Joanne Dixon

Oct 102024

Yesterday, “Nobody can control the weather” was trending. It needs to be said – but it’s not entirely true. No single person or single group can control the weather. The entire human race working together cannot totally control the weather/ But the entire human race working together has some control over the climate, which means some control over the weather in the long run. We cannot bring down the temperature in any given place today. But over time, if we have raised the temperature in almost ever place, and if we can change our ways and minimize our worst habits, we have a chance of bringing it down, over time – over so much time that I for one will not live to see whether we have done it – or not.

I don’t often cite Steve Schmidt, or at least not a full article, but this one had to be shared. It is as much about morality and pholisophy as it is about politics (which should always be about morality at least, and philosophy if possible.) To make it a bit easier, let me state that he does eventually tell you who Rodney Edmonds was and what he did (and when he starts on the story, you may want a hanky.) Also, “revanchist” means “seeking revenge.” I didn’t know that, and figured therefore not everyone would, and wanted to save y’all a trip to the dictionary.)

This is a referral from Wonkette which I agree is well worth getting wider attention. Most people, including me, tend to think the economy is doing well nationally when we are doing well personally, and when we aren’t, it isn’t. Those who see beyond that are likely to look to the stock ,arket as an economic indicator, which it probably is if you are wealthy, but if not, not. Noahpinion gets us the four real indicators of a strong economy, and that is valuable to know.


Oct 092024

Yesterday, I posted an article about rhe DHS Inspector General and what a (insert epothet of choice) he is, and mentioned I didn’t know the procedure for firing him. Apparently POGO does, because after the OT posted, I received from them a petition to sign. Here’s the link. Then, last week, Whitney Houston’s mother, Cissy Houston, died at the age of 90. Unless you are a huge fan of gospel music, you likely don’t know that Cissy Houston was a great singer in her own right as well as a major inspiration to her daughter. Here’s her story.

I can be blunt when I need to, but I don’t like to need to (even though I personally prefer to hear my news blunt.) I don’t like needing to know about Donald Trump**, but we do. I don’t like what his niece Mary has to say about Trump** and revenge, but we need to know it – we especially, because we on the right side of the divide are all his targets. Steve Schmidt has also written on this topic, and I plan to share his work tomorrow.

This from the Atlanta Black Star – I don’t know whether to be glad that am innocent man won one in Alabama, or outraged at the assault on he rights which had to go to an appellate court at all. I gues I don’t need to decide – no matter how I look at it, it’s both at once.

Oct 082024

Yesterday was the first Monday in October, and that means it was the beginning of the current term for the Supreme Court of the United States. If, like most of us,you pay attention to this Court when it makes a decision which will affect you or someone you care about (and I admit that describes me), this may be a good time to dig a little deeper. Jotce Vance is not on the Supreme Court (more’s the pity for us, though she is probably happy she isn’t), but she knows more about it than most people do.) You can if you wishm read he “The Week Ahead” column for this week I guarantee you will learn something.

People who love horses will be interested in these two companion stories. I can’t speak for other states, but, at least in Colorado, no horses are being killed in the interest of reducing equine crowding. And I can’t say what the horses are thinking, but the girls in this program must feel like they are in heaven. I haven’t been on the back of a horse for at least 50 years now, and I know myself better than to try it now, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget the feeling.

I don’t know what else one would expect from a Trump** nominee. But I also don’t know what the process is to fire an Inspector General. If it’s as hard as it is to fire a Postmaster General, that would explain why he hasn’t been fired. We can at least hope that this report from POGO will generate some action.

Oct 072024

Yesterday, I went to visit Virgil. I managed to stack the deck correctly before he came in to give him the perfect hand (I had tried twice before, once when he was still at Bent, and had not succeeded, but I finally did.) this time. His face didn’t give it away, but he was impressed – I can tell because he kept mentioning it when he got a hand that was not so good. I couldn’t have asked for a better result. I also learned something from Heather Cox Richardson which surprised me – and that is that the Washington Post has an investigative journalist on their staff. His name is Glenn Kessler, and it’s a pity that more people don’t know it, or anything about his work. Here’s a link to Rchardson’s post, parts of which will likely make you angry, but hopefully Kessler’s findings will help some.

This is not a time sensitive article, but an essay on the death penalty by Mary Trump. She is very articulate on the subject, which should not be a surprise since she is a professional psychologist. Even if she doesn’t say anything new, I expect her to have new ways to say what she does.

Well, at least this (from Wonkette)  is more plausible than most of their guanopsychotic panics over what children read. It is possible to choose to be a Democrat, or a Republican, for that matter, whereas it’s not possible to choose to be straight, gay, trans, or whatever – you are as you were born, although that may not show up until puberty (except for trans people – that shows up early enough for affirmative care to be helpful, if it can just be allowed.) I could wish the book had gone into the entire Political Compas instead of pretty much just left and right issues, but everyone here knows I strongly believe that. Last week, over at Democratic Underground, where a few were trashing Jeff Flake (who has endorsed Kamala), I left a comment to the effect that this election is not about left and right, it’s about autocracy and egalitarianism, and at least he’s on the right (excuse me, the correct side) of that, and another DUer was kind enough to respond with this: “If all Americans understood this as well as you do we wouldn’t be in this mess.” That made my day.

Oct 062024

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Madam Butterfly” by Puccini, the first opera I ever saw, when I was 8 years old. Despite the tenor being a jerk, it’s a pretty good first opera for a young person. For one thing, it’s generally gorgeous to look at. No one seems to have thought it a good idea to do it in black and white. For another, like all Puccini operas, it has catchy melodies, and Puccini takes advantage of them, not quite as leimotifs, but to associate with characters, and if nothing else, that helps clarify who is entering or exiting. And it’s a story line which has probably been told as my times, in as many languages, with local detail, as Cinderwlla. And now I’m off to see Virgil. I well as always check in when I get back.

I certainly do not want to praise the Heritage Foundation, so please don’t take it as praise when I say “they’ve thought of everything.” Everything to silence every last vestige of truth, integrity and just plain virtue from not only our goveernment but our entire society. If we lose this election, we will never be able to trust a government employee again. Ever. Not without a revolution.

If you wonder why I am citing this article by Steve Schmidt when it seems so self-evident – stick with it. I will say that, if you don’t know who MSgt Rodrick Edmonds is, hang tight – he will eventually tell you. Anwhen he does you may need a hanky. Also, “revanchist” as an adjective means “seeking revenge.” That was a new word for me, so I thought I’d try to save you a trip to the dictionary.

Oct 052024

Yesterday, I discovered Brave New Films has released its newest documentary – about the E. Jean Carroll case (They have quite a catalog – the earliest one I remeber them putting out was exposing the Koch Brothers, u they also did one with Ed Asner playing the Fox-owned grandfather. That’s just what I remember. there are lots more.) Also, Robert Reich posted the newest video/article in his current series.

This is not election news, but it is equally disgusting. Since the article is in a local paper, it’s not that specific to where this is happening, but Wonkette, who referred me to it, identifies the district as being in Yotk County, PA. Since we are in the overlap of Hispanic Heritage Month and LGBTQ’s month, I thought I’d share this even without any Hispanic link. My response to this would be a lot of every-thing-proof black paint on the inside (along with protesting.)

Heather Cox Richardson‘s column from Thirsday nigh started me thinking. I am not thrilled by our two party system, yet I fear the formation of a third party because in my lifetime I have seen too many spoiler candidates negatively affect our government. But what if we had four parties, and each one stood for one quadrant of the political compass? I think potential leadership actually exists – Kamala Harris is clearly a strong leader in the lower left quadrant. Jill Stein appears to represent the upper left, and Liz Cheney (along with Adam Kinzinger and Michael Luttig, and likely a lot more who have not spoken out) is clearly in the lower right quadrant. I can think of far too many “leaders” who are solidly in the upper right quadrant, and I expect so can you, and though I would love to make a statrmrnt by alluding to a woman here, I can’t think of one who would actually have that party’s support (Sarah Huckabee Sanders may be the closest.) I doubt whether any one of the four would have a majority without forming a coalition of some kind. It might be fun to speculate who would form a coalition with whom and on what grounds. And it would be much easier to setermine where any given candidate “really” stands. It certinly couldn’t happen in my lifetime. But maybe some day (aessuming we don’t lose the 2024 election.)

Joyce Vance finished and posted here analysis of Jack Smith’s superseding indictment and I, at least, am not disapponted. I hope you’ll think it was worth waiting a day for also. It clarifies the hoops he had to jump through as well as how he did it. When – not if – this comes to the Supreme Court, ALito and Thomas should, of course recuse, but won’t, and can’t be forced to. Although if we get a majority in both the House and the Senate, we may be able to tell them “recuse or be impeached.” If we could get rid ofjust those two, I’d be a happy camper. We’d have a 5-4 majority, and Gorsuch respects tribal law (most Republicans and even some Democrats don’t), and Barrett is a nebbish.

Oct 042024

Yesterday, I had expected some commentary from Joyce Vance Wednesday night on Jack Smith’s newest filing, which was (somewhat redacted) released then by Judge Chuutkan. But no, she’s taking a couple of days off for Rosh Hashanah (she wishes us all “besorot tovot”  (may we hear good news.) She did, however, provide a link to it (it’s down from 180 pages to 168.) No, I didn’t try to read it – I am having an everything everywhere all at once week. But if you want cammentary without going through the whole thing, i’d recommend Harry Litman at Talking Feds on YouTube. He’s detailed, yet speaks colloquially enough for just about anyone to grasp all the points. Also yesterday, Tina Peters was sentenced – to 9 years in prison. The judge had some things to say.

Heather Cox Richardson did address the filing along with the debate – and while it’s longish, it’s nowhere near 168 pages. Also, it makes one thing pellucidly clear which I want to point out, because you will see (maybe already have seen) articles in sources you trust which claim that Trump** said “Make them riot!” That is false. Those words were spoken, but not by Trump**. It was Mike Roman in DEtroit who said that. Richardson provides the circumstances under which it was said.

Everyone here who loves Betty Bowers is going to really love this. Not that she is known for being subtle, but this one really pulls no punches and takes no prisoners.

Oct 032024

Yesterday, it seemed that people in or near my age are dropping like flies. John Amos (84), Pete Rose (83). Also yesterday, I was directed to the website of “Evangelicals for Harris” to see the ads they are putting out. I have no idea where they are running, but they’re worth a look – and a share with any Evangrelicals you might know (“Evangelical” is not a denomination, it’s a way of looking at faith, and in itself it is not bad. But it is unfortunately very vulnerable to being distorted by people who want power. There is, sadly. a Biblical justification for that – in at least one of the Gospels Jesus says that when the Holy Spirit comes, “you shall receive power.” Political power is not what he meant – and since all our Bibles in English are translations from something, I suspect a mistranslation for something more like “abilities.” But when a book designed to help people understand the concept and learn to walk the walk, in English titled “Life in the Spirit” was translated into Spanish under the title “Recibirán Poder”, I saw instantly where the movement was headed, and dissociated myself from it immediately. From the movement – not from its original good ideas.)

Yesterday also too, although I am confident that real news media such as the Guardian and maybe Reuters and AP covered it, but Axios was the only outlet which sent me an email about Jack Smith and his new filing. Everyone else had their head up in the debate. IMO, Jack Smith’s filing is , eeven with redactions, not only more interesting but also more important. But I’m sure more information about it is coming – and more interpretation as well.

I don’t guess it gets any more real than this. When I think of County Clerks and Secretaries of State I have known over the years, it makes me want to cry – as if that would do any good.

Vanity Fair is a Condé Nast publication (like The New Yorker and, of all thing, Wired), so although the original link was to a “one free article”, I archived it, so you can get it back if needed. We’ve heard a lot – a whole lot – of stories of people losing their parents to Fox News, or to Trump**, or to Trumpism. But this one, from Caroline Giuliani, takes the cake. (Incidentally, Belle calls it a mustread for all Americans)

mostly Cat
