
Nov 232018

No doubt everyone is busy recuperating from Thanksgiving activities or shopping or just enjoying a long Holiday weekend, so this will be very brief.

Have you ever seen more pumpkins in one place?

Me neither.  It’s a Bing wallpaper shot that I got from “Daily Picture” option.  It was taken in Columbia County in Pennsylvania – but that’s as much as I know.


OK, seems pretty clear I’ve created a “Failure to communicate …”

The YouTube Video has absolutely NOTHING to do w/ cooking a turkey.

It’s an O-P-T-I-C-A-L   I-L-L–U-S-I-O-N … that’s the POINT!

I’m not talking about the pros/cons of brining or roasting or grilling or smoking …



And here’s a timely optical illusion for Thanksgiving involving a turkey from a regular cooking show that will make your head spin.

First, I would strongly encourage you to make the video full-screen.

Then you can watch from the beginning or just skip to the 1:50 mark and then continue to stare only at the swirling brine he just stirred.

Nov 212018

Note: This is SoINeedAName & I’m accessing this through an “Edit” feature of Squatch’s last post, so not sure how (or if) it’ll appear.

I was able to contact the office staff in the building TC lives in & she (Amanda) went up to check on him.

She relayed he answered the door and is alert, responsive, in no acute distress, but under the weather.  But I have NO idea what her medical assessment skills are.

She’s going to check on him every couple of hours.

Hopefully one of our staff writers who can actually easily talk w/ Amanda will be able to check back w/ Amanda later today to see how he’s doing.

Not as good as I’m sure we all hoped, but not as bad as we all feared either.

Nov 162018

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and for those of us who are assigned the task of bringing the pies to the feast, we’re always looking for new ways to be “Puttin’ on the Ritz” to wow family and friends.

No, no – not “Puttin’ on the Ritz” from “Young Frankenstein”.  Rather something truly unique “where fashion sits” … something sui generis.

Well, I came across someone who has really created one-off type of pies and tarts that are absolutely gorgeous and mind-boggling.  It’s from culinary artist Lo Ko who lives in Seattle and has raised the bar for pie and tart desserts to incomparable heights with her geometric creations.  Here’s a baker’s dozen to give you an idea of her talent:

Ko, who was a nonprofit administrator, quit her job two years ago to devote her time to creating phantasmagorical desserts and savory tarts.  She now teaches at cooking classes and workshops throughout the United States, but primarily in her own Seattle Metro.

Surprisingly enough, she’s had no training in either culinary arts or regular art.  And Ko says she finds inspiration for her creations from architecture, string art, bamboo purses and even bathroom tiles.

Her pie and tart creations were so fanciful her friends convinced her to open an Instagram account to share them with the public, and she now has over 236,000 followers even though she has only posted 115 creations.  And one of those followers turned out to be Martha Stewart!  Martha was so agog about Ko’s creations she invited her to appear in two episodes of her “Martha Bakes” show.

Lo Ko & Martha Stewart


Ko did create a YouTube video to give you an idea of how she goes about creating her masterpieces, but it is a bit hard to follow because of the speed.  And she’s the first to admit that her creations look better unbaked than as a finished, edible work of art.  (Though her friends and family say they all are delicious.)  Ko herself says she doesn’t eat her desserts because she doesn’t have a sweet tooth.  But does admit to enjoying the savory tarts she makes.

“I consider myself more of an artist, and my medium happens to be edible. Of course my pies look more immaculate and pristine unbaked—you’re subjecting flour, butter, and sugar to 400-degree heat!”

So let’s enjoy a few montages of her creations, and then you can head to her Instagram site for further information on each.


Nov 112018

In commemoration of the 100th anniversary marking the end of World War I on November 11, a massive light show titled “Peace and Remembrance” has been created at the Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, MO.

For the past nine nights, to honor the nine million soldiers killed during the Great War, over 5,000 giant poppies have been projected on the 217’ tall Liberty Tower and its massive base, the Great North Wall.

Poppies have become the traditional hallmark of remembrance after Canadian physician Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae saw them growing in a battle-scorched field in Waregem, Belgium, which inspired him to write the poem “In Flanders Fields”.  In fact, to enter the National World War I Museum at the Liberty Memorial, you walk over a glass bridge covering 9,000 poppies below.  Each one of those poppies represents 1,000 soldiers of the 9 million who were killed in WWI.


On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month world leaders signed an Armistice ending four years of bloody battle in the “War to End All Wars”.  To honor the signing, President Woodrow Wilson made November 11th Armistice Day in 1919.  Following World War II and the Korean War, President Dwight D. Eisenhower rededicated November 11 as Veterans Day.

The over 5,000 poppies illuminating the Liberty Tower and Liberty Memorial base (part of the National World War I Museum park) are created by nearly 55 million pixels and 800,000 lumens.  Every 15-minutes a special presentation is shown on the base displaying images and details about World War I.

The display is the work of DWP Live, a stage and special effects production company used by major artists including Adele and Beyonce as well as Super Bowl halftime shows.

As part of the special commemoration, local artist Ada Koch created 117 intricate metal poppy sculptures displayed in the reflecting pool at the entrance to the Museum.  Each one of the 117 poppies in the symbolic arrangement represents 1,000 Americans killed during the Great War.

Having joined the tens of thousands who’ve had the joy of viewing, I hope it becomes an annual event.


Nov 092018

Make no mistake about it, despite the Faux “news” (sic) blathering and Twitler’s mendacious claim that it was “close to a complete victory” (and when was the last time that man-child told the truth?) – it was most definitely a Blue Wave election.

Being truthful, we can admit that it was not the Blue Tsunami that we had all been hoping for.  But it was also NOT a Blue Ripple like RepubliKKKlans are trying to spin it.  Let’s get down to the nitty gritty and count the ways it does add up to a beautiful Blue Wave.

But I’m going to need your help doing that.  There was so much good news on Tuesday (along with some very disappointing news, like Beto’s loss) that I’m sure I’ll miss out on some of the news.  So I hope you will add the ones I forget in your Comments.

[MAJOR CAVEAT: As we know, votes are still being counted (even though republicans actually SUED in an effort to STOP votes from being counted).  And totals are generally moving in Democrats’ favor.  So numbers and results are not final]

Let’s begin with the “Big Picture” and look at the general trend in the 2018 Midterm.  And to do that we’ll use the House of Representatives results since it was the only fully national election:

Little too confusing?  Let’s break it down to first show Districts that became “Redder” – of which there were a couple dozen:

Now let’s look at a map showing districts that became “Bluer” – of which there were at least 317!

Even better news, let’s take a look just within those Districts that elected RepubliKKKlans – and show with a graph if they generally became “Redder” or “Bluer”.

Yup – 171 Districts, while electing RepuliKKKlans, still moved to the Left!

[Above graphics from “The New York Times”]

So to summarize, Nate Silver of 538 anticipates Democrats will have taken 34 seats in the House – well above the 23 needed to gain control

Democrats currently lead the popular vote in the U.S. House by about 6 million votes or 6% of the vote. Likely to rise to around 8 million votes and 7-8% once all votes are counted.

The final Rasmussen Reports poll said REPUBLICANS would win the popular vote. @Rasmussen_Poll

And Prof. Sam Wang of the Princeton University Election Consortium is even more optimistic, showing that while it may not be the largest “Wave” in history – it certainly qualifies as a Wave:

But the good news didn’t just come from the national level – it occurred at the state level, too!

America now has 45 Million MORE Americans living under unified control by Democrats from winning the Trifecta of Governor and both houses in the state legislatures!  Not only did they gain full control in six new states — Colorado, Illinois, Maine, New Mexico, Nevada and New York — but they also broke the GOP’s total hold in Kansas, Michigan, New Hampshire and Wisconsin by winning control of at least one Chamber or Governor’s chair.

Broken down, that includes at least seven governorships and at least six legislative chambers.


And all of this was accomplished by expanding the Democratic Tent – setting historic records for electing women, minorities and LGBTQ candidates – including electing the first openly gay governor in Colorado.  Maybe it was more of a “Rainbow Wave” than a Blue Wave.

But the good news didn’t stop with just our candidates – it extended to ballot measures and initiatives across the country.

Voters in Michigan, Colorado, and Missouri (busting with pride here) all approved ballot initiatives to end political Gerrymandering, with approval rates from 60 percent to more than 70 percent!

Two states voted to increase their minimum wages requirements – Arkansas and Missouri (even prouder still)!  Both Utah and Missouri (OK – I’ll quit) approved the use of medical marijuana, while Michigan went a step further approving its recreational use.  And voters surprisingly approved Medicaid expansion in the ruby-red states of Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah.  Plus the newly elected governors of Maine and Kansas pledged to not veto similar measures that had already passed but were blocked by their predecessors.  And voting rights were restored to felons who had paid their dues in Florida.

[This pretty much covers the above paragraph]

And for a cherry-on-top (I’m counting on you guys to add even more cherries that I missed in your Comments), that Bible-thumping hypocrite and homophobic clerk in Kentucky who refused to issue Marriage Licenses to gay couples – Kim Davis – lost her election!

While we should take a bit of time to enjoy our Blue Wave victories, we then need to start working on turning that Blue Wave into productive policies for America!

Nov 022018

We’ll get to this topic in a minute (well – at least the “butter” part).  But while we’re still gorging on Halloween candy leftover from Trick or Treating (at least I always have leftovers), I want to share with you some amazing slideshows taken of someone’s neighbor who changed tableaus using skeletons EVERY DAY in October as a prelude to Halloween.

I know there’s not 31 here.  There’s only 22 because 10/22/18 is the day it was posted.  I don’t know where it takes place other than it’s a warm weather locale – but the creativity and effort it took to put them together is very impressive!  You can see them all in their full-size format here:



Maybe I butter get to the hardcore news part …

Most of us remember Rep. Steve King (R-IA) for his bizarre (at best) idea that all migrants have “calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”

Personally, I think King has a cantaloupe for a brain.

And we’re probably also all aware of King’s longstanding history of not only overtly backing but also literally associating with racists, anti-Semites, white nationalists and Nazi sympathizers – and it has FINALLY had terrible consequences for him.  Why, he was even publicly rebuked by his own National Republican Congressional Committee.  (Posting the Tweet is part of my bipartisan effort of “reaching across the aisle”.)


But to no one’s surprise, the three top Rethuglican House leaders (Speaker Paul Ryan, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Majority Whip Steve Scalise) all refused to criticize King – yet again putting their party above our country.

But King’s association with racists, anti-Semites, white nationalists and Nazi sympathizers was so overt that it finally cheesed off Land O’Lakes, Purina and Intel to the point they have now withdrawn all financial backing of this hate-monger.

Not only because Land O’Lakes was the largest contributor, but also because you’d be crazy if you thought I was going to pass up this opportunity.  So, I’m focusing on Land O’Lakes, because when headlines like this come along, you need to milk them for all they’re worth.  So, I hope you’re in the mood to see if the cream rises to the top on this topic.

We can all agree that big donors like Land O’Lakes are King’s bread and butter.  Whether or not King just got tired of buttering them up is debatable, but I’m sure Land O’Lakes finally concluded: “How dairy make us look bad.  Those racist comments of his and mingling with white nationalists and Nazi sympathizers is just udderly cowtemptible.”

As a consequence of his hate-mongering, King finds himself in a jam and will no longer be able to loaf around.  And although I’m not sure what the margarine of error is in the latest Poll, I do know he now faces a close race in a district that has always been solid red.

To have a nationally known company like Land O’Lakes pull their backing is truly legendairy.  So I’d like to propose a toast to their bravery!  I think you’d agree America would be butter off in King were kept in Iowa … permanently.

I suppose I could keep churning them out, but I’m going to close by apologizing for these really crumby puns.  I realize they’re only margarineally butter than nothing – but that didn’t stop me.  And some of them may have been so subtle you couldn’t even see them – why, they flew right pasteurize.

Oh, if you weren’t aware King is a right-wing bigot, check out the flag he proudly displays on his desk:

Oct 262018

This “Friday Fun” is going to be a little different than other ones I’ve done.  I’m going to get up on my Soapbox and rant a little bit – so bear with me.

One of my pet peeves that really irritates me is that common ploy among pundits referred to as “Both-Siderism”.  You know – the idea that BOTH sides are guilty of something when in our hearts we know that’s not true.

But we see it in full-bloom these days surrounding the issues of violence and civility.  Pundits keep telling us that Democrats are just as guilty as Rethuglicans.

Being reality-oriented and interested in facts, I decided to actually do some research to see if it were true.

Well, it turns out those pundits were absolutely correct – and I can prove it!

Remember when Pres. Obama called Mexicans coming across our border “Rapists” and “Drug Dealers”?

Or when he called tiki-torch waving white supremacists, who held a rally for ethnic cleansing and drove a car into a crowd of protestors killing one of them, some “Very fine people”?

And do you recall when Vice-President Biden’s PAC put out an ad with gunsight crosshairs on Congressional Districts Democrats were “aiming for” – and then a representative from one of those Districts in Arizona was shot in the head?

Or how about when Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) took offense at what a reporter asked him, so he picked him up and body-slammed him to the ground – and then Pres. Obama praised him for it and called him “My kinda guy”?

Remember the time Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) promised to pay for the legal defense of one her supporters at a raucous rally when she told him to “Beat the crap out of” a protestor?

And how about when Pres. Obama met with Putin and defended Putin’s hacking in an effort to influence the outcome of our elections – and it worked?  Or when he literally said he “Fell in love” with the despicable despot Kim Jong Un because of the letters they exchanged as “pen pals”?

And then there’s Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) who decided to start calling her colleagues offensive, demeaning, racist and misogynist names.

What about when Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) got caught admitting to sexual assault when he said he could grab women by their genitals?


So, do you remember all those times Democrats behaved this way and said those things, thus documenting that, in truth, “Both Sides Do It”?


Yeah … me neither!


For the record, let’s take a look at just a sampling of the times Twitler has literally encouraged violence – courtesy of no less a reputable source than Snopes!


“I’d like to punch him in the face”

“Maybe he should have been roughed up”

“Part of the problem is no one wants to hurt each other anymore”

“I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will”

“The audience hit back. That’s what we need a little bit more of”

“If you do (hurt him), I’ll defend you in court, don’t worry about it”

“I’ll beat the crap out of you”

“Knock the crap out of him, would you? I promise you, I will pay your legal fees”

 Sarah Huckabee Sanders:

“The president in no way, form, or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence.”


But since it’s Halloween Time – I think I should end on a happier note.

So here’s a site with an interactive map that you can use to find out what the favorite Halloween candy is in your state:



Oct 192018

If you thought (or hoped) I had forgotten my annual treatise on the fantasia of fall – you’d be WRONG!  I’m not going to pass up a review of the wonders of my favorite time of year – AUTUMN!

Road in Vilnius Lithuania

Let’s start with the science story behind fall’s phantasmagorical foliage fling.

Once a new leaf is finally fully formed sometime in June, the next thing a tree spends its energy on is preparing the following year’s leaf buds.  The job of the leaves currently in place is to create and store food as carbohydrates/sugars necessary for that new leaf bud.  And unlike us, trees are unique in that they’re able to manufacture their own food/energy, courtesy of photosynthesis.

Chlorophyll is the green pigmented chemical in leaves that uses the energy provided by the sun during the process of photosynthesis to convert water taken up by the roots and carbon dioxide taken from the air into sugars and starches – nutrients that the tree needs for growth – while giving off oxygen as a by-product.

But the chlorophyll that gives trees their green of summer is not the only color pigment always present in leaves.  Working just as hard in the leaves are the carotenoids (carotene and xanthophyll).  These pigments are important in capturing light energy needed in the process of photosynthesis.  It’s just that the carotenoids are masked by the overpowering green of the chlorophyll during the summer months.

But with the coming of autumn, as daylight hours shorten and temperatures drop, cells near the juncture of the leaf and its stem start to divide very rapidly.  This creates what is called an abscission layer.  This corky abscission layer of cells is the site where the leaf will eventually break from the tree and flutter to the ground.  That corky layer then serves to protect the branch through winter after the leaf leaves.

Leaf Landing in Lake

The rapid growth of that corky layer begins to physically block transport of nutrients needed by the leaf to manufacture the carbohydrates.  Consequently the photosynthesis that’s been creating chlorophyll (which is not a very stable chemical and has been rapidly breaking down and then replaced throughout the summer) ceases.

Once the chlorophyll is gone, the carotene and xanthophyll chemical pigments that have been present all summer long now take center stage.

These carotenoids (carotene and xanthophyll) give their characteristic orange and yellow colors to not just leaves, but also to carrots, corn, canaries, and daffodils – as well as egg yolks, rutabagas, buttercups, and bananas.  And they account as the predominant color in about 15-30% of our tree species – typically they’re found in the hardwood species of hickories, ash, maple, yellow poplar, aspen, birch, black cherry, sycamore, cottonwood, sassafras, and alder.

Look close – there are two girls standing in the Halland Forest, Sweden at the demarcation between the forest and the pines.

The third class of color chemicals that leaves have (after chlorophyll and the carotenoids) are the reds and purples of anthocyanin.  But unlike the other two classes, anthocyanin has not been present in the leaves the whole summer.  The anthocyanins are created brand new – just for autumn’s fall foliage!

Why the tree would expend energy, when it’s shutting down for the winter, for the creation of a new product is not understood.  But we do know the brighter the sunlight during this period, the greater the production of anthocyanins – and the more brilliant the resulting reds and purples.  This direct proportion of redness to sunlight exposure explains why the periphery of hardwood trees are bright red, while the foliage lower down and inside are the more typical oranges and yellows.

Anthocyanins also account for the coloring of cranberries, red apples, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, and plums.  They are present in only about 10% of hardwood species – mainly maples, sourwood, sweetgums, dogwoods, tupelos, cherry trees and persimmons.

But in a few lucky areas — most famously New England — up to 70% of tree species are the type that produce the anthocyanin pigment.  That high concentration of a single color (the reds of anthocyanin) accounts for the intense but relatively brief autumnal color display in New England.  Whereas in most other areas that have a higher mix of tree varieties the colors may not be as intense, but the season lasts longer.

Of course, the reds of fall are not only in New England – but all over the world

You can see where your particularly area is in relation to reaching Peak Color with this interactive map:

Fall Foliage Map

Time to enjoy some of my new favorite photos of the fantasia of fall …

Allée of Birch Trees 

Farm in Romania

Autumn Road in New England

Park in Paris

And of course to many of us, fall means FOOTBALL!  But few places enjoy such a spectacular autumnal setting as Boulder, Colorado …

I’ll see you again next year about this time.
