I was up to see my mother today, not arriving home until 22:15. She is doing as well as can be expected, and ate all of her dinner with gusto which is nice to see. It is good that she eats well when fed, but it is also a sign that her mental condition is deteriorating . . . she doesn't "fight" for her dignity anymore. This week will be very busy with physio, teaching, getting my mother to a doctor's appointment, and meeting with the other members of the Family Council for mother's nursing home. So I may be short, or I may have to skip a day. We'll see.
Short Takes
Mother Jones — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has a plan to make America great again: Add nine new amendments to the Constitution. On Friday, fed up with Supreme Court rulings that have gone against conservatives as well as the regulatory actions of the Obama administration, the first-term Republican issued a 92-page report outlining his proposed tweaks to the founding document and calling for a national constitutional convention to make it happen.
Click through for Abbott's suggestions contained in the report, and the report itself. These are nine more reasons why progressives must get out the vote for state and federal elections. As I understand, any changes to the constitution require a 75% vote in favour — that's 38 states. How many states are now controlled by Republicans? I don't expect all Republican states to buy in, but . . .
Think Progress — Mark Zuckerberg, new dad, … shared an image of his daughter with a note that it was time for the six-week-old baby girl to get vaccinated.
- Works at Chan Zuckerberg Initiative 47,679,000 followers January 8 at 1:00pm · Palo Alto, CA, United States ·
Doctor's visit — time for vaccines!
3,103,434 Likes · 81,576 Comments · 29,938 Shares
Now normally, I'd be inclined to say "who cares what Zuckerberg writes" but this is different. As a new parent, he has studied the literature and made an educated decision to vaccinate his daughter. Thank you Mr Zuckerberg for making the decision to vaccinate your daughter very public. My maternal grandfather was afflicted with polio at the age of three, about 1910, and never walked again. His body was twisted so that his hips and legs faced sideways and his head and arms, forward. There was no vaccine then. He wished there had been.
Huffington Post — Canada plans to kick-start a long-stalled international effort aimed at ridding the world of the key ingredients needed for nuclear weapons, The Canadian Press has learned.
The renewed push this week by Canada's United Nations ambassador to Geneva to spearhead the creation of a Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty or FMCT, comes as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to attend U.S. President Barack Obama's Nuclear Security Summit.
Trudeau's presence at the Obama summit, March 31 and April 1, would come just three weeks after his scheduled March 10 gala state dinner at the White House.
Canada's renewed focus on nuclear non-proliferation efforts has been in the works for months, but the effort has new urgency because of North Korea's recent claim to have conducted a test of a hydrogen bomb.
During the now infamous Harper years, Canada's role as a peaceful nation took a hit. Harper scorned the United Nations at every turn. He was trying to show that he was wearing his big boy pants and was able to go it alone. Unfortunately, he was the class clown. Now Trudeau is trying to draw people together to discuss where this world wants to be . . . a place of peace and growth, or a nuclear cesspool of death and destruction. I support Trudeau's efforts and all those countries which stand with us. With the state of affairs today, I doubt he'll have the success necessary, but I choose to live with hope. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
My Universe — h/t Christeen A, Care2
Some will do anything for a meal!