
JD Update – Tuesday

 Posted by at 8:11 pm  Politics
Nov 072023

Just a quick note:

I asked Trinette WRT any updates and she said JD moved to the Rehab unit today.
I asked her if she knew the name of the facility and an address – but haven’t heard anything back as of this posting.

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Nov 052023

I yield the floor to Colleen – who spoke to her.  She posted it in an earlier Comment – but it deserves its own posting:

I did call Joanne this Sunday afternoon at 3:00. She has had a couple of MRI’s but didn’t go into detail about them. She mentioned that both elbows were really torn up. Her thigh was in major pain too.

I asked her about her shoulder and she said that it wasn’t doing too bad, but the areas were. She’s thinking that she’ll only be in there another day. I asked her what they’ll do and she’s not quite sure, but mentioned some type of rehab location, since she’s not able to stand up on her own.

She mentions that she’s qualifies for VA medical health assistance, so maybe there’s a rehab place for her to stay and get her Physical & Occupational Therapy. Me not being military, I’m not familiar with VA programs.

She did ask me if I called earlier, and I told her I didn’t. Was that you Lona? She said she dropped the phone and wasn’t able to reach it.

Actually, I’ve called a couple of times.  I have a special phone for the profoundly hearing impaired – but I didn’t get an answer.  Not unexpected in a hospital where tests and x-rays are always going on.

JD’s friend this evening added that she begins her PT treatments – so sounds like “in house” before her transfer to Rehab.

A heartfelt “THANK YOU!” to Colleen!  I’m sure it did JD’s spirit a world of good!

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Nov 042023

JD’s friend said JD will begin rehab w/ both Physical & Occupational Therapy (PT & OT).
But she doesn’t know where or when.

She didn’t share any more news WRT lab tests or x-rays/scans.

I wonder, has anyone tried calling her?

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JD Update: Thursday

 Posted by at 2:57 pm  Politics
Nov 022023

I had a nice text chat with JD’s friend who said she’s feeling better.

Her x-rays and/or scans didn’t reveal any fractures, but she didn’t elaborate further.  Her friend didn’t share anything WRT lab tests & I’m a bit uncomfortable pushing too hard because of HIPAA regulations.

She did say it was her opinion that JD probably won’t be released until she can show that she’s ambulatory.

I know JD has said that she has a cane and a walker, but is not fond of taking the walker w/ her on her visits w/ Virgil because of the hassle.

Given the friends assessment, it wouldn’t surprise me if JD was getting PT of some type.  And it’s rare for PT to be of a short duration – meaning I wouldn’t be surprised if HJD were there a few more days.

But that’s pure speculation on my part.  Well, speculation tempered w/ the experience of my 101 y/o mom’s time w/ PT after she broke her hip in a fall.

Nov 012023

This morning JD’s friend said she’s feeling much better.

She didn’t say what test results were back.

JD spent the night in the ER because there were no rooms available.

But now she’s in ROOM 351.

Those w/ hearing might want to give her a call, realizing she could be gone for tests or X-rays.

Main number: 719.365-5000

Oct 312023

JD’s friend stopped at her place after work as she said she would and learned that JD had fallen four (4) days ago.

She said she was talking, but w/ a bit of slurred speech.

She called an ambulance and took her to the hospital:

UC Health – Memorial Hospital Central

1400 E. Boulder Street

Colorado Springs, CO 80909

They’re doing tests and X-rays, but JD’s friend (who’s helping get her checked in and settled) said her nurse did NOT think she had a stroke.  And the friend doesn’t think she hit her head.

But she’s got quite a bit of shoulder pain.
I doubt I’ll learn much more tonight.  So while not a great story it could have been a lot worse!

If/when I learn more tomorrow, I’ll try to post it here.
