Lynn Squance

Dec 202015

I slept in very late despite having set the alarm.  I missed church, and since I was scheduled to count the collection, I'm likely in the dog house.  The sleep was nice and important though.  Tomorrow is another busy day with physio and teaching.  OGIM!!!!!

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:02 (average 5:00). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

Alternet  A month later the national atmosphere had changed in the wake of the Paris and San Bernardino terrorist attacks. Numerous republican governors and presidential candidates began to scapegoat Syrian refugees, and Donald Trump became America's Bigot in Chief, calling for Nazi-like registries of Muslim-Americans and a total ban on Muslim immigration to the US.  

hanukah in a mosque

We’ve had a couple people at our rabbinical school speak about how important it is for the American Jewish community to stand in solidarity with the Muslim community. We have a lot of shared experiences of oppression and discrimination.” Diane Savona of Passaic, New Jersey said that she came with her husband in direct response to hate mongering by republicans. “It's sort of the opposite of listening to the Republican debates. It’s the antidote to the Republicans.” 

I partially disagree with Nabil Ezzarhouni who is mentioned near the end of the article.  The author states that "…he already appreciates the atmosphere of tolerance and multiculturalism."  Certainly there is an atmosphere of tolerance and multiculturalism within some groups and areas, but xenophobic Republicans have whipped up their base into a frenzied paranoia that permeates the nation and defies professed American values.  And that is what is too often portrayed in the MSM.

Talking Points Memo — The Augusta County school district in Virginia will be closed on Friday after parents inundated the school district with complaints about an Arabic calligraphy assignment at Riverheads High School that use the Muslim statement of faith.

The Dec. 11 assignment prompted "voluminous phone calls and electronic mail locally and from outside the area," according to NBC Washington. Augusta County Sheriff Randy Fisher toldCBS News that the "profane" and "hateful" prompted Riverheads High School to lock and monitor all of its doors on Wednesday and Thursday.

As the complaints increased throughout the week, law enforcement advised the school district to close all schools, according to CBS News.


Parents were upset over a geography assignment on world religions from teacher Cheryl LaPorte, who had students practice calligraphy by writing the Muslim statement of faith, which translates to "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah," according to Staunton, Virginia, paper the News Leader. Students were also shown a copy of the Quran, according to the News Leader.

So, this was an approved text and exercise, and not something devised solely by the teacher.  Yet parents and others are venting their spleens over Arabic calligraphy.  Both in Arabic and Persian (and perhaps other languages too), the formation of the script is in itself a work of art, a poem.  It is beautiful and elaborate by western standards.  Parent Herndon worries about indoctrination?  Perhaps she should look at the indoctrination perpetrated by Republicans and right wing evangelical pseudo Christians.

Washington Post — It’s déjà vu in the Dallas suburbs.

Three months after “clock boy” Ahmed Mohamed’s homemade gadget was mistaken for an explosive device, another minority student in a neighboring community has been arrested for allegedly making a bomb threat at school.

The 12-year-old Sikh boy, Armaan Singh, was arrested on Dec. 11 for allegedly threatening to blow up Nichols Junior High School in Arlington, Tex. He was handcuffed, held in a juvenile detention center for three days and suspended from school.

But Singh says he is innocent, and that it was another student who caused the whole mess by mistaking his backpack for a bomb.

Does anyone in the Texas school system  ever use any common sense?  Did anyone question the child who made the accusations?  Bomb threats are a very serious matter, but so are false accusations that can ruin a person's life.  I think that the school administration could have done more before escalating the situation.  Islamophobia is rampant in the US thanks to the Republicans and the MSM (their motto: if it bleeds, it leads), and now that phobia is being redirected to other minorities.  Is it time to take away the Statue of Liberty?

My Universe


Dec 192015

It has been a quiet day fortunately.  A hair cut and nap and reading.  The weather was very wet this afternoon and will likely continue that way tomorrow.  I won't even go near a mall . . . total insanity!

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:29 (average 5:48). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

Huffington Post — Canada’s refugee policy is world class, and the big secret behind its success is its private sponsorship program, according to a former Toronto mayor.

“I think at the end of the day the absolute brilliance of the Canadian refugee program is that it relies on private groups to support the refugees and integrate them into Canadian society,” John Sewell, who helped resettle tens of thousands of people in the city decades ago, told The Huffington Post Canada in an interview.

“No other country has this kind of program,” he said. “It’s absolutely brilliant.”

In the late 1970s, the federal government began to feel pressure to increase its intake of Indochinese refugees uprooted by the Vietnam War.

vietnam refugees

It was around this time, in 1978, when Canada’s private sponsorships program launched. Since then, citizen groups have fundraised millions to support refugee families both financially and emotionally for upwards to a year.

The program has helped resettle over 200,000 refugees across the country.

I was involved in my church's sponsorship committee in the late '70s when we supported a Vietnamese family.  It was a lot of work but so worthwhile. My ESL student is a refugee from South Sudan via Uganda and I know I am making a difference.  People helping people is what life should be about.  Here is a Care2 petition urging the US Congress to legalise private sponsorship which I hope you'll sign.  Just click on the link and it will open a new page with the petition.

Alternet — Can you imagine him? Here is, in other words, a dark-skinned, bearded, unkempt Middle Eastern Jew, acting all kinds of suspicious, ranting on street corners and hanging around with prostitutes and fanatics, rejecting money, violence and the ruling class, seen by Muslims as the divine precursor to their prophet as he lures the innocent and the seditious into his lawless cult of pacifism and peace.

Jesus -DeusCristoeosPobres 

Jesus - Black-Liberation-Theology-Another-Jesus-Devine-Racism-James-H-Cone


Jesus in America, today? Almost certainly to be shunned, feared, derided. Depending where he wandered, also likely harassed, spit upon, even beaten – that is, if he was allowed into the country at all.

Looks quite like a Muslim, you see. Might be an ISIS sympathizer. Definitely radicalized. Got a Facebook feed full of strange proclamations, rapturous interventions, cryptic references to how you’re to seek the divine within, silly. Who knows what he might be up to?

Do you doubt it? Of course you can’t. I mean, just look at him.

Many years ago, I was introduced to liberation theology which Wikipedia describes as  

…"an interpretation of Christian faith out of the experience of the poor…an attempt to read the Bible and key Christian doctrines with the eyes of the poor",[1] or "the message of the gospels", restored from "the first three centuries [of Christianity in which] it was … a pacifist … religion of the poor".[2] Detractors have called it Christianized Marxism.[3]

We don't hear the term liberation theology very often any more but nonetheless, I certainly see Jesus in that light, not as the right wing evangelical supply-side Jesus, the complete antithesis of the authentic Jesus.  The author concludes:

But the sad truth is, the real, dark-skinned, pacifist prophet, the hippie mystic Jesus of yore, preaching peace, loving thy enemy, inner divine wisdom? He wouldn’t come anywhere near America today.

Too many guns, you see. He wouldn’t have a prayer.

I am not proselytising, but rather trying to demonstrate the difference between the authentic Jesus and the right wing evangelical supply-side Jesus that is seen in Republican politics.

Mother Jones — "The end of JONAH signals that conversion therapy, however packaged, is fraudulent—plain and simple," David Dinielli, deputy legal director for the Southern Poverty Law Center, said in a statement. The center filed the lawsuit on behalf of the plaintiffs.  

In a pretrial decision in February, Judge Bariso wrote, "The theory that homosexuality is a disorder is not novel—but like the notion that the earth is flat and the sun revolves around it—instead is outdated and refuted." 

How long will it take to ban all conversion therapy?  Being gay or lesbian or transgendered is not a learned behaviour or chosen lifestyle.  Who in their right mind would choose to be discriminated against, denied opportunities etc? Good judgement!

My Universe — 

santa cat:


A couple of years ago, Dandelion on Care2 shared this humourous video with me and I have been singing it ever since.


Dec 182015

Well it rained today but not as hard as it has been raining.  We are promised a snow/rain mix on Monday and very probable snow for Christmas day.  We'll see!  I was able to get to the doctor's today and thankfully I do not have pneumonia, but I do have a respiratory infection so it is anti biotics for 5 days.  

Puzzle — Today’s took me 2:57 (average 5:08). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

Alternet  But as it turns out, the music-less music television station is working to educate their audience on the racist origins of some commonly used phrases.

It is interesting to note where expressions come from and how their meaning changes.  I remember a rhyme for childhood — Eenie, meenie, miney, mo — in which the second line was "catch a n…r by the toe".  I had no idea what a n…r was but when I found out, that rhyme was never spoken again.

Huffington Post — The United States holds a presidential election — and many of its citizens claim they will move to Canada if one of the contenders is elected.

This year, with the advent of people like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz on the right (and Democrats Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton on the left), these mutterings have become increasingly louder.

As one who travels frequently across the border, both for business and personal reasons, one can get the impression that entire Blue (Democratic) states will be depopulated the moment President Trump puts his hand on the inaugural bible. And a President Sanders, if you believe the cocktail-fueled rhetoric at certain conservative functions, would have a similar effect on Red (Republican) states.

When Democrats take the White House and the senate in 2016, red state populations best not think about coming north.  No Republicans or Teabaggers  allowed.  We like our democratic socialism, warts and all.  But seriously, any time I mention Trump in discussions, there are loud sighs! Dump Trump!!!

CBC — Canada's welcoming reception of the first planeloads of Syrian refugees has prompted an overwhelmingly positive response in the Arab media, with one Jordanian news site going so far as to call Prime Minister Justin Trudeau "Superman" for his acceptance of refugees.

Online interest in Canada has seen a huge upswing among Arabic speakers in recent weeks. The number of people searching for the word "Canada" in Arabic doubled in the past month, according to Google Trends. The primary source countries of the queries were Jordan and Lebanon, but internet users in Syria, Yemen, Sudan and Libya also generated some of the searches.  

CBC News found tens of thousands of Arabic searches within the past week (Dec.8-15) for "Canada + Syrian refugees."

With the current refugee crisis and Canada's actions so far under Justin Trudeau, I feel like my Canada is coming back to its values, the ones that made me proud to be a Canadian.  And it feels good.

Huffington Post — The CP Holiday Train is an annual tradition that sees the rail company decorate two trains in Christmas lights and send them on a journey through 150 communities in the U.S. and Canada.

The trains are fast approaching the end of their journeys, which will conclude in Port Coquitlam and Port Moody, B.C. on Dec. 19.

A sunset sky over the Elk River Valley as we steamed toward Fernie, BC.

The trains will finish their journeys in Port Moody about 5 blocks from my house.  There is always a celebration in the older part of town by the trackside.

My Universeh/t Ted W and Laurie H, Care2

Gifs with a g like in goat

Dec 182015

This is finally it . . . November stats and it isn't January yet!  I have to say though, my furbabies don't come near me while I'm working on them.

Here is our latest summary:1204Stats

Month Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
Jan 2015 10,329 29,156 79,523 241,305 3.34 GB
Feb 2015 9,917 27,754 75,630 220,134 3.12 GB
Mar 2015 9,547 26,594 77,688 217,204 3.12 GB
Apr 2015 9,838 26,580 80,467 233,368 3.36 GB
May 2015 8,806 27,104 75,708 216,640 3.09 GB
Jun 2015 8,798 27,484 79,415 212,991 3.04 GB
Jul 2015 9,760 30,626 89,850 235,370 3.17 GB
Aug 2015 9,612 32,079 91,883 245,973 3.09 GB
Sep 2015 10,087 29,818 104,743 274,560 3.44 GB
Oct 2015 10,265 32,938 118,319 302,050 4.53 GB
Nov 2015 11,064 34,904 143,087 377,069 5.80 GB
Dec 2015 0 0 0 0 0
Total 108,023 325,037  1,016,313 2,776,664 39.10 GB

It is not as neaty and tidy as TomCat's, but thanks to the Puddy Tat, the graph is no longer the size of a postage stamp.  The numbers here are definitely going up, with November seeming to take right off.  I hope TomCat will comment on the direction of the stats.  I suspect with the holiday season upon us, things will slow down, but be prepared for more activity as the elections grow closer.

Data from November 2015:

Reported period

Month Nov 2015





First visit

01 Nov 2015 – 00:00





Last visit

30 Nov 2015 – 23:59






Unique visitors

Number of visits




Viewed traffic *




(3.15 visits/visitor)


(4.09 Pages/Visit)


(10.8 Hits/Visit)

5.80 GB

(174.27. KB/Visit)

Not viewed traffic *






7.23 GB

Unfortunately, I was unable to reconcile October 2014 numbers from the Monthly Report for November 2014 to give you any meaningful data.

Here is our latest demographic data from Quantcast:

pp demographics

Here are our top non-blog/news referrers:

Care2               3,458

Google             1,112

Stumbleupon      102

Google (Images)  76

Microsoft Bing      39

Yahoo!                 48

Compared to October 2015, all referral sources are down with the exception of Care2 which is up significantly again.  Thanks to JL for trying and succeeding to widen the distribution on Care2. yes  yes

Here are our top 15 commentators:

 jla (181)

Lynn Squance (168)

Joanne Dixon (161)

TomCat (151)

Edie (144)

Lona Goudswaard (119)

Pat B (98)

SoINeedAName (80)

Mitch D. (74)

Jim Phillips (64)

Vivian B. (36)

Patty (33)

Jerry Critter (25)

dave c (24)

Bonnie Lynn (13)

During September and October, the resident Big Mouth designation was shared by JL, Joanne Dixon, SoINeedAName and me, Lynn Squance as TomCat was ill.  TomCat increased his postings substantially through November and is back to posting daily.  Kudos TomCat for a spectacular return!

Kudos to JL for winning the Big Mouth Award for the 72,000th comment.

I recommend using your own avatar. Go to Gravatar.  Sign up using the email address you use to post comments here and upload the image you want to use as your avatar.  Whenever you comment under that email address here or on any WordPress blog (several others too), that image will become your avatar.

The political campaign has definitely heated up much earlier than it normally has.  Whether you support Bernie, Hillary, or Martin, please base your arguments on the good things about your choice.  However, it’s open season (politically) on the Republican candidates.  They and the Republican Bubble Machine will be repeating so many lies so often that we’ll be hard pressed to keep repeating  the truths.  Of course as we have been seeing, Donald Trump and now Ted Cruz are taking insaniTEA to new heights.  Ben Carson is sinking into oblivion.  How so many of these Republican candidates can afford to stay afloat financially with poll numbers so low, I really don't know.  Expect little help from the media.  we will do our best to assist you, by exposing the lies and presenting the truths clearly.

Thank you for all that you do, here and elsewhere.  You make doing this job worth the effort!

Dec 182015

Yesterday, I had pictures of bright sunny skies and snowcapped mountains from around my house.  Today there was only a shroud of fog and gloom.  While I was enjoying a lunch with some lady friends, I looked up and it was snowing. Later, the snow turned to rain.  Tonight, we are likely to get freezing rain again and perhaps some snow.  When I came home, it was time for a cat nap.  Lona, I certainly enjoy your cat naps!

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:02 (average 5:05). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

The Nation — “There is stunning potential here,” said Gen. David Petraeus, then the head of US Central Command, speaking to The New York Times. US officials said that the deposits could sustain the Afghan economy and generate thousands of jobs, reducing corruption and reliance on foreign aid. Currently, with 60 percent of the country’s budget provided by foreign donors, outside investment is crucial. Acknowledging the inability of the Afghan Ministry of Mines and Petroleum to handle a burgeoning resource industry, the US government pledged to help implement accountability mechanisms. However, regulations like the mining law—revised in 2014 to bring greater transparency—have had little effect on illegal mining and the non-payment of royalties.

An Afghan boy works at a construction site behind a US Army soldier in Logar province, Afghanistan.

The warning signs were there. “This is a country that has no mining culture,” Jack Medlin, a geologist in the US Geological Survey’s international-affairs program, told the Times. During my visit to Afghanistan in May, I often heard from locals that the resource industry was never going to provide enough money to support the economy once foreign aid dried up. Afghan mining expert Javed Noorani told The Nation that President Ashraf Ghani is “more constrained in his actions against the criminal networks operating in the mining sector than President [Hamid] Karzai was. Today there is open plunder of gemstones by the partners in his government …

Sitting atop a vast store of minerals and gemstones, Afghanistan is unable, and perhaps unwilling, to effectively manage its resources.  When foreign aid comes to a halt and there is insufficient to support the country, what will happen to Afghanistan?  Will it descend into civil war, with countries like China coming in to pick up the pieces?

Daily Beast — A small European nation has stepped up where the Republican establishment, Beltway pundits and more than a dozen presidential candidates have failed.

Scotland is kicking Donald Trump’s butt.

Last week Scotland’s leader, Nicola Sturgeon, stripped Trump of his long-held ambassadorial role for the country of his ancestors. Today, her predecessor publicly denounced him as a “loser.”

Trump is a perfect example of how not to win friends and influence enemies!  Go Scotland!

Politicususa — It was bound to happen sooner rather than later, but although everyone knew it was coming it was still a little disconcerting to hear an official Nazi call for idol worship and victory at a political rally for the Republican frontrunner for the party’s presidential nomination. Even though the candidate is running a campaign founded on hate, fear, and anger that America is not an Aryan Christian nation, or a fascist dictatorship, it is now clear that Donald Trump’s supporters know his plan for America mirrors Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler’s rule; and they are wild for its implementation.  


It is disgusting that all of this racial animus and fond memories of Adolf Hitler and Nazi’s Aryan dream cannot be laid solely at the feet of Donald Trump. He owns the recent incitement to violence against people of color and the wrong religion, and the blatant embrace of Hitler’s Nazi tactics, but it is years of Republican indoctrination and hate-mongering about Hispanics, African Americans, and now Muslims destroying “white” America at the heart of the violence.

"…Donald Trump’s supporters know his plan for America mirrors Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler’s rule; and they are wild for its implementation."  Do they not know that Hitler lost his war?  Seventy-three years ago, a matter of 3 or 4 generations, Americans were engaged in a war to defeat Hitler and fascism.  To use a paraphrase of George Santayana, "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

My Universe

Furbabies - PrimoMy oldest boy, Primo, who thinks he is lord of the manor.

Furbabies - WinnieMy youngest boy by 4 minutes only, Winnie, who I also call "my son, the doctor"!

Furbabies - AnnieMy little girl, Annie, who is 4.5 months younger than the boys.

Dec 162015

That's right, it's . . . 


After physio, I indulged in a drive about the area to take in some of the beauty that is too often wrapped in cloud and fog.  A few pictures are below.  I have a luncheon date tomorrow and after that a visit to the chiropractor to help the lungs to deal with this damn cold.  If it is not one thing, it is another.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 2:53 (average 4:48). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

Alternet — … they are doing what they can, right now, to transition away from fossil fuels and work toward an environmentally sustainable future.

We know that climate change and global warming are not hoaxes as many conservatives would have people believe. As cities and countries transition from fossil fuels to clean energy, we need to learn from each other and celebrate successes.

Politico — The field feels narrower all the time, with only Trump, Rubio and Cruz driving the race’s conversation. Chris Christie was at his best in Vegas, capping off a great month. But it wasn’t enough to siphon attention away from his better-polling rivals. And Jeb Bush had a moment, but not a lasting one.

I did not watch last night's Republican debate, but from what I have read in multiple articles, the winner was the Democrats while the clear loser was the American people.  Certainly the latter sounds "as usual".

The Nation — The bottom line from the Kentuckian: “As commander-in-chief, I will do whatever it takes to defend America. But in defending America, we cannot lose what America stands for. Today is the Bill of Rights’ anniversary. I hope we will remember that and cherish that in the fight on terrorism.”  

When it comes to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the basic liberties that define America, the truth is still as Benjamin Franklin described it: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” 

For being a party that rails against Obama for not respecting the Constitution, there sure are a number of Republican candidates that would change its very life blood.  Are they taking their cue from Baby Bush, Cheney and their neocon cabal?

My Universe — 


You have heard me talk about the rain, and more rain . . . well this is what today looked like here — sunshine, clear skies, crisp temperatures . . . did I mention the sunshine?  It rained last night which turned into freezing rain, but snow on the mountains.  Tomorrow is scheduled for more rain and wind.

sunny day lafarge park 16 12 15

Fountain in Lafarge Lake

sunny day view mountains 2 16 12 15

Local mountains that I view daily

sunny day view mountains 16 12 15

Local mountains from the main road.

sunny day coquitlam river 16 12 15Coquitlam River running high and fast as it descends from the mountains.

Dec 162015

The specter of a few snowflurries still hangs in the air tonight (Tuesday), but the weatherperson has promised some sunshine for tomorrow before it starts to rain again.  Today it rained hard and I got soaked again just walking from car to lab and back.  After that, I spent most of the day in bed resting until I remembered that I had not finished this post.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:06 (average 5:26). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Fantasy Football

Just 3 more weeks of Fantasy Football left for the 2015 season.  The playoffs are here.  I've often wondered how the match ups are determined, or perhaps why they are done as they are.  For example, #1 Monster Mashers is paired with #8 TomCat Teabag Trashers, and #2 BALCO Bombers is paired with #7 Purple Demon.  Enquiring minds want to know!

I think I am about to have my Size 9's stomped by a Lefty Hillbilly!  Have fun everyone! 

Short Takes

Huffington Post — A U.S. presidential candidate has called for troops to be positioned along the Canadian border, as the American election becomes consumed by national-security fears.

Republican Ben Carson says he wants soldiers and national guard stationed along the Mexican border — and at certain unspecified spots along the Canadian border.

It's one of his Seven Steps to a Safer America, released Tuesday. 

So much for the longest undefended border!  That said, there are armed border patrols at various points.  Paranoia certainly runs deep in the US, and as the author noted "…one security expert who cited the growing number of hijabs he saw in Canada."  Between Trump and Carson, I don't know who is the bigger fruitcake.

Think Progress — The United States Army is temporarily allowing a Sikh soldier to grow a beard and wear a turban while serving, a dramatic shift that could usher in a new era of religious accommodation for Sikhs serving in the U.S. military.

us army

Last Wednesday, the Army announced in a letter it would grant a religious exception to Simratpal Singh, a decorated Afghanistan veteran and graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, temporarily allowing him to grow a beard and wrap his hair in a turban. Singh, a Sikh soldier who had been previously forced to shave his hair and beard, will be able to grow and publicly display both during the month-long trial period.

To me, this is a step forward in a country that has many people unwilling to accept such accommodations.  This is partly what feedom of religion looks like.

Alternet — Reacting to news that a New York judge — who is a practicing Muslim — took her oath of office using the Koran, commenters flooded a Facebook announcement, calling it an “abomination” and saying she should be arrested.

Following her election last month, Carolyn Walker-Diallo was sworn in as a civil judge for the 7th Municipal District in a Brooklyn Borough hall last Thursday. She chose to take her oath using a Koran instead of a Bible.

My first reaction to this was "this is how it should be".  Given that Walker-Diallo is a practising Muslim, an oath on a Bible would be meaningless.  While she swore to support the Constitution, perhaps all judges should swear their oaths on the Constitution rather than a religious book.  After all, Article VI, paragraph 3 of the Constitution states:

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

My Universe

Thank goodness that is not me with one of my cats!  My smallest is 10 kg (22 lbs).


Dec 152015

I was hoping to pamper myself tomorrow with a hair cut but my stylist had to change the appointment so I'll have to look and feel like Shaggy for several days yet.  So instead, I'll get poked for my quarterly blood tests.  I hope Draculette finds a vein that does not roll all over the place.  Then home to rest as I have come down with something.  After teaching today, I was really done in and came home for a cat nap, a too long cat nap which is why I am up now . . . but not for long.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:59 (average 5:48). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

CBC — The Truth and Reconciliation Commission will make public on Tuesday its final report documenting the history and legacy of Canada's residential school system, raising serious concerns for current and future generations of First Nations, Inuit and Métis children.

The final report, titled Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future, is the culmination of thousands of hours of heart-wrenching testimony heard in more than 300 communities over a span of six years, from more than 6,000 indigenous women and men who were abused and lived to tell their stories.  

Gordon's Reserve residential school

A 1945 investigation in parental complaints at the Gordon's Reserve school in Saskatchewan reported that for one dinner children were fed a single slice of bologna, potatoes, bread and milk. (General Synod Archives/Anglican Church of Canada)

"Removed from their families and home communities," Sinclair said in the final report, "seven generations of aboriginal children were denied their identity through a systematic and concerted effort to extinguish their culture, language and spirit."

"It is clear that residential schools were a key component of a Canadian government policy of cultural genocide."

I doubt that any nation which has embraced colonialism has dealt with their indigenous "conquests" in an equitable and just manner.  Certainly Canada has not, even up to including the Harper government.  The Harper government had to be dragged by the hair, and even then, grossly failed First Nations peoples on even basic matters of daily life. The Trudeau government is too new yet at only 6 weeks old to be evaluated.  However, the Trudeau government has made promises and has begun some work in consultation with the Peoples.  One thing is for sure in my mind, it is not just the government's job but the responsibility of all Canadians to embrace First Nations, Inuit and Métis with justice.

Maclean's — The contrast could not be greater. As Justin Trudeau announces that the first Syrian refugees will arrive in Canada on Thursday and Saturday, Donald Trump has doubled down on his promise to shut the door to all Muslims coming to the U.S.

Trump’s remarks have been condemned around the world as bigoted, racist and inflammatory—and yet he remains the frontrunner to be the Republican presidential nominee.

There is an 18 minute interview with David Frum, senior editor of The Atlantic and George W Bush's former speech writer, who refers to Trump as a flim-flam man.  Sounds about right to me.  Frum is a neo conservative.

Salon — Veteran journalist Ted Koppel appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday to excoriate the networks and pollsters for giving Donald Trump “the oxygen that [his] campaign requires,” which is dangerous because the real estate magnate is currently acting as “the Recruiter-in-Chief for ISIS.”

The ultimate measure of the success of television news programming, and all other programming for that matter, is the size of the audience.  How does a network potentially increase audience size? . . . by playing to the most outrageous aspects of a story.  Trump is playing the media and it is accommodating him.  Check the video.  Many of us have said that Trump, being his bombastic self, is helping Daesh, more than anything else.

My Universe — 
