Well I spent yesterday doing laundry and the Politics Plus Monthly Report so I pooped out before doing an Open Thread. Today, the end of the laundry! As I sit here, I can hear the fog horn blowing out in the inlet. Tomorrow is physio, teaching, and a doctor's appointment so it will be a long day.
Short Takes
Huffington Post — But 2016 Republican candidate Carly Fiorina dismissed Iran’s reaction to the death of the leading anti-government protester.
“I take the Iranian condemnation with a huge grain of salt,” Fiorina told CNN’s "State of the Union" on Sunday. “This is a regime that tortures citizens routinely, that thinks nothing of executions, that still holds four Americans in jail.” …
Retired neurosurgeon and presidential hopeful Ben Carson went further, suggesting that the nuclear deal struck last July between Iran, the U.S. and five world powers pushed Saudi Arabia to violently repress its Shiite population.
“The Saudis have been one of our strongest allies in the Middle East, and I think it’s unfortunate that we put them in the position we have by showing the support to Iran that we have with this foolish deal,” Carson told ABC’s “This Week."
These Republicans call Saudi Arabia an ally of the US yet Saudi Arabia, according to the Human Rights Watch World Report 2015. continues to "… try, convict, and imprison political dissidents and human rights activists solely on account of their peaceful activities. Systematic discrimination against women and religious minorities continued. … subjected hundreds of people to unfair trials and arbitrary detention. New anti-terrorism regulations that took effect in 2014 can be used to criminalize almost any form of peaceful criticism of the authorities as terrorism." In addition, Saudi Arabia is the world's #1 importer of arms as at 2014. What does it do with all these arms when it only has a standing armed forces of 239,000? The Saudi's have not assisted in the placement of refugees from anything I have heard, and in the past were thought to be supporting ISIS in various ways.
The US is seen as the "boogeyman" in the Middle East, contributing substantially to the instability in the region. But Saudi Arabia is destabilising force as well. By executing Shiite dissident cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, Saudi Arabia has upped the ante. The Iranian response has not helped either, but it is a direct response to Saudi Arabia's provocative action.
Count on Republicans to throw gasoline on a fire.
The Guardian — Speaking in Biloxi, Mississippi, the Republican presidential hopeful implied that the Obama administration should have heeded his call for the US to seize oil assets controlled by Isis but had instead allowed the terror group to prosper.
“I’ve predicted a lot of things, you have to say, including, ‘Get the oil, take the oil, keep the oil.’ Right? I’ve been saying that for three years, and everybody said, ‘Oh, I can’t do that. I mean, this is a sovereign country. There is no country!” Trump said.
“They’ve created Isis. Hillary Clinton created Isis with Obama,” Trump said.
As I understand, ISIS was "created" by Baby Bush and Cheney when they invaded Iraq for oil, toppled Sadam Hussein and left a vacuum in Iraq. Out of the sectarian violence came ISIS to fill the vacuum. And leave it to Trump not to acknowledge the role his inflamatory rhetoric has played in recruitment videos. He probably wants an OSCAR nomination for his work.
Alternet — "Fear," a great Jedi master named Yoda once said, "leads to anger," which leads to hate, which leads to suffering, which, of course, leads to the Dark Side. …
In other words, it went down exactly the way Republicans wanted it to go down. They've always used fear to win elections.
Whether it's fear of same-sex couples getting married, fear of the government taking away the people's guns or fear of Black men, they've always understood that fear works to motivate their white base.
IMO, Thom Hartmann is spot on. Time to get the progressive vote out and talk down the fear.
My Universe —