Lynn Squance

Mar 182016

Well I have been absent from posting for much of this week.  It has been busy.  I have started teaching English to another student which has gone very well.  She is at a grade 11 level, so our session was much different than the one I have with Lucia.  Her daughter is in French immersion so I am also spending some time with her, reading both French and English.  Good review of French for me too as I don't use it often enough.  My right foot is coming along but I still need some physio.  Fortunately it rarely hurts when I walk.  And my big news this week, I bought a laptop computer so that I can still work when I am forced to keep my legs up.  Also, I am almost finished a programme in pastoral care which really is much like the hospice training I took 17 years ago.

Short Takes

Robert Reich — The Constitution of the United States is clear: Article II Section 2 says the President “shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint … judges to the Supreme Court.”  …

In refusing to vote or even hold a hearing on the President’s nominee to the Supreme Court, the GOP is abdicating its constitutional responsibility. It’s not doing its job.

Alternet — If you were to ask Donald Trump’s supporters what they most admire about the GOP front-runner, chances are they would cite his so-called authenticity, his willingness to “tell it like it is” and, perhaps more than anything else, his rejection of that great bugaboo of the Obama Age: political correctness.

Such qualities ought to mean that whatever else Trump may be—a blowhard, a demagogue, a bigot, a reality TV huckster, a malignant narcissist, an unparalleled deal maker—he’s an ardent believer in press protections, free speech and the First Amendment. Indeed, in a Feb. 27 appearance on the Fox News channel, Trump seemed—at first—to be saying so, declaring, “I love free press. I think it’s great.”

But like much of what is taken as a given in the crazy-town vortex that is the Trump presidential campaign, the image of the candidate as a champion of free speech is a mirage. The bullying billionaire can sling mud and demean his real and imagined enemies with the best of them. The problem, however, is that he can’t take it when others fire back.

And who or what is to protect "We the people" from the fallacious statements of Drumpf, his lies, deceptions, and misleading statements, numerous as they all are?  And of course there are still the incitements to violence.

Raw Story — Republican elected officials admitted they promised to help a convicted felon run for elected office if he agreed to stop paying his mandated grazing fees.

A newly released recording reveals how GOP lawmakers and local officials were deeply involved with the occupation of an Oregon federal wildlife reserve earlier this year by armed militants, according to an in-depth report by Oregon Public Broadcasting.

Many of the officials are members of the Coalition of Western States, which shares the militants’ stated goal of rolling back federal ownership of public lands for private use.

Is there any doubt that the Republican Party is the party of right wing extremism?

Daily Beast — For seven hours on Thursday, a few dozen conservative leaders gathered in an upstairs room of the Army Navy Club off K Street in downtown Washington, D.C. to rack their collective brains—but reached no conclusion on how to thwart the billionaire’s rise.

Quin Hillyer, a National Review contributing editor, fielded questions afterwards from print reporters and a Chinese camera crew, explaining that the group hoped all the 2016 presidential candidates who haven’t endorsed Trump will coalesce behind a unity ticket. He added that there wasn’t a consensus that conservatives should unite behind Cruz.

“That was not the consensus,” he said, when asked about support for a Cruz-helmed unity ticket. “The consensus was that we need a unity ticket of some sort and we’ll let the candidates work out who the unity ticket is.”

Republicans, like a lot of people, thought that the Drumpf campaign would crater early on.  When it was apparent that it would not, Republicans did nothing to curtail his candidacy.  Now, as Drumpf's campaign has gained and sustained speed and delegates, the chickens are coming home to roost.  IMO, Drumpf is dividing the Republican party and the people.  There may be hell to pay come July.

My Universeh/t Carol B and Ted W

baby gorilla


Mar 152016

OK, I finally finished the Monthly Report and TC reviewed it and posted it.  I did not get an Open Thread done yesterday, and I must say I am sick of seeing Drumpf in the headlines.  So today's offerings, or at least some of them, are a little more lighthearted.  How appropriate that this Tuesday, another primary voting day, is the Ides of March which Wikipedia says

"…became notorious as the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BC. The death of Caesar made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history, as one of the events that marked the transition from the historical period known as the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire."

Short Takes

Think Progress — After the hottest winter on record, one Canadian territory raised the weight limit on an ice road crossing at the Arctic Circle from 10 metric tons to 40 metric tons. What could possibly go wrong?

Last Saturday, a fuel tanker broke through an ice road in northern Canada. Fortunately, no one was injured. Just four days prior to this accident, the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) provided this helpful tweet:

Great Bear Ice Crossing has been increased to 40,000 kgs. Drive safe!

2:43 PM – 2 Mar 2016

I wonder if the auto club was able to get the truck freed?  Somebody sure wasn't thinking when they put out that tweet which surprises me, because one error like that can cause death.  I imagine a head or two will roll.

Alternet — If the growing prospect of President Trump scares the shit out of you, Canada might be looking like a nice cozy bolthole right about now. But it’s not just a kinder, gentler U.S. with better hockey and beer.

Hey, it’s close, civilized, a quick flight from the Northeast. They speak English.

But it really is a foreign country.

A nation almost 100 years younger than the U.S., Confederation was in 1867, creating the first four provinces. For all its vaunted socially liberal policies, it’s also a country with its own history of submission and domination – English over French, the 150,000 First Nations, Metis and Inuit children forced for decades to attend brutal residential schools, the unresolved murders of 1,200 indigenous women, prompting the recent allocation of $100 million by Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne to investigate and address the issue.

While Canada recently welcomed 25,000 Syrian refugees, don’t be too quick to assume there’s an equal welcome for thousands of panicked Americans eager to flee a political scene they find abhorrent.

We have heard many times in the news that many Americans have said they will move to Canada if Drumpf is elected president.  Do I think a lot of people will do so?  No.  I think it is a bit of whimsy on their part.  I had to laugh though as I read this somewhat tongue-in-cheek observation of what life might be like here.

Think Progress — The Republican Party has a demographics problem. A recent analysis found that while GOP frontrunner Donald Trump may be energizing a subset of white male voters who normally don’t participate in politics, he is driving away the very groups Republicans need to win the White House this fall: young people, women, naturalized immigrants, Latinos, and blue collar workers. Trump has done so much damage to the GOP’s brand with these groups that he would need to win more than 70 percent of all white men to make up for it, yet he is polling at just 57 percent when matched up with Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton and 55 percent when squared off against Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Republican Party leaders are openly wondering if Trump will “drive the party into a demographic abyss,” and if the hundreds of Florida voters who gathered outside last night’s GOP are any indication, the GOP has cause for concern.

On Thursday night, as the four remaining candidates debated, hundreds of people from across Florida took to the streets outside the University of Miami to protest the party’s rhetoric on immigration, women’s health, the Puerto Rican debt crisis, and the minimum wage.

The emphasis is mine.  I question whether it is Drumpf or the Party that is driving "the party into a demographic abyss", or perhaps both.  Let's face it, Republicans have been in ongoing wars with women, immigrants, the 99%, and since 2012, the 47%.  Where traditional Republicans are hoping no one is watching their little dance, Drumpf is being loud and brash.  No matter what type of spin they try to put on it, Republicans still attract the angry white males.

Common Dreams —There's a vacancy on the most important court in America, and the message from Senate Republicans is crystal clear: forget the Constitution. For Senate Republicans, it does not matter who President Obama nominates because they will allow no votes and will hold no hearings on that nominee. Their response to one of the most solemn and consequential tasks that our government performs is to pretend that the nominee—and President Obama himself—do not exist.


At the same time that they are blocking all possible Supreme Court nominees, Senate Republicans are in a panic because their party appears to be on a path to nominate one of two extremists for president—extremists who attack the legitimacy of their political opponents and demean millions of Americans. Senate Republicans worry that, if either candidate is selected to be the party's standard-bearer, the Republican party will lose in November.

Elizabeth Warren is so spot on in her assertions and Republicans are so wrong in theirs.  There have been a number of petitions urging action on the SCOTUS vacancy.  Here is one from Daily Kos: Tell Senator McConnell to allow a vote on Supreme Court nominees 

Huffington Post — MEMORANDUM

TO: All U. S. Presidential Candidates

FROM: God a.k.a. Jehovah, Allah, Supreme Being, The Big Guy Upstairs, et al.

When it comes to politics, ordinarily I don't like to get involved. After all, I've got a lot on my plate what with wars, famines and the widespread instability throughout the world. 

And my desire for non-involvement goes double when it comes to American presidential politics. When you insist on running campaigns that last longer than the Great Flood, honestly I'd like to steer clear of the whole mess.

Sadly, you folks have made that impossible. Recent events dictate that I must temporarily set aside some of my divine duties and sort things out.

First of all, stop invoking my name to get votes. I've never heard so many candidates claim that they have a personal relationship with me. If you really did, I would expect you to keep it to yourself and not blab it to every Tom, Dick and Harry.

Click through for a tongue-in-cheek yet I think valid look at the presidential race.

My Universe — 

Mar 142016

It is the end of one month and the beginning of a new one.  In February, Politics Plus was up from February 2015 in every category except unique visitors and number of visits.  Compared to January 2016, Politics Plus is down with the exception of Not Viewed Traffic.  February is a shorter month which will account for some of the decrease.

Here is our latest summary:

PP Feb Stats2-2016


Reported period

Month Feb 2016





First visit

01 Feb 2016 – 00:00





Last visit

29 Feb 2016 – 23:59






Unique visitors

Number of visits




Viewed traffic *




(2.88 visits/visitor)


(3.4 Pages/Visit)


(9.69 Hits/Visit)

7.61 GB

(313.22 KB/Visit)

Not viewed traffic *






9.84 GB

Compared to February 2015

Reported period

Month Feb 2015





First visit

01 Feb 2015 – 00:00





Last visit

28 Feb 2015 – 23:59






Unique visitors

Number of visits




Viewed traffic *




(2.79 visits/visitor)


(2.72 Pages/Visit)


(7.93 Hits/Visit)

3.12 GB

(117.87 KB/Visit)

Not viewed traffic *






4.49 GB

Here is our latest demographic data from Quantcast:


We are still mostly older, well educated, poor, and politically active.  That does not surprise me.

Here is our archived ClustrMap for February only.


Just a reminder, they have changed their format.  When you click the map in the left column, it shows the current month only, no longer the year to date.

Here are our top five articles:

Jane Smiley: Capitalist Pigs 1/17/2010  2,789

5 Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories as Crazy as Donald Trump’s Lie About Muslims Cheering 9/11  11/25/2015  230

5 of the Most Appalling Acts of Incitement From Israel This Week  2/23/2016  176

Judi Angell has a BIG Mouth Again! 😉  1/20/2016  174

Personal Update–2/21/2016  170

The count represents only the people who followed an external link to that specific article.  There are two from February that made the cut,  and I’m especially pleased that two from one of our new co-administrators made it too.  Congrats Squatch! yes 

Here are our top non-blog/news referrers:

Care2  2.160

Google 1,590

Stumbleupon 184

Google (Images) 116

All are down from January, but Care2 and Google took substantial hits.

Here are our top  blog/news referrers:

Here are our top commentators.  Normally, as the resident Big Mouth, TC doesn’t count.  However, since he is commenting on other's articles, I have left him in.  Those who leave their URLs in their comment headers, normally also get “linkey-love” here.  

TomCat (167)

Joanne Dixon (150)

Lona Goudswaard (113)

jla (102)

Edie (98)

Lynn Squance (87)

Pat B (78)

Mitch D. (70)

SoINeedAName (57)

Vivian B. (43)

Jerry Critter (27)

Jim Phillips (17)

dave c (10)

Avril Lomas (9)

Dotti Lydon (5)

We have 434,893 links on other websites which is up substantially from January

As of Midnight on March1, we have 6,297 articles and 75,669 comments, also up.

Kudos to Jerry Critter for posting the 75,000th comment on 10/02/2016.  An amusing little factoid, I let TC know that the date of Jerry's award was incorrect . . . he had a 2014 date.  As many know, I write the date differently being a Canuck.  I just noticed that TC  literally copied me.  LOL!!!

I recommend using your own avatar. Go to GravatarSign up using the email address you use to post comments here and upload the image you want to use as your avatar.  Whenever you comment under that email address here or on any WordPress blog (several others too), that image will become your avatar.


Mar 132016

Slow down dude!  


You don't have to prove you've still got what it takes!


Keep scrolling . . .


cat gifs, cats gif, funny cat gifs, funny cat gif, cute cat gif, best cat gifs, cute cat gifs, animated cat gifs, cat animated gif, hilarious cat gifs

and scrolling . . . 



Happy Birthday 


Puddy Tat!!!!



birthday cake

I'd put a candle on your cake for every year and one for good luck, but the Portland Fire Department would not issue the permit!  Apparently it is a significant fire hazard.


Mar 132016

I haven't posted since 08/03/2016 having felt overwhelmed by a number of things which I won't go into.  Physio is good and I am making good progress with my foot . . . almost healed, but don't worry, I won't be doing a marathon or the high jump again in this lifetime.  I have another student starting on Monday afternoon and will likely be listening to her young daughter read some French as well.  This is the wife of my physiotherapist so the situation is very different from my other student.  As he said, she might even cook a Persian dish for me, although I don't know if he mentioned that to her.  The rest of the week is fairly busy as well.  Hope you're having a great weekend and remember to spring forward!

Short Takes

Huffington Post — Mauril Bélanger dreamed of becoming Speaker of the House of Commons, of trying to make Canada's Parliament and politics a bit better from his perch in that big, green chair.

Those hopes were cruelly dashed last November when the veteran Liberal MP wasdiagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), better known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

mauril belanger

Liberal MP Mauril Bélanger gives a thumbs up as he sits in the Speaker's chair Wednesday. (Photo: Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press)

Awhile back, I posted about Mauril Bélanger, long time Liberal MP who was in the running for Speaker of the House of Commons.  Before the choice was made, he was diagnosed with ALS and withdrew.  A new Speaker was chosen, but Bélanger was made honourary Speaker for a day. Over the past several months, the disease has moved rather quickly.  But last Wednesday, his longtime dream came true and Bélanger was the Speaker for the day.  A triumph of his spirit and passion for his job.

Huffington Post — Adolf Hitler Hates Being Compared To Donald Trump.  Der Führer is der furious.

A short lighthearted look at Drumpf.

Raw Story —  MSNBC host Rachel Maddow argued on Friday that the unrest surrounding Donald Trump’s cancelled campaign rally in Chicago has its roots in political science.

“When you look at the way that Mr. Trump has been talking about the organic existence of both protesters against him and violence toward those protesters at his event, when you look at the way that he has encouraged it in an escalating way leading to this inevitable event tonight in Chicago, I think that it is impossible to say that this is an accident,” she said.



The Rachel Maddow Segment from

Unfortunately, I don't know how to bring Rachel's video's over for direct viewing, so click above (it is set to open in a new window).  I agree with Rachel in her thesis that the violence at Trump rallies, particularly in Chicago, is no accident.  I venture to say, the violence will continue.  Assuming that Drumpf is the Republican nominee, will the violence continue through into November?  I pose that question because we have seen elections in other countries where partisan factions have interrupted elections.  Is that where the US is heading?  Or will cooler heads and the rule of law prevail?

Huffington Post — Ever since Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president on Tuesday, social media has been abuzz with the story of his shaggy doppelgänger — a poisonous blonde toupee caterpillar found in the Americas.  …

The caterpillar's "hair" is actually a set of hollow, venomous spines. According to the University of Florida, the insect is one of the most poisonous caterpillars in the United States.


The Flannel Moth is Drumpf's animal doppelganger!

Well it seems that the flannel moth is not the only one that is poisonous!  Drumpf's rhetoric is totally toxic if not outright poisonous!  Click through for 10 more of Drumpf's animal doppelgangers.  The third cat looks just like my Winnie but Winnie would be totally disgusted with Drumpf.  He's a social democrat like me.

NY Times  POLITICAL parties are mentioned nowhere in the Constitution, and the party nominating process offers few of the protections associated with the ideal of “one man one vote.” Voters in early states have far more influence than voters in later ones. Votes in hard-to-attend caucuses effectively count more than votes in high-turnout primaries. Some primaries are open to party loyalists; others to all comers. The rules that assign convention delegates are byzantine, the delegate selection process is various, and a few states rely on conventions and cut the voters out entirely.

As Donald Trump attempts to clamber to the Republican nomination over a still-divided opposition, there will be a lot of talk about how all these rules and quirks and complexities are just a way for insiders to steal the nomination away from him, in a kind of establishment coup against his otherwise inevitable victory.

This one is for TC . . . 


Peyton Manning and his animal doppelganger!

I want to leave you with this that Dave C from Care2 shared with me.  It is the antidote to Drumpf and many more things.

Mar 092016

I was out most of yesterday.  When I went to drop a storage box off at Lucia's, the house was in an uproar.  Lucia was at her new English class and Jonathan was chasing after Loliyo.  Arimina, the oldest girl, was minding the kids but things were really out of hand.  I stepped in, had the kids do their homework and ended up staying until Lucia arrived home.  The two youngest were in tears because of all the screaming.  I really need to find a strong male role model for Jonathan.  He's been on the Big Brothers waiting list for almost 2 years.  Tomorrow is physio and I hope a quiet afternoon.

NY Times — He has been depicted as a snarling demagogue in France, equated with Donald Duck in Spain, and described as worse than Lord Voldemort in Britain.

In Europe, the birthplace of the Enlightenment, Donald Trump has been treated variously as a disturbing curiosity or an entertaining political show barker. His nearly every move and pronouncement has been reported from Paris to Berlin to Helsinki, even as commentators on both left and right have dismissed the notion of President Donald J. Trump as the stuff of fantasy, or, at worst, a momentary lapse of reason.

That is changing. With a series of wins in key Republican primary states, and with the billionaire’s expected strong showing when 12 states hold primaries or caucuses on Tuesday, the European media, like its American counterpart, is adjusting to the prospect of a seemingly unstoppable Trump juggernaut. The reaction is a mix of befuddlement, outrage and panic, along with admiration in some unlikely quarters.

And satire. The Spanish newspaper El País recently published an imaginary letter from the grave in which Philip II, a 16th-century Spanish king who ruled a vast empire, offers advice to Mr. Trump. Noting that his nation had also suffered from roguish subjects demanding free handouts, and Muslim terrorists masquerading as peaceful citizens, the king advises Mr. Trump to “consider bringing back the Inquisition.”

I chose Hillary, but it was close. The truth is that from a pure ideological standpoint, I’m closer to Bernie but from a pragmatic standpoint, I’m closer to Hillary. That by the way is why I wanted Liz to run so badly as I believed her to be the perfect hybrid of the two.

Good approach in my view.  He's not looking short term, but also long term.

Global Research H/T Joanne D — Honduran environmental activist Berta Cáceres was shot and killed in her home in La Esperanza, Intibuca, Wednesday. While the killers’ ID remains unknown, activists, media observers and the Cáceres family pointed to the increasingly reactionary and violent Honduran government, which has frequently clashed with Cáceres over her high-profile activism against land dispossession and mining, and her defense of indigenous rights.

Berta Caceres (image: Goldman Environmental Prize)

There was widespread outcry and grief over her death, and the story was covered by major media in the United States. But there was a glaring problem with the coverage: Almost none of it mentioned that the brutal regime that likely killed Cáceres came to power in a 2009 coup d’etat supported by the United States, under President Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Almost nothing is mentioned in the MSM about the 2009 coup d'état which has implications in the assassination of Berta Cáceres.  Here is how the Huffington Post reported her assassination:

But we need to call out the actors who share a moral responsibility for the murder of our friend and partner:

• the Honduran government, which leads the country with the world's worst track record of environmental killings, and which did not protect Berta Cáceres even though it had been ordered to do so by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights; 

• the dam builder, Desarrollos Energéticos S. A (DESA), which has close contacts with the country's security forces and has orchestrated an intimidation campaign against Berta Cáceres in recent months;

• and finally, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), FMO, Finnfund and Voith-Siemens, the funders and corporations which underwrite the Agua Zarca Project with their loans and equipment contracts.

In terms of the current campaigning, how much of this revelation will come up and make a differtence?  Clinton is more hawkish than Bernie, and is that what the US wants and needs?

Mother Jones — Last week, Mitt Romney, the twice-failed GOP presidential candidate, delivered aspeech that blasted Donald Trump, the current Republican front-runner, calling the tycoon "a phony, a fraud" and citing Trump's "dishonesty" and his "bullying, the greed, the showing off, the misogyny, the absurd third-grade theatrics." It was a clear move on Romney's part to rally the GOP establishment against the celebrity real estate mogul whose endorsement he warmly embraced during the 2012 campaign. Naturally, Trump responded in kind. Within hours, at a campaign rally in Portland, Maine, he lashed out at Romney.

Trump noted that Romney had "failed horribly" four years ago. He claimed that Romney had begged Trump to endorse him in that race: "I could have said, 'Mitt, drop to your knees.' He would have dropped to his knees." His audience roared with laughter.

The three faces of Trump?   Andrew Harnik/AP

His comment, not surprisingly, didn't cause a stir. He's been spraying a fire hose of outrageous remarks since he entered the presidential race, and this one got lost in the wash. It's also a statement fully in sync with his arrogant schtick that divides the world into winners and losers. Though he's now blasting Romney for the original 47 percent insult to Americans, Trump, too, apparently views many Americans as parasites. The only difference is that his estimate is higher.

It is amusing to see Romney criticising Trump for the same things for which he was criticised.  To me, it appears during these primaries that the Republicans are eating their own.

My Universe — 


cat sleep innovation Getting some Zs!!!

cat reading

A good book and thou!


cat head massage

A head massage! So relaxing!




Mar 062016

I really did have a much needed lazy day yesterday and did not do a post.  But today, I am a little more active with the post done and now I am off to see my mother.  I have some new clothes for her so I am hoping she likes them.

Short Takes

Washington Post — For some, the improbable presidential candidacy of Donald Trumpstopped being funny long ago. Republican eminences and custodians of the establishment gawk at the GOP front-runner's  belligerent braggadocio, his irreverent attacks on party grandees, his far-fetched proposals, his aversion to substance or basic factsand his not even thinly veiled bigotry.

And yet, Trump stands on the cusp of winning the Republican nomination, impervious to the slings and arrows of a growing list of vanquished foes.

There is one man, though, who seems to have also mastered the art of branding and showmanship for an adoring if partisan public — in a completely opposite fashion.

Canada's new Liberal prime minister, Justin Trudeau, stormed to a stunning electoral victory last year. He did so while coping with the attacks of opponents who cast him as an inexperienced, slightly buffoonish dilettante trading on a powerful family legacy. Sound familiar?

But Trudeau's progressive, inclusive message could not be more different than that of Trump. Here's a rundown.

This coming week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will meet Barak Obama during a state visit to Washington.  From a few headlines I've seen, Trudeau it seems is a bit of a celebrity in the US.  Today, he is scheduled to be on 60 Minutes.  But probably what is most revealing is that he is being hearalded as the "anti-Trump".  Click through to see how he is perceived as the "anti-Trump".  There are several short videos too.

YouTube — 

Bill Maher's New Rules is spot on!

Alternet — Right-wing populists ascend when three toxic forces converge. First, the economy needs to be really lousy for most citizens. Check.

Second, the political system ceases to be able to solve problems and loses legitimacy with regular people. Check.

Third, some foreign menace causes people to seek shelter in a strongman. Check.

Click through for the remainder of this excellent article.  Comparisons between Trump and Hitler have been made for months now.  I started revisiting my history classes to get a feel for what was happening in Germany during Hitler's rise.  And it seems that the first part of the article pretty much captures my thinking.  To me, there's no two ways about it, Trump is a scary idiot.

Upworthy — The Empowerment Plan makes coats that double as sleeping bags for the homeless, but they didn't stop there. They also provide people who have struggled with homelessness with jobs they need to get back on their feet again.

What a great idea.  The old saying, getting two birds with one stone is so appropriate.

My Universe — 

Mar 052016

Well today turned out to be one of those days!  Everything was going well . . . physio was good and teaching went well.  Then all hell broke loose.  Loliyo, Lucia's 9 year old daughter had a bedroom door slammed on her thumb.  There was great howling understandably and a fair amount of blood.  We took her to the hospital where they gave her tylenol and x-rayed the thumb.  Fortunately, her thumb was not broken and the doctor didn't think stitches were required.  She has a big blood blister but she is not likely to lose her thumb nail.  After a couple of hours in emergency and making sure Loliyo was OK, I was beat.  A cat nap cut short my online time so there was no Open Thread yesterday.  I am still working on the Monthly Report.

Short Takes

Huffington Post — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was honoured by a southern Alberta First Nation in a ceremony full of colour and history Friday, but aboriginal leaders also challenged him to deliver on his promises to Indigenous Peoples.

justin trudeau

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau poses after receiving a ceremonial headdress while visiting the Tsuut'ina First Nation near Calgary, Alta., Friday, March 4, 2016. (Photo: Jeff McIntosh/CP)

Trudeau shared the stage on the Tsuu T'ina reserve with chiefs in full feather headdresses, elders in vests or beaded jackets and the First Nation's rodeo stars.

High-pitched chanting and the rhythmic pounding of drums were all part of an elaborate ceremony in which the prime minister was presented with his own headdress and blessed with the aboriginal name "Gumistiyi," which means "The One Who Keeps Trying."

The headdress presented to Trudeau symbolizes accomplishment, respect, bravery and peace-building. The Tsuu T'ina Nation on the outskirts of Calgary said it has not seen fit to bestow one on a prime minister since John Diefenbaker [13th Prime Minister 1957 – 1963].

Here is a 2 minute video of the ceremony and Trudeau's remarks.  The enquiry into the fates of murdered and missing Aboriginal women and girls is in its infancy and encountering some differences of opinion on how it should proceed.  It will get done.  Harper refused to deal with the issue.  It should also be noted that the Tsuu T'ina Nation is close to Harper's riding.

Alternet — In the oral arguments for Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt — the case before the Supreme Court concerning Texas' anti-choice law, HB 2 — Texas Solicitor General Scott Keller relied on a common right-wing media myth to justify medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion. In his argument, Keller made the long-debunked claim — pushed for years by right-wing media — that HB 2 was passed to prevent another "Kermit Gosnell scandal," in which illegal operations led to multiple deaths at a Philadelphia clinic.

Supreme Court Heard Challenge To Texas Law Restricting Abortion Access

"Landmark" Abortion Case "Could Shape Abortion Rules For Years To Come." The Supreme Court heard oral arguments for Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt on March 2. The case involves a Texas abortion law that "requires abortion doctors to be affiliated with nearby hospitals and also limits abortion to ambulatory surgical centers," according to The New York Times. Pro-choice advocates and "major medical groups say [the law] will not enhance patient safety and will only reduce women's access to abortion."

Click through to see how the arguments went.  It is always a good day when the "notorious" RBG, Sotomayor, Kagan and Breyer pin back the ears of someone like Keller.

Raw Story — Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson officially ended his bid for the White House on Friday after failing to win any of the early states in the race for the November election.

And then there were four!  It is now official . . . Carson is out!

Truthout — TransCanada's claim that the southern route of the Keystone XL Pipeline is the safest pipeline ever built in the United States is challenged by the release of new documentation confirming multiple code violations.  

After mandatory safety tests revealed potential problems with the integrity of the southern pipeline, TransCanada dug up 130 sites and made repairs before the pipeline was permitted to start up.  

A repaired pipeline segment on the Keystone Gulf Coast Pipeline. (Source: PHMSA FOIA 2016-0041_000077)

A repaired pipeline segment on the Keystone Gulf Coast pipeline. (Source: PHMSA FOIA 2016-0041_000077)

They requested PHMSA require TransCanada do a new pressure test on the pipeline to test the integrity of the repairs. But PHMSA turned them down at a private meeting held shortly before TransCanada started up the pipeline. 
PHSMA explained that it had faith the repairs were done correctly

So, when there is a catastrophic incident, who pays for cleanup, lost wages, medical bills etc?  Will the BP Gulf spill be a measuring stick for reparations?

My Universe — 

Cat-dumps-the-water-out-of-the-vase-resizecrop--The reason I don't have flowers or plants in my house!
