Lynn Squance

Feb 242016

I was in sufficient foot pain yesterday that I could not concentrate to produce an Open Thread.  At physio today, my therapist looked at my foot and did some manipulations.  It is still quite painful, swollen and red, but nothing compared to yesterday.  Seems I have dislocated bones on the lateral side of my right foot so it is rest and ice with a follow up on Monday.  I have no idea how I dislocated the bones.  On a happy note, our gardens are blooming with crocuses, narcissus and forsythia.  Some daffodils and tulips are about 12-15 cm high and just developing their buds.  Even some of the trees are starting to bud!  Today the temperature was 16 C (61 F) although tonight it is supposed to go down to freezing.

Short Takes

Huffington Post  Many of the progressive wish list issues Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) advocate for as they campaign were achieved in Oregon in the last year. 

Since taking office, Democratic majorities in both chambers of the legislature have sent Brown bills addressing such progressive measures as expanding voting rights, access to birth control and background checks for gun purchases, as well as enacting paid sick leave and making community college nearly free for thousands of students. 

Brown has tried to balance "fighting for working families and making sure we open the doors of opportunity to every single Oregonian" and treading cautiously because she is acutely aware that voters did not actually elect her into office. 

Normally, I would leave this for TC, but with him sick, I elected to pass on the positive news.  The headline: The Political Revolution Is Close To Fruition In Oregon.  As TC would say, Oregon leads the way!

Alternet — In October 2001, the U.S. launched its invasion of Afghanistan largely through proxy Afghan fighters with the help of Special Operations forces, American air power, and CIA dollars.  The results were swift and stunning.  The Taliban was whipped, a new government headed by Hamid Karzai soon installed in Kabul, and the country declared “liberated.”

More than 14 years later, how’d it go?  What’s “liberated” Afghanistan like and, if you were making a list, what would be the accomplishments of Washington all these years later?  Hmm… at this very moment, according to the latest reports, the Taliban control more territory than at any moment since December 2001.  Meanwhile, the Afghan security forces that the U.S. built up and funded to the tune of more than $65 billion are experiencing “unsustainable” casualties, their ranks evidently filled with “ghost” soldiers and policemen — up to 40% in some places — whose salaries, often paid by the U.S., are being pocketed by their commanders and other officials.

economically speaking, how did the “reconstruction” of the country work out, given that Washington pumped more money (in real dollars) into Afghanistan in these years than it did into the rebuilding of Western Europe after World War II?  Leaving aside the pit of official corruption into which many of those dollars disappeared, the country is today hemorrhaging desperate young people who can’t find jobs or make a living and now constitute what may be the second largest contingent of refugees heading for Europe.

Click through for the rest of this interesting article.  Afghanistan is a country rich in natural mineral resources, but it is also a very poor country.  One natural resource that flourishes in this harsh environment is the poppy.  The economy, such that it is, is being supported by the poppy which makes its way around the globe.  This from Wikipedia:

… The cultivation of opium [in Afghanistan] reached its peak in 1999, when 350 square miles (910 km2) of poppies were sown … The following year the Taliban banned poppy cultivation, … a move which cut production by 94 percent … By 2001 only 30 square miles (78 km2) of land were in use for growing opium poppies. A year later, after American and British troops had removed the Taliban and installed the interim government, the land under cultivation leapt back to 285 square miles (740 km2), with Afghanistan supplanting Burma to become the world's largest opium producer once more.

Foreign Policy — For nearly 17 years, K.T. has been living with a secret. In 1999, during the conflict in Kosovo, she was gang raped by Serbian forces.

When her son found out, she says, he had a question for her: “Why didn’t you ask them to kill you instead?”

If that was the reaction of her own family, what would the neighbors say? Fearing the humiliation, she suffered in silence. She says she tried to commit suicide. When she talks about that day, she still sometimes says it would have been better if she had been killed.

Thousands of survivors of the wartime sexual violence in Kosovo that took place when Serbia fought against an independence movement here in the late 1990s still suffer from stigma like K.T.. So it was a significant step when the country’s parliament moved in 2014 to recognize them as war victims, entitling them to a state pension, after years of refusing to acknowledge them. Nearly two years later, the government is expected to soon form the commission that will begin accepting applications.  …

“I’m trying to convince other women who were raped to register, but very few will do it,” she said. “They’re afraid it will cause problems with their families — many are afraid their husbands would divorce and leave them. They say it’s been 17 years and we’ve gotten nothing, so why register now? The risk is too big.”

How would you react if your son said to you “Why didn’t you ask them to kill you instead?”​, all because you had been gang raped by enemy soldiers during war?  Society, by shaming these war victims, is blaming the victim rather than the perpetrator.  We say "That is in Kosovo.  It would never happen here.".  But it does happen in the US.  Just listen to Republican politicians talking about rape and abortion.  Victims are stigmatised.

Crooks and Liars — 

I kept hearing on the news that Trump said he likes uneducated people.  I found that offensive.  But it also tells us that he wants supporters that are uneducated so he can build his base with people that don't generally think critically.

The New Yorker — Making good on one of his key campaign promises, President Obama signed an executive order on Tuesday relocating the United States Congress to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

The President seemed to relish signing the order, calling the relocation a “win-win for America,” and indicating that Congress could be moved to its new headquarters “immediately.”

“We don’t envision doing any renovations to the facility down there,” he said. “It is ready to house Congress right now.”

The President did not specify what the current U.S. Capitol building would be used for in the future, but he hinted that it could be the setting for historic reënactments in the manner of Colonial Williamsburg.

Is Andy onto something or what?

My Universe

Is this chick crazy?  The cat certainly is patient and tolerant!

Feb 232016

I am not a fan of Israel the country and government, not the people.  There is no doubt that the Jewish people suffered grievously at the hands of Hitler and the Nazis duriing WWII.  Throughout history, the Jews have suffered through pogroms and wars.  But it seems to me that they, at the hands of Netanyahu and his cronies, have become the oppressor.

From AlternetThe worst cases of racism to emerge from Israel this week demonstrate how non-Jewish minority groups are maligned and demonized, and how hawkish forces in the country then use this incitement to manufacture consent for meting out harsh treatment against the same groups.

Murder-manual author convicted of sedition.

At the end of the week, an Israeli court convicted on charges of sedition the author of a how-to handbook directing Jewish supremacists to murder Palestinians. The book, Kingdom of Evil, details several assassination scenarios, including “setting a house on fire with the residents still inside,” Ha’aretz reports. In July 2015, Jewish supremacists put the book’s specific instructions into practice, torching a home in the West Bank village of Duma and burning to death the Dawabsha family, including their one-year-old baby, Ali.

The Israeli government has filed no charges, however, against the author of another popular publication, which does not explain how Jews should murder non-Jews, but rather why they should. Two months ago, Israel’s High Court of Justice backed the Attorney-General’s decision not to press charges against the authors of The King’s Torah, which uses religious arguments to justify the killing of even non-Jewish babies. The authors, rabbis living in a Jewish-only West Bank settlement, were paid state salaries when they penned the tract.

This is the first of five outrageous acts from Israel geared to incite violence.   Click through for the remaining four.  It seems that Israel has become that which she despised.

Feb 232016

Earlier in the Democratic campaigns, I remember Bernie dealing with questions from Black Lives Matter.  His campaign seemed very "white bread" at the time, and he was heckled.  He struggled with the questions being put to him, but he developed a plan and spoke out with his usual authenticity.  Now Clinton is being confronted with similar concerns.

From The Nation:  Black voters have been remarkably loyal to the Clintons for more than 25 years. It’s true that we eventually lined up behind Barack Obama in 2008, but it’s a measure of the Clinton allure that Hillary led Obama among black voters until he started winning caucuses and primaries. Now Hillary is running again. This time she’s facing a democratic socialist who promises a political revolution that will bring universal healthcare, a living wage, an end to rampant Wall Street greed, and the dismantling of the vast prison state—many of the same goals that Martin Luther King Jr. championed at the end of his life. Even so, black folks are sticking with the Clinton brand.  

Image result for hillary clinton images

But what about a larger agenda that would not just reverse some of the policies adopted during the Clinton era, but would rebuild the communities decimated by them? If you listen closely here, you’ll notice that Hillary Clinton is still singing the same old tune in a slightly different key. She is arguing that we ought not be seduced by Bernie’s rhetoric because we must be “pragmatic,” “face political realities,” and not get tempted to believe that we can fight for economic justice and win. When politicians start telling you that it is “unrealistic” to support candidates who want to build a movement for greater equality, fair wages, universal healthcare, and an end to corporate control of our political system, it’s probably best to leave the room.  

But recognizing that Bernie, like Hillary, has blurred vision when it comes to race is not the same thing as saying their views are equally problematic. Sanders opposed the 1996 welfare-reform law. He also opposed bank deregulation and the Iraq War, both of which Hillary supported, and both of which have proved disastrous. In short, there is such a thing as a lesser evil, and Hillary is not it.

Click through for the rest of this interesting article to determine if, in the eyes of the author, Hillary deserves the support of African American voters.

Feb 232016

I have bearly had any sleep for the past 2 nights so I am extraordinarily tired.  Today I had physio and am told I fell asleep on the recumbent bicycle as I pedalled away.  I prefer to think that I was in deep meditation as my legs kept going for 45 minutes.  Then I was on the traction bed for about 30 minutes and I did fall asleep.  After doing a few quick errands, I availed myself of one of Lona's catnaps.  Thanks Lona!  I plan to have a really good sleep tonight.

Short Takes

Think Progress — Despite a complete lack of evidence that Planned Parenthood is breaking any laws, Republican lawmakers are pressing ahead with their relentless crusade against the national women’s health organization.

A series of heavily edited videos accusing Planned Parenthood of selling aborted baby parts continues to influence the national debate, even though it’s become clear those claims aren’t based in fact. Last month, a Houston grand jury concluded that Planned Parenthood hasn’t done anything wrong. Every state-level investigation into the group has come up empty.

But that’s made no difference to the GOP politicians who are insistent on using this discredited information to attack Planned Parenthood. It’s working. In several states this week, Republican leaders successfully advanced their efforts to undermine the organization’s work.

As noted by NBC News, Gov John Kasich of Ohio signed a bill that effectively strips $1.3 million in funding from PP.  The legislation targets ""any entity that performs or promotes nontherapeutic abortions"" and means no funds to "support screenings for breast cancer, STD testing, programs working to prevent violence against women, and more.".  If this is what Kasich calls 'support for women's health', he needs a good dictionary!  And Republicans say there is no war on women and no war on the poor?  I say PROVE IT!

CBC — The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration [FAA] issued a notice Dec.14 last year warning private pilots that all foreign private planes now had to obtain diplomatic clearance from the secretary of state before entering U.S. airspace.

The situation persisted for a month and cost thousands of dollars in increased fuel as planes had to be diverted.

Bernard Gervais president of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association [COPA] worries the situation could reoccur.

"I don't want this to happen again," Gervais told CBC News. "It's a big issue for us. We need overfly there. There's no wall between our countries. It's always been that way."

Well the situation has been rectified for now, but my guess, this is in retaliation for sending Ted Cruz stateside and agreeing to his renunciation of his Canadian citizenship.  LOL!!!

The New Yorker — Antonin Scalia, who died this month, after nearly three decades on the Supreme Court, devoted his professional life to making the United States a less fair, less tolerant, and less admirable democracy. Fortunately, he mostly failed.

But it was in his jurisprudence that Scalia most self-consciously looked to the past. He pioneered “originalism,” a theory holding that the Constitution should be interpreted in line with the beliefs of the white men, many of them slave owners, who ratified it in the late eighteenth century. 

To be a constitution originalist, one must surely believe that the earth is flat and there is no such thing as change.  I believe neither, but Scalia must certainly believe it.  As we gain knowledge and develop wisdom, our perceptions change.  With that, the constitution takes on nuances of interpretation that did not previously exist.  The framers could not know what lay 227 years in the future.

Huffington Post — Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, finished sixth in the South Carolina Republican presidential primary … But Carson offered some interesting spin to explain the result:

Carson statement for the ages!

he "received as many delegates in South Carolina as all other candidates but the winner"

I think it is past time that Carson pulled the plug on his campaign.

My Universe — 

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Feb 212016

Were I still working, I would be working 15 hour days as this is the last week for retirement savings plan contributions for the 2015 tax year.  Can you see me doing my happy dance now that I am out of that rat race?  Mother is doing "well" and we had a good visit.  This week will be a little quiter than last but that is OK by me.  Hope you are all having a good weekend.

Short Takes

Huffington Post — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) suspended his campaign Saturday after a disappointing finish in the South Carolina primary, ending a dismal presidential bid that was built to “shock and awe” his opponents but barely made them flinch. 

"I am proud of the campaign we have run to unify our country. To advocate conservative solutions that would give more Americans the opportunity to rise up and reach their God-given potential," Bush said, choking back emotion. "But the people of Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken, and I respect the decision, so tonight I'm suspending my campaign. I congratulate my competitors that are remaining on the island on their success, for a race that has been hard-fought."

Based on Saturday's South Carolina Republican primary, how long will it be before Kasich and Carson drop out? They both placed lower than Bush.  I read somewhere that Bush staffers started sending out résumés late last week.

YouTube — And now, a word about voting rights from John Oliver.

I love John Oliver's way with words.

Rawstory — On Friday night, Donald Trump recounted for his supporters an inaccurate story about John Pershing, the commander of the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I, who he alleged decided to summarily execute 49 of 50 Muslim prisoners while helping to put down a rebellion in the Muslim region of Mindanao from 1909-1913. The icing on the cake? The bullets were, as he noted, dipped in pig’s blood.

The fiftieth prisoner was left alive, presumably to go tell his friends of the horror; Trump claimed there was thereafter no more violence for twenty-five years.  

What’s so egregious about all of this is that America’s Muslims, nor really any of the world’s Muslims, conceived of nor orchestrated the Iraq war that has since spawned a terrorist movement – Isis – that Americans currently fear more than any other.

The Dumpfuhrer

Photo from Huffington Post Front Page US Edition

It is telling when at the end of every Trump article in the Huffington Post, the following note is printed:

Editor's Note: Donald Trump is a serial liarrampant xenophoberacistmisogynist, birther and bully who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.

And THIS is who many Republicans want as their president?

Truthdig — Albert Woodfox, the last of the men known as the Angola 3, was released from a Louisiana prison on Friday.

He had spent over four decades in solitary confinement at the notorious Louisiana State Penitentiary known as “Angola.”

His release, on his 69 birthday, comes after he pleaded no contest to charges of manslaughter and aggravated burglary in the 1972 death of a prison guard. Though his previous convictions of murder for the death were previously thrown out, the state had blocked his release.  He had always maintained his innocence.

Finally released, but will justice ever be done?

My Universe

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Feb 202016

The week is done.  I renewed my annual car insurance so I am good to drive.  I paid my annual municipal utilities so I'll have water to drink and garbage/recycling pickup for another year.  Physio is done til I start again on Monday, and English is done.  It is absolutely pouring rain and is expected to do so all weekend.  It is a shame that the weather is so wet as two of Lucia's kids, Jonathan and Loliyo, are at camp all weekend. This afternoon, I will go to see my mother and hopefully she'll be rid of her chest infection.  Have a great weekend everyone!

Short Takes 

The Nation — But in addition to the gridlock and rancor in Washington, the American political system has gotten much worse since Obama was elected, through no fault of his own.

The Supreme Court allowed unlimited secret campaign contributions and gutted the Voting Rights Act. Twenty-one states passed new voting restrictions targeting the core of Obama’s political coalition. Gerrymandering reached new lows following the 2010 election.

 Obama offered three ideas for how to repair America’s broken political system.

Is the tone of today's speech that much different than Obama's tone when he first became POTUS?  As I recall, he was one who tried to build bridges, not erect walls.  And I hear that reflected in today's speech.

An Homage to Faux Noise

H/T to Carol B and Ted W, Care2 for the picture

Alternet — Mexico’s unique and treasured native corn varieties could be under threat as Monsanto, the world’s largest seed producer, vies to plant genetically modified (GMO) corn in the country.  

However, community advocates and chefs warn that Mexico’s 59 indigenous corn varieties could be under threat by GMOs. As you can see in this video from the Financial Times, the country’s most noted chefs are speaking out against a possible takeover. Roughly 80 other Mexican chefs have also joined the fight against GMO corn.

Of course, two things that Monsanto does not say are 1) the GMO corn will contaminate the ancient varieties; and 2) farmers will be forced to buy corn seed from Monsanto which will further endanger the survival of these ancient varieties.

Politico Magazine — Senator Ted Cruz invoked President John F. Kennedy's name and legacy in a campaign appearance the other day, arguing that if he were alive today, Kennedy would be a Republican. Specifically, he said Kennedy “would be tarred and feathered by the modern Democratic Party.”


As Kennedy’s grandson, and as a student of his life, legacy and administration, I find this notion—and the suggestion that Ted Cruz is somehow taking up his mantle—absurd. Were my grandfather alive today, he’d be excited about how far we have come as a nation since 1963, he would feel a sense of urgency about the challenges that lie ahead and he most certainly would not be a Republican.

Click through for the rest of Jack Kennedy Schlossberg's piece.  I find the idea that Cruz would even insinuate a comparison of himself to JFK Jr absolutely disgusting.

Mother Jones — Last month, solar power suffered a major blow in Nevada. Under pressure from the state's largest electric utility, NV Energy, state regulators agreed to drastically roll back a key financial incentive for rooftop solar installations. The move, which applied both to new solar users and to homes already equipped with panels, could leave existing customers on the hook for thousands of dollars in higher electricity costs. It also obliterated the economic case for prospective solar buyers. And it prompted a mass exodus of solar contractors in the state with the most solar jobsper capita. SolarCity, the country's largest solar installer, fired 550 workers; two of its main competitors, Vivant and Sunrun, plan to shut down their Nevada operations.

Getting support for solar power should be a pimary focus, but Republicans are so beholden to the fossil fuel industry that I doubt Republican candidates will even mention it.

My Universe — 


Feb 192016

Yesterday was another day of significant joint pain in the knees and hands so I stayed low and covered up until I had to go out to a meeting in the evening.  Sitting at the computer is difficult and it is at times like this that I wish I had a laptop so that I could work with my legs stretched out and warm under a blanket.  Maybe some day . . .  Today is supposed to rain very heavily although it has not yet started which is odd.  I will be off to teaching again this afternoon with Lucia.

Short Takes

CBC — Pope Francis said Thursday that Donald Trump is "not Christian" if he intends to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border. Trump immediately fired back, saying it is disgraceful for a religious leader to question a person's faith.  …

Trump, a Presbyterian, last week criticized Francis' plans to pray at the border. He said the move was ill-informed and showed Francis to be a political figure  …

"No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man's religion or faith," he [Trump] said. 

So Trump would suspend the first amendment rights of the Pope, or any other religious leader for that matter, for commenting on the actions of another when those actions do not meet with the professed values of that person?  Get over it Trump!

Alternet — Historians may someday see the 2016 election season as the turning point in how our society understands the Dominionist movement that is seeking to recast society in its own image.

 discusses the influence of “seven mountains dominionism” on Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) – who may be the most openly theocratic candidate ever to be a serious contender for a major party presidential nomination.  Perhaps just as remarkably, the Dominionism advocated by the likes of the Cruz family is wrapped in a claim that religious freedom is under assault in the U.S.

IMO, religious freedom — the freedom to believe or not to believe, to worship or not to worship — is under assault in the US, but NOT as Cruz and his ilk would have us believe.  It is people like Cruz who would ram their pseudo Christianity down everyone's throats, who would legislate biblically based laws (Christian Sharia law) that all people, regardless of their beliefs, would have to follow.

Truthdig — But then comes the imbalance: If there is a common element in the rhetoric of all the Republican candidates, it is that Obama’s presidency is an utter disaster, and he is trying to turn us, as Rubio keeps saying, into “a different kind of country.” You’d imagine from hearing the Republicans speak (Kasich is a partial exception) that we are in the midst of a new Great Depression, have just been defeated in a war, have lost our moral compass entirely, have no religious liberty, and are on the verge of a dictatorship established by a slew of illegal executive orders.

Oh, yes, and the president who brought about all these horrors has lost the authority to name a Supreme Court justice, no matter what the Constitution—which should otherwise be strictly interpreted—says.

EJ Dionne is correct . . . the Republicans are hammering away at Obama's presidency in their less than truthful style.  Democrats need to uphold Obama's presidency and call out Republicans for their action . . . or should I say, lack of any meaningful action for the country!

My Universe — 

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Feb 182016

Today has thankfully not been super busy.  It was raining hard and the next few days will be much worse.  Physio was good but I was in significant pain from my knees, likely because of the rain.  I don't expect it to get any better for the next few days so it is 'grin and bear it' time and take tylenol.  I have acquired another ESL student, the wife of my physiotherapist.  She is at a high school level so this will be a very different space from my other student.

Short Takes

CBC — If, as Christians believe, Jesus Christ someday reappears, strolling down from Bethany toward Jerusalem's Golden Gate, conservative Americans would probably hail him as a Republican, but on reflection, not really fit to serve on the Supreme Court.

He might not be enthusiastic enough about guns, his ideas on wealth redistribution are just plain socialism, he likely wouldn't be keen on injecting criminals with lethal chemicals, he'd no doubt urge clemency for all the millions of illegal immigrants doing America's scut work and, as a Jew, he might even have a compromise view of abortion.

The U.S. Supreme Court: seated left to right: Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Antonin Scalia, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Standing left to right: Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Stephen G. Breyer, Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Justice Elena Kagan.

As a matter of fact, the replacement of Justice Scalia, who was found dead Saturday at a hunting resort in Texas, is already becoming a big, bitterly disputed political issue in the presidential election, exactly what you'd think such an appointment should not be.  

But that is America: nothing, not even a tribunal at the pinnacle of a system that is supposed to dispense blind, apolitical justice, is exempt from the left/right, Democrat/Republican, conservative/liberal binary that suffuses every aspect of the nation's life.

In Canada, one rarely hears anything from the Supreme Court of Canada other than their decisions, which is so different to SCOTUS.  Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin did have a dustup with ex-PM Stephen Harper but that was Harper's doing as he tried to push the appointment of a judge that did not meet the requirements for a justice.  Harper made it very public and he was wrong.  So to hear a retired justice's comments comparing the two top courts was very interesting.  Click through for the rest.

Daily Kos — I took this picture from an article in Daily Kos because it made me laugh.

Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz (L)and Marco Rubio (R) applaud as fellow candidate Donald Trump (C) is introduced during the CBS News Republican Presidential Debate in Greenville, South Carolina, February 13, 2016.  / AFP / JIM WATSON        (

Starting from left is Ted "Meh!" Cruz (sanctimonious bastard isn't he?!), Donald "Ollie!" Trump (doing an excellent impersonation of Stan Laurel), and lastly, Marco (I think I peed my pants) Rubio.  Together they are the 3 Stooges of the Republican Party.

Right Wing Watch — In an “emergency transmission” to his Facebook fans today, conspiracy theorist radio host Alex Jones floated his suspicions that the late Justice Antonin Scalia was “murdered,” just like conservative activist Andrew Breitbart.

While accusing Obama of a litany crimes, including secretly funding ISIS and blackmailing Supreme Court justices, Jones said that “this is the season of treason, this is the time of betrayal and we would be fools not to ask the question” if Scalia was assassinated, suggesting that bad actors may have slipped something into the justice’s drink to trigger a heart attack.


Click through for more including a video.  It is interesting to note that of the 5 most popular posts, 4 are conspiracy theories about the death of Scalia: Rick Wiles: Obama Killed Scalia As A Pagan Human SacrificeGlenn Beck: God Allowed Scalia To Die In Order To Highlight The Importance Of Electing Ted CruzDonald Trump Raises Suspicions About Justice Scalia's Death, and this hit piece from Alex Jones. 

Huffington Post — Social media users lamented the "ridiculous" sky-high price on such a lowly looking home — but turns out it wasn't that ludicrous after all.

The property ended up selling for more than $80,000 over its asking price

vancouver teardown

This is not the kind of article I would normally post here, but it is indicative of the economics of Vancouver and just how unaffordable it is for residents.  Although the article indicates it is in Vancouver's West End, actually it is on the Westside, a very different area.  The house sold for approximately $2.5 million.  I am grateful that I bought my place 25 years ago in Port Moody which is a small city east of Vancouver, but still about 45 minutes driving time from downtown Vancouver.

My Universe


