Today was a miserably wet day out and of course I had 3 waterphobic cats to get to the vet's for their annual exam. They love their vet very much and were purring and rubbing up against him. Winnie, my ginger, took the lid from the treats jar and almost got his head stuck in the jar. The good news: they are all very healthy! The bad news: they have all put on weight.
Primo, my tuxedo is now 15.05 kg (33.11 lbs), Winnie is 13.1 kg (28.82 lbs), and little Annie is 11.45 kg (25.19 lbs) . . . that is 39.6 kg (87 lbs) in my bed each night! Is it any wonder that I was almost dumped on the floor a few nights back?! They were already on reduced rations so we will see what happens with reducing them a bit more. Apparently they are middle aged now . . . the boys turn 8 in mid April . . . so part of the problem is likely a slowing down of their metabolism. My vet says they have fattened up with love (no, I don't over feed them). Tomorrow is physio again so, as my stepfather would say, I'll be peddling my ass for another 40 minutes.
Short Takes
Alternet — Every candidate in the GOP presidential race is running on the same economic platform: slash taxes, slash spending, slash regulation. It’s the Republicans’ special formula, guaranteed to spark prosperity and opulence for all. …
Deregulate the private sector, shrink taxes for everybody, but especially corporations and the rich. America has been here before. These ideas are not new. Throughout the 1920s, they were policy.
An excellent article that puts historical context around current Republican economic platforms. Republicans just love their St Ronnie! Interesting how Republicans don't want to acknowledge the cause and effect of the 1929 stock market crash and the depression. It is laws like the original Glass Steagall that made a big difference.
CBC — The federal government discriminates against First Nation children on reserves by failing to provide the same level of child welfare services that exist elsewhere, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has ruled.
Cindy Blackstock, executive director of the First Nations and Family Caring Society, along with the Assembly of First Nations, filed a complaint against Ottawa with the Canadian Human Rights Commission in February 2007. …
Before final arguments were heard in October 2014, during which the tribunal heard from 25 witnesses, the federal government had racked up $5.3 million in legal fees.
A great ruling! In February 2007, Stephen Harper was Canada's Prime Minister. He ws not one to act on or coöperate in any way for the benefit of First Nations. But to be fair, previous governments, both Conservative and Liberal, did not handle First Nations issues well at all. It is past time that changed. I watched a brief statement by Charlie Angus, MP Timmins-James Bay, earlier as he recounted how there were some 89 Aboriginal kids on suicide watch a few years ago and the federal Conservative government in concert with the Ontario provincial government fired all the social workers leaving the kids and their families in dire straits. And of course trust the fiscally conservative Stephen Harper, like US Republicans, to spend money legal issues that should never have been done. Imagine the good that $5.3 million could have done for First Nations kids.
Huffington Post — The Canadian government has fired off a pre-emptive strike before American lawmakers hold a hearing in which the northern neighbour's Syria refugee policy will be on the hot seat.
It sent a note to members of a powerful U.S. Senate committee that has scheduled a meeting next week titled, "Canada's Fast-Track Refugee Plan: Unanswered Questions and Implications for U.S. National Security."
The U.S. Senate homeland-security hearing is, for the Trudeau government, an unwanted flip-side to the praise it received from progressives and foreign media outlets last month when the prime minister personally greeted refugees at the airport.
This will be far less laudatory, judging from the list of witnesses invited to testify before the committee next Wednesday: most have already publicly challenged Canada's plan to quickly accept 25,000 refugees.
Here comes the American paranoia over Muslims from the Republican dominated Congress and it is directed at Canada. The Canadian Ambassador to the US declined to testify "…citing a long-standing practice of avoiding appearances in that partisan domestic political chamber." Partisan is an understatement!
My Universe —