I was out to a meeting at my church for a few hours late this afternoon. I noticed just how fast the flowers and trees are coming alive, the fruit trees in particular. At this rate, we'll have cherry and plum trees in blossom by the end of next week. They are all gorgeous, but I am particularly fond of the deep pink blooms. Tomorrow is an extra physio session for my foot and then off to teaching. Lucia starts her new ESL class on Monday so I am going to accompany her so I can tailor our sessions to her class work. There is always something to do!
Short Takes
Raw Story — Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R) broke ranks with his state’s conservative lawmakers on Thursday in speaking out against a proposed “religious freedom” bill,Towleroad reported.
“I think what the New Testament teaches us is that Jesus reached out to those who were considered the outcasts, the ones that did not conform to the religious societies’ view of the world and said to those of belief, ‘This is what I want you to do,'” Deal said after a ribbon-cutting ceremony in Atlanta. “We do not have a belief — in my way of looking at religion — that says we have to discriminate against anybody. If you were to apply those standards to the teaching of Jesus, I don’t think they fit.”
Click through for a video of Deal's remarks. When I saw yesterday that Deal expected the bill on his desk today, he gave no indication if he was for or against it. I am pleasantly surprised to hear his decision and his rationale. Finally, a Republican with his head screwed on straight, well at least on this issue. Let's hope that the State General Assembly does not have a veto proof bill.
CNN — Mitt Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention, a source close to Romney's inner circle says.
The 2012 GOP nominee's advisers are examining what a fight at the convention might look like and what rules might need revising.
"It sounds like the plan is to lock the convention," said the source.
Romney is focused on suppressing Trump's delegate count to prevent him from accumulating the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the nomination.
If Rmoney jumps in to the Republican fray, I can see Trump jumping to a third party. Trump has said he would take all "his people" and leave the Republicans with far fewer voters. A split vote on the right could make a significant contribution to a Democratic win. Why buy a ticket to a WWF match when you can sit at home and watch the Republicans on TV eviserating themselves!
Huffington Post — The U.S. Supreme Court sided with the Obama administration on Thursday in rebuffing a bid by 20 states to halt an Environmental Protection Agency rule to curb emissions of mercury and other toxic pollutants from power plants.
The action came about a month after the high court put on hold federal regulations to curb carbon dioxide emissions mainly from coal-fired power plants, the centerpiece of President Barack Obama's strategy to combat climate change.
Chief Justice John Roberts denied a petition made last week by the states, led by Michigan, to put the rule on hold after a federal appeals court decided in December to leave it intact while the EPA reassessed costs of implementing the regulation.
Could there be hope for a Scalia-less SCOTUS . . . hope that there will be some reasonable decisions without all the Republican drama? Good move but the issue isn't over as the compliance costs have to be worked out by 15/04/2016.
Foreign Policy — On Thursday, March 3, a statement is being released by a number of Republican foreign-policy hands declaring why we can’t support Donald Trump as our party’s nominee for president. …
Now that Trump holds a strong lead in delegates, an internal debate is roiling the ranks of Republicans who have not supported him, but who recognize the growing likelihood (though not a certainty) that he will become our party’s nominee. …
But whether or not he believes his own words, merely uttering them renders him unfit to be commander in chief. Consider: If Trump does not believe what he says, he is a demagogue and a charlatan, who neither knows nor cares that his reckless rhetoric has already done serious damage to our nation’s international credibility and given succor to our authoritarian adversaries. Whereas if Trump does believe what he says — praising Chinese and Russian and North Korean tyranny, disparaging religious and racial groups, indulging the fever swamps of left-wing conspiracies — then he is not only unqualified to lead the world’s greatest democracy, he would place it in considerable peril.
"roiling the ranks of Republicans" is a rather tepid description of Trump's affect on the Republican Party right now. From Republican politicians like Lindsey Graham refusing to support Trump if he should be the party's nominee, to foreign policy advisers refusing to support him, Trump has put the Republican Party into convulsions from which it may not recover soon enough.
My Universe —