Lynn Squance

Nov 192016

Today has been "one of those days".  I slept late and then spent play time with my three cats which was very relaxing.  It was hard to tear myself away from my furballs, but I did.  After our play time I spent several hours at the local hospital visiting some of our church members who are on my pastoral care list.  One lady, who I call my second mum, did not look like herself at all when I first went in, but that soon changed and we had a wonderful visit talking a lot about her oldest grandson who was in my Sunday School class 20 years ago.  This weekend, I will be visiting my mother and hoping Patty Monster does not kick my butt at Fantasy Football!

Short Takes

CBC — President-elect Donald Trump on Friday named his earliest and staunchest supporter in the Senate, conservative Republican Jeff Sessions, to become the next U.S. attorney general, triggering an outcry from civil rights groups as well as some conservatives outside Congress who are uneasy about Sessions' positions.


Sessions is one of three senior leaders Trump has appointed  to his national security and law enforcement teams, including Representative Mike Pompeo as CIA director and retired Lt.-Gen. Mike Flynn as national security adviser.

If approved for the job by a simple majority in the Republican-dominated Senate, Sessions, 69, would lead the Justice Department and the FBI. He brings a record of controversial positions on race, immigration and criminal justice reform that Democrats may target.

OMG!!! or WTH(F)!!!  Can there be any other first reaction to Trump's choice of Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General?  Sessions has a reputation as an unabashed racist.  From Wikipedia:

"In 1986, Reagan nominated Sessions to be a judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Alabama. … At Sessions' confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, four Department of Justice lawyers who had worked with Sessions testified that he had made several racist statements in the context of the Marion Three case. One of those lawyers, J. Gerald Hebert, testified that Sessions had referred to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as "un-American" and "Communist-inspired" because they "forced civil rights down the throats of people"."

Sessiions has 4 years left in his Senate term which as I understand means that Alabama will appoint another person  (read Republican) to complete the term or run a byelection.  In 2014, Sessions ran essentially uncontested and received 97.25% of the vote, while in 2008 he received 63.36%, far ahead of his Democrat opponent.  I think we should have concerns over civil rights investigations and prosecutions.  Click through for the rest of the article.

Daily Kos — Irish Senator Aodhán Ó Riordáin opened the upper house of the Irish legislature (Seanad Éireann) with a statement about the United States’ election of Donald Trump. Mr. Riordáin was responding to the hypocritical congratulatory reactions from fellow Irish politicians. Riordáin opened by quoting the Irish statesman, Edmund Burke.

The only way evil can prosper if for good men to do nothing.

It is good to know that other countries are looking at Trump's ascendancy to POTUS and recognising it for what it is . . . a fascist takeover of the US government.  Il Duce Trump.

Fiscal Times (MSN) — Throughout the presidential election, now-President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to undo the financial service industry reforms contained in the Dodd-Frank Act. The Trump transition team’s website makes it clear that the issue hasn’t been forgotten, saying that Trump will work to “dismantle the Dodd-Frank Act and replace it with new policies.”

In an appearance on Capitol Hill Thursday, Federal Reserve Board Chair Janet Yellen delivered her verdict on the suggestion: bad idea.

Yellen was delivering regularly scheduled testimony before the Joint Economic Committee when she was asked by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) for her thoughts on the law that placed new restrictions on the financial services industry in the wake of the financial crisis that led to the Great Recession.

Although Yellen does not mention Trump by name, she responds to his proposal to gut financial regulations (Dodd-Frank), she is very clear that this will send the country into a deeper recession than 2008, and we all know how that turned out.  Thank goodness Sanders and Warren are still strong in the Senate.  Although I have not specifically heard anything, it would not surprise me find that Richard Cordray of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau becomes "unemployed", unfortunately.

Daily Beast — John Oliver, like most liberal comedians, did his damnedest to prevent Donald Trump and Mike Pence from reaching the White House. He tore apart the former reality-show host for bragging about sexually assaulting women, explained how his scandals were far worse than Hillary Clinton’s, and even offered up his Emmy to Trump if he’d deliver a concession speech and ensure a peaceful transfer of power upon losing.

Well, Trump managed the unthinkable: He won. He is now the president-elect. And Oliver, like more than half of Americans who cast their ballot, is shocked and terrified. 

“It’s true! That happened!” he exclaimed. “It turns out, instead of showing our daughters that they could someday be president, America proved that no grandpa is too racist to become leader of the free world.”

We can always count on John Oliver for some good commentary.  He is so spot on!

My Universe — I don't know the story behind all of these pictures, and a few may well have been staged, but just the thoughts of what is happening, people helping other people or animals is enough to give one hope.  Click through for the remainder.

faith-in-humanity-3Jacqueline Kiplimo, the world-class marathon runner, slowed for several miles to help a disabled man drink. She sacrificed the $10,000 prize for finishing first.

Nov 122016

Do you really think that Melania Drumpf taking up the cause of cyberbullying as FLOTUS is going to make a difference when after only 3 days we're seeing criminal behaviour like that which follows?  Please read to the end of this seemingly long article.  I have added comments after it.


First Lady-elect Melania Trump wants to stop bullying, but children all over America are being bullied because of her husband. "We must find better ways to honor and support the basic goodness of our children, especially in social media," Mrs. Trump said at a Pennsylvania rally last week. "It will be one of the main focuses… Continue reading »

Nov 122016

I have been cruising through my usual haunts and came upon this and another article about the sorry state of affairs that has grown out of Trump's election win last Tuesday.  This is not going to be good at all!


Kris Kobach, the extremely controversial Kansas secretary of state, has been named to Donald Trump's transition team. Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach has been asked to join President-elect Donald Trump's transition team. The team will advise Trump on policy issues leading up to his swearing-in in January, preparing him to begin his first 100 days… Continue reading »

Nov 122016

As I cruise through the internet now, I always find too much to share.  Before the election, I thought the US would have Madame President-elect and the tempo would quiet down a bit.  Instead, the US got Herr President-elect, Fuhrer Drumphenfarten as TC would say.  Things will not quiet down but instead ramp up like never before. Stay tuned to Politics Plus as we continue to fight against Fuhrer Drumphenfarten and the fifth Reich.

Short Takes

Youtube — Finally, someone is actually taking responsibility for Herr Drumphenfarten win last Tuesday . . . well sort of.

Bee is so funny and astute . . . and Canadian! (well now with joint Canadian-American citizenship).

Washington Post — Few prognosticators predicted a Donald Trump victory ahead of Tuesday night. Polls showed Hillary Clinton comfortably ahead, and much of America (chiefly the media) failed to anticipate the wave of pro-Trump support that propelled him to victory. But a Washington, D.C.-based professor insisted that Trump was lined up for a win — based on the idea that elections are “primarily a reflection on the performance of the party in power.” …

At the end of our September conversation, Lichtman made another call: that if elected, Trump would eventually be impeached by a Republican Congress that would prefer a President Mike Pence — someone whom establishment Republicans know and trust.

“I'm going to make another prediction,” he said. “This one is not based on a system; it's just my gut. They don't want Trump as president, because they can't control him. He's unpredictable. They'd love to have Pence — an absolutely down-the-line, conservative, controllable Republican. And I'm quite certain Trump will give someone grounds for impeachment, either by doing something that endangers national security or because it helps his pocketbook.”

Click through for the remainder of the article.  I don't know Lichtman but his gut prediction makes sense. Fuhrer Drumphenfarten is an impulsive person given to doing only what benefits him.  Others have said they see a possible impeachment within a year.  Others are calling for impeachment now.  After that, it will be President Pence for the remainder of the 4 year term.

Youtube — And now a word or two from Bill Maher.

Bill is funny, irreverent, and spot on!

Globe and Mail — An Ontario Court judge wore a “Make America Great Again” hat in his courtroom the day after the U.S. election to mark president-elect Donald Trump’s “historic” victory, according to a source in the room.

Ontario Court Justice Bernd Zabel arrived at the John Sopinka courthouse in Hamilton on Wednesday morning wearing Mr. Trump’s signature campaign hat, according to the source, and addressed the numerous lawyers, police officers and defendants. Another witness in the courtroom did not dispute the details.

The incident has prompted an outcry from legal observers who say Justice Zabel’s political display undermines the public’s confidence in judicial impartiality. And they are particularly upset because Mr. Trump has made disparaging remarks about women and minorities.



“The clerk said ‘all rise’ and the door opens and Justice Zabel comes out. He is in a black silk robe with the crimson sash and the white tie. He has a poppy on his lapel. And he is wearing a scarlet-coloured baseball cap that says Make America Great Again. And we all stand because we are supposed to stand when the judge comes in and he looks at everyone and said he was wearing the hat ‘because last night was an historic occasion,’” the source told The Globe and Mail.

“He took the hat off and put it on the bench so everybody could look while he continued his court business. He didn’t put it away. It was sitting on the bench.” Mr. Zabel then came back with the hat after morning break, the source said.

In my book, this is totally unacceptable.  For an institution that is impartial and must be seen to be impartial, this judge sets the wrong tone.  Kellie Leitch, MP for Simcoe-Grey in Ontario, is excited about Drumphenfarten's win in the US and has called for his agenda, particularly his immigration agenda, in Canada. With that kind of rhetoric around, the courts should not be influenced as well.  BTW, Leitch is running for the leadership of the federal Conservative party to replace Herr Harper.

Huffington Post UK  Hat Tip Evelyn B Care2 through the Napster — When Republican frontrunner Donald Trump enjoyed a number of wins on Super Tuesday earlier this week, it seems that a number of Americans began considering a rather drastic option: moving to Canada.

But it looks like US citizens keen to escape the growing popularity of Trump – and perhaps even the nightmarish possibility of him becoming president – could find themselves facing a particularly big hurdle. Or at least if Adam Hills has anything to do with it.

Click through for the remainder of the story.  There is a link in the story where you can click for bricks or you can click here bricking it for canada.  Although this article dates back to 16 March 2016, it's even more appropriate now that Fuhrer Drumphenfarten has won the golden ring, so to speak.  The total bricks is at 2,057,675,870 and still rising!

My Political Universe — I always liked George Carlin!



“Winter is here.”*

 Posted by at 4:19 am  Politics
Nov 102016

So, the election is over.  What now?  Without doubt, the Democrats will be analysing their goals and values, their platform, their methods, their infrastructure, and their communication, not unlike the Republicans did after 2012 when Obama won re-election.  Republicans made some surface changes but nothing really changed . . . there was still a war on women, a war on equality, a war on science, a war on civil rights, a war on affordable healthcare. Progressives must do much better.

* The title of this article is a direct quote from Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion and a vocal opponent of Putin.

Some ordinary citizens react to the Trump victory with mostly peaceful protests around the country.




Some of that "hated" press reacts to the Trump victory:

trump-what-have-they-done trump-american-psycho

Click through for more headlines at The Guardian.

Reactions to Trump's election victory from around the world by — PM Justin Trudeau of Canada said Canada and the US share the same values and is sticking with the "I'll work with him" but how that will go is anyone's guess, especially after the warm relationship with the Obamas.  Respectfully, I disagree with him as I do not think that Canadians and the Trumpians share the same values.  In Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for calm and reminded all that Mexico is “a free, independent, sovereign country”.  BTW, the Mexican Pesos dropped in value so far that it's richest man, Carlos Slim, lost $5 billion from his investments over night.  The EU wants to sit down with Trump to seek "reassurance on key issues on which Trump’s remarks on the campaign trial have rattled European leaders, including migration, climate change and Russia’s threat to Ukraine."  George Freeman of the No 10 policy board in the UK "…at one point described him as Trumpolini, added: “the key now is how he governs, and who he appoints to his administration”."  In France, François Hollande, who supported Hillary Clinton, said the win opens up a period of uncertainty” that “must be faced with lucidity and clarity”. The German defence minister, Ursula von der Leyen, said I think Trump knows that this was not a vote for him but rather against Washington, against the establishment.”  Pablo Iglesias of Spain said “The vaccine against Trump’s fascism is social justice and human rights, not more establishment. There are people in the US who will resist.”.  But the Prime Minister was more conciliatory.  Of course Netanyahu was happy with Trump's win, but the Palestinians not so much.  As should be expected given past relations, Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran's foreign minister said “America has to implement the international obligation it accepted under the nuclear deal.”  Since many Republicans were against the nuclear agreement, I wonder if they will just tear it up.  This is a big issue for some of my Iranian friends who still have family in Iran.  They are very uneasy.  A spokesperson for China's foreign ministry said “We will work with the new US president to ensure the steady and sound development of bilateral relations so as to benefit the people in both countries as well as around the world,”  I wonder if he is aware that Trump has said he'll move to have China on the carpet for currency manipulations and other faux pas.

The Washington Post reported that an amalgamation of reactions from Islamic extremists appeared on the Lebanon based Now News English website as:


The remarks signaled the militants' apparent belief that the victory of a candidate like Trump, who has suggested potentially unconstitutional blocks on Muslim immigration and advocated torture, undermines the United States' moral standing in the world.

This reaction by Keith Olbermann

A tweet from Michael Moore courtesy of The Huffington Post

Morning After To-Do List:
1. Take over the Democratic Party and return it to the people. They have failed us miserably. 
2. Fire all pundits, predictors, pollsters and anyone else in the media who had a narrative they wouldn't let go of and refused to listen to or acknowledge what was really going on. Those same bloviators will now tell us we must "heal the divide" and "come together." They will pull more hooey like that out of their ass in the days to come. Turn them off. 
3. Any Democratic member of Congress who didn't wake up this morning ready to fight, resist and obstruct in the way Republicans did against President Obama every day for eight full years must step out of the way and let those of us who know the score lead the way in stopping the meanness and the madness that's about to begin. 
4. Everyone must stop saying they are "stunned" and "shocked". What you mean to say is that you were in a bubble and weren't paying attention to your fellow Americans and their despair. YEARS of being neglected by both parties, the anger and the need for revenge against the system only grew. Along came a TV star they liked whose plan was to destroy both parties and tell them all "You're fired!" Trump's victory is no surprise. He was never a joke. Treating him as one only strengthened him. He is both a creature and a creation of the media and the media will never own that. 
5. You must say this sentence to everyone you meet today: "HILLARY CLINTON WON THE POPULAR VOTE!" The MAJORITY of our fellow Americans preferred Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Period. Fact. If you woke up this morning thinking you live in an effed-up country, you don't. The majority of your fellow Americans wanted Hillary, not Trump. The only reason he's president is because of an arcane, insane 18th-century idea called the Electoral College. Until we change that, we'll continue to have presidents we didn't elect and didn't want. You live in a country where a majority of its citizens have said they believe there's climate change, they believe women should be paid the same as men, they want a debt-free college education, they don't want us invading countries, they want a raise in the minimum wage and they want a single-payer true universal health care system. None of that has changed. We live in a country where the majority agree with the "liberal" position. We just lack the liberal leadership to make that happen (see: #1 above).


From Daily Kos

Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes.

But according to the latest numbers, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. The game is rigged.

In other words, we have a similar situation as in 2000—where the candidate who more voters picked did not become president. It is unfair, undemocratic & we must eliminate the Electoral College.

Eliminating the Electoral College does not even require a constitutional amendment. An effort known as TheNational Popular Vote Interstate Compact is an agreement among several U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their respective electoral votes to whichever presidential candidate wins the overall popular vote. Once states totaling 270 electoral votes join the compact–which only requires passing state laws– then the next presidential election will be determined the the popular vote, not the Electoral College.

As of November 9, 2016, ten states and the District of Columbia have signed the compact, totaling 165 electoral votes. So, we are already over 60% of the way there. If we can make this a national issue now, and if Democrats can do well at the state level in the 2018 midterm elections (which could happen under President Trump), then the winner of 2020 presidential election will be determined by popular vote.

Sign the petition: End the Electoral College. Elect Presidents by national popular vote.  (click "Not Lynn" on the petition to get a signable blank form)

"So Drumpf, do you think the election is rigged now?"  Drumpf is on record as saying that the only way he would accept that the election was not rigged is if he won. Well, unfortunately, he won. And as tired as we all are of the nasty politics that ushered in Drumpf and a Republican majority Congress, we need to look forward to 2 years from now, 2018, and the midterm elections, and 4 years from now, 2020, and build the progressive infrastructure starting now.

Now a little levity from Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart on Monday night's Late Show to end on an up beat.

Nov 082016

I am in a hurry to get this out as I have a meeting to go to.  Please, if you are an American citizen at home or abroad, please vote, and vote BLUE!

Short Takes — Even if he loses (and I believe he will), Donald Trump has done incalculable damage to America – eroding the trust and social cohesion the nation depends on.  

But he couldn’t have accomplished this without three sets of enablers. They must he held accountable, too.

The first enabler was the Republican Party.

For years the GOP has nurtured the xenophobia, racism, fact-free allegations, and wanton disregard for democratic institutions that Trump has fed on. 

Republican fear-mongering over immigrants predated Trump. It forced Marco Rubio to abandon his immigration legislation, and, in 2012, pushed Mitt Romney to ludicrously recommend “self-deportation.”

During this year’s Republican primaries, Ben Carson opined that no Muslim should be president of the United States, and Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz suggested Syrian refugees be divided into Christians and Muslims, with only the former allowed entry.

Trump’s racism is nothing new, either. Republicans have long played the race card – charging Democrats with coddling black “welfare queens” and being soft on black crime (remember “Willie Horton”).

Trump’s disdain of facts is also preceded by a long Republican tradition  – denying, for example, that carbon emissions cause climate change, and tax cuts increase budget deficits.

And Trump’s threats not to be bound by the outcome of the election are consistent with the GOP’s persistent threats to shut down the government over policy disagreements, and oft-repeated calls for nullification of Supreme Court decisions.

Click through for the other two enablers.  Nothing ever happens in a vacuum, and this is no exception.

Haaretz — America is a great country. Far from perfect, but great nonetheless, Other than Donald Trump and millions of Americans who have been bamboozled by the GOP into thinking otherwise, everyone knows America is great. The Chinese know it. The Russians know it. The Europeans know it. The Muslims know it. Even Israelis know it. ISIS certainly knows that America is great, which is why it’s hell bent on taking it down.
Some people think America used to be greater, but that’s debatable. It’s true that life may have become tougher economically, that America used to be able to dictate terms to the world and that all sorts of foreign countries have become uppity in recent years. But the past that so many Trump supporters seem to be pining for also included African Americans who knew their place, Hispanics who smiled when waiting on tables, women who stayed in the kitchen and gay people who lived in fear and darkness. A lot of people who want to make America great again only want to make white America great again.  …

The world takes a very dim view of Donald Trump. He arouses disbelief, ridicule and deep apprehension. If and when Trump was to become president, his election would cause many people around the world to reconsider whether America is still great or has simply gone off the rails forever.

As the Napster (Lona) would say 'A View from Afar'!  Americans need to see and understand how they are viewed globally.  Drumpf really messes things up for the US, and should he win, things will get worse.  John Shingara will be unhappy if Donald Trump doesn’t win, but he already knows how he’ll keep the movement alive.

He’ll go to McDonald’s.

Shingara, 67, is a member of the Oath Keepers, a right-wing militia group, and he has a plan for “civil disobedience.” If Trump loses the presidential election on Tuesday, he will drive into the drive-thru lane of a restaurant he thinks is employing an illegal immigrant.

“You park the car in the drive-thru lane and you lock the keys in it,” he explained outside Trump’s Friday rally in Hershey, Penn., where he was part of the stage-assembly crew. “You call 911 and say, ‘There’s an illegal working here, the McDonald’s owner should be arrested for hiring an illegal.’ People think there’s nothing they can do? There’s an example of what they can do.”

Click through for more Drumpfolyte actions should Drumpf lose, which I hope he does.  This is not 1776!

NY Times — Millions of Americans will cast their ballots on Tuesday under intense scrutiny both from vigilantes who fear the election will be rigged and from thousands of voting rights advocates who fear the tally will be distorted by intimidation and, perhaps, the suppression of a minority vote that may be crucial to the outcome.

On one side are groups like the Oath Keepers, one of dozens of right-wing and militia groups responding to Donald J. Trump’s warnings about a stolen election. The organization has issued a nationwide “call to action” to its members, urging them to go “incognito” to polling stations on Election Day to “hunt down” instances of fraud.

On the other side are more than 100 civic and legal groups, claiming at least 10,000 volunteers, and perhaps many more. They plan to deploy at polling places nationwide to watch for signs of voter intimidation and other roadblocks to voting. Election officials and observers say they are hoping for an orderly final day of voting, but they are girding for the possibility of fights, intimidation and, perhaps, worse.

Adding to the anxiety is fear of Election Day hacking, perhaps by foreign interests.

Don't be denied your constitutional right to vote.  If you are challenged at the voting polls, stand your ground.  Know your rights.

CNN — I didn't want to write this. I avoided making a decision as long as I could. I schlepped my absentee ballot all over the country for almost four weeks. I would periodically take it out of the envelope, look at it, shake my head in disgust, and put it back in my suitcase.

I had decided to write-in my mother as a symbolic protest vote against the Democratic and Republican nominees. I didn't want to vote for either of them.

I had hoped that a week before the election, Trump would be losing Florida by a large enough margin that my vote wouldn't matter. But darn it, my home state is too close to call. Florida could be the decisive state (again) as to who ultimately becomes the next president of the United States. I thought back to the 2000 election, which was decided by 537 votes in Florida. I thought about how I would feel if the same thing happened in 2016. I thought and I thought and I thought….

Then I cast my vote for Hillary Clinton. Let me rephrase that. I cast my vote against Donald Trump. I did it without joy or enthusiasm. I did it out of civic duty and love for our country.

Hat-tip to Cal at Care2.  Read the entire article because it is well worth the read.  Ir certainly puts things into perspective.

My Universe — Today, a little political humour from Daily Kos.

gettyimages-621561964Making Amerikkka Hate Again

So, as I was mowing my lawn this morning, I noticed that one of our local intelligentsia had egged my car…I’m gonna take a wild ass guess here and say that my new Clinton and Murphy signs in the side windows might have had something to do with it.  So I added a back window sign:





SINCE 1968





Posted to Care2 at

Oct 312016

Well it's been several weeks since my last post but not because I didn't want to post.  I suffered 2 intercostal muscle sprains, the first of which was extremely painful.  On top of the cold/sinus infection, it took 3 weeks to heal.  Fortunately, everything is almost back to normal.  I started teaching again after being off for the summer.  In addition to my volunteer work with the Family Council (no it is not a Republican entity!) at the care centre where my mother lives, I am now an ex officio board committee member for the care centre, an extension of my Family Council work.  So along with my physio, I am almost as busy as TC, heavy on the 'almost'.  OMG, there are only 8 days left until the US election!  There will be the birth of a new administration and then the country gets to deal with the afterbirth, however ugly it gets.  Remember,




Short Takes

Think Progress — Today, our baby is the size of a pea.

Today, she’s the size of a grape.

We, like every excited soon-to-be parent, followed our baby’s growth each week with joy and pride. As a mother of advanced maternal age (I was 36 at the time), we chose to have a Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) to test for any abnormalities or genetic issues and were thrilled to learn that we were expecting a baby girl and everything seemed normal. With five nieces at the time, I knew the drill with baby girls and couldn’t wait to dress our little girl in their hand-me-downs. I dreamed of a gaggle of little girls running around my childhood home in Idaho jumping on the trampoline, digging potatoes out of the dirt with Grandpa, and baking in the kitchen with Grandma.  …

I am writing my story in solidarity with others who have suffered unspeakable, heart-wrenching loss. I am writing this because I am a woman with a voice, and a vote. I will not be silenced.

I am writing this because I am tired of the narrative of politicians who speak without informing themselves and who legislate based on gross untruths.

I will not be shamed by those who believe they have the moral authority to come between a woman, her body, her choice, and her family.

With all the Republican and pseudo Christian animosity towards women and their reproductive rights, this heart felt experience of one woman and abortion demonstrates just how far off Republicans are with their reproductive laws.  Click through for the rest of the article.

Alternet — With 11 days to go before Election Day, the FBI's announcement Friday that the bureau is reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while Secretary of State may be 2016’s October surprise, inflaming an already scorched race.

But nobody should confuse Clinton’s unfortunate use of a private email system in which a handful of classified messages seeped into the tens of thousands sent and received with Donald Trump’s lifetime of borderline criminality, as evidenced by being sued more than 4,500 times for his business practices, his extensive bilking of small businesses, his deliberate tax evasions, and his on-camera boasts of sexual assaults. …


1. Boasts of sexually assaulting women. As almost everyone in America knows, Trump was caught boasting on videotape about imposing himself sexually on women, including the felony of grabbing their genitals. While he tried to dismiss his remarks as mere locker room bragging, a dozen women came forward to accuse him of improper behavior or sexual assault. Trump predictably accused all of them of lying and working for Clinton, and threatened to sue them all after the election. However, what Trump bragged about, and what the women said he did, is against the law.

Click through for the remaining 9 instances of Trump's illegal, at best, deceptive practices.  Trump does not consider his practices criminal, while he would lock up Clinton for less.

Think Progress — FBI Director James Comey alerted Republican members of Congress on Friday that bureau investigators would review some additional emails that might relate to Hillary Clinton’s email server. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee who has already vowed to spend the next several years investigating Clinton should she be elected president, quickly rushed to announce the news, falsely claiming that the case had been “reopened.”

Interference with an election coming not only from FBI Director James Comey, but also from Rep Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) who misread Comey's letter and passed on the mistake to others and the media.  Chaffetz has been after Clinton for some time and is committed to making her life a 'living hell' if she is elected POTUS.

The Atlantic — It would be unfair to call Donald Trump’s interaction with black voters a love-hate relationship, since there’s little evidence of African American enthusiasm for Trump. But the Republican campaign has pursued a Janus-like strategy on black voters—ostensibly courting them in public while privately seeking to depress turnout.  …

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump meets with faith and community leaders before delivering a speech, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2016, in Charlotte, N.C. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)

… even if Trump doesn’t think he needs black voters, future Republican candidates will. Trump has made clear that he owes no particular allegiance to the Republican Party and has little interest in its fortunes without him, which allows him to be blithe about writing off the demographic. Other analysts, including Republicans, have been warning for years that the GOP cannot survive as a rump party of whites (and, increasingly, white men). But voter relationships have to be built over time; a bloc written off or alienated can take a generation or more to win back.

I remember listening to Trump at one of his rallies when he looked out at the crowd and said "Where's my African American?  There he is!" as he pointed to somewhere in the crowd.  I was offended by his comments but they are indicative of his personality and his attitude towards African Americans.  In the long terrm, Republicans need the African American vote, but in the present, they are doing everything they can to suppress the vote.  At the rallies, they woo the African American vote, but behind the scenes it is a different story.

My Universe —

Halloween pumpkin and black cat on wooden background


King Midas?

 Posted by at 11:48 am  Politics
Oct 132016

"The most famous King Midas is popularly remembered in Greek mythology for his ability to turn everything he touched into gold. This came to be called the golden touch, or the Midas touch.  … According to Aristotle, legend held that Midas died of starvation as a result of his "vain prayer" for the gold touch." — Wikipedia

Glasser: Based on what you know about his personality from having studied it and written about it, how do you see him handling the next three weeks, given that he’s now in this hole? To me, his combative behavior since the release of the tape, his lack of remorse, his going on the offense, his complaining that it’s not fair, essentially, his going to war even against his own party seems very consistent with the person that you all have done such a good job of describing. So what does he do for the next three weeks? Is there a point at which he gives up, stops fighting? How can he be a loser for three weeks before the actual election?

O’Brien: I think he is just going to wage a scorch‑the‑earth campaign for the next three weeks. And if he loses, which I think he’s going to—I think he’s going to lose badly—he’s then going to come up with a scenario in which it was stolen from him, that the election was rigged, because he’s survived by creating alternate realities. And he’ll never say to himself he lost because he had a skeletal campaign operation, which he did; that he lost because he’s unappealing to a large swath of the voters; that he lost because he’s willfully ignorant about public policy; that he lost because he’s a nasty and unappealing bigot. He’ll never, ever acknowledge any of that. He’ll just come up with an alternate reality that said, “It was rigged against me.” 


O’Brien: Yeah. I don’t feel like I’ve seen or learned anything new about him. I think a lot of the way he’s approached this presidential race parallels all of the strengths and weaknesses of his business career, personally and professionally. He’s a profoundly narcissistic person who has been insulated from the realities of his own bad decision‑making by wealth and other people’s needs to kind of glom onto him, and I think he really did repeat so much of his past mistakes throughout this political season. He came into it with an opportunity and an advantage that he could have really built something on. But because of his myriad flaws—you know, he’s financially undisciplined, he’s emotionally and intellectually undisciplined, and he’s incapable of building teams and leading other people, profoundly incapable of those things—he blew those opportunities.

And I don’t think he really cares. I think he’s been more than satisfied to be on a big global stage and have everybody paying attention to him, and he’ll never characterize himself as a loser in this process, even if he ends up one. 

D’Antonio: I think he’s addicted to this kind of attention and addicted to being taken seriously, or at least in his own estimation being taken seriously. So whatever he does, it will be devoted more to politics and media than what he’s done so far, and the kids are going to pick up the pieces of the real estate and branding empire. I’m working on a piece with some people who are evaluating his business, and he’s really suffered an erosion of his brand, even among the people who supported it. So the kids may have seen some of their inheritance go down the drain here.

From Politico

Click through for this long but interesting piece about Trump, his personality, foibles and actions and the future, as told by four of his biographers.  As I read the piece, I thought of King Midas and his golden touch.  I see Trump in a similar light.  Trump sees himself as the man with the golden touch — he'll make America great again, if you buy his press, which I do not.  But like Midas, who wanted gold and starved because of it, Trump, accustomed to getting what he wants, will starve from the attention that he does not want, the attention ascribed to a loser.


