As the Manafort trial appears to be winding down I thought it would be fun to focus on some “Legal Odds & Ends”.
You’re probably aware of the fact that Cranky Judge Ellis (who appears to be putting his thumb on the scales of “justice” in favor of Paul Manafort) would not allow the prosecutor to show the jury his wildly extravagant $15,000 ostrich-leather jacket or his even more extravagant $18,500 python-leather jacket:
Having been so chastised, the prosecutors realized they had no chance of introducing Manafort’s “Jacket for Every Treason” of live Puffins:
Defiant Manafort Enters Trial Wearing Coat Made Of Live Puffins
— The Onion (@TheOnion) August 6, 2018
And although Judge Ellis has also forbidden prosecutors to even say the word “oligarch” in relation to the “financing” Manafort received from Russian billionaire oligarchs like Oleg Deripaska, it doesn’t look like Manafort’s defense has an Oleg to stand on.
In fact the only option that was left to Manafort’s legal beagles was to try and impeach Rick Gates’ credibility on the grounds that no jury could possibly trust anyone who was willing to work for a proven tax-cheating, lying crook like Manafort.
Not to be left out of the Legal Odds & Ends, Rudy Giuliani is trying to dictate the terms that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller must follow in even questioning Twitler.
Rudy is proposing absolutely ridiculous terms like “No discussion dealing with collusion” and “No discussion dealing with obstruction of justice.”
For those of us old enough to remember Jeffrey Dahmer (he was convicted of multiple rapes ad murders of his young male victims, and freezing them for cannibalism later on) that would be like Dahmer’s lawyers telling the prosecutor: “We won’t allow any questions about the body parts in our client’s freezer.”
(Turns out Dahmer did have Ben & Jerry in his freezer. The problem was, it wasn’t ice cream.)
HOLY COW! Have you herd where even some Bovine Deputies wanted to wrangle their way into Legal Odds & Ends by corralling a suspected car thief? You might think it’s a bunch of bull – but it’s true! Have I ever steered you wrong?
I found the story udderly amoosing. It looks like there was a real beef between them and the suspect. They quickly took stock of the situation, and even though the steaks were high, they got the job done. Seems pretty clear they wanted to tan her hide!
(Have I milked this one for all it’s worth? I hope you don’t think I butchered too many of the puns. And if it’s late when you read this and it’s pasture bedtime – I wish you pleasant dreams.)