Well, at least in Trump’s hand it is.

Here’s Trump’s original mistaken Tweet including Alabama in Hurricane Dorian’s path:
And in 20 minutes, the National Weather Service issues a Tweet correcting Trump – Alabama will NOT be hammered by Dorian
Here’s the official White House photo of Trump being briefed WRT Dorians path on August 29th:

But on Wednesday, unable to ever admit a mistake, Trump embellishes the map to include Alabama … by drawing it in with a Sharpie!

And thus “Sharpiegate” was born!
Well, of course, the Twitterverse was not going to miss this golden opportunity to mercilessly mock Trump’s mental illness. As you could imagine, a popular theme was getting his “Wall” finished …

And correcting the “fake news” error of not accurately reporting his HUGE Inauguration crowd size – his is much bigger than Obama’s …

And staying with the Inaugural theme, Trump released a photo showing how much Melania truthfully enjoyed it …

And to prove that he’s actually taller than Pres. Obama

When it comes to his mental prowess, the release of Trump’s brain scan should remove any doubts …

Buttressed by release of Trump’s official High School Report Card …

Still not convinced? Well, the list of the “13 Most Intelligent People In The History Of The World” should do the trick

And you know how all those Libtards are forever whining about the amount of time Trump golfs – but just look what it’s done for his physique!

And he’s really improved his game …

But his sports prowess isn’t limited to just golf – take a look at all the bullseyes he got:

Being the great family man, you can see how he enjoys taking Barron and the grandkids with him on his golf outings …

In fact he’s such a family man he deserves being named of the “Father of the Year”. Why, just look at this recent family portrait:

And about all those rumors of him being best buds with Jeffrey Epstein and sharing common … hmmm … interests and pursuits? Well, they are just that – RUMORS. He never met him!

In fact, Trump being a man of impeccable moral rectitude, a genius and the best president America has ever had (just ask him), he’s already planning on having his bust added to Mount Rushmore:

In closing, while we’ve all enjoyed yet another humorous display of his mental illness (you just gotta laugh if you want to stay sane) …

We would be derelict to not inform Trump that it’s ILLEGAL to knowingly issue a counterfeit weather report or warning

But I think the best use of a Sharpie is to spread this message far and wide: