From my perspective, it seems that the rights of the few (NRA etc) out weigh the rights of the many, the people of the US. There are too many shootings, and for what?
There have been only 274 days this year. The shootings are captured in this calendar, drawn from the the Mass Shooting Tracker. The tracker draws some criticism because its definition is broader than the FBI's definition, which requires three or more people to be killed by gunfire. But the broader definition is nonetheless a useful one, because it captures many high-profile instances of violence — like the Lafayette theater shootings — that don't meet the FBI's criteria.
… And of course, there's the broader universe of nearly 10,000 people killed and 20,000 wounded in nearly 40,000 gun violence incidents so far this year.
Read more at the Washington Post
When it comes to gun massacres, the United States is tragically exceptional: There are more public mass shootings in the United States than in any other country in the world, according to a new study. …
The 90 U.S. mass shootings are nearly a third of the 292 such attacks globally for that period. While the U.S. has 5% of the world's population, it had 31% of all public mass shootings. …
What's behind all these mass slayings in the United States?
- The copycat phenomenon …
- Is desire for fame a factor? …
Read more at CNN
And that brings me to the latest tragedy at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg,Oregon this morning.
At the last update this evening, there are 10 dead and 7 wounded. Little is known about the shooter but more will unfold in the coming days.
It’s hard to know what’s sicker. The latest rampage and mass murder of innocents by a gun-wielding killer, or the knee-jerk reactions by Republican presidential candidates tweeting their sympathies after spending their political lives opposing gun control? …
Ex-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who supports vigilante “Stand Your Ground” laws and carrying concealed weapons, tweeted, “Praying for Umpqua Community College, the victims, and families impacted by this senseless tragedy.” …
Read more comments from Republican presidential candidates in Alternet.
And these tweets from politicians who would rather tweet platitudes than address the issues by tightening gun regulations.
Speaker John Boehner ✔@SpeakerBoehner
Prayers for the victims, families, students, & faculty at Umpqua Community College, & the community of Roseburg, Oregon.
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and all those affected by this terrible tragedy at Umpqua Community College in Oregon.
This is on us. Silence from Congress has become quiet endorsement of those whose minds unhinge and veer toward mass violence.
Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat from Conneticut has the correct idea. Read further comments at The Huffington Post
Listen to part of Mr Obama's speech at The Huffington Post where he says:
"We are collectively answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction,"
Please keep the victims and their families, and the people of Roseburg, Oregon in your thoughts and/or prayers. There is an online book of condolences where you can leave words of sympathy and support.