
Dec 282018

Having spent most of the week out-of-town enjoying Christmas festivities with my Aunt up in Illinois, this will be on the brief side.

Hat Tip to Joanne for bringing this to my attention:

A newly discovered blind, worm-like amphibian creature that buries its head in the sand has been named after Trump in hopes he’d change his environmentally disastrous policies.

Its name, Dermophis donaldtrumpi, was selected by EnviroBuild, which is a manufacturer of environmentally friendly building materials in the UK.  They won the right to name the little thing for $25,000 in an auction run by Rainforest Trust – a conservation organization.

There’s an amazing resemblance, don’t you think?


As you know, I am a devoted Pootie person who has always grown up with cats.  And by rights, this site has excellent coverage of those critters.  But I’m sure there are also Woozle people who visit this site.  So in the interest of fairness, I thought I would provide some “equal time” coverage for them.

The first is the pure joy of a “I’m-A-Dog” merrily romping in a huge new snowfall:

The next is a heartwarming story of a Christmas miracle, showing the transformation that loving care can do for any sentient creature …

No, this is not some newly developed military miracle helicopter that self-levitates without even using its rotors.

As noted, this is what happens when a camera’s frame rate is in perfect sync with a helicopter’s rotors.

I couldn’t let the last Friday of the year go by without covering what that goose-stepping Joseph Goebbels advisor in Twitler’s inner circle, Stephen Miller (and yes, I know he’s Jewish) recently tried.

Miller thought it’d be a great idea to try some spray-on hair to cover his bald pate.  And when I read all the comments making fun of him, I at first thought rather than mocking him we should solely be focusing our efforts to reverse his hate-mongering policies.

Then I saw the photo:

WHOA!  Just saw the “hair”.  We are going to have to multitask!

With all the Christmas bargains that have been going on – from Black Friday to Small Businesses Saturday to Cyber Monday to post-Christmas sales – I was hoping that Twitler would take advantage of “Mueller’s Early Family Resorts Package” offer for his entire mobster family.

Quite a deal, don’t you think?

We’ll close out the last Friday Fun of the year covering Twitler’s obsession with his “Wall”.

I think if they’re that obsessed with it, they should build it with Hillary’s emails – since they can’t get over them.

And about that $5 BILLION Twitler is demanding.  Whatever happened to Twitler’s promise that “Mexico will pay for the Wall!”?

He must have finally realized the former Mexican President Vicente Fox was telling the truth:

So a pithy way to summarize Twitler’s disastrous first two years occupying the Oval Office can be done in a single sentence:

An early HAPPY NEW YEAR! to all.

Dec 212018

Since we’re now in “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” I decided I would try to keep it seasonal and lighthearted.

So, to start us off, a little boy unwraps the best Christmas gift he could hope for:

This year the Secret Santa enlisted a homeless man, Moses Elder, in Phoenix to help him distribute his signature $100 bills to total strangers.  All they had to do was show some kindness to the homeless Elf and then be rewarded with their $100.

I should note that I saw this on CBS News, so it had closed caption.  I could only find it as a YouTube video that does not have CC – so CLICK ME to read the story:

Some Secret Santa Trivia Tidbits: The original Secret Santa tradition actually started in Kansas City decades ago.  I’m not sure if the one in this story is the same guy, since it’s filmed in Phoenix, or if others have adopted it in other cities.  Either way, it’s a nice tradition.

UncleBee at Daily Kos wrote a fantastic parody of that traditional Christmas poem we all enjoy – but in an updated, political version.  Paying heed to the Fair Use Doctrine, I’ll just quote a few stanzas – but the entire version is a very enjoyable read!

‘Twas the Night Before Drumpf’s Mess–Twas-the-Night-Before-Drumpf-s-Mess

 ‘Twas the night before Christmas when through the White House,

The occupants panicked, wond’ring which fire to douse.

The smocking guns hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes maybe no one would think to look there. 


The Traitor Tots trembled with fear in their beds,

While visions of jail time danced in their heads. 

And Twitler rage-tweeted his usual crap

While Melania eyed him like he had the clap.


When in the Rose Garden there arose such a clatter,

Dumpster spilled all the cheeseburgers off of his platter.

He waddled to the window and opened the sash,

Hoping maybe it was Russians delivering cash.

Staying in a Christmas motif but also adding a political overtone, former mayoral candidate in Minneapolis, Tom Hoch, elected to put up a sign recognizing Twitler’s accomplishment of racking up 89 criminal indictments from his administration … in less than two years – which surpasses Nixon’s count.  (The “Trump Is A Traitor” letters are 4-feet tall and in Christmas colors of red and green – so not a bit subtle!)

But ending on more positive notes, if you’re still in a quandary on what decoration to use to top your Christmas tree, someone has come up with the perfect ecumenical option: Notorious RBG!

And I can’t think of a better Santa Claus than a surprise visit by Pres. Obama handing out gifts to kids at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC:

So Happy Holidays to AllAnd Safe Travels


Dec 162018

As I suspect for you guys, having done a few posts you get a feel for how long it will take you to get it done.  But I was in for a surprise with the newWordPress posting format.  Added at least an hour!

Looks like you guys are getting up to speed, and I hope I am, too.  But the biggest change is everythingis done in “Blocks”

Probably like you do, I write my article’s draft as a Word document, and when I want to insert a photo, GIF, video, etc. I just put the title of it on the next line.  And I learned that every new paragraph or “Enter” is like adding a “Block”.

So in a new “Block” I click the “+” sign off to the left,  and then select from the options what kind of Block I want to add:

And where the graphic is to come from.  (I should note I’ve not had good luck on directly uploading it from my hard drive, so I select “Media Library” and that process is like the old way.)

Then when I’m done with the draft, I just copy/paste it into WordPress.  Easy-Peasy.

The first thing I learned with the new WordPress 5.0 (Gutenberg) edition is that it automatically puts each paragraph in a “Block”.

It took me forever to figure out how to enter graphics – and you know how I love to use graphics.

The good news is that it does provide an Option to use the old format, called “Classic Editor”.  But it requires that a plugin (amazingly enough, called “Classic Editor”) be added.

And here is a Tutorial on how to install plugins:

I checked, and at this point it is not installed, so we’ll be using 5.0 (Gutenberg) unless TC installs it – or agrees to let one of us install it.

It actually had a steeper learning curve than I had anticipated – at leastfor me.  And if you read the Comments about it, it does NOT appear to be a popular transition.

But I found two tutorials that are pretty good.


This one is pretty good:

This one is good and not too detailed:

This is also a pretty straightforward one:

The next one is a little funkier to follow – but has some solid info:

Dec 142018

[Few minor updates & format corrections, since WordPress changed their writing software & I’m still on a learning curve]

Nothing makes the Season brighter than the fact that Mueller now has Twitler in his legal crosshairs and the walls are closing in … provided that Twitler doesn’t go totally bonkers and kills us all.

But Twitler has provided another neologism classic with his “SmockingGun” Tweet – which he misspelled not once, but TWICE.

So pour yourself another cup of smocking hot covfefe, and settle back to see what the Intertubes did with it.

(Although I should note that it is a real word:)

No matter how many crimes and misdeeds Mueller uncovers, we are forced to agree on one issue …

Also in an effort to help Twitler out with something totally foreign to him – The Truth – Mueller’s team has extended their superb redacting skills to his Tweets – and the results have been refreshing:

But sadly, their efforts came too late.  The “Washington Post” Fact Checking editors were forced to create a brand-new category to accommodate Twitler’s endless whoppers since their previous max of four was NOT enough.  Meet the “Bottomless Pinocchio”

And his search for a new Chief of Staff goes on with no success.  (Which is no surprise – who would want to work for an impending felon?)

Let’s close out the week with a heartfelt “THANK YOU!” to Sen. Schumer and Rep. Pelosi for showing the world on real-time TV what a totally incompetent ASS Twitler is.  Here they are triumphantly leaving the White House after destroying him …

Dec 072018

I suppose we can be thankful that the Bush family was gracious enough to extend an invitation to Twitler to attend 41’s funeral – and wise enough to NOT have him speak!

But that didn’t mean he still couldn’t embarrass an entire nation with his thoughtlessness.  Like not joining the congregation in the reading of the Apostles’ Creed.  How any religious person can support this man is unfathomable to me.

And he provided further evidence that even the simplest gestures of respect elude him.

But someone perfectly captured the essence of Twitler at the funeral.  (Hard to tell, but I think it’s Photoshopped.)

Personally, I was hoping for a reprise of the moment during the Barbara Bush funeral (that Melania attended just by herself) when Pres. Obama commented to her about her smile

Apparently Twitler is being riled up by the Mueller investigation and getting the feeling that the walls are finally closing in.  We all enjoyed reading between the lines of Mueller’s heavily redacted Michael Flynn court filings this week.

In fact the speculation of what was redacted was so rampant that it forced Mr. Mueller to issue a clarification:


Any similarity between our redacted report on Michael Flynn …


And prison stripes …


Is purely coincidental.

And Twitler’s bad news was compounded when Michael Cohen agreed to plead guilty to lying to Congress.  And in those filings we learned who “Individual 1” is – which created the need for some major changes to Twitler’s campaign logo for re-election …

And the official presidential seal …

And the renaming of his New York Home

And it only got worse when Twitler’s top cybersecurity advisor, Rudy Giuliani, accidentally created a website (G-20.In) in his Tweet, and a prankster immediately took claim to it and is using it to bash Trump.  (You have to click the above G-20.In link, or the one in the Tweet to view it)

Giuliani is his top cybersecurity advisor?!?  Proving yet again that Twitler hires “only the best people”.  Righttttttt.

And I’d appreciate someone explaining to me why CNN felt the need to insert this correction at the bottom of this article:

Seems perfectly accurate to me!

Closing out with a few more seasonal observations, I got a kick out of some ducks who experienced snow for the very first time …

And ending with a PSA: Please be careful when putting up your Christmas decorations.  Think things all the way through first to avoid embarrassing faux pas like these:

And be especially careful when decorating palm trees:


Nov 302018

Since I’ve been out of town a few days this week enjoying a trip up to Illinois to take my Aunt back after her Thanksgiving visit, this will be a brief “Friday Fun”.

But there’s been so much bad terrible news for Twitler this week that we probably don’t need a whole lot of cheering up.  News like his own former lawyer, Michael Cohen,  now pleading guilty to lying to Congress, and is spilling his guts to Mueller’s team in over 70 hours of interviews.

And that Trump’s tax attorney’s office in Chicago was raided by the FBI, and the Feds actually papered the front door so no one could see what was happening.

(The bow is a nice touch, but was added on via Photoshop.  Doubt the FBI has that kind of sense of humor.  Bit it’s a gift I know we are all anxious to unwrap!)

But there have been a few other bright moments recently.  A month ago, an artist called “Porcupine Armadillo” got into the spirit of things by putting up “Pee on Me” statues of Trump all around Brooklyn for dogs (or I suppose, anyone) to take advantage of.

Also in October and just in time for Halloween, Daniel Holland captured a video of a “breathing forest” in Quebec.

It’s not special effects or CG (computer-generated) imaging – it’s real!  Time magazine explains that it’s because of the very strong winds that day combined with the fact that these trees grew in a very mossy area which allows their root system to be quite loose, so the forest floor lifts up when the trees sway.

And I’ll close with a two-fer: Shutting down the NRA AND Ann Coulter … by doctors!  (Maybe that makes it a three-fer.)

Physicians have really started speaking out about gun violence and the need to deal with it.  After we endured the 307th mass shooting this year on November 7th, the NRA finally had enough of their anti-gun talk and told them to “Stay in your lane”.

Well, Dr. Judy Melinek took care of the NRA via her Tweets

Not learning her lesson, Coulter unwisely decided to butt in and add her two cents with a snarky Tweet.

A perfect setup for Dr. Cathleen London to shoot her down in reply:

All-in-all, a pretty good week.  And it looks like Mueller is getting ready to land some serious blows – probably shortly after the new 116th Congress is seated.


TC Update

 Posted by at 5:02 am  Politics
Nov 242018

TC is in the hospital.

When I got up for my nightly trip to the BR at ~ 1:00 AM this (Saturday) morning I saw I had a text message from TC, but it was written by Wendy.

She said she had taken him to the hospital yesterday for “respiratory issues” (but given the time I’m not sure if she meant Friday or more likely Thursday).

I started texting questions and “Thank you” messages thinking it was still her.  But finally TC asked me to quit texting because it was too hard for him to read.

Wendy’s text did say he was “doing OK & he’s where he should be.”

She said she tried to post a notice on the blog – but apparently w/out success.

So I know he’s in the hospital – but I don’t know which one and I don’t know what day he was admitted.  She said she’d keep us posted.

You now know as much as I do.

Squatch here.  This is Wendy’s post which was caught in the PP system last night:

Hello all this is an update from Wendy. Tom has been out of circulation for the last few days wanted to let everyone know that I had to take him to the hospital for admittance on Thanksgiving day. Tom is doing well and he is where he needs to be but is Recovering from a respiratory infection. He asked that no one spend any money on him please… He will be in the hospital probably till the beginning of next week. I will try and keep you updated all of your thoughts and prayers are appreciated

There you have it as of 23 November 2018 at 2207 hours.  Thanks Nameless for your post.  Hope you don’t mind that I added to your post rather than as a comment.  More visibility here.

We will continue to keep you updated as we have info.  I am preparing another OT for 24 November and will also include this there.
