Has anyone coined "girther" for those who belive the president weighs more than his doctor reports?
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) January 16, 2018
Well, you can count me as a card-carrying “Girther”!
And I’m joined by some famous folks …
And speaking of Pres. Obama and health, let’s start the comparisons with this one:
So President Obama is 6’ 1” and Trump is supposed to be 6’3”. Does everyone in @realDonaldTrump administration just straight out Lie about everything #Girther
— PBN (@realsoulcatcher) January 17, 2018
And to set the record straight WRT his “alleged” 6’ 3” height
For the record, @realDonaldTrump said he was 74 inches in 2012. Now his doctor says he's 75 inches. And that one inch makes is BMI "overweight" not "obese." I'm a #girther because old men don't GROW an inch!
— Gersh Kuntzman (@GershKuntzman) January 16, 2018
Of course much more popular ones compare Trump’s height and weight with some well-known sports figures:
Jay Cutler is 6'3" and 233. Donald Trump is 6'3" and 239. What a difference six pounds makes!
— Ronald Reagan’s Spinning Corpse (@SpinningRonnie) January 16, 2018
And this one has especially gotta sting:
Colin Kaepernick is 6'4 230
Trump is supposedly 6'3 235
Something isn't adding up.
— Matt Rogers (@Politidope) January 16, 2018
But with Trump’s rampant narcissism, he no doubt sees it this way:
Meet Philadelphia Eagle Trey Burton. He's 6'3" and 239 pounds.
Trump: "It's like lookin' in the mirror!"
— ReallyDon'tTrump? (@ReallyDontTrump) January 16, 2018
I would never call in to question the physician’s veracity – but others might …
Listen, Dr. Ronny Jackson seems like an honest enough guy, but Trump's 2nd chin ALONE has gotta weigh around 50lbs…#Girther
— TrumpsTaxes (@TrumpsTaxes) January 16, 2018
[OK – that one’s Photoshopped … but still funny]
And it’s not like Trump doesn’t have a long history of playing fast and loose with facts and the truth …
His diet.
His wife.
His wife.
His wife.
His taxes.
His country.All things trump has cheated on.
— Joe Bought-acola (@joetstat) January 17, 2018
But beyond the spurious height and weight is that mental acuity test he “aced” …
Trump's medical exam says he's 6'3" and 239 pounds. Albert Pujols is 6'3" and 240 pounds. If the dementia tests are equally accurate, we are doomed.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) January 17, 2018
And about that Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test? Well, there was this exchange during the test …
“Technically it’s a rhinoceros, sir. But ‘pointy-nose horse’ will do just fine, Mr. President.”
And the challenge from James Gunn has been made to Donald …
I will give 100 thousand dollars to Trump's favorite charity if he will step on an accurate scale with an impartial medical professional, okayed by both of us. For real. #Girther #GirtherMovement
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) January 17, 2018
That’s great, but I fear this is the likely outcome:
I can FINALLY see the light at the end of the tunnel! I only have 0.75 more hours to earn that will allow me to renew my medical license, so I should be able to get that done tomorrow. I usually like to earn an extra hour as a safety cushion in case I got the Certificate Expiration Date wrong. (But this year, maybe just a half-hour … or none at all!)
I told Mom when I left on Wednesday I would come back on Christmas day, and I’m anxious to see her! This Rehab unit doesn’t provide phones, so I got her another, newer (but el cheapo – kind of like a burner phone) cell phone. But after working with her for over an hour, she just can’t see the buttons to use it because of her macular degeneration. So I haven’t talked to her for a couple of days – although I call the nurse’s station daily to check-in on how she’s doing: thankfully, very well! (I’m trying to look at it as practice for the inevitable permanent disconnect…. Lord, I’m going to miss those phone calls!)
At any rate, my brother is flying in from Tampa on Wednesday for a few days, so I’m hoping to get all those year-end chores (CME, license renewal, bills paid, personal property tax paid, real property tax paid [OUCH!], year-end donations made, etc.) done by tomorrow so I can head up Sunday – a day early. Unfortunately, they’ve now moved SNOW into our forecast for early (2 AM) Sunday morning north from KCMO along I-35 to at least the Iowa border, so I’ll have to wait and see.
YIKES! You’re three paragraphs into reading this maudlin screed, and it’s all about me whining. ENOUGH! Well, almost … just a note that this will be just a snippet from a previous year’s Xmas offering. So you can re-visit the full thing here:
WTH … since I’m dogging it, let’s throw in a link to another one about Christmas Cats:
Having gotten away with recycling old work, I’ll leave you with this song that I really get a big kick out of this time of year! You’ll recognize the tune right off the bat:
“Hark!” the Herald Penguins sing:
“Please don’t eat our little wings!
“Eat a goose down to the bone,
“But leave Penguins all alone.
“Baby ducks are very sweet;
“Tastier than Penguin meat
“If we’re packaged in your store,
“Find us in your grocery store?!?
“Please don’t shop there anymore!”
And so I wish all of you – no matter how (or even if) you celebrate this time of year – a most relaxing, blessed and joyous Holiday with family and friends … whether they join you on 1, 2 or even 4 legs. (Any more than four legs, and you probably should call an exterminator.)
(You just gotta wonder HOW they got that cat to do it. But I don’t think s/he is a very happy feline, do you?)
[There’s a reason this will be just a little of this and a little of that. My medical license expires January 31, 2018 – but I have to earn all my CME (Continuing Medical Education) credits by December 31, 2017. And for the past decade or so I’ve earned all my credits by focusing on medical issues involving me or my family – no Pediatrics, all Internal Medicine. So it’s like going back to med school for me.]
[So I’m spending LOTS of time doing online IM education. And since it’s almost all new to me, it takes more time than if I just did Peds. But I’d much rather learn stuff that will be useful – and I really do enjoy it!]
Enough of my “The-dog-ate-my-homework” excuse. And fortunately we can almost always count on Twitler screwing up in new ways to provide grist for the mill – and he came through yet again.
To begin, I’ll stipulate that there’s nothing wrong with having dentures. My Mom has upper and lower dentures, and when we were kids, she’d sometimes take them both out for a laugh. She never spoke without them being in place, but apparently the Twitterverse has decided that Trump was having some denture problems (or maybe drugs or a stroke) during his “Jaroozhulum” speech this past week.
Of course, given my hearing loss, me writing about Trump’s apparent speech impediment is similar to Trump trying to be President – we both suffer from severe handicaps. So I’d be interested in your feedback.
This short clip has a good close-up of his mouth, and it does appear that he’s having problems with his lower dentures:
While people are wanting an explanation for why Trump was talking like this at the end, I want an explanation for the rest of his speech!
But the Twitterverse was not going to pass this one up, so let’s enjoy a few of their contributions. And as always, to enjoy the responses, click on the Time-Date-Stamp in the lower left area to open it in its own window, then scroll down.
??Sooo this is interesting. Trump’s dentures are trying to escape his mouth as this speech is ending. Join the club dentures! Unbelievable.
— Melania's Sausages (@KeepMyPowerOrg) December 6, 2017
Giving an important speech on the Middle East? You don't want to lose the audience – or your bottom teeth! Next time, use SUPER POLIGRIP® DENTURE ADHESIVES! Just 'cause you've lost your mind doesn't mean you have to lose your dentures!— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) December 6, 2017
And it really took off when The Daily Show pleaded with its followers to NOT – under any circumstances – Tweet DO NOT TWEET #DentureDonald. He’s shenshitive.
“No shame in having dentures, but Trump having dentures? Shame! Because he's vain as hell.”
DO NOT TWEET #DentureDonald. He’s shenshitive.
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) December 7, 2017
So, of course, a new meme hashtag was born …
For the heck of it, let’s see what Donald would look like sans dentures …
And “hear” him speak …
But it’s the Holiday season, so let’s end on a positive note …
While California is being devastated by unimaginable wildfires, the video showing the pure anguish and desperation of a young man risking his own life to save a bunny rabbit will certainly tug at your heart strings …
I don’t know about you, but for me it had this effect …
According to the old Andy Williams’ song, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”. Since the calendar tells we now need to “Deck the Halls”, it’s time to head to our attics, basements, closets or storage units and drag out our Christmas decorations. And for many of us, this will be done under the vigilant supervision and “assistance” of our Critters!
So I thought it would be helpful to see how some folks go about “Critter-Proofing Christmas Trees”. Let’s start with some of the easier ways of accomplishing this. (And click on the photo to view it full-size)
Apparently this guy has combined minimalism with his “Bah Humbug” and cheapskate spirit into one. He simply finds an entirely empty corner of his home, puts up a cardboard wall so high no one can see over it, and then just TELLS people it’s there to protect the “Christmas tree” behind it from his cats.
Keeping with that same minimalism and cheapskate spirit, you could get a tree so teeny, tiny that you can carry it around in a glass test tube with a cork stopper.
But why not simply put it outside?
Well, some owners are willing to compromise with their critters and meet them halfway
Or even more foolproof …
Or just surrender …
Others are willing to work out alternatives – like decorating a wall …
Or staying with wall-decorating if you happened to be “blessed” with large chunks of Astro-Turf …
Or maybe more artfully, a fancy picture frame, which I thought was quite lovely …
But if you desire something more three-dimensional, one of your tomato cages from summer gardening turned upside-down, and covered in an old piece of macramé and a green bath towel will do in a pinch. And if you want to be extravagant, a single strand of lights adds a nice touch without going overboard …
Then there are those who have a mean streak and substitute a cactus for the Christmas “tree”. It confronts the critters with that “I-Dare-You” feel to it …
But for those who really want an actual decorated Christmas tree, there are some options, too. Like putting it – rather than your critter – in a cage …
Or if you want to be fancier, place it in a handsome vitrine
And if you’re not lucky enough to have a handsome vitrine, Saran wrap will do nicely, thank you very much …
But for those who want a more open, genuine exposure, try enlisting a couple of vacuum cleaners to serve as sentries. (Not sure how it works with dogs, but I know my cat wouldn’t even THINK of entering the room!)
If you’re artistically inclined, you can create quite a handsome ceiling art work mimicking a Christmas tree out of ornaments …
But if you’re not artistically endowed – but are handy with tools in a “DIY” way – you can hang the tree upside down from the ceiling …
AND if you’re a truly accomplished Do-It-Yourselfer who’s exceptionally handy with tools … AND happen to have a very tall tree … AND it’s very flexible … AND you refuse to shorten it … AND you want to protect it from your pet FOX!!!
Well, there’s a solution for that one, too …
Here’s hoping all your ornaments stay in one piece, and you along with your critters enjoy Christmas in peace.
As promised, here are the answers:
[1] Piet Mondrian
[2] Jackson Pollock
[3] Georges Seurat
[4] Vincent Van Gogh
[5] Christo and Jeanne-Claude
[6] Salvador Dali
[7] Keith Haring
[8] Georgia O’Keefe
[9] René Magritte
[10] Kara Walker
I was pleased with how well we all did … in aggregate. (Sorry, but farts do NOT constitute an art form – even when combined with a lit match.)
They are the work of Hannah Rothstein. Here is her website where I got them – and she’s done 20 of them, so it’s worth a look-see for the other ones:
Personally, I was disappointed in her Georgia O’Keefe plate – but that may just be me.
And I should note that the Salvador Dali plate was digitally altered, as she admits here:
You can read more about her style here:
As this is the last Friday before Thanksgiving, I thought it’d be fun to view how a San Francisco-based artist has interpreted how she believes famous artists might plate their Thanksgiving feasts in their very own signature artistic style – but using their plates as palettes with turkey, mash potatoes, green beans, corn, cranberry sauce, etc. as their mediums.
And to add a little spice to it, let’s do it as a “Pop Quiz” – but you can be thankful I’m going to stuff in some hints to help out.
First, I’ll show you the dinner plate conceived as how various artists would serve their TGD meals in their own artistic style. And if you guess the artist just from that – give yourself two (2) points.
Then below it will be a “Hint Link” to an actual representative work by the famous artist to jar your memory. They most likely won’t match the subject matter on the plate, but be representative of their style. If you need to use the link to figure out the artist, give yourself one (1) point.
(You have no idea how hard it is to find a representative work of art at least somewhat like the meal – BUT that does NOT have the name of the artist in the link.)
AND I won’t give the answers to the Quiz until Saturday – so go ahead and put your answers & points in the Comments section.
Some of them are artists I’ve never heard of. But most of them are fairly familiar names from the art world such that if you have to wait for the answers tomorrow you’ll go, “Oh my gourd – how could I have not remembered him/her?!?”
Just remember that if you get angry because you can’t figure some of them out, we will not tolerate any fowl language. But I actually think you’ll be a-maized at how many you get correct!
And no fair cheating – like Googling, using Ouija boards or calling on spirits and poultrygeists to help out! It’s just a game … and there are NO prizes.
So let’s feast our eyes on the plated palettes …
Mimic Hint:
More Familiar Work Hint:
Everyone can give themselves two points, because this is MY Thanksgiving Day Dinner Plate rendition:
… Because my Turkey Day Motto is:
“Leftovers Are For LOSERS!”
I’ll be heading up to Illinois again this Wednesday to enjoy a TGD feast with my Mom and aunt – consequently no “Friday Fun” next week. So to all you fine folks enjoying my favorite holiday with your family, friends and critters, I raise my wine gobble-t in a toast to you! (But not too much wine – I don’t want you people to get basted.)
(Yeah, I know … I know. My puns tend to be really corny – but I just can’t give them up cold turkey.)