Lynn Squance

Oct 182015

Well, it is Saturday night and all through the house not a creature is stirring, not even the cats!  That sounds like a somewhat familiar strain! Oh, I know . . . I did a bit of Christmas shopping today and it is rubbing off in my prose.  I hope you are having a great weekend.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 2:53 (average 4:56). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes 

Huffington Post — For the past four years, Texas oil billionaire and corporate raider T. Boone Pickens has been suing the Liberal government in Ontario under NAFTA, arguing he has been the victim of "unfair" backroom deals involving the province’s green energy program.

A NAFTA tribunal is expected to rule on Pickens’ $700-million lawsuit this month,The New York Times reported Friday, describing the dispute as the 87-year-old tycoon’s “last big battle.” [emphasis mine]

There is another law suit by Lone Pine Resources, a Calgary company with corporate registration in Delaware, over the Québec government's moratorium on fracking within its jurisdiction.  Lone Pine wants to frack under the St Lawrence River and is suing Canada for $250 million under NAFTA.  Now Pickens!  As the article states, 70% of the law suits under NAFTA are against Canada.  And of course, now countries are looking to approve the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is pretty much NAFTA on steroids.  Anybody else see a problem with this.  It feels like good bye to national sovreignty over resources.

Think Progress — Two Wisconsin state lawmakers, Rep. Jesse Kremer (R) and Sen. Stephen Nass (R), have introduced legislation that would prohibit schools from accommodating transgender students who wish to use restroom and changing room facilities that match their gender. It would also empower anyone who notices a school respecting a transgender student as such to file a complaint and win damages against that school.

Read the article to get the full flavour of this Republican bigotry.

Raw Story — After interviewing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Friday, Real Time host Bill Maher explained how Republicans misunderstand Sanders almost totally.

“He’s the one who makes their heads explode when he talks,” Maher said …

Think Progress — On Thursday morning, Republican presidential candidate and Ohio Governor John Kasich will release a tax and spending plan that would give big boosts to the rich and the wealthy with severe cuts for everyone else.  

He would lower the top income tax rate paid by the richest from its current level of 39.6 percent to 28 percent, reducing it by nearly a third. While the campaign hasn’t released full details, nor has an analysis been done on his plan, a proposal from fellow Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush that would lower the top rate to the same level found that it would increase the incomes of the 1 percent by more than 11 percent.

And Rachel Maddow thought Kasich might be a Republican she could tolerate if she had to?  Following Kasich down into his rabbit hole might call into question anybody's sanity!  Could Kasich be anymore Republican?

My Universe — h/t Carol B & Ted W (Care2)

So much for the GREAT ESCAPE!!!!!

Oct 172015

It has been another long day.  Besides waking up at 4 am and being unable to sleep again until about 6:30, I had physio, then taught my ESL student and finally I was home about 5 pm.  My student's 4 year old daughter sees me as grandma and came to me crying after a tiff with her 8 year old sister. She usually comes to me in such situations just to be cuddled.  When I was much younger, I did not want to have children.  I can't change my decision, nor do I wish to, but sometimes I wonder if child rearing should be left to older people who have developed patience and wisdom.  Don't get me wrong, her mum is a wonderful mum to all her kids but it is tough when there are 6.  There is something to be said for a closeknit, multi generational family.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 2:45 (average 5:13). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes

Well. this is what I think​ h/t Joanne D

This is common sense, but it isn't as common as one might hope.

Politicususa — Jeb Bush is probably well aware that there is little direct political cost to ignoring American Indian concerns. Few Native Americans vote Republican, and if Bush can get some mileage out of mocking indigenous people to shore up his support from White racists, so be it.

Ah, the Republican bigotry raises its ugly head once again!

Mother Jones — The US government kills a lot of people who aren't military targets.  War is an inherently deadly exercise, but the whole point of using armed drones, theoretically, is to minimize US military deaths and offer a more precise way to attack targets so that innocent people don't get killed. And while it's been known for some time that many innocent people die in US drone strikes, much of the information came from independent sources. The Intercept's package adds internal US military data to the conversation, putting into stark reality just how bad the accidental killing problem has been: Between January 2012 and February 2013, US drone strikes in northeastern Afghanistan killed more than 200 people, only 35 of whom were the intended targets. 

It seems that human beings are overly occupied with killing each other, and drones are another way to try to "sanitise" killing. The saying "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes.", generally attributed to General Prescott at the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 because his troops were low on ammunition, is a perfect example of NOT sanitising the war In other words, don't waste your shot; make it count even though you could get hurt.  You can read the entire Drone Papers through The Intercept but it is long.

My Universe


Friday night without a date can be depressing!

Oct 162015

It's been a slow day part of which was spent at the dentist.  Do you remember the Crest Toothpaste commercials where the kid runs into the house waiving what looks like a school report card and announces "Look mom, no cavities!"?  Well that was me today.  Actually, I haven't had any cavities in years.  But I do get headaches from having my neck craned in awkward positions so the hygenist can do her work.  I should have spent more time with the blog but instead, I spent time with my kids just relaxing. Tomorrow is a busy day with physio and then teaching.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:09 (average 4:24). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes

Mother Jones — The charges in the case stem from a scheme by Paul's 2012 campaign to pay then-Iowa state Sen. Kent Sorenson more than $70,000 to endorse Paul in the days before the Iowa caucuses in late 2011. Four of the charges against Benton were dropped when a judge ruled that prosecutors had improperly handled the indictments. Benton still faces a count of making false statements to prosecutors after he denied any knowledge of the alleged plan when they asked him about it last summer. Kesari faces six charges, including federal conspiracy and campaign finance charges. Prosecutors also say Kesari attempted to convince Sorenson to not tell investigators everything he knew.

Do you suppose that this trial, which does not directly affect Rand Paul at this point, could be why he said "I would throw everybody out, myself included" in a piece that was reported yesterday in Raw Story by Rachel Maddow?

Daily Kos — I don't think she can straighten out her act, she's been an embarrassment to the entire party for quite some time. It is definitely time for her to step down.  "The person who is supposed to be leading us is not leading us.”  R.T. Rybak, DNC Vice Chair.

For the last while, I have seen reports of rumblings within the Democratic National Committee, and almost all of those rumblings involved Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the U.S. Representative for Florida's 23rd congressional district and the chair of the DNC.  Are the rumblings "sour grapes" or is this an issue of a Democratic clown run amok?  Whichever, the rumblings must be dealt with before the Republicans use them to derail the Democrats as they move towards the 2016 election.

Alternet — Over the last few years, Urban Outfitters has become known for three things (outside of carrying overpriced clothes that fall apart the first time you wash them): 1) Offending every possible marginalized group under the sun with apparel that features really tasteless messages; 2) allegedly stealing designs from up-and-coming artists and selling them as their own; and 3) having a president and CEO, Richard Hayne, who has given money to anti-gay marriage crusader Rick Santorum and other Republican politicians. Now the company is making news for its boldest action yet: asking employees to work for free!

How to look like you care when you don't.  My guess is that it was suggested salaried employees get behind the company's plans to help out at the fulfillment centre on a weekend to build camaraderie and keep the orders flowing.  Oh, did the company mention that this was on their own time?  Having been in a very similar situation myself, it was made abundantly clear that not participating would be reflected on my performance review.  How Republican: more profits for less overhead.

Huffington Post —  Ken Taylor, whose role in the 1979 "Canadian Caper" made him a hero on both sides of the border for helping shelter six U.S. citizens at the height of the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis, has died. He was 81.


"There were folks who didn't want to stick their necks out and the Canadians did,'' [Ben] Affleck told a Toronto International Film Festival press conference.

"They said, 'We'll risk ourselves, our diplomatic standing, our lives to harbour these six Americans that we owe nothing to and just because it's the moral, right thing to do.'''

I bring this to you because this is part of our shared history, Canada and the US.  But for me, Ken Taylor represents an attitude that was previously prevalent in Canada, part of our national identity, that seems to have gone missing, especially under Harper.  I want my Canada back!  Thank you Ken Taylor, rest in peace.

My Universe — 


Me an' my friends are gettin' ready for Hallowe'en!


Bring In The Clowns

 Posted by at 1:02 pm  Politics
Oct 152015

Filling Boehner's shoes, or rather his shot glass, is going to be difficult because of the Gang of 40 hanging around the Republican Conference.


Republicans are desperate for a leader in the House and until Paul Ryan sacrifices his personal political ambitions for the good of an ungrateful party, they’ve desperately proposed some rather outrageous alternatives to lead their fractured caucus into an election year.

Here are five of the most ridiculous candidates to replace an outgoing John Boehner as speaker of the House floated by some Republicans:

Dick Cheney

Courtesy of Arkansas freshman Republican Senator Tom Cotton, comes the suggestion of Dick Cheney as the gavel-wielding leader of an unruly GOP House conference.

Calling him “a man of the House,” Cotton told Politico that at “these are trying times for our nation. It’s important to have a steady hand on the helm during times like this.”

I think experience really counts in a matter like this,” Cotton continued. I think House leadership experience really matters. And as you know the speaker doesn’t have to be a member of the House: So therefore, Vice President Cheney for speaker.”

A U.S. News and World Report op-ed argued, “no more Mr. Nice Guy for speaker of the House. It’s time to bring back Dick Cheney.”

“Instead of another man with a big, mushy heart, how about a man whose critics wonder whether he has a heart at all,” the author argued in favor of Cheney for speaker. “Someone who commands respect and fear, is brilliant and decisive, who has literally lived without a pulse and now makes due with a donated heart.”

“Let Lord Vader’s dark force make a dent in Washington’s leadership black hole,” she concluded.

This is just the first of the five outrageous clowns!  Read the list of clowns being floated for the Speaker's chair in Alternet !  Republicans never cease to amaze me.  Why would they consider, even in jest, a war criminal, albeit, yet to be convicted war criminal?

Oct 152015

Well, here I am and very, very late.  I took advantage of Lona's proferred cat nap from yesterday and ended up sleeping through until now, 12:30 pm on Thursday.  Not good as I have a dentist appointment at 2 pm. Fortunately it is close by.  My furbabes didn't even wake me up!  Have a great day everyone!

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:08 (average 5:04). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Fantasy Football

Rank Team W-L-T Pct Stk Waiver For Against

Monster MashersMonster Mashers

4-1-0 .800 W3 7 451.84 354.16


4-1-0 .800 L1 6 515.18 405.54

BALCO BombersBALCO Bombers

3-2-0 .600 W3 10 402.60 369.96

Progressive UnderdogsProgressive Underdogs

3-2-0 .600 L1 9 473.58 415.78

Size 9 StompersSize 9 Stompers

3-2-0 .600 W1 5 432.20 381.58

TomCat Teabag TrashersTomCat Teabag Trashers

2-3-0 .400 L2 4 437.96 481.86

Playing without a helmetPlaying without a helmet

2-3-0 .400 W1 3 444.44 572.70

Lefty HillbilliesLefty Hillbillies

2-3-0 .400 L1 8 415.96 399.72

Purple DemonPurple Demon

1-4-0 .200 W1 2 418.24 483.46


1-4-0 .200 L4 1 373.80 501.04

* Rank change shown is from week 4 – 5

Short Takes

Huffington Post — Conservative Party advertising targeted at Chinese and Punjabi-speaking voters in Vancouver and Toronto is raising concerns in the Liberal Party.

The advertisement characterises Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau as supporting the sale of marijuana to children, and the establishment of safe-injection sites and neighbourhood brothels.

Embedded image permalink

"It's absolutely not true," said Harjit Sajjan, the Liberal candidate for Vancouver South. 

This kind of fear based campaigning is much like the fear based rhetoric that is the hallmark of Conservatives and Harper.  Why is it that conservatives, no matter Canada or the US, feel the need to be so fear based when addressing constituents? Read on to see other instances of Harper's fear tactics.  The election is Monday 19/10/2015.

Raw Story — MSNBC host Rachel Maddow went from being bemused on Wednesday over Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) broadcasting himself on the campaign trail to suggesting some sympathy for him.

Unfortunately, I can't embed the video for you so you'll have to watch it at Raw Story.  The phrase "war weary" comes to mind.  There is no doubt in my mind that political campaigning is very tiring . . . being on top of the game while in public, the travel, often being away from home.  But the minute a candidate shows too much weariness, electors are going to start to wonder about their fitness for the job.  I think that is what is happening to Paul.  That and the circus that is the GOP right now.

The New Yorker — In a major slip that may prove fatal to his Presidential ambitions, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont treated his principal opponent for the Democratic nomination with dignity and respect on Tuesday night.

Me thinks that Andy is back to truth in reporting!  What a novel idea!

My Universe — 

Oct 142015

Today has been a long day.  I was tired so slept in longer than normal.  I had physiotherapy for 2 hours and then I had to drive through rush hour traffic to get to a meeting of the Family Council of the care centre where my mother resides.  Since I was chairing the meeting, I could not duck out in favour of sleep.  I didn't get home until almost 10 pm and had to have some supper and feed the babes.  Today's 'My Universe' is so me!  As a result, this is today's only article.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 2:58 (average 4:50). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes

Huffington Post — There's no way a candidate can beat Stephen Harper in his own riding — or can he?

NDP candidate Matt Masters Burgener poses that question in what's already being called the "smartest ad" of this election campaign.

As some may know, Canada is in the midst of a federal election.  Election Day is Monday 19/10/2015, and 4 days of early voting ended last night. There were more than 3.6 million early voters, of which I was one.  That is a 71% increase over early voting in the 2011 election.  For many Canadians, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has to go to the political unemployment line along with his "Harlots" (caucus), which may account for the high voter turnout in the advanced polls.  The video above is one of the ads that his constituency New Democratic Party (NDP) rival has produced.  Watch the video very carefully, all the way through.  It is very clever.  A link to another ad is in the Huffington Post article.

Huffington Post — Despite global wealth decreasing by $12.4 trillion over the past year, mainly due to currency fluctuations, the global distribution of wealth has become even more unequal.

Today the top one per cent "account for half of all assets in the world," according to Credit Suisse's 2015 Global Wealth Report.

global wealth report 2015

Check out the rest of the data at Huffington Post.  The rich get richer, and the poor . . . well they get poorer and seem to sink into insignificance as far as the wealthy are concerned.  There will be a revolution . . . 

Think Progress — From the heavily-edited videos that made Planned Parenthood staff look like insensitive fetal tissue profiteers to presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s erroneous ad campaign, the past months have unveiled the general misinformation and coercion behind many anti-abortion groups. Now, one state has taken the leap to combat these types of harmful anti-abortion propaganda at the source: inside anti-abortion organizations disguised as health clinics. But not without a fight.            

On Friday, California became the first state to pass a law regulating the nearly 170 anti-abortion clinics in the state. Barely 48 hours later, two clinics had already sued California Attorney General Kamala Harris, deeming the new law unconstitutional.

California leads the way in providing protections to women from the predatory practices of the Crisis Pregnancy Centres.  It seems these centres feel it is their first amendment right to free speech that is being denied.  They think they should have the right to lie, misinform and deceive women.  California, thanks for doing right!  If this one small step is bugging the right, look out when it comes to bigger issues.  Read the rest of the article at Think Progress.

Alternet — Giant Wall Street banks continue to threaten the wellbeing of millions of Americans, but what to do?

Bernie Sanders says break them up and resurrect the Glass-Steagall Act that once separated investment from commercial banking.

Hillary Clinton says charge them a bit more and oversee them more carefully.

Most Republicans say don’t worry.

In my opinion, Bernie is right . . . Glass-Steagall must be reintroduced for the protection of consumers.  The big banks are addicted to making big money by risking large sums.  But did consumers sign on to have their savings used in such away?  Did those consumers who are highly risk adverse have any say?  Under Hillary's plan, yes the banks would pay higher fees, but those fees would be a business expense and therefore deductible from income before taxes.  And the risky behaviour is still present.  Have a look at the entire article at Alternet.

My Universe — h/t Christeen A (Care2) — This is so me today! . . . or perhaps Exhaustipated!


Guns In America

 Posted by at 6:41 am  Politics
Oct 132015

On 02/10/2015, I did a piece called Under the Gun in which I didn't even scratch the surface of mass shootings, in the wake of the Umpqua Community College shooting.  I also looked at some of the reactions of Congress members. The reaction that resonated with me the most was the following noted in the Huffington Post :

Chris Murphy ✔@ChrisMurphyCT

This is on us. Silence from Congress has become quiet endorsement of those whose minds unhinge and veer toward mass violence.

12:49 PM – 1 Oct 2015

From Mother Jones

Without doubt, the gun rights lobby is a formidable force. It is backed by a truly grassroots network of committed and well-organized supporters who are willing to make calls to legislators and turn out in even low-turnout elections to back pro-gun candidates. This "intensity gap" bedevils gun control groups, which, however well some of their proposals poll, have trouble getting voters to agitate and to prioritize the gun issue the way gun rights defenders do.

Mr Obama recently said in response to the Umpqua tragedy that it is up to each individual to ensure their vote reflects their views on the seemingly continuous carnage of the deaths of innocent people, no matter the political stripe.

So what is the problem?  Are the tragedies of mass shootings too removed from reality for most . . . the 'I don't know anybody there' response?  Will it take many more deaths of innocent people including young children before the gun control groups muster their voices to "out yell" the NRA? Is paranoia rampant in American society?  Some respond that this is just how it is.  Its part of American culture.

On the same day as the Umpqua Community College shooting, there was another shooting in Inglis, Florida.  Four people were killed.  Read how townsfolk reacted . . . they went for their guns.

Alternet — It’s not hard to get your hands on illegal guns and rifles in America. It took me about two hours. I called a guy from the old neighborhood in LA, said something about a “piece”, and, hours later, I was staring at an AK-47 and an illegally modified AR-15, which were sitting on a kitchen table. Welcome to America.

Two hours later, two hours, the author is looking at assault rifles, military grade assault rifles.  Why are these weapons so easy to come by?  Why do some people feel the need for them?  In my mind, it is one thing to have a hand gun,quite another to have an assault rifle.

And the candidates for the Republican nomination for POTUS aren't shying away from the fray.

This report from Alternet shows Ben Carson's thoughts on the issue.

In the same interview, he suggested the president can just skip visiting the family members of the victims, because there’s always “the next one”.

He’s not wrong that it’s a regular event, but his wording certainly suggested that he doesn’t really think of it as a big deal. His next appearance on Fox, on Tuesday night, confirmed this impression. ““I never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away,” …

I have not once heard any mention of taking away the right to own a gun, despite what Republicans and many of their fevered base proclaim.  What I have heard is talk from people who would like to see assault weapons and high capacity ammunition cartridges banned.  I have heard of having common sense gun control laws that protect the public and the gun enthusiast.  Read the rest of the article to see the comments from many of the other candidates. 

I think there should be gun control laws that provide for the following:

  • closing of the gun show loop hole;
  • rigorous background checks for all prospective purchasers;
  • mandatory training for all purchasers with some exemptions for military and police officers;
  • a license similar to a drivers' license which has a five year renewal clause; 
  • mandatory liability insurance much like car insurance; and
  • strict guidelines on storage of the gun so unauthorised people (children) cannot access them.

This won't solve the issue of gun deaths, but it would reduce them.





Oct 132015

Well today was turkey day!  I say "was" because I have already consumed a wonderfully moist turkey dinner with all the trimmings and a piece of pumpkin pie.  I am satiated!  I can still smell that turkey! So now to finish up with that smell firmly planted in my mind. 

Puzzle — Today’s took me 4:40 (average 5:51). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes

Upworthy — Kids try to tell us things all the time that they don't know how to describe.

They don't have the words to say it. Or they're embarrassed, or terrified, like the child in this video. (And while the stat at the end of the video is specifically about India, I've included a look at other countries and here at home below.)

It pays to be very aware of what is going on with kids.  Listen to what theysay, and don't say.

Alternet — Why is Ryan likely to take the bait and become the next speaker? As he wrote in 2012, grousing about compromise after compromise that he had to vote for, “Taken together, these experiences taught me valuable lessons about how the House and Senate operate, and I came away with an even deeper appreciation for the role of congressional leadership. Who holds the top post really matters because the decisions they make at the outset determine the votes that ever member has to take and how much good we can achieve for the country and our fellow citizens.”

What follows are six examples of the “good we can achieve” if Ryan becomes speaker.

Read the entire Alternet article to get a flavour of Ryan's “good we can achieve”.  I don't think that there will much of any good coming out Washington with a severely conservative Congress. November 2015 is the time to make some changes at the state and local levels.  2016 is the time to make big changes in the Congress for a more balanced Congress, a progressive Congress. 

Huffington Post — Iran's parliament passed a bill on Tuesday supporting a nuclear deal with world powers, signaling a victory for the government over conservative opponents of the agreement and clearing the way for it to be implemented.

Athena Image

Many lawmakers strongly opposed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that President Hassan Rouhani's government reached with world powers on July 14, and Tuesday's vote removes an obstacle to putting the agreement into practice.

The article goes on to state that if sanctions are not removed as per the agreement, Iran will resume its nuclear activities.  With saber rattling by Sunni Saudi Arabia towards Shite Iran and Russia, there is more chance of a bigger war in the Middle East.  All parties must stick to the deal.  Spend some time reading The Historic Deal that Will Prevent Iran from Acquiring a Nuclear Weapon .

My Universe — 

