A busy day with church activities that taxed my bad knee in particular. It was ice pack time when I arrived home, which turned into ice pack and cat nap time. Tomorrow is teaching and physio. I hope you are all getting as ready as possible for all the holiday activities, but are remembering to take some time for yourself.
Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:26 (average 7:51). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes
Washington Post — "What he wanted to do was get the state of Virginia out of the business of deciding which was the best religion, and who had to pay taxes to support it," said Spellberg, a professor of history and Islamic studies at the University of Texas at Austin.
During the bill's debate, some legislators wanted to insert the term "Jesus Christ," which was rejected. Writing in 1821, Jefferson reflected that "singular proposition proved that [the bill’s] protection of opinion was meant to be universal."
Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed, by inserting the word "Jesus Christ," so that it should read, "a departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion;" the insertion was rejected by a great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mahometan [Muslim], the Hindoo [Hindu], and Infidel of every denomination."
An interesting article that I encourage everyone to read. There are plenty enough people today who state that the US was founded by Christians and should have biblical law as the basis for its laws. I know, having studied history, that the Founding Fathers would not have sanctioned this but would support the separation of church and state. They came out of Britain where there was great strife between Roman Catholics and Protestants in the 1500's. To read Jefferson's words provides additional evidence of this.
Alternet — As the Donald Trump campaign turns from farce to tribulation, it’s worth noting that millions more Americans support Bernie Sanders than the Republican frontrunner.
Trump’s level of national support is 30.4 percent of GOP primary voters, according to the average calculated by Real Clear Politics, while Sanders remains in second place among Democratic primary voters with a 30.8 percent average level of support.
Ah, truth in numbers? Let's hope that Bernie and the Democrats prevail. To be sure though, it is vitally important to get out the vote!
Politico — They must find a way home to the countries they have chosen to adopt, and which are still willing to adopt them. For Muslims to be at home in France or in America means that they have to develop and evolve through constant reinterpretation of the sacred texts, and their historic experiences. Above all, we must see ceaseless efforts to synthesize the core values of their religion with the very ethos of the countries in which they live. Otherwise the war will go on forever.
An interesting article I thought. This last part had me thinking about my own Christian beliefs. The plethora of Christian sects each has an interpretation(s) of key tenets. Roman Catholics differ from Protestants, Baptists from Methodists, Roman Catholics from Eastern Orthodox, etc. on some tenets. And undeniably there has been blood shed in the name of religious differences. But I hope that all religions will not be so "stuck" on their own dogma that they remain in the past and fail to grow with the people that believe.
My Universe —