Lynn Squance

Dec 072015

I am exceptionally late today as I didn't get home until 8:30 pm.  My student's eldest son has significant problems, not the least of which I believe is depression.  I spent over 3 hours talking with him and then more time talking with his mother.  She is going to try to get a doctor's appointment tomorrow to which I will go as well.  Please pray or keep the family in your prayers.  I am just about finished October's report and November's is partially complete.  I had hoped that they would be finished today but circumstances precluded that.  We had wind and heavy rain warnings on the weekend and again for tonight.  Let's hope there are no power interrupts like there were on the weekend . . . 43,000 homes without power at the height of the storm, some still without power this evening.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 2:52 (average 4:48). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

The Atlantic — Coccidioidomycosis, also known as cocci, or valley fever, is a fungal disease endemic to the soils of the Southwest, in places like Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Utah. In California, it’s rampant across the Central Valley, an area just slightly smaller than West Virginia that grows about a third of the country’s produce. About 30 percent of all valley fever cases nationwide occur in the Central Valley each year.

Valley fever has perplexed doctors and patients alike for more than a century. Symptoms range from mild fatigue to incapacitating, flesh-eating infections, and despite decades of research, advances in treatment and pushes to develop a vaccine have been painfully slow. There’s virtually no way to guard against inhaling the spores that cause valley fever, as most masks can’t filter out the microscopic dust particles that carry the spores through the air and into the lungs.

rates of valley fever are rising nationwide. Between 1998 and 2011, documented cases across the country increased steadily by about 15 percent annually, from just 2,000 infections in 1998 to more than 22,000 in 2011. In areas where the fungus is widespread, like Kern County, it’s statistically more probable to develop valley fever than hepatitis or chickenpox.  

Although The Atlantic article is from 08 August 2014, the video is from the current Mother Jones, and both are important when discussing the effects of climate change.  For example, California is suffering through a prolonged drought.  As a result, the soil is very dry, some becoming "dusty" which is where the Coccidioides fungus lives and gets blown about by the winds.  The CDC has more information about the disease.  Click through for the rest of the article.

Middle East Eye — In a July Haaretz article commemorating the first anniversary of Israel’s Operation Protective Edge, which killed more than 2,250 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in 51 days, journalist Khaled Diab quotes Palestinian psychologist Hasan Zeyada of the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme: “Gaza has endured multiple losses – what we call multi-traumatic losses. People in other places usually endure a single loss: the loss of a home, or a family member, or a job. Many Gazans have lost them all.”

And while Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is often the focus of discussions of the psychological repercussions of conflict, Diab summarises the observation by various experts that “talk of post- or pre-trauma is futile, since trauma is constant and ongoing”.

In addition to attending professionally to the victims of this Israeli-induced brand of eternal trauma, Dr. Zeyada is personally well acquainted with the phenomenon. Last August, the New York Times reported on his “challenging new patient: himself”. Six of the psychologist’s close family members, including his mother, had just been wiped out by an Israeli airstrike.

Operation Protective Edge came to an end on 26 August 2014. But the diagnosis of collective psychological suffering in the Palestinian coastal enclave is open-ended, and serves to compound the more tangible suffering that attends the regular Israeli release of large quantities of ordnance in the direction of human bodies.

This article, although written almost 6 months ago, remains just as germane today given the on going hostilities between Israel and Gaza. The video from The Nation is a followup to the killing of four boys from the Bakr family on the beach by Israeli bombardment back in August 2014.  If you don't remember the bombing on the beach, perhaps this will help you.  The raw emotion is palpable.  These young lives are changed forever, and not for the better.

Talking Points Memo — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump threatened Monday that he may not attend CNN's next debate unless the network forks over $5 million, which the real estate mogul said would go to charity.

Trump pulled the stunt once before, demanding that CNN donate the proceeds from its September Republican presidential debate to a charity. The network didn't publicly comment on the request and Trump ultimately participated in the debate.

It is about time that someone called Trump on his bloviating narcissism.  Are you up to it CNN?  Who runs your business anyway?

My Universe — 

Twain and cat

Dec 062015

It has been a relatively busy day with 2 meetings at the church and set up for tomorrow's worship.  Tomorrow afternoon late, I will be heading up to visit my mother, which means I'll undoubtedly be very tired.  This coming week is already full of appointments as is the following week.  Sigh . . .

Puzzle — Today’s took me 2:38 (average 4:59). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

The Nation   With Utah’s ratification of the 21st Amendment to the Constitution on this day in 1933, the prohibition on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States ended. Long after most on the left had given up on the idea of Prohibition as a remotely liberatory policy, The Nation, under the ownership and editorship of lifelong teetotaler Oswald Garrison Villard (whose mother had warned him in his childhood never to touch strong drink) stuck by the idea,


Orange County, California, sheriffs dumping out illegally made alcohol during a 1932 bust.(Orange County Archive) 

Well the temperance movement failed to get the country on its side.  But think of all the tax revenues that would have been foregone.  Dump prohibition and get tax revenues from sales, or keep prohibition, have bootleggers selling liquor, the government spending money to enforce prohibition, and receiving no tax revenue.  Nothing is ever quite that simple but . . .   I wonder if a similar system could work with marijuana, medicinal or recreational?

Mother Jones — HOW MUCH DOES gun violence cost our country? It's a question we've been looking into at Mother Jones ever since the 2012 mass shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, left 58 wounded and 12 dead. How much care would the survivors and the victims' families need? What would be the effects on the broader community, and how far out would those costs ripple? As we've continued to investigate gun violence, one of our more startling discoveries is that nobody really knows.

Each year more than 11,000 people are murdered with a firearm, and more than 20,000 others commit suicide using one. Hundreds of children die annually in gun homicides, and each week seems to bring news of another toddler accidentally shooting himself or a sibling with an unsecured gun. And perhaps most disturbingly, even as violent crime overall has declined steadily in recent years, rates of gun injury and death are climbing (up 11 and 4 percent since 2011) and mass shootings have been on the rise.

Click through for the rest of the story.  Attempts to study gun related violence have been blocked by the NRA and gun activists through lobbying lawmakers.  It is time for that to end, but how?  It certainly won't happen with Republicans dominating the Congress.  And Democrats are not immune to NRA lobbying either.

The Hill — While the measure is complicated and largely unknown to the American public; if it passes into law it will significantly increase the influence of wealthy donors on elected officials. 

Under the current law, political parties are limited to spending $48,000 in coordination with candidates running for House seats, and varying amounts based on population for Senate candidates. 

But if McConnell gets his way, the parties would be allowed to spend as much as they please in coordination with the candidates. 

The upshot, says the non-partisan Campaign Legal Center’s policy director Meredith McGehee, is that donors would have “much closer proximity” to the lawmakers they want to influence. 

McConnell is at it again!  He's trying to make it even more unbalanced.  This time, he has a fight on his hands, but not just from the left. — Famous NRA member and rocker Ted Nugent has said that Donald Trump deserves a Medal of Freedom. He writes for the conservative site World News Daily and frequently expresses his extreme views. In one column he wrote: 
"Donald Trump is running strong in the early polls because Americans are fed up with the political status quo, especially from left-leaning GOP Fedzillacrats who want to feed us cow dung while telling us it's a cheeseburger."
Image title

In another Nugent said, "[Trump] should be given the Medal of Freedom for speaking his mind in such a bold, honest, and straightforward manner."

OK, you're thinking "Has she lost her marbles posting this?".  But I saw the headline "Celebrities Who Support Donald Trump" and I just had to look. When I saw the first one of 13, Ted Nugent, I started laughing.  The laughter continued even through the lies.  But one thing to note, there were no women amongst the so called celebrity personages.  Any wonder?

My UniverseWho hasn't experienced this type of situation before?  I think dad handled it well.


The Earth Unlocked

 Posted by at 2:30 am  Uncategorized
Dec 052015

I remember Sunday morning, 18 May 1980 at 8:32 am.  I was up and getting ready for church.  On this sunny morning, there was a great warm blast of air that came streaming in my window with force.  It was very unusual.  It wasn't until later that I learned that Mount St Helens in Washington state had erupted.  I was living in Victoria, BC at the time.  We experienced ash depositing on everything, but not like those in the US.

From The Washington PostEarly Thursday morning, southern Italy woke up to see this remarkable display — Mount Etna, Sicily’s tallest peak and active volcano, was erupting after two years of silence.

The sky glowed red above Sicily, seen above from Calabria, Italy’s most southern region. The skies were cloudless on Thursday morning and Mount Etna was capped in white snow.

Image result for mount etna

Mount Etna on a sunny quiet day. (Wikipedia)

Image result for mount etna

Mount Etna on a sunny quiet day. (

Then early on Thursday morning, nature broke loose.  

Click through for some more images.  The images following are from The Huffington Post and show the raw power of the volcano's eruption.

mount etna

mount etna

mount etna

mount etna

mount etna

Mount Etna 2002 eruption

The earth's fury can be awesome to witness, but very terrifying at the same time.

Dec 052015

Well, Friday is done and Saturday is upon us.  Teaching went well today.  When I am there, I usually get called to explain other things like letters and today it was a report card for the 8 year old girl.  Even though she was born in Canada, she has difficulty with English because she speaks Juba at home with her mother.  But she is making good progress and I am really proud of her!  On top of that, I learned another Farsi expression . . . ché ha bas . . . which means what's up?  Of course this is a phonetic spelling using the English alphabet.  Learning new stuff keeps a person young.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 2:57 (average 5:17). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

The Nation — I hate to pick on Carly Fiorina, since she’s dropping in GOP presidential polls, but she’s the most avid purveyor of falsehoods in the 2016 Republican field next to Donald Trump. She spewed some whoppers Thursday on MSNBC’sMorning Joe. They’re worth examining because they show the way GOP cynics, most of whom know better, are exploiting anti-government hysteria on the right as they close their ears to overwhelming public demand for tougher gun laws. 

Isn't it truly amazing how the Republican presidential hopefuls are whipping up anti-government sentiments in their base while seeking to lead that same government.  And the base either does not see this, is wilfully ignorant, or just doesn't care as long as the black man in the White House is gone.  And her arguments hold no water.  Fiorina is such an airhead.

CBC — Governor General David Johnston called Canada's response to the refugee crisis a defining moment for the country earlier this week as he met with aid agencies and political, business and community leaders to discuss how to better coordinate the work of resettling 25,000 Syrians by February.

"This is a defining moment for Canada, a defining moment for all of us,'' he told the forum. "It's even more than that. It's an opportunity to reimagine how we take care of the most marginalized and vulnerable among us."

But does that sentiment extend beyond the imperatives of a current crisis?

A good question for all nations that have indigenous peoples.  GG David Johnston's statement "It's an opportunity to reimagine how we take care of the most marginalized and vulnerable among us.", should be enough of a catalyst for Canadians to embrace the plight of our First Nations peoples, as well as the Syrian refugees that are coming.  I hope we don't have to wait until 2017 to see the federal government's plan of addressing First Nations' issues.  We, as a society have to drop our stereotypical approach and attitude, rather seeing all people as equal partners in society.

Huffington Post — As global population soars, healthcare is reaching a crisis point: developing countries struggle with a lack of access while countries like the U.S. struggle to manage an inefficient system that spends billions on unnecessary care. After a life-changing trip to Haiti, one doctor teamed up with a small bioengineering company with a mission to empower patients. 

With a title like "Canadian Doctor's Device Could Save Americans Billions", I was intrigued as to what this could be.  So that I don't give away anything, and as someone with multiple health issues, SIGN ME UP!!!!!  NOW!!!!!  Click through to the 12 minute video.  I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Mother Jones[Missouri] State Rep. Stacey Newman, a Democrat, prefiled a bill this week for the next legislative session that, if passed, would subject potential gun buyers to the same rigmarole of restrictions—a 72-hour waiting period, an explanatory video, a doctor meeting, a facility tour, reviews of photographs, and more—that are already imposed on or have been proposed for Missouri women seeking abortions.

In my opinion, this seems very reasonable, especially given the recent spate of mass shootings.  Are Republicans trying to say that the life of a zygote is more precious than the lives of 20 grade one children, or eight African American church members, or seventeen adults with families to support and love?  When we drive a vehicle, we must have training, a license, insurance etc.  Why not when buying a gun which can be equally deadly?  Of course, this is just too much common sense for any Republican.

My Universe — 

Dec 042015

Another day, another dollar they say.  TGIF!!!  I have another teaching session and I may have another student, this time a paying student.  I went into my local Persian market and greeted the clerk in Persian (Farsi).  That started a short conversation.  One thing lead to another.  It may not pan out, but I guess my English accent isn't too bad for the few words and phrases I know.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:40 (average 6:02). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

CBC — Geoff Regan has been elected House of Commons Speaker at the opening of a new Parliament following the general election on Oct. 19 that saw the Liberals win a majority government.

Members of Parliament each cast a secret ballot on Thursday ranking the candidates by order of preference in their first act of the new Parliament.

This my friends is how the Speaker of the House of Commons is elected in Canada versus the rancorous process in the US which we witnessed not long ago.  Watch the video to see some good natured fun from Geoff Regan, Rona Ambrose (interim leader of the Conservative Party) and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  In the video as part of the story, Trudeau actually leads Regan for a moment by his tie.  You can see more about the candidates and the Speaker's role in this CBC article.

NY Times — Donald L. Blankenship, a titan of the nation’s coal industry whose approach to business was scrutinized and scorned after 29 workers were killed at the Upper Big Branch mine in 2010, was convicted Thursday of a federal charge of conspiring to violate mine safety standards, part of a case that emerged after the accident, the deadliest in mining in the United States in decades.

The verdict reached by a federal jury here made Mr. Blankenship, 65, the most prominent American coal executive ever to be convicted of a charge connected to the deaths of miners. He had been accused of conspiring to violate mine safety regulations, as well as of deceiving investors and regulators; prosecutors secured a conviction on only one of the three charges. Mr. Blankenship was acquitted of making false statements and securities fraud. He faces a maximum of one year in prison on the misdemeanor conspiracy charge.

On 05/10/2015, I posted the article The Fall of King Coal which documented the abuses of Don Blankenship, a coal industry executive of Massey Energy.  Blankenship went on trial 01/10/2015 and today was acquitted of 2 of 3 charges.  Those charges could have meant 30 years in prison.  Instead, he was convicted of the misdemeanor conspiracy charge and could get a 1 year prison term.  His lawyer will appeal the decision against this well connected Republican.  Were I a member of the family of anyone of the miners killed at the Upper Big Branch mine disaster in 2010, I would be very angry.  Was justice done?  I don't think so, but you decide.

Huffington Post — The Republican-controlled Senate voted on Thursday to demolish President Barack Obama's signature health care law and block Planned Parenthood's federal money, spurring a veto fight the GOP knows it will lose but believes will delight conservative voters in next year's elections.

Congress has voted dozens of times to repeal all or parts of the 2010 statute. If the House as expected sends the Senate bill to Obama, the measure will become the first of its kind to reach the White House and be vetoed, an act Republicans say will highlight GOP priorities for voters.

"It's defined by failure," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said of the law, blaming it for rising medical costs and citing problems encountered by Kentuckians. "It's punctuated with hopelessness. And the scale of its many broken promises is matched only by the scale of its defenders' rigid and unfeeling responses to them."

You really have to "love" those Republican legislators.  I certainly hope their working class and middle class base recognise the disservice that the party is doing to them.

My Universe

Dec 032015

Ah, today that dreaded task . . . laundry!  Yesterday, I came downstairs to a mess made through the night by my 3 furballs.  I wonder what today will be like?  Their shenanigans blocked access to the laundry.  We'll see as soon as I am finished here.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:08 (average 5:08). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

The Nation — In common with the other big rightward swerves by the Roberts Court, the 2008 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller was an aggressive exercise in mendacity. By upending the well-established meaning of the Second Amendment, the Court made the country less safe and less free. It did this under the guise of a neutral and principled “originalism” that looks to the text as it was first understood back in 1791 by the amendment’s drafters and their contemporaries.  


In the process, the conservative justices engaged in an unsubtle brand of outcome-oriented judicial activism and “living constitutionalism” that they claim to abhor—an irony noted by a host of devoted Supreme Court watchers across the ideological spectrum. Richard Posner, the prominent Reagan-appointed federal appellate judge and prolific commentator on legal and economic issues, derided Scalia’s flawed approach as “faux originalism” and a “snow job.”

A "snow job" is certainly an understatement especially in light of the two mass shootings of 02/12/2015.  So according to SCROTUS, the original intent of the 2nd amendment was to give the individual the "right to bear arms" and has nothing to do with a militia (army).  If that is the case, then what can the US do to curb the rampant gun violence that exists today? As of today, there have been 355 mass shootings, a mass shooting being defined as an incident with four or more deaths or woundings.  That is more than one per day.  A very sad commentary on a nation that is supposed to be enlightened.

Alternet — The richest Americans increasingly are taking over the levers of power and shaping the political debate, despite opposing views held by a majority of Americans, a new and unprecedented academic study of the top 1 percent has confirmed.

The super-rich are more politically active than average Americans, financing and contacting elected officials and knowing many on a first-name basis. Their agenda, which is often cited by public officials across the country, emphasizes private profit-making and is skeptical of almost every public program to address economic inequality, thestudy by Chicago-based university researchers found. The top 1 percent's social agenda, while “more liberal than others on religious and moral issues, including abortion, gay rights, and prayer in school,” is still “much more conservative than the non-affluent on issues of taxes, economic regulation, and social welfare,” the researchers found.

Put another way, today’s top 1 percent generally do not believe the longtime conservative line that a rising economic tide will lift all Americans, but have a darker view in which one’s fate is tied to the survival of the fittest. They consider climate change a non-issue and most would cut federal and state safety nets and anti-poverty programs, shift taxpayer dollars into privatized education and do little to ensure access to higher education.

Click through to see the eight points gleaned from the report "Democracy and The Policy Preferences of Wealthy Americans".  I doubt all of this is a surprise.  But doing something about it will take a lot of hard work.  As it is, I think the US is a democracy in name only.  With the wealthy having so much political power, the US is a plutocracy.

Washington Post — The new argument, which Piketty spelled out recently in the French newspaper Le Monde, is this: Inequality is a major driver of Middle Eastern terrorism, including the Islamic State attacks on Paris earlier this month — and Western nations have themselves largely to blame for that inequality.

Piketty writes that the Middle East's political and social system has been made fragile by the high concentration of oil wealth into a few countries with relatively little population. If you look at the region between Egypt and Iran — which includes Syria — you find several oil monarchies controlling between 60 and 70 percent of wealth, while housing just a bit more than 10 percent of the 300 million people living in that area. (Piketty does not specify which countries he's talking about, but judging from a study he co-authored last year on Middle East inequality, it appears he means Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudia Arabia, Bahrain and Oman. By his numbers, they accounted for 16 percent of the region's population in 2012 and almost 60 percent of its gross domestic product.)

Click through for the rest of this interesting article.  Piketty definitely has a point, especially if his figures can be fully substantiated.

My Universe — 




Dec 022015

Physio is over until Monday!  However, between my knee and my back . . . sitting at the computer is difficult and painful.  It is times like this that I wish I had a lap top so I might be able to work longer.  Oh well, maybe some day.  The stats are . . . (fill in the blank).

Puzzle — Today’s took me 2:57 (average 5:31). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

Alternet — The Republican Party has put down the dogwhistle and picked up a megaphone.

After two Bostonians allegedly beat up a homeless Hispanic man in August, one told police he was inspired by Donald Trump’s message that “all these illegals need to be deported.” In response, Trump explained “that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.” Later, he clarified that in no way, of course, does he condone violence. In June, Trump kicked off his campaign by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” and drug-trafficking criminals. “Some, I assume, are good people,” he added.

Last Monday, five people were shot at a Black Lives Matter protest in Minneapolis. Three white men have been arrested in connection with the incident. It is important to emphasize that the investigation is in its very early stages, and it has not been confirmed who did this, or why.

It is, however, clear that leading Republicans have engaged in extraordinarily racist and xenophobic rhetoric that incites and legitimates vigilante violence. On Saturday, Trump fans allegedly attacked a Black Lives Matter protester at a Birmingham rally. “Maybe he should have been roughed up,” Trump said.

Click through for the rest.  I wonder how long it will be before the Southern Poverty Law Centre lists the Republican Party on their list of hate groups?

The Nation — I have come to believe the fears of white Americans are really just reflections of the things that white supremacy and empire have done to others. White America has not been terrorized by people of color; we have terrorized people of color. Black wealth is not based on stealing from white people; white wealth is based on stealing from black people. Instead of confronting the reality of our history and what our country has become for most people, too many Americans would rather kill those mourning their dead and send orphans and widows to a hellscape we created — all in order to preserve the myths of whiteness, masculinity, and empire.

I have to imagine the white men who commit these egregious acts of terror do so out of a silent, personal fear that the myths of whiteness and masculinity engender in themselves. The dehumanization white supremacists perpetrate on others has to be, in part, a projection of the dehumanization they feel themselves. The sad men that hang out on 4chan plotting the destruction of innocent others don’t believe they can be the strong, virile, white male dominators they are prescribed to be. No one who feels good about themselves talks as much as Donald Trump does about how he is a “winner” and other people are “losers.” No one who is confident of their humanity would deny acceptance to a 5-year-old orphan refugee.

Click through for the rest of this interesting article.  I remember back in a high school history class discussing the concept of humans always looking for another to hold in contempt, whether for economic, racial, religious or other reasons.  It was a fear of being at the bottom of the food chain, so to speak.  As the author has said, there is a lot of projection.  I hate myself so I am going to make you seem to be less than me, and then I'll feel better. It is a transitory "fix" that solves nothing in the long run.

Daily Beast — “The drought exacerbated existing water and agricultural insecurity and caused massive agricultural failures and livestock mortality,” write Kelley et al. “The most significant consequence was the migration of as many as 1.5 million people from rural farming areas to the peripheries of urban centers.”

It is precisely from those populations, uprooted and uncared for, that the group now known as ISIS drew its local recruits and cannon fodder as it rebuilt its ranks and spread its control over territory in the last three years. The core slogan of the Islamic State, “Remain and Expand,” speaks powerfully to people forced off their land and struggling just to survive.

Ironically, among the politicians in the West who deny the impact of climate change and at the same time refuse to accept refugees from war and “economic migrants” from these benighted, blighted lands, the answer to “Remain and Expand” is “stay there and die.”

Bernie Sanders has said that climate change is the greatest national security threat.

This short Democracy Now video makes further points about anthropogenic climate change.

And another short video on climate change as a national security threat.

In my mind, there is no doubt that climate change IS a threat to national security for every country.

My Universe —  

advice from the cat

. . . and it does!  I can attest.  My 3 groom my hair regularly!

Dec 012015

I have been out much of the day and felt compelled to get my knee elevated, which turned into a cat nap.  That explains the lateness of this post.  Part of the stats work is proving a challenge as the graphics don't want to transfer properly.  Tomorrow is physio too which should be fun.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:19 (average 5:13). To do it, click here. How did you do? 

Fantasy Football

Rank Team W-L-T Pct Stk Waiver For Against

Monster MashersMonster Mashers

9-3-0 .750 W2 10 1,210.94 864.04

BALCO BombersBALCO Bombers

8-4-0 .667 W1 9 1,117.00 939.56


8-4-0 .667 W3 8 1,170.02 962.44

Progressive UnderdogsProgressive Underdogs

7-5-0 .583 L1 7 1,178.52 1,085.96

Lefty HillbilliesLefty Hillbillies

7-5-0 .583 L1 6 1,125.36 1,020.62

Size 9 StompersSize 9 Stompers

6-6-0 .500 W1 5 1,030.46 1,063.16

Purple DemonPurple Demon

5-7-0 .417 L2 4 1,088.10 1,172.86

TomCat Teabag TrashersTomCat Teabag Trashers

4-8-0 .333 L1 3 1,046.28 1,223.12

Playing without a helmetPlaying without a helmet

4-8-0 .333 L5 2 965.82 1,174.30


2-10-0 .167 W1 1 806.66 1,233.10

* Rank change shown is from week 11 – 12

Short Takes

Alternet  For decades, we’ve recruited, trained and armed tribal groups to fight against governments we don’t like. We’ve overtly or covertly appointed hundreds of dictators, war criminals, drug lords and terrorists. In the past, it was all about the Cold War. Now it’s all business. We’re picking dictators to suppress their people so we can rape their natural resources.

In the 1980s, we helped Pakistan and Saudi Arabia overthrow Afghanistan’s socialist government. In 1976, it was Argentina. In 1964, it was Brazil and General Castelo Branco who reigned over that country for a brutal 20 years. And the list goes on, El Salvador, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, and still counting.

We created terrorism.

We’re feeding the terrorist ideology with every panic-driven bonehead move we make.

Click through for the rest of the article.  On 24/11/2015, I posted a Truth in Media video about the origins of Daesh, an origin that was largely brought about by the US and its actions in the Middle East.  And those types of actions were common in various areas around the globe over many decades.  It is well past time for the US to stop its own form of terrorism.

Daily Beast — Here are two local lawmakers who embody the "hate machine" that has become the Republican Party.  Click on the links that are their names for their stories.

Iowa GOP

An Iowa GOP lawmaker running for Congress is one-upping Donald Trump, proposing that the U.S. execute undocumented immigrants who repeatedly cross the border after committing crimes.

An Iowa Republican running for Congress has finally figured out how to deal with undocumented immigrants who commit crimes: Execute them.

Like leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, state Sen. Mark Chelgren says he would build a fence to control who enters and leaves the United States. But when immigrants cross the border illegally, commit a felony stateside, and then get deported, Chelgren proposes that those individuals should be executed if they enter again illegally.

The lawmaker’s plan, which he shared with the Knoxville Journal-Express for a profile on his fledgling congressional campaign, may seem like the loony fantasy of a local politician. But Chelgren’s rhetoric fits right in with bile-spewing elements of the right that now appear to have been mainstreamed with the rise of Trump, who famously claimed that many undocumented immigrants are “rapists” and “criminals.”

Alabama GOP

[Alan] Harper, a Republican legislator in Alabama’s state house (representing Pickens and Tuscaloosa counties), shared an important announcement with his 2,551 Facebook friends on Monday: beware any local business not owned by white, religious people like himself, because they are funding terrorism in the Middle East.

“As you travel during the holidays or any other time, please try to shop and purchase gas and other items at American owned stores,” he advised, agreeably enough.

From there, his tone changed somewhat.

“The [convenience] stores/tobacco outlets, etc. with the lights around the windows and doors are not owned by God fearing Christians. In large part, these stores are owned by folk that send their profits back to their homeland and then in turn use these funds against our country to create turmoil, fear and in some cases death and destruction.”

Is this what it means to be a part of the land of the free and the brave?  What I see are two frightened men that take their white privilege past the point of no return.  What I see are two xenophobes inciting others to xenophobia.  Sad and maddening.

My Universe — Looking at life from all angles!

