
Dec 182020

Only 15 Presidents have failed to get re-elected

Only 5 Presidents have failed to win the popular vote

Only 4 Presidents have been impeached or resigned

Only 1 President has done ALL THREE!!

So Donald Trump is the FIRST and ONLY  U.S. president elected while losing the popular vote (TWICE), impeached, and then fail to be reelected as an incumbent.


Fifteen American presidents sought reelection as the incumbent, but failed:

John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Martin van Buren, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, William Howard Taft, Herbert Hoover, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush and DONALD J. TRUMP.


Five presidents were elected while losing the popular vote:

John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, George W. Bush and DONALD J. TRUMP TWICE!


Three sitting presidents have been impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives.  And one resigned just prior to being impeached.

Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, Richard M. Nixon and DONALD J. TRUMP.



Failed to be reelected as incumbent? Elected while losing popular vote?

Impeached by House of Representatives?

John Adams

John Quincy Adams

Martin van Buren

Millard Fillmore

Franklin Pierce

Andrew Johnson

Rutherford B. Hayes

Chester A. Arthur

Grover Cleveland

Benjamin Harrison

William Howard Taft

Herbert Hoover

Gerald Ford

Jimmy Carter

George H.W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Donald J. Trump

In an effort to redeem himself, Donnie tries to read a Christmas story to kids – but even fails at that!


(Apologies to JD if she’s posted this before.  I don’t remember it, and I couldn’t find it on a cursory search.)

And if you’re looking for the perfect Christmas ornament to represent what a god-awful $hitty year 2020 has been, here it is:

Wishing everyone HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


Dec 122020

I’ve had a few questions buzzing in my head, and I’d genuinely appreciate your thoughts and feedback.

[1] Do You Think Trump Will Resign So Pence Can Pardon Him?  And Why Did You Say Yes Or No?

I can see strong arguments for both.  On one hand he knows he’s going to face major legal jeopardy at the state level, so he might take the sure way of resigning and then have Pence pardon him.  He certainly realizes that a self-pardon is fraught with legal problems, and he might want to be certain he’s fully pardoned at the Federal level.

On the other hand, I’m not sure his megalomaniac ego would permit him to resign.

[2] Do You Think Trump Will Actually Run Again In 2024?

He hates going out as a LOSER – so he might try.

On the other hand, he might lose … AGAIN!  Plus he might just as soon take the four years grifting funds from gullible Trumpkins, and then use it to shore up his failing business interests.

[3] Do You Think Trump Will Show Up At The Inauguration?  And If He Did, Would That Be A Good Or Bad Thing?

I honestly don’t think his ego could endure being at any event that he’s not the center of attention.

I personally hope he goes to Mar-a-Lago for Christmas – and stay there … forever.  (Well, he can go to New York for his trials.)

I’d really hate to see him leave the White House in Marine One on Inauguration day, and then announce his 2024 run on Air Force One on his flight to Florida during the actual Inauguration.

I’d truly appreciate your input on all three – or pick the one that hits you most.

Dec 052020

This past Wednesday Trump posted a 46-minute rambling, incoherent, diatribe video on Facebook filled with his baseless lies and whining about the 2020 election making him a LOSER!  If you didn’t think Donnie could kick his attack on our democracy up a notch, this video will prove you wrong.


[NOTE: I would NOT advise viewing this – posted only for completeness sake.  Although the comments of the Trumpkin Kool-Aid slurpers are amazing – and frightening!]

The media has FINALLY come around to recognizing that Donnie is not well mentally, as reflected in their headlines covering the video:

An Andrew Solender apparently watched at least a good deal of it (bless him) and realized it was BEGGING true American Patriots to respond to his “Powerful New Meme Format” using a chart Donnie held up:

Assisting to facilitate that suggestion, Kevin Hubbard created a blank template of the chart Donnie was holding and invited folks to have at it …

And America responded!  They blasted Donnie from all sides, so I decided I’d share some with you.  While I didn’t find one that was really funny, they all were based on the truth (something foreign to Donnie and his Trumpkins) – and they made me feel better viewing them.

Some “Themes of Memes” seemed to develop – so that’s how I’ll share them.

I was surprised there weren’t more dealing with Rudy Colludy – but there were a few …

And there were only a couple dealing with Biden winning the election …

Folks enjoyed pointing out that Trump is a LOSER …

And an A$$HOLE …

Trump’s incestuous lust for Ivanka didn’t go unnoticed …

Nor the fact that the Con Man will continue his endless grifting …

Some didn’t seem to fit in any category …

But far and away the most popular theme was scatological …

Feel free to scroll through Solender’s tweet to view all of them (WARNING: some are clearly NSFW)



Fun with Math:  If you add the age you will be this year AFTER your birthday to the year you were born, you’ll get 2020.


Dec 042020

Had a couple of F/U (medical Follow/Up – NOT the other f/u) appointments – 1 of which I forgot.  Plus a haircut appointment that was long overdue (and might not be available in a couple of weeks).

So those are my “The Dog Ate My Homework” excuses for being late & postponing to Saturday.

I’ve come across a few “Once Every 1,000 Years Claim” for a fun math phenomenon – but it actually happens EVERY year:

Use the age you will be AFTER your birthday this year,  ADD the year you were born.  It will equal 2020.

Nov 282020

Well, that was a Thanksgiving we’ll be taking about in years to come – for many reasons.  But my favorite part was the genius Resister in the White House who moved Donnie to the children’s table for his Turkey Day presser.

My guess is it’s the same person who moved Giuliani’s presser to the rear of a rundown landscaping center next to a porn store.  S/he might have taken inspiration from the cold open SNL skit where Steve Bannon as the Grim Reaper makes Donnie move to his tiny desk to play with a toy …

Or maybe it was Buddy from the movie Elf.

Either way, it did NOT go well for Donnie, who had a meltdown and raged at Reuters reporter Jeff Mason who pressed him to answer whether he would concede.

“Don’t talk to me that way,” Trump snapped. “You’re just a lightweight. Don’t talk to me that way.  I’m the president of the United States. Don’t ever talk to the president that way.”

Trump’s embarrassing toddler behavior led the Twitterverse to tag him as #DiaperDon which trended at the top spot.

Always needing to get the last word in, Trump then lashed out at his new sobriquet:

So the Twitterverse responded by adding the tag #TinyTable mocking his Hasbro’s “Big Boy’s First Desk” – like an adult forced to sit at the kids’ table for Thanksgiving.  And it made it to the #5 spot.

So let’s enjoy a few …

And if you’re unfortunate enough to have a Trumpkin relative for whom you just HAVE to get a Christmas gift, here’s a suggestion:

My personal advice to Donnie is …


Nov 262020

At least for some:

[OOPS!  I forgot.  Here’s a link to the cute Turkey Day cartoon:]


And while Macy’s annual Thanksgiving Day Parade has been scaled back because of COVID, they did add one new balloon thanks to Sacha Borat and Rudy Giuliani:

Happy Thanksgiving!
