
May 032019

Today’s Episode is brought to you by the letters: K – F – C.

Well, except for Lindsey Graham.  He really ruffled a lot of feathers at AG Barr’s Senate Judiciary Hearing when he decided to go with just the “F-Word”.  But for once, I think we all agree he got it right! [NSFW w/ Audio]

Sen. McTurtle was so thrilled with AG Barr’s lying during the Senate Judiciary Hearing that afterwards, he triumphantly carried him out on his back:

But the next day, Barr really laid an egg with his fowl behavior when he went AWOL for the scheduled House Judiciary Hearing.  But thanks to Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), the day still provided some smiles because he hatched a great plan that created the “Chicken Barr Meme” that went viral!

Just so you know I’m not just winging it, here’s a quick overview of what happened:

Leave it to C-Span to memorialize his clever gambit:

We’re probably a little disappointed Democrats haven’t served any subpoenas for Barr’s no-show … YET!  But no doubt some eatery in DC will be serving “Chicken Barr Sandwiches” in short order.

And Rep. Cohen realized he masterminded a trend, and so created an appropriate Photoshopped portrait of Barr:

But I think this one is even better – and more appropriate:

Of course, others couldn’t resist the Photoshop opportunity’s – here’s one channeling the “Wizard of Oz”:

It wasn’t long before someone asked the inevitable question …

(You got to admit, that chicken walking across the road in tennis shoes is pure poultry in motion.)

But from Barr’s perspective, it was a humiliating (but much-deserved) day of mockery.  Hiding out all day, he felt really cooped up, so he decided to head on home …

Naturally Twitler was feeling pretty cocky – both about Barr’s lying in the Senate Hearing AND his chicken act of not showing up for the House Hearing.

But that’s no surprise – Twitler loves chicks … err, chickens:

Apr 262019

Who doesn’t enjoy a handful or three of jelly beans at Easter time?  Well, now that Easter has passed and you’ve consumed your yearly quota of that confection, it’s probably safe to share with you an interesting tidbit that most of you most likely weren’t aware of …

That beautiful glossy glaze that makes jelly beans glimmer is made from the poop of female lac bugsYUM!  YUM!


The female lac bug (Kerria lacca) sucks the sap out of trees in the forests of India, Thailand and Malaysia, and then poops out the excrement (called sticklac) on branches.  This will become shellac that’s used on our furniture as well as “Confectioner’s Glaze”.  (I think you’d agree that’s a much more appetizing term than “Liquid Lac Bug Sh!t”).

This sticklac is then then scraped off the branches – but because it also contains pieces of bark and pieces of lac bug, it needs to be purified.  The glob is place is a long canvas bag and heated over a fire to liquefy the … hmmm … let’s go with resin.  This is then mostly converted to shellac, and it’s estimated it takes anywhere from 50,000 to 300,000 lac bugs to make a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of shellac flakes.

These shellac flakes are then converted into the Confectioner’s Glaze that’s sprayed on jelly beans, Malted Milk Balls, Raisinettes and even apples.  It not only produces an attractive sheen, but it also extends shell-life.

To make you feel better, the FDA has approved it as safe for human consumption.

I don’t know about you, but I’ll be sticking with Peeps and chocolate Easter bunnies from now on.

As long as were discussing Easter, we shouldn’t pass up covering Rep. Steve (Cantaloupe-Calves) King (R-IA) who had the temerity to claim victimhood comparable to the suffering of Jesus by claiming he’s been crucified by his fellow Rethuglicans.

You can easily recall that while King has a very long and a very ignoble history of uttering racist remarks, this is the one made during an interview with “The New York Times” that crossed the red-line for Rethuglicans:

“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?”

He was quickly stripped of all his committee assignments – and his whining immediately commenced.

King said he can easily relate to the suffering of Jesus Christ, equating his recent humiliation to what Christ “went through for us.”

“And, when I have to step down to the floor of the House of Representatives, and look up at those 400-and-some accusers, you know we just passed through Easter and Christ’s Passion, and I have better insight into what He went through for us partly because of that experience.”

Well, if King is saying that he, you know, wants to get the full experience of Christ’s Easter Passion, I’m sure there are people willing to chip in for the lumber.  Just saying …

But I don’t want to close with that downer, so I’ll share with you some tidbits and a GIF I came across that illustrates how Twitler will cheat on anyone, everyone, anything and everything … even something as trivial as a game of golf.

Twitler is such a well-know golf cheat that an entire book has been written about it: Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump.

In fact his caddies have witnessed him kicking his ball out from the rough back onto the fairway (a YUGE golf “NO-NO”) that they’ve nicknamed him Pelé, after the Brazilian soccer legend.

But I will say he’s a very accomplished and skillful cheater, as this GIF demonstrates.  But I slowed it down and you have to watch closely because he’s perfected the art:

You don’t get that smooth at cheating without years of practice!


Apr 192019

UPDATE NOTE: I have edited this post so that BOTH the TEXT ABOUT and the PHOTO of Notre Dame are LINKS to the interactive, zoomable 360-degree aerial picture.  It truly is worth a Look-See!

This will be fairly brief because I’m still dizzy from shaking my head so much in disbelief over what America’s Attorney GeneralTWITLER’S attorney, Bill Barr, did yesterday in his Spin Zone rollout Whitewash Coverup of the Mueller Report.

How Barr justifies giving Twitler a total pass in his own unbelievable words: “… there is substantial evidence to show that the President was frustrated and angered….”

Well, Hell’s Bells – I didn’t realize that Twitler was “FRUSTRATED” and “ANGRY” about the Special Counsel Investigation … did you?

Golly gee, that changes everything.  Absolutely: NO COLLUSION – NO OBSTRUCTION!  Constitutional crisis avoided.

Moving on, and just to reinforce the fact that I actually do have real compassion (just not for Twitler), here’s a touching video of someone caring for a bee who had no wings.  A lesson worth sharing.  (You might want to have a hanky handy.)

We’ve all been saddened by the damage that a fire has done to Notre Dame Cathedral.  But here is a fascinating 360-Degree Interactive, Zoomable Aerial View of Paris centered on the charred remains.  I think it’s best to view full-screen.

NOTE: Sorry for the confusion.  The above, bolded description of the site is the Link.  

BUT I’ve now also made the photo itself a link.  But you’ll have to do a right-click “Open In New Tab” or “Open In New Window” because if you click on the photo itself – it’ll open the whole page as a new window.

Just grab the picture with your cursor and move it around.  To Zoom in and out, use the scroll-wheel on your mouse.  And if you don’t have scroll-wheel, then use the “+” and “-” signs on the keyboard.

NSFW – My Righteous Rant That Is NOT SAFE FOR WORK

Just like Twitler, I, too, am frustrated and angry – and I’m going to relieve some of that frustration and anger by venting a bit.

My current favorite part of the whole Mueller Report is this passage on page 290 (or page 78 of Vol. II):

… when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, “Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’ m fucked.”

That is NOT a phase an innocent person would ever utter.  So let’s see what some folks have done with Twitler’s actual admission of guilt …

Taking a page from Twitler’s own playbook, the “Game of Thrones” was used a couple of times:

And one I like even better:

And here’s Twitler issuing another of his Executive Orders:

But given how Barr handled – and most likely will continue to handle – the Mueller Report, I guess Melania can offer a pithy summary of where our country is at … at least for the immediate time being:



Apr 052019

A Fox news (sic) contributor was savagely mocked for wearing a partial bulletproof vest while reporting at the border with Mexico.  (Although it’s not clear which of the three Mexican countries that Fox thinks exist, he was at.)

Apparently, Lawrence Jones was taking his haberdashery hints from Jared’s blazer and flak jacket ensemble he wore so well a few years back.

So who wore it better?  Here is Lawrence Jones all decked out, ready to rumble …

Well, except for the fact that it’s way too small – and didn’t have the protective steel plates inserted …

Other reporters were quick to join in the mocking reminding him that it is NOT a war zone.

Thin-skinned Jones got defensive about all the mocking and tried claiming the CBP agents demand that he wear the vest.  But here’s an earlier Tweet he posted of himself and CBP agents at the border – and NONE of them are wearing body armor.

Does Fox only require reporters to don a flak jacket when they’re on camera?  Nah – it’s all part of Twitler & Fox’s plan to stoke fear and hatred at every opportunity!  Gotta keep the MAGA cult riled up, dontcha know?

But it was too hard to pass up the chance to have some fun Photoshopping that vest – and Twitter Tweeters did:

No doubt this is how Fox wants you to view him:

But this is how he actually appears …

But we have to admit that those vests can actually be quite useful …

Oh, and WRT Twitler making claims while visiting the “his new wall” that “he got built”it isn’t and he didn’t.

This section replaced one built in the 1990’s with recycled metal scraps and landing mats.  And it was Pres. Obama who designated it for an upgrade back in 2009.

But Twitler did manage to expound about the fence with his customary eloquence:

“If you want to climb that, it’s pretty sharp up on top, too. If you want to climb that then you deserve whatever you can get, but it’s very, very hard. It’s meant anti-climb. It’s called anti-climb, so it’s a great wall and … I think it looks fantastic — very see-through, so you’re able to see the other side, which is a very important element.”

Kyrie, eleison. Lord, have mercy!

Apr 022019

Sitting at the breakfast table in the upstairs living quarters of the White House, Melania tells Donald that she had a dream last night.  And in her dream, Trump had finally gotten his huge military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue that he has so long pined for. 

It was spectacular – celebrated by hundreds of thousands of cheering, flag-waving Americans lining both sides of the avenue and stretching as far as the eye could see.

“I bet I had a huge smile!” Trump exclaimed.

“I couldn’t tell,” Melania replied. “It was a closed casket.”

At the Barbara Bush Funeral:

(Editor’s Note: I’ve only seen this joke from several different sources this week, so I apologize if it’s an “Oldie-but-Goodie” for most of you.)

Mar 312019

Not quite a sabbatical, but between doctor appointments and one of my cousins being in town from Chicago for the Royals v White Sox games this opening weekend, I really didn’t have time to put one together.

But I think this will provide you with a few smiles, giggles and outright guffaws – at least it did for me.

So I hope you enjoy: “Cats vs The World”

Mar 242019

You would think that Kellyanne Conway has lost enough battles to have learned not to violate the “First Rule of Holes: If You’re In One, STOP DIGGING!”

But you would be wrong!

We’ve all recently learned how the children of at least 50 powerful people and celebrities, like Lori Laughlin and Felicity Huffman, participated in a fraud scandal by buying their kids’ way into elite colleges.

Well, Kellyanne unwisely decided to take a cheap shot at those liberal Hollywood celebrities.

Well, the Twittersphere would have none of it, and immediately took her to task:

I’ll start with the wisest piece of advice I came across:


But on the bright side:

You think Kellyanne will have learned her lesson?

Nah … not a chance in hell!







A Not So Fun Friday

 Posted by at 1:25 pm  Politics
Mar 152019


I found two sites that have transcripts of Waleed Aly’s commentary:

Australian Muslim TV host Waleed Aly presents striking response to Christchurch terrorist attacks

(Hope just URL links work – otherwise, Copy/Paste I guess)

For at least two reasons, it seems inappropriate to post a “Friday Fun” after the massacre of 49 of our brothers and sisters in New Zealand by a crazed white supremacist.

Many moving words will be spoken (but certainly not by Twitler, who is totally tone deaf and lacking in any empathy), but I found these by a Muslim to be worth sharing.  (And it’s one of those rare Tweets that comes w/ CC.)

And on a personal level, I finally got an appointment to deal with an abscess of the deepest fang-bite from the little critter.

Today is Day 27 of antibiotics, and I started last week asking to be seen by the Wound Clinic.  But all I got was an extension of my Augmentin.  So I tried again this week, but learned my PCP is out of town.

So I saw a Nurse Practitioner from the clinic this morning and she started draining the abscess, which she cultured.  (Draining an abscess is something I would not sign up for as a Camp Activity.)  And I had blood drawn and an X-ray of my hand.

Then she had her nurse give me a shot of Ceftriaxone … in my bottom.  (I asked her if she got Hazard Pay or a Bonus for that task.)  I don’t EVER remember getting an antibiotic shot my entire life.

And now I’m on Clindamycin.

But I got an appointment w/ the Wound Clinic this Monday.  So I’m hopeful things will start turning around.


Lona mentions in her Comment that the right-wing author of comment in the Tweet is Australia’s Senator Anning  – he got egged for his hate-mongering.  Not condoning it, but the egger got roughed up pretty bad by Anning’s goons.
