I slept in very late despite having set the alarm. I missed church, and since I was scheduled to count the collection, I'm likely in the dog house. The sleep was nice and important though. Tomorrow is another busy day with physio and teaching. OGIM!!!!!
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Short Takes
Alternet — A month later the national atmosphere had changed in the wake of the Paris and San Bernardino terrorist attacks. Numerous republican governors and presidential candidates began to scapegoat Syrian refugees, and Donald Trump became America's Bigot in Chief, calling for Nazi-like registries of Muslim-Americans and a total ban on Muslim immigration to the US. …
We’ve had a couple people at our rabbinical school speak about how important it is for the American Jewish community to stand in solidarity with the Muslim community. We have a lot of shared experiences of oppression and discrimination.” Diane Savona of Passaic, New Jersey said that she came with her husband in direct response to hate mongering by republicans. “It's sort of the opposite of listening to the Republican debates. It’s the antidote to the Republicans.”
I partially disagree with Nabil Ezzarhouni who is mentioned near the end of the article. The author states that "…he already appreciates the atmosphere of tolerance and multiculturalism." Certainly there is an atmosphere of tolerance and multiculturalism within some groups and areas, but xenophobic Republicans have whipped up their base into a frenzied paranoia that permeates the nation and defies professed American values. And that is what is too often portrayed in the MSM.
Talking Points Memo — The Augusta County school district in Virginia will be closed on Friday after parents inundated the school district with complaints about an Arabic calligraphy assignment at Riverheads High School that use the Muslim statement of faith.
The Dec. 11 assignment prompted "voluminous phone calls and electronic mail locally and from outside the area," according to NBC Washington. Augusta County Sheriff Randy Fisher toldCBS News that the "profane" and "hateful" prompted Riverheads High School to lock and monitor all of its doors on Wednesday and Thursday.
As the complaints increased throughout the week, law enforcement advised the school district to close all schools, according to CBS News.
Parents were upset over a geography assignment on world religions from teacher Cheryl LaPorte, who had students practice calligraphy by writing the Muslim statement of faith, which translates to "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah," according to Staunton, Virginia, paper the News Leader. Students were also shown a copy of the Quran, according to the News Leader.
So, this was an approved text and exercise, and not something devised solely by the teacher. Yet parents and others are venting their spleens over Arabic calligraphy. Both in Arabic and Persian (and perhaps other languages too), the formation of the script is in itself a work of art, a poem. It is beautiful and elaborate by western standards. Parent Herndon worries about indoctrination? Perhaps she should look at the indoctrination perpetrated by Republicans and right wing evangelical pseudo Christians.
Washington Post — It’s déjà vu in the Dallas suburbs.
Three months after “clock boy” Ahmed Mohamed’s homemade gadget was mistaken for an explosive device, another minority student in a neighboring community has been arrested for allegedly making a bomb threat at school.
The 12-year-old Sikh boy, Armaan Singh, was arrested on Dec. 11 for allegedly threatening to blow up Nichols Junior High School in Arlington, Tex. He was handcuffed, held in a juvenile detention center for three days and suspended from school.
But Singh says he is innocent, and that it was another student who caused the whole mess by mistaking his backpack for a bomb.
Does anyone in the Texas school system ever use any common sense? Did anyone question the child who made the accusations? Bomb threats are a very serious matter, but so are false accusations that can ruin a person's life. I think that the school administration could have done more before escalating the situation. Islamophobia is rampant in the US thanks to the Republicans and the MSM (their motto: if it bleeds, it leads), and now that phobia is being redirected to other minorities. Is it time to take away the Statue of Liberty?
My Universe —