
Sunday Smile: Potpourri

 Posted by at 2:42 pm  Politics
Sep 222019

People have been amazed by the splicing skill in this mash-up Tweet apparently pitting Samuel L. Jackson from “Pulp Fiction” with Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing.  It’s gotten 80,000 Likes!

There’s no CC so I have no idea what it deals with.  I’d appreciate it if someone would provide just a thumbnail sketch of what it’s about.

Came across an interesting “Dear Abby” letter in today’s paper.  I can see why he’d be worried about sullying his reputation!

[ETA: Above inspired by similar one I saw at Democratic Underground]

And who knew Melania could be funny?  (Yeah, I’m reprising it – because it still makes me chuckle.)

Sitting at the breakfast table in the upstairs living quarters of the White House, Melania tells Donald that she had a dream about him last night.  And in her dream, Trump had finally gotten his huge military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue for which he has so long yearned.

She shares that it was spectacular: Military bands headed the procession that was celebrated by hundreds of thousands of cheering, flag-waving Americans lining both sides of the avenue and stretching as far as the eye could see. A crowd that was easily twice as large as Pres. Obama’s Inauguration.

“I bet I had a huge smile!” Trump exclaimed.

“I couldn’t tell,” Melania replied. “It was a closed casket.”


Sep 062019

Well, at least in Trump’s hand it is.

Here’s Trump’s original mistaken Tweet including Alabama in Hurricane Dorian’s path:

And in 20 minutes, the National Weather Service issues a Tweet correcting Trump – Alabama will NOT be hammered by Dorian

Here’s the official White House photo of Trump being briefed WRT Dorians path on August 29th:

But on Wednesday, unable to ever admit a mistake, Trump embellishes the map to include Alabama … by drawing it in with a Sharpie!

And thus “Sharpiegate” was born!

Well, of course, the Twitterverse was not going to miss this golden opportunity to mercilessly mock Trump’s mental illness. As you could imagine, a popular theme was getting his “Wall” finished …

And correcting the “fake news” error of not accurately reporting his HUGE Inauguration crowd size – his is much bigger than Obama’s …

And staying with the Inaugural theme, Trump released a photo showing how much Melania truthfully enjoyed it …

And to prove that he’s actually taller than Pres. Obama

When it comes to his mental prowess, the release of Trump’s brain scan should remove any doubts …

Buttressed by release of Trump’s official High School Report Card …

Still not convinced? Well, the list of the “13 Most Intelligent People In The History Of The World” should do the trick

And you know how all those Libtards are forever whining about the amount of time Trump golfs – but just look what it’s done for his physique!

And he’s really improved his game …

But his sports prowess isn’t limited to just golf – take a look at all the bullseyes he got:

Being the great family man, you can see how he enjoys taking Barron and the grandkids with him on his golf outings …

In fact he’s such a family man he deserves being named of the “Father of the Year”. Why, just look at this recent family portrait:

And about all those rumors of him being best buds with Jeffrey Epstein and sharing common … hmmm … interests and pursuits? Well, they are just that – RUMORS. He never met him!

In fact, Trump being a man of impeccable moral rectitude, a genius and the best president America has ever had (just ask him), he’s already planning on having his bust added to Mount Rushmore:

In closing, while we’ve all enjoyed yet another humorous display of his mental illness (you just gotta laugh if you want to stay sane) …

We would be derelict to not inform Trump that it’s ILLEGAL to knowingly issue a counterfeit weather report or warning

But I think the best use of a Sharpie is to spread this message far and wide:


Sep 012019

This will be very short: To start the week off with a positive outlook, here’s a Mommy sea otter cuddling her one-day old pup (or can also be called a kitten).

I actually first saw it in a Twitter post – and I think it’s actually cuter.  It’s just hard to overdose on SKEE!



After sharing w/ the nurse that when I changed the dressing on Thursday evening the wound looked WORSE from the day before (RHST), the Wound Care Clinic nurse, upon removing the dressings, agreed: “This is NOT a happy wound.”

She called the surgeon – but only left a voicemail.

So she called the ER and their Charge Nurse had me come down.

The ER doc agreed this was the WRONG way to progress on the wound, and ordered a CBC, Lactate (evaluates for sepsis) and a deep vein Ultrasound to be sure I had no thrombosis (blood clot).

Fortunately, everything came back normal. So I went back to the Wound Care Clinic for the wound packing and dressing.

Fortunately, I told the nurse that after they changed from Hydrofera Blue to Iodosorb last Wednesday, on leaving & on the way to the parking lot the wound started to burn like pouring rubbing alcohol on an open wound.

That burning lasted through Friday, and by Saturday it quit (or I was acclimated to it).

I shared this w/ the nurse before she put the Iodosorb packing backing into the wound. So she called the Wound Care Nurse Practitioner.

They switched back to the Hydrofera Blue packing (but this nurse packed a LOT more of it in the wound than previously … and w/ NO lidocaine gel).

Saturday not only did I feel much better, but on the dressing change that evening it looked much better.

That improvement pattern continued today (Sunday), so I’m hopeful that it was just a reaction to the caustic iodine in the Iodosorb.

I have a recheck on Wednesday, and I’m supposed to change the Hydrofera Blue packing w/ tomorrow’s dressing change.

That will NOT be the highlight of my day!


Aug 232019

Remember seven years ago when a well-meaning elderly parishioner was given the task of “repairing” the “Ecce Homo” (Behold the Man) fresco painting in Borja, Spain – and it was so terrible it became a Meme?

Well, an Obama-hating, Trump-loving, right-wing “artist” (Jon McNaughton) has unwittingly provided the Twitter World with another chance of restoring his painting of Trump, modestly called “The Masterpiece”, to a similar new level of mirth as the fresco restoration.

McNaughton’s paintings have reflected his right-wing proclivities for years.  So when Trump was elected he practically probably had an orgasm.  He decided to do a portrait of Trump as an artist seated at an easel in what appears to be Wells Cathedral in England (no one knows why), teasingly revealing just a corner of his “masterpiece” because he’s not yet finished… (Editor’s Insertion: screwing America and the world).

This is the original Tweet by McNaughton announcing the painting:

While many think the reveal looks like the corner of Monet’s “Water Lilies” – the Twitterverse disagreed. And many took it upon themselves to fill-in the revealed corner of the canvas … with delightful results.

One aspect of the painting is plainly obvious: McNaughton has really done some major cosmetic work making Trump a LOT thinner. AND he appears to have greatly embellished his … endowment.

I’ll leave it to you to decide what … hmmm … errr … appendage is poking through the painter’s palette.

Some common themes emerged in the course of this meme. There was the linkage to White Nationalists …

And of course to dictators …

So you KNEW Hitler would also be showing up …

And sure enough, a food-theme started appearing

The one we’d all like to have revealed is this:

But my favorite Tweet was from the cheeky progressive, Tony Pasnanski, who starts out praising the rabid right-wing painter – before sticking the shiv in and twisting it. (If you scroll down, people are willing to pay for his work – well, at least the postage.)


~  ~  ~

In Memoriam

In noting the passing of David Koch today, I thought I would take a cue from how he treated his fellow mankind. With that in mind, feel free to join in singing one of my favorite hymns to the Kochs.



Aug 162019

There’ll be no “Fun” posted this week as I’m having Out-Patient Surgery this morning for a leg abscess.

On Saturday, July 27th I leaned over while in my desk chair to get something that was clearly out of my reach because the chair tipped over and I landed on the handle of an antique iron.

Before electricity, they used solid iron irons that you had to heat on the stove – and those suckers are heavy.

I developed a giant goose-egg hematoma that became Red, Hot, Swollen & Tender (RHST), so I went to my PCP’s Walk-In clinic on Friday, August 2nd. The Nurse Practitioner put me on Keflex, but since I didn’t see much progress, I went to the Wound Care Clinic this Wednesday.

The Nurse Practitioner (who I saw for my 36 days of antibiotics for my cat-bite cellulitis – and is excellent) confirmed my concern: abscess.

But I was shocked that the Wound Care Clinic does not drain abscesses.

So I had an Ultra-Sound done yesterday to be sure it’s walled off (it is), and will see the general surgeon this morning for a probable Incision & Drainage (I & D).

But I’ll share a cute cat Tweet:
