
Mar 092018

After an extended absence, I wanted to resume my “Friday” posts by sharing with you a tribute to my Mom (may she rest in peace).  And while I doubt this sad chapter will ever be entirely over for me, I’m at least ready to turn the page and wanted to let you know I’m doing fine.

(Even in death, she’s keeping me busy!  I had no idea how involved being the Executor of even a small estate was going to be.  I’m not complaining – just that it’s a lot more work than I had anticipated it would be.  Even when virtually everything was POD [Payable on Death], TOD [Transfer on Death] or named Beneficiaries, the paperwork required to execute even these is mind-boggling.)

As you know, I (like probably most, if not all, of you do for yours) thought the world of my Mom.  She will be missed by many, and I realize that sometimes fond memories of her will sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks.  But I also know, as Joe Biden so eloquently told a gathering of Gold Star families, that the day will come when those same memories will bring a smile to my lips before they bring a tear to my eyes.

She grew up on a farm in northern Illinois with two older brothers, both of whom preceded her in death – although one of them lived to be 99 y/o.  As I’ve mentioned a time or two, Mom was 101 when she died on February 6th of this year – which happens to be the same day her oldest brother died back in 1979.

She loved – and excelled at – sports … especially her beloved Cubbies.  I was so glad she lived long enough to see the Chicago Cubs finally win a World Series.  I got her a Cubs t-shirt to mark the occasion – just as I did when her second favorite baseball team, my KC Royals, won the World Series both in 1985 and 2015!

In fact, I was able to take her to a World Series game back in 1985.  When I was in practice, one of the docs in our group was a rabid KC Royals baseball fan, so our group had box seat season tickets right behind home plate.  And we also happened to have KC Chiefs season tickets, too.  (But those were in the nosebleed section.)  And as luck would have it, the Chiefs played the same Sunday (October 20, 1985) as the second game of the “Show Me I-70” World Series with the St. Louis Cardinals.  And Mom and I got to go to BOTH of them!  A Sunday afternoon of NFL football followed by an evening World Series baseball game … she was in hog heaven!

She loved to travel with friends and has gone to Europe more times than I have.  She even made it to Africa … TWICE!  (I’ve never been.)  Her wanderlust must have started back when she and a group of friends from church drove across country to take in the New York World’s Fair back in 1939!  I have a photo of them stopped on some country road enjoying a watermelon.

Reading was a passion for her, and when her macular degeneration prevented her from doing that anymore, we got a boombox for her so she could listen to books on CD that the public library would mail to her when she lived in her home and brought to her when she moved to the Assisted Living facility.  (In honor of their wonderful service she enjoyed so much we requested that in lieu of flowers donations be made, besides her church, to our public libraries that she was so thankful for.)

In fact she listened to those books on CD so much she wore out her first boombox, and was well on her way to putting huge mileage on her second one!

We adored hearing stories she and her brothers would share about their adventures growing up on the farm.  And probably by necessity, having grown up back in those days, she was a whiz in the kitchen.  She was especially known for her, cinnamon rolls, baked beans, Swedish rye bread and especially her divinity at Christmas time that were always accompanied with her roasted pecans.

Fortunately, she was more than willing to share her cooking talents with me.  And if I wasn’t able to emulate all her skills, then at least I certainly inherited her love of all things culinary.  (Especially the eating part!)  So many wonderful times were spent in our family kitchens with her – I think I’ll miss those experiences the most.

I put together a slideshow of the setting for her funeral in her beloved church that I grew up in.  To respect privacy, I didn’t want to include any photos of people other than my Mom.  Consequently, most of them were taken the day before when our family was setting up for the service.  Only a few were of the reliquary cremation urn, and that is my hand resting on it in the photo taken in the Mausoleum.  (Pastor said that a lady from church sewed the pall covering the urn, because they hadn’t had any services involving cremation remains before.)

She was buried next to our Dad, who died September 10, 1962 (which was the same day her second oldest brother was born in 1915).  But we had gotten over 4” of new snow on top of the 6” that had recently fallen, so the cemetery folks said they wouldn’t be able to provide a graveside service, which is why it was in the Mausoleum.  (Perfectly understandable)

I’ll close now the same way I always did during our almost daily phone calls, because I think I feel another fond memory of her about to trickle down my cheek: “Love you bunches, Mom!”


[NOTE: I apologize for the size of the slideshow, but I worked for over an hour trying to get it pared down, but with no success.  I think the problem is that it contains both portrait and landscape photos – but you can only set the size parameters for the entire show.  My “compromise” was to crop both height and width so they all are a little funky – but to do that you have to make them huge.  And I got tired of trying different combinations – so they’ll remain huge.  And if it gets stuck, just click the “Advance” button and it should resume.]

Mar 032018

Twitler, in his oft-used attempt at distracting us from another God-awful week, took to his Twitter Tweeting – this time putting Alec Baldwin (whose “Saturday Night Live” impersonation of Trump has not only revived his career, but is also spot-on!) in his crosshairs:

But you can’t see that one anymore because Donnie (after someone got around to informing him that’s NOT how you spell “dying” AND it’s A-L-E-CNOT Alex, you twit) 25-minutes later put up a corrected one.

And Baldwin, relishing the low-hanging fruit offered by Twitler, starts right in:

And like a dog with a bone, won’t let go:

And closes with a nice zinger …

And speaking of Melania – has anyone ever seen her truly happier than when she was with Baldwin?  Look at that smile!  It’s genuine!

Mar 022018

But I just have too much on my plate, what with doing Mom’s taxes, my taxes, taking care of her Estate matters, clearing out her apartment, helping with my brother after his carotid endarterectomy (wish I could say he’s doing better – but at least some improvement), critter care (didn’t take Nike with on the last trip – was only two nights and way too hectic with cleaning out the apartment), etc., etc.

I know everyone complains about “time-crunch” – but normally my life is NOT this busy.  Hope to have things, if not on even keel, at least a much better keel in a week.

But I do know someone who, very soon, is going to have time on his hands – LOTS of time …

Feb 232018

Unfortunately I just have too much on my plate right now.

I’ll be heading back to Illinois to

[1] Meet w/ Mom’s accountant to do her 2017 taxes – and begin work on a final estate tax form (w/e that is)

[2] Help the auction site we’ve used to sell the farmhouse, farm land and most of Mom’s belongings when she moved into Assisted Living empty out her apartment.  Fortunately there’s not that much since we worked so hard to sort & purge when she moved her into the apartment

[3] File the Will w/ the County Circuit Clerk & begin that paperwork.  Fortunately almost everything was either POD (Payable on Death) or had named beneficiaries – so looks like we’ll be able to avoid Probate.

But had another bump in the road.  My brother, who’s been having a series of serious medical issues, flew back to Florida a week ago last Wednesday (14th).  I drove back on the 15th – and when I got home there were a number of urgent messages on the voicemail.

That morning his cleaning lady found him unconscious on the floor.  Thank God it was her day to do the cleaning!

So back into the hospital he went for even more tests.  They found that he had 90% blockage of his left carotid artery.  So on Wednesday he had a endarterectomy done, and got to go home (which he was chomping at the bit to do) last night.

He has a special-needs kitty cat whose legs are almost paralyzed – so he has to put her in the litterbox and then take her out; take her to the food/water bowl; etc.  He has two other normal cats that he also dearly missed.  Since his wife passed last Labor Day weekend, the cats have become even more important to him.

At any rate, I hope that I’ll be able to do something next week.  Although I have my own taxes staring me in the face when I get back.  And this year I’ll have to start taking my RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) from my IRAs.  Just beginning to learn the ins-and-outs of how that works.

Feb 022018

I’ll preface this post with a request for your indulgence, as well as your thoughts, prayers or whatever your means of spiritual support may be.

I think I mentioned that on January 10th my Mom entered into a Hospice program.  This was during her second hospitalization in less than a month for heart failure.

While most certainly this was not an easy decision, I have no qualms that it was the right decision.

She had actually asked that we talk with her internist PCP concerning Hospice ~ 18 months ago – so she realized even back then that her time on this earth was coming to a close.

Her PCP wisely told her back then that he could not sign the Certificate because she did not meet the necessary criteria to be admitted to a Hospice program.  Of course, I was much relived.  She took it with her usual equanimity.  (She’s always been solid as a rock – me … not so much.)

I’m blessed that SHE has been the one who has said “It’s time for me to move to Assisted Living” – “It’s time that I start using the wheelchair for long the long distance to the dining room rather than my walker” – “It’s time to revisit that talk with my PCP again about Hospice Care”

When someone who is first diagnosed with congestive heart failure at 101 y/o, the writing on the wall is pretty clear.

So with her second admission in less than a month in January, we again re-visited the subject with both her cardiologist and internist.  This time there was no hesitation that this was the right (and inevitable) decision.

But, sadly, it doesn’t make it any easier.

I fully admit that I’m the one having a much more difficult time with her “Final Journey” than she is.  (And  I am grateful she’s doing much better!).  Maybe most people will be fortunate enough to recognize that their time here is coming to an end.  I certainly hope I do.

The real difficulty for me is the fact that she lives 400 miles away … AND my cat.

I know I have shared with you that my shelter cat is NOT a friendly critter.  And because of that, the staff at Mom’s Assisted Living is not fond of him … AT ALL!

(I will note that while Nike and I have been up visiting, there have been at least three different Hospice nurses, the Hospice Chaplain, the Hospice Social Worker and Mom’s Pastor who’ve come to visit.  Each one has spent over 30 minutes with Mom, me and the cat – and not one of them has ever had a problem with Nike.)

But as I’ve tried to explain to them (especially as a Pediatrician), it’s like having a child with disabilities or other medical issues – you don’t just get rid of them & ask for exchange.  You play the cards you’re dealt.

But Mom likes the cat and asks that I bring him along.  That’s a request I simply cannot refuse.

But it’s made trips up to Mom’s very stressful in and of itself.  That’s now compounded by Mom being in Hospice.  Hopefully the facility and I have worked out a program that will prevent any further problems involving the cat – both on Nike’s part AND on the staff’s part.  (Won’t go into the details, but some on the staff have treated the cat less than kindly.)

At any rate, I’ll try, as best I can, to continue with the “Friday Fun”.  But hope you will understand if I miss a few entries when I’m just not feeling up to it – like today.

As most of you probably know from your own personal experiences, this is just not an easy time for me.

Jan 262018
Since I didn’t get home until late yesterday afternoon after a somewhat harrowing visit – involving the cat, not my Mom – I only had time (and energy) to create something I saw from a cartoon.

Scrabble Decisions …

Why Not Both!

Jan 192018

As we all know, White House physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, has declared that Trump is allegedly in “excellent health” … all 6’-3” & 239 pounds of him.

But doubts about the accuracy of this assessment have swept through the Twittersphere & Internet.  And thanks to Chris Hayes, we now have the mocking rise of the “Girther Movement”.

Well, you can count me as a card-carrying “Girther”!

And I’m joined by some famous folks …

And speaking of Pres. Obama and health, let’s start the comparisons with this one:

And to set the record straight WRT his “alleged” 6’ 3” height

Of course much more popular ones compare Trump’s height and weight with some well-known sports figures:

And this one has especially gotta sting:

But with Trump’s rampant narcissism, he no doubt sees it this way:

I would never call in to question the physician’s veracity – but others might …

[OK – that one’s Photoshopped … but still funny]

And it’s not like Trump doesn’t have a long history of playing fast and loose with facts and the truth …

But beyond the spurious height and weight is that mental acuity test he “aced” …

And about that Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test?  Well, there was this exchange during the test …

“Technically it’s a rhinoceros, sir.  But ‘pointy-nose horse’ will do just fine, Mr. President.”

And the challenge from James Gunn has been made to Donald …

That’s great, but I fear this is the likely outcome:


Dec 222017

I can FINALLY see the light at the end of the tunnel!  I only have 0.75 more hours to earn that will allow me to renew my medical license, so I should be able to get that done tomorrow.  I usually like to earn an extra hour as a safety cushion in case I got the Certificate Expiration Date wrong.  (But this year, maybe just a half-hour … or none at all!)

I told Mom when I left on Wednesday I would come back on Christmas day, and I’m anxious to see her!  This Rehab unit doesn’t provide phones, so I got her another, newer (but el cheapo – kind of like a burner phone) cell phone.  But after working with her for over an hour, she just can’t see the buttons to use it because of her macular degeneration.  So I haven’t talked to her for a couple of days – although I call the nurse’s station daily to check-in on how she’s doing: thankfully, very well!  (I’m trying to look at it as practice for the inevitable permanent disconnect….  Lord, I’m going to miss those phone calls!)

At any rate, my brother is flying in from Tampa on Wednesday for a few days, so I’m hoping to get all those year-end chores (CME, license renewal, bills paid, personal property tax paid, real property tax paid [OUCH!], year-end donations made, etc.) done by tomorrow so I can head up Sunday – a day early.  Unfortunately, they’ve now moved SNOW into our forecast for early (2 AM) Sunday morning north from KCMO along I-35 to at least the Iowa border, so I’ll have to wait and see.

YIKES!  You’re three paragraphs into reading this maudlin screed, and it’s all about me whining.  ENOUGH!  Well, almost … just a note that this will be just a snippet from a previous year’s Xmas offering.  So you can re-visit the full thing here:

WTH … since I’m dogging it, let’s throw in a link to another one about Christmas Cats:

Having gotten away with recycling old work, I’ll leave you with this song that I really get a big kick out of this time of year!  You’ll recognize the tune right off the bat:


“Hark!” the Herald Penguins sing:

“Please don’t eat our little wings!

“Eat a goose down to the bone,

“But leave Penguins all alone.


“Baby ducks are very sweet;

“Tastier than Penguin meat

“If we’re packaged in your store,

“Find us in your grocery store?!?

“Please don’t shop there anymore!”


And so I wish all of you – no matter how (or even if) you celebrate this time of year – a most relaxing, blessed and joyous Holiday with family and friends … whether they join you on 1, 2 or even 4 legs.  (Any more than four legs, and you probably should call an exterminator.)

(You just gotta wonder HOW they got that cat to do it.  But I don’t think s/he is a very happy feline, do you?)



