
Dec 072015

In politics it is said, that when not fueled by hope there is a vacuum for fear to fill. Since artists turn to the muses, Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, forgotten-muses-1226788Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope we are exploring what they can offer us for inspiration to have the hope fueling politics. One giving Tuesday email I received began with this quote:We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face. We must do that which we think we cannot do.”

— Eleanor Roosevelt It was from the Divest-Invest team.

Calliope is considered the strongest of the nine and imposes justice in addition to serenity. Here Otis can expand our understanding of justice (video):

And victims also deserve justice:

Does this one help connect with hope?

And this analysis of a type of rhetoric is up Calliope’s alley, too (video):

Let us now turn to Thalia and her gift of [agricultural] science:

Does it inspire faith and hope as people seem to change against the odds?

Continuing with Polymnia (mimic) :

An email update from: Andrew, Gan, Rae, Kate, Sandrine, David, Ariel and the Climate Ribbon team:ribbons tree
“Yesterday, none other than President Hollande came by and took a ribbon!…Meanwhile, in a cavernous buildspace on the outskirts of Paris, visionary artist Gan Golan and a team of volunteers are readying our core work: The Tree. Or as some have come to call it here: The Solidarity Tree. A beautiful, monumental wood-cut tree sculpture, soon to be draped with tens of thousands of climate ribbons from all over the world, that will be the centerpiece of major civil society events during these next two weeks of the COP21.”

Clio (history) reminds us of history we shouldn’t repeat:

Do you think Erato might claim this kind of love, too:

Isn’t adding love to the world a worthy antidote to fear?

Let’s end with some laughter (video):

And thank you dear reader for joining me on this journey of discovery and quest for hope!


Tis the Season?

 Posted by at 10:00 am  Politics
Dec 052015

Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree: A New Record for DC Cynicism?
“As Thomas Jefferson put it 200 years ago, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Right now is a good time to pay that price. Don't let the ultimate cynics in DC get their way: When leaders like Senator Warren ring the alarm, we all better answer.


"In token of the season, just to help you remember, here's this year's American Family Voices version of O Christmas Tree:
Oh, G-O-P, these Christmas trees,
are gifts you're soon exchanging
Down on Wall Street, these Christmas trees,
are gifts you're soon exchanging.
Lots of green when campaigns are here,
Also at budget time of year.
Oh, G-O-P, these Christmas trees,
on must-pass bills for spending.
Oh, G-O-P, these Christmas trees,
Take down the C-F-P-B.
Down on Wall Street, these Christmas trees,
Relax rules at S-E-C.
For every year these Christmas trees,
Bring bankers such joy and glee.
Down on Wall Street, these Christmas trees,
Such profits do they bring thee!
Oh, G-O-P, these Christmas trees,
reforms you're soon upending.
A symbol of your Big Bank love,
reforms you're soon upending.
Each spending fight,
Each budget bill,
Lobbyists take Capitol Hill
Oh, G-O-P, these Christmas trees,
are gifts you're soon exchanging.”


Click on the link for more than you probably want to hear about why this is so fitting that is as grating on the nerves as how early we are inundated with holiday songs these days…


When It Gets Just Too Personal

 Posted by at 10:08 am  Politics
Dec 032015

GOPGuns-2.jpgI didn’t expect to be prophetic when I identified yesterday with weeping. Thankfully the media is mostly taking time to learn about CA’s unique system for the incredibly vulnerable population of persons with developmental disabilities and Inland Regional Center’s (IRC) mission of caregiving to those that live in their region.

However, I have yet to see any make the connection that the 30,000+ persons served and their families are also victims in addition to the 600+ employees on site and all those from the public health department at the party (number not provided in reports I’ve seen) beyond the 30+ who were shot with about half already dead.

I also want to highlight the connection making it important that Governor Brown chose to cancel today’s tree lighting ceremony: traditionally it is done with a child who receives services from one of the regional centers like Inland. I see it as similar to why a flag is flown at half-mast.

In the past I knew and worked with folks at IRC as did others I still count as good friends. Yesterday we connected in mutual support as the news unfolded wondering whether any we knew were among the ultimate victims, yet knowing some had to have endured the trauma which unfolded. Gabby Gifford’s organization always asks signers of petitions whether their life has been impacted by gun violence; this is part of what she means. How many no longer go to movies at a theater or otherwise avoid locations being selected by such shooters?

Should we be shocked by the headline that called this event normal? It was the second mass shooting of the day. IRC staff members have been doing monthly drills for what to do in the case of a shooting, and some apparently thought this was a drill at first…and perhaps those drills can be credited with why no staff numbered among those shot.

It was early in the 1980’s the first time I experienced a bomb threat in my workplace, repeated at least once per decade. Thrice my building went into shutdown mode with a possible shooter, twice with an escalated domestic violence scenario and once with a disgruntled ex-employee profile. I am thankful there’s no suggestion of the first scenario in the reports I’ve read: that one is preventable with improved background check requirements.

Will we learn whether racial/ethnic/religious harassment and/or discrimination is part of the back story on this event? Will this be the one too many that finally gets action to make us safer from Congress?

No one story included all the elements I considered important, so I provide several which in combination do include all those elements. Please pause for a moment of silence to honor and support all the victims affected by this one who probably number more than 100,000.

And consider the challenge when the targets are the agency providing the services to help with recovery:

"Welcome to the San Bernardino County
Department of Public Health website

Our dedicated staff works to prevent epidemics and the spread of disease, protect against environmental hazards, prevent injuries, promote and encourage healthy behaviors, respond to disasters and assist communities in recovery, and assure the quality and accessibility of health services throughout the county."  http://www.sbcounty.gov/dph/publichealth/









Weeping Willow Wednesday

 Posted by at 10:17 am  Politics
Dec 022015

A sampling of the mystique that goes with these incredible trees…


Salix alba Morton.jpg

The Weeping Willows.
Stories from the San / Bushmen people.

Our Weeping Willow
When Grandpa planted a willow tree, its roots grew from one generation to the next.


The Spirit In The Weeping Willow Tree

The Myth of the Weeping Willow


Legend of the Weeping Willow

And of course Wiki has more on them at:


Dec 012015

statue-of-libertyIsis shouldn’t dictate how we address refugees: op-ed by Chelsea Manning
"We must not let Isis’s crimes dictate how we address the refugee crisis – or privacy
Some want to exploit the Paris attacks in order to justify seizures of power to meet their own political ends. We should not let that happen"


France Puts 24 Climate Activists Under House Arrest Ahead of COP21
'A gross abuse of power that risks turning the summit into a farce'


People's Global Climate March 2015: Taking to the Streets for Our Future
Millions expected to take to streets ahead of COP21 – the Paris climate summit

When The Mountains Started Exploding: Devastation In Coal Country (VIDEO)

Are these four stories connected by the thread of relationships to fossil fuels?  Do they support Manning's perspective?


Supreme Court Halts Historic Hawaiian Election
Opponents of the election say the process is unconstitutional and racially exclusive.


Mindboggling…hard to even frame a question


Should domestic policy issue debates impact foreign policy like this?

Skewed Media Coverage Of The Abortion Debate Is Giving The U.S. A Bad Rap Abroad
The only voices that are heard come from the fanatics.


Ending with a Petition from Karen Feridun: "This isn't your typical petition with the option to add a message. This is all about the message, your message to President Obama. I'll be heading to Paris for COP 21 in a few days. I'd like to take with me your messages to President Obama on fracking and climate change. I can't promise that I'll be able to use them all in actions while I'm there, but I'll do my best and will definitely make sure that they are delivered electronically to him and to PA Governor Wolf…."President Obama, I asked people to write messages on fracking and climate change they'd like me to bring to Paris. Here's what they wrote. "


Nov 302015


In politics it is said, that when not fueled by hope there is a vacuum for fear to fill.  Since artists turn to the muses, Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope we are exploring what they can offer us for inspiration to have the hope fueling politics.  Last week we were in the wake of Paris; this week we follow two violent events on American soil (covered in other threads) in Minneapolis and in Colorado Springs yet do not hear near the cacophony of voices loudly urging actions to keep Americans safe.  We also follow the holiday most associated with gratitude in the U.S.: Thanksgiving.  One Thanksgiving email I received began with this quote: “I saw…that there was an ocean of darkness and death; but an infinite ocean of light and love…flowed over the ocean of darkness.” — Journal of George Fox (1647)

Then continued withIt can be hard to look into the darkness we find all too easily today: in the suffering and fear of so many, in the cycles of violence. Yet, when we come together with compassion, understanding, and openness, we find the Light in dark places.” It was from the Friends Committee on National Legislation.

Calliope is considered the strongest of the nine and imposes serenity.  Researchers have been exploring this area and one finding that goes with post-Thanksgiving is:


Gratitude can be transformative:gratitude

“The Thanksgiving holiday began, as the name implies, when the colonists gave thanks for their survival and for a good harvest. So perhaps November is a good time to review the mental health benefits of gratitude — and to consider some advice about how to cultivate this state of mind.”


“Recently scientists have begun to chart a course of research aimed at understanding gratitude and the circumstances in which it flourishes or diminishes. They’re finding that people who practice gratitude consistently report a host of benefits:

  • Stronger immune systems and lower blood pressure;
  • Higher levels of positive emotions;
  • More joy, optimism, and happiness;
  • Acting with more generosity and compassion;
  • Feeling less lonely and isolated.”


Anyone want to join me in giving thanks (just in case)?  Has it become harder to connect with gratitude when people have a lower standard of living than their parents did or they themselves did 10 years ago (e.g., stagnant wages, retirement accounts wiped out, foreclosure and/or the hidden housing bubble: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/11/09/1447788/-The-massive-real-estate-bubble-that-no-one-is-talking-about )?

Sometimes children see things more clearly:


Staying with science, let us hear from Ourania (astronomy) via :“In a 2-minute elevator speech, a NASA scientist shares his greatest hope for the future of earth.”


Didn’t he make it crystal clear and easy to understand—did he also communicate hope?*

One thing events in Paris affected was people’s plans with COP 21 Nov. 30th-Dec. 11th…I’ve seen one group that is collecting photos of people holding empty shoes to represent people who would’ve been marching in Paris to address climate change.  Greenpeace is matching individuals who would’ve marched in France with someone marching in another country…the resilience to this purpose in this one (check out the video) is it an example of what Dr. Rignot said was our hope?  Is it a love Erato might claim?


Does it inspire faith and hope as people persist despite changed circumstances?


Clio (guitar) helps us think out of the box with this one and expand our vision of possibility (video):


And Thalia (architecture) might help us get creative (picture gallery):


Erato might claim this kind of love, too:



Can’t the world always use more love?  Is it always the answer?


And thank you dear reader for joining me on this journey of discovery!


*Note: Physics is the one field where research questions with answers using statistics often have no error rate so results are not a probability of truth/fact on the subject but are actually the truth or fact of the matter.

If you missed the first installment of this series and would like more information about the muses by reading it:


Nov 252015


People of Faith Declare VICTORY in Effort to Pass Ban on CIA Torture

" Earlier today, President Obama signed into law the FY 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The NDAA included a provision authored by Senator McCain and Senator Feinstein that makes permanent the ban on CIA torture."



If you want to refresh your memory a tad on this issue which has been alive for many years:







Obama signs defense bill, finalizing military retirement overhaul

Also addresses paid patriotism with sports teams, personal firearms on bases and gender neutral occupational standards.




Obama signs bill making Gitmo closure tougher



You decide, did he get the best he could from this Congress?  Did we make some progress?

And finally, will federal agencies like DOJ finally get to read the Senate Report?
