
Mar 312019

Not quite a sabbatical, but between doctor appointments and one of my cousins being in town from Chicago for the Royals v White Sox games this opening weekend, I really didn’t have time to put one together.

But I think this will provide you with a few smiles, giggles and outright guffaws – at least it did for me.

So I hope you enjoy: “Cats vs The World”

Mar 242019

You would think that Kellyanne Conway has lost enough battles to have learned not to violate the “First Rule of Holes: If You’re In One, STOP DIGGING!”

But you would be wrong!

We’ve all recently learned how the children of at least 50 powerful people and celebrities, like Lori Laughlin and Felicity Huffman, participated in a fraud scandal by buying their kids’ way into elite colleges.

Well, Kellyanne unwisely decided to take a cheap shot at those liberal Hollywood celebrities.

Well, the Twittersphere would have none of it, and immediately took her to task:

I’ll start with the wisest piece of advice I came across:


But on the bright side:

You think Kellyanne will have learned her lesson?

Nah … not a chance in hell!







A Not So Fun Friday

 Posted by at 1:25 pm  Politics
Mar 152019


I found two sites that have transcripts of Waleed Aly’s commentary:

Australian Muslim TV host Waleed Aly presents striking response to Christchurch terrorist attacks

(Hope just URL links work – otherwise, Copy/Paste I guess)

For at least two reasons, it seems inappropriate to post a “Friday Fun” after the massacre of 49 of our brothers and sisters in New Zealand by a crazed white supremacist.

Many moving words will be spoken (but certainly not by Twitler, who is totally tone deaf and lacking in any empathy), but I found these by a Muslim to be worth sharing.  (And it’s one of those rare Tweets that comes w/ CC.)

And on a personal level, I finally got an appointment to deal with an abscess of the deepest fang-bite from the little critter.

Today is Day 27 of antibiotics, and I started last week asking to be seen by the Wound Clinic.  But all I got was an extension of my Augmentin.  So I tried again this week, but learned my PCP is out of town.

So I saw a Nurse Practitioner from the clinic this morning and she started draining the abscess, which she cultured.  (Draining an abscess is something I would not sign up for as a Camp Activity.)  And I had blood drawn and an X-ray of my hand.

Then she had her nurse give me a shot of Ceftriaxone … in my bottom.  (I asked her if she got Hazard Pay or a Bonus for that task.)  I don’t EVER remember getting an antibiotic shot my entire life.

And now I’m on Clindamycin.

But I got an appointment w/ the Wound Clinic this Monday.  So I’m hopeful things will start turning around.


Lona mentions in her Comment that the right-wing author of comment in the Tweet is Australia’s Senator Anning  – he got egged for his hate-mongering.  Not condoning it, but the egger got roughed up pretty bad by Anning’s goons.

Mar 082019

It was just this past week that Michael Cohen began the serious process of taking down Twitler – in both open and closed House hearings – under oath.

The Twitter reactions from his televised testimony on Thursday the 27th were still pouring in last Friday, so I decided to postpone coverage until this week to see some of the more interesting ones – so let’s get started.

Cohen opened with his prepared and profoundly strong statement.


About the only difference I could detect between the hideous performance of Rep. Gym Jordan (R-OH) from that of Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) is that Meadows had a suitcoat on.

Meadows opened with “I-have-a-black-person-who-worked-for-Trump-that-I’ll-use-as­-a-PROP-to-prove-he’s-not-a-racist” routine.

But Cohen countered him expertly with being the son of a Holocaust survivor.

When Rep. Gosar (R-AZ) went with his over-sized “Liar Liar Pants On Fire” poster …

MSNBC threw some excellent shade his way:

For some, like Rep. Steube (R-FL), a check for $35,000.00 SIGNED by Trump just wasn’t enough evidence to convince him Trump was paying hush money to porn star, Stormy Daniels.  But Cohen handled him well.

Rep. Clay (Sweater-Vest) Higgins (R-LA) is a good example of the level of incompetent, ignorant scum that runs rampant in the republican party.

Of note is that Higgins, prior to being elected, was a policeman who was forced to resign because of, among other transgressions, beating a suspect while handcuffed.

There were moments of humor – one provided by Rep. Massie (R-KY) asking Cohen if anyone had offered to pay for his lawyers.

Here’s an accurate summary of how the media covered the hearings:

No, I didn’t forget Rep. Gym Jordan’s disastrous role in the hearings.  But he got so much coverage during them, and then later on SNL, I thought it’d be redundant.

Most likely our collective reaction to his “performance” is best summed up by Rep. Plaskett (D-VI) eye-roll commentary during one of his numerous interruptions of Cohen.

I don’t know how good you are at speechreading (and sadly she’s turned too far for me to make out her first piece of advice), but on her second turn she’s clearly telling Jordan: “Why don’t YOU be quiet?”

One of the saddest consequences of the Twitler years is that it forces us to root for folks we normally wouldn’t.

In closing, surprisingly enough on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday show, Chris Christie actually provided the most accurate – and problematic analysis –for the republicans’ dealing with their entire line of questioning:

That bears repeating:

“There hasn’t been one Republican yet who’s tried to defend the president on substance.  I think that’s something that should be concerning to the White House.”

As Twitler frequently says: “Let’s see what happens”.  And my bet is it will NOT be good for him!


Mar 072019

If you use Google Chrome browser, you would be well-advised to update it … RIGHT NOW!

Google is urging Chrome users to update the web browser right away to patch a zero-day vulnerability that is being actively exploited.

In a Tuesday tweet, Google Chrome Security and Desktop Engineering Lead Justin Schuh said users should install the latest version of the browser—72.0.3626.121—right away.

“Seriously, update your Chrome installs… like right this minute,” he wrote.


Although it’s possible to disable Chrome’s Auto Update, it’s not easy.

However, for Updates to take effect, you have to relaunch the browser.

What your goal is to end up w/ Version 72.0.3626.121

To check to see that’s what you’re running, click on the 3 Vertical Dots in the upper right-hand corner.  Then from the drop-down menu it generates, click “Help”.  Then from the next menu click “About Google Chrome”.  And you should get a window that looks something like this (this is mine):

Mar 012019

Those of us of a certain age (ancient) probably remember the Perry Como Show segment addressing the letters they received each week with their signature song:

“Letters – We Get Letters, We Get Stacks & Stacks of Letters …”

Well, I came across a Diary at Daily Kos just a day ago about the impact of receiving letters, and it restored my faith in humanity.  So I decided to share it with you today

There’s a WWII Vet, a Mr. Joe Cuba (better known as “GI Joe”) who resides at Brookdale Assisted Living facility in Wichita Falls, TX who will turn 100 y/o on March 2nd.

The germ of an idea on how to mark that day started when his oldest daughter, Beverly, wanted to do something special for her Dad’s Centennial Celebration.  Joe (who is the son of Czechoslovakian immigrant parents), Beverly and the Brookdale staff talked it over, and he shared with them that he thought it’d be nice if he were to receive a Birthday card for every year he's lived.

The staff jumped into action and posted a very simple request on Brookdale’s manager (Stephanie Veitenheimer) Facebook page:

We here at Brookdale Midwestern would like to help our resident Joe reach his goal for his 100th Birthday will you…

Posted by Brookdale Midwestern on Thursday, February 21, 2019

Then a local news outlet, Texoma’s, picked up the story – and the ball started rolling.

From there, it was picked up by the USA Today Network … and the dynamite went “BOOM!”.

Veitenheimer said: "We've had people all over the U.S. call us to ask if it's a legit post.  It's been just humbling to know that people want to help us celebrate his 100th."

Medical equipment companies have reached out to her to see if they could give Joe any medical equipment he might need for his birthday.

"Teachers have said their students are learning about the Greatest Generation and want to send cards to him. It's just awesome," she said.

Joe was the second born of 12 children – 6 boys and 6 girls – who grew up on a farm in Archer County, Texas raising livestock, cotton and wheat.  The entire family only spoke Czech, and Joe didn’t learn English until he started school.

While there was plenty of work for all of them to do on the farm, the Depression they lived through wasn’t as hard on them as on people in the city – they always had food on the table.

(Reminds me of what my Mom always said, who was born in 1916 and grew up on a farm in Illinois with 3 brothers.  They never went hungry, and the Depression was much easier on farm folks than city folks.  And similar to Joe’s family, they only spoke German at home.)

Before heading off to war with the U.S. Army Air Corps, Joe made sure to marry the love of his life, Nida, on Aug. 3, 1943.  He later served in Guam and vividly recalls the 33 days it took for them to sail across the Pacific on the “iron ship” from Seattle.  He swears he’ll never eat another sardine or powdered eggs again.

The USA Today Network story got so much positive feedback, they did a follow-up story featuring the response not only from locals – but from people across the country.  And of course the cards started to trickle in.

And about “Gi Joe’s” wish for those 100 cards – one for each year?  Well, that trickle turned into a deluge!  He has gotten over SIXTEEN-THOUSAND CARDS AND LETTERS from well-wishers far and wide … and still counting!  (We all probably pity the poor postman.)

It’s been a response so exceeding their expectations that Brookdale had to dedicate an entire room just to store all the greetings and gifts.

GI Joe takes care to share the good wishes he’s received with the other residents at Brookdale, and especially enjoys it when other Veterans come to visit.

Without a doubt, it’s a Centennial Celebration that will be long-remembered and cherished … and one that helped restore my faith in humanity!
