
Nov 252015

While Jon's rapier wit here was wielded quite awhile ago, it makes points still of concern and appropo to today's reporting besides still making us laugh…so I bring it to you to help set the tone for giving thanks (if you are in the US and celebrating this week).




Nov 242015

Sometimes I think my muse, my inspiration has vanished…yet somehow tidbits emerge which I hope will inspire you to commentary.  I just finished with being disconnected since the modem Comcast provided me could not handle software they rolled out just as I was cross posting yesterday's post to Care2 so am trying hard to catch up on communication, et al!

Transgender Day of Remembrance was last week:
As 2015 Sees A Record Number Of Documented Transgender Murders, A Glimmer Of Hope 


Sure wish we had better data on hate crimes—do you think there a glimmer of hope though?

Middle Income and Upper Income Households

How did I miss it when demographers raised the top for their definition of middle class?

Pew used what I knew and now the twilight zone and:

Hillary Clinton's Strange Definition of "Middle Class"


What world is she in if not ours?


Since we’re taking mega-moolah, how about this type of making money:

How Prison Reform Could Turn the Prison-Industrial Complex Into the Treatment-Industrial Complex
The private prison industry is exploiting prison reform efforts by shifting from brick-and-mortar carceral facilities to outsourced social services.



Would this be an improvement if it happens?


I find I learn from hearing things from different perspectives so I share a comedian who is probably new to you:
“Azhar Usman performs polished standup at the Muslim Funny Fest 2015 at Comic Strip Live in NYC. Tackling a hacky premise–Muslims in airports–he manages to make it fresh and insightful.”



Nov 232015

I recently had a message from my friend Dandelion (Hat tip) that included a quote with the meaning that when politics is not being fueled by hope, there is a vacuum left for fear to fill.  That seems so apt just now.

Not long after a pastor mentioned that for the first time he can recall, a local newspaper had a story about simple acts of kindness, caring, giving on the front page…in the bottom corner as the headlines blared the tragedy in Paris.  The article was about the Facebook post from one of the victims which had been viewed 600,000 times in 24 hrs. describing the person who protected her head in the midst of it, the injured person who held her while she thought she’d lost the love of her life, the people that carried her to safety, the woman who opened her home to victims for safety and shelter, the friends who brought her clean clothes to replace her bloodied ones…how much we need such inspiration. 

Where do we draw our inspiration for our hope to turn the tide? Artists over the centuries have spoken of drawing their inspiration from the muses.  Some speak of three, others of nine: Wiki provides this table at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muse:

Muse Domain Emblem
Calliope Epic poetry Writing tablet
Clio History Scrolls
Euterpe Music, Song, and Elegiac Poetry Aulos (an ancient Greek musical instrument like a flute)
Erato Lyric poetry Cithara (an ancient Greek musical instrument in the lyre family)
Melpomene Tragedy Tragic mask
Polyhymnia Hymns Veil
Terpsichore Dance Lyre
Thalia Comedy Comic mask
Urania Astronomy Globe and compass

In a different form from http://www.greekmyths-greekmythology.com/nine-muses-in-greek-mythology/

“Analytically the Nine Muses are:

1. Clio: The Muse Clio discovered history and guitar. History was named Clio in the ancient years, because it refers to “kleos” the Greek word for the heroic acts. Clio was always represented with a clarion in the right arm and a book in the left hand.

2. Euterpe: Muse Euterpe discovered several musical instruments, courses and dialectic. She was always depicted holding a flute, while many instruments were always around her.

3. Thalia: Muse Thalia was the protector of comedy; she discovered comedy, geometry, architectural science and agriculture. She was also protector of Symposiums. She was always depicted holding a theatrical – comedy mask.

4. Melpomene: Opposite from Thalia, Muse Melpomene was the protector of Tragedy; she invented tragedy, rhetoric speech and Melos. She was depicted holding a tragedy mask and usually bearing a bat.

5. Terpsichore: Terpsichore was the protector of dance; she invented dances, the harp and education. She was called Terpsichore because she was enjoying and having fun with dancing ( “Terpo” in Greek refers to be amused). She was depicted wearing laurels on her head, holding a harp and dancing.

6. Erato: Muse Erato was the protector of Love and Love Poetry – as well as wedding. Her name comes from the Greek word “Eros” that refers to the feeling of falling in love. She was depicted holding a lyre and love arrows and bows.

7. Polymnia: Muse Polymnia was the protector of the divine hymns and mimic art; she invented geometry and grammar. She was depicted looking up to the Sky, holding a lyre.

8. Ourania: Muse Ourania was the protector of the celestial objects and stars; she invented astronomy. She was always depicted bearing stars, a celestial sphere and a bow compass.

9. Calliope: Muse Calliope was the superior Muse. She was accompanying kings and princes in order to impose justice and serenity. She was the protector of heroic poems and rhetoric art. According to the myth, Homer asks from Calliope to inspire him while writing Iliad and Odyssey, and, thus, Calliope is depicted holding laurels in one hand and the two Homeric poems in the other hand.”

Forgotten Muses

How can we draw on them now to turn the tide? 

Melpomene was clearly in Paris (tragedy)…

To understand, we might choose Clio for relevant history brought to us by The Nation:

Muslims Have Been Living in America Since Before the Revolutionary War

Donald Trump’s proposals to shutter mosques and surveil Muslims are not about public safety—they’re about heinous stereotyping rooted in ignorance and cruelty.


Sometimes the problem may be we trust our senses too much and thus miss the truth so let us turn to Thalia and her gift of science as blended with Polymnia  (mimic) (video):


To help us think out of the box and be inspired, we’ll end with a combined effort from E Erato (wedding) and Terpsichore (dance) (video):





Funny Friday Fotos

 Posted by at 7:30 am  Politics
Nov 202015

Nameless is otherwise occupied today (prayers welcome) and let us know he wouldn't be up to his usual Friday Fun post, so I offer this humble choice from Upworthy to help end your week on a lighter note.

Family photographer Danielle Guenther gets the struggle that is parenting.



Nov 162015

Kindness Day-

Somewhat ironically in retrospect, last Friday was designated as Kindness Day…which took the back seat as the horrific events in Paris were gradually reported.  Given the impact such events have on all people of compassion, I find I need, and perhaps others do too, news about kindness and people treating others with respect and dignity…and so my humble terse choices for the day…

Sometimes we can be a better human and increase our success, too…here’s one example:  


What do you think about that idea?

Other times we especially need to feel special:

Did you have a favorite dress-up or pretend character to play as a child? 

Hanky alert for a wonderful pop-up shop:

And a special kitty the UK has begun enjoying again (see the video):


“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” ― Aesop

Nov 092015

I do love alliteration, in case you hadn't noticed. I find it a fun form of wordplay.  Am posting a bit earlier than planned with additions to demands on my time in the next 24 hours.
A piece of political analysis on the lesser known candidate from The Rolling Stone called, "Why Martin O'Malley Could Be the Future of the Democratic Party"


Is anyone else thinking of the song "Guitar Man" just now?

Sometimes politics is very personal and political decisions can truly make a difference in the lives of individuals.  One example brought to us by NPR is:

http://www.npr.org/2015/11/02/453992907/for-this-released-inmate-freedom-tastes-like-pizza-for-breakfast  Pizza Stock Photos

Anyone else feel like a snack just now?

Moving from munch to crunch (as in crunching the numbers)–Mother Jones gives us "Republicans Are Going To Hate This Chart"


And then tell me whether you thought this should've been written by Andy, too:



Do you want a simple answer on how to fix public education?  Just listen to this professional on that (video and article):


Did she leave anything off that list?

Sometimes it is harder to cope with what we meet in life.  I found hope for my current journey from the next one and so I share it with you (and I do love flutterbyes):  caterpillar pictures, butterfly pictures, butterflies picture



Hanky alert (catharsis)–if you can take all the heartwarming, you'll land on some fun kitties to finish:


Nov 072015

Jeannette Rankin cph.3b13863.jpgAccording to Sen. Jon Tester, "On Tuesday, November 7, 1916, Montanans elected Jeannette Rankin to the U.S. House of Representatives. She was the first woman ever elected to Congress. Montanans elected her four years before all women in America even had the right to vote."
According to Wiki:
"Jeannette Pickering Rankin (June 11, 1880 – May 18, 1973) became the first woman to hold a high government office in the United States when in 1916 she was elected to the United States Congress from the state of Montana.[2] After winning her House seat in 1916 she said, “I may be the first woman member of Congress but I won’t be the last.”[3] She also was elected in 1940.

Rankin's two terms in Congress coincided with U.S. entry into both World Wars. A lifelong pacifist, she was one of 56 members of Congress (including 50 in the House) who voted against entry into World War I in 1917, and the only member of Congress to vote against declaring war on Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.[3][4]"
More can be read at:

