Yesterday, my prediction was not wrong – I received well over 200 emails (180 just by noon.) The number I actually had to open, however, was about the same as usual – between 40 and 50. I managed to deal with them. A few were unexpected. Otherwise the day was pretty calm. Which is fine with me. Every day being calm is my idea of living my best life.
Harry Litman of Talking Feds addresses the development of disagreement going on in the Republican Party, particularly in the Trump** administration (including potential administration if he can get them confirmed, which doesn’t look like a certainty – although any of the current rogues’ gallery of nominees is too many.) My feeling is that, since I don’t see how we can look for anything positive from (or under) this administration, the best we can hope for from is “presidency” is nothing at all. I would think internal feuding would make that increasingly likely – so I just hope they all eat each others’ faces.
The headline post from The F* News – “Sanders Calls Trump’s Bluff” is already promising, and does not disappoint. But there’s also more in the post. Read as much as you like. Not bad for a slow news day.