
Mar 132022

How the hell long have we been waiting for the Equal Rights Amendment to be ratified? Too damn long.

The ERA was first proposed in 1972. It states simply: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” In other words, your rights do not depend on your DNA.

Fifty years later, we are still waiting for it to become part of the U.S. Constitution. Two years ago Virginia voted to ratify this amendment, becoming the 38th state to do so, which means that now the ERA qualifies for inclusion in the Constitutional amendments. So why hasn’t this been made official?

Listen up, U.S. Congress. We The People – not just women and girls, but the men and boys who stand with us – are sick and tired of waiting. We are sick and tired of getting heartbreakingly close to victory. We are sick and tired of having to fight, and fight, and fight. We are sick and tired of screaming, protesting, marching, signing petitions, sending postcards and tweets and e-mails, writing letters to the editor, and countering male bovine solid bodily waste excreta.

How much longer must women wait? How much longer will male chauvinist nut jobs oppose it with ludicrous propaganda? In 1992, Pat Robertson sent a letter to the Christian Coalition in opposition to Iowa’s state ERA, claiming that the “feminist agenda” is a “socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” Unfortunately, enough people believed this crap to prevent the ERA from passing in Iowa. How sad that evil, hateful cowards like Robertson can bamboozle people into voting against their own interests.

Why is it in everybody’s interest to ratify the ERA? To paraphrase Malcolm X, you can’t keep Woman down without staying down with her. Women have been down in the ditch for far too long. Women had to raise hell all the way past the stratosphere for decades in order to get the right to vote. Women in the US couldn’t have credit cards in their own names until 1974, take legal action against sexual harassment until 1977, or enter military combat until 2013. Spousal rape was not recognized as a crime till 1993. The average woman today earns 82 cents for every dollar the average man earns. I could go on and on and on and on.

We need to let our Congress-critters know that we are through waiting. We are not asking, not requesting, not pleading that they pass the ERA – we are demanding that they do so, and after a half century we are well within our rights to do so.

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Mar 052022

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has shocked and horrified the world. However, it has had the positive affect of bringing nations, leaders and people together. Russians have gathered by the tens of thousands to protest the invasion, risking arrest – and often getting arrested – for expressing their sentiments. Companies are refusing to do business with Russia so Russian companies can neither sell goods nor get necessary raw materials. The global banking system SWIFT is contemplating kicking Russian banks out. Already, Russian citizens are stampeding to make withdrawals from their accounts.

So far, looks as though sanctions are working. Russia’s economy is (ahem!) tanking as more and more countries and companies impose sanctions – even legendarily neutral Switzerland has joined this party. The Russian stock market is in a tailspin as Russian businesses are being cut out of international trade. Athletic competitions have banned Russians from competing. Not only that, many Russian tycoons are breaking ranks with the Kremlin and calling for an end to this war; some have even fled Russia. Putin may have started strong, but he’s running out of allies and resources.

Meanwhile, governments, NGOs and individual citizens around the world are supplying Ukraine with humanitarian relief and offering to take in refugees. Soldiers from some countries are volunteering to help the Ukrainians fight back. The Russian military has encountered resistance that is probably fiercer than what they anticipated. Indeed, Ukraine could turn out to be a tar baby as Afghanistan was for the Soviet Union a generation ago.

Putin clearly has issues, probably including a Napoleon complex. He is a creature of the old KGB who apparently wants to restore the power and glories of Imperial Russia. Like Hitler laying claim to majority-German parts of Europe, so Putin is trying to grab any land that he perceives as being rightfully Russian.

As if Putin’s lunacy isn’t bad enough, prominent Republicans and right-wingers have not just defended but even praised his actions. Trump’s reaction to the Ukrainian invasion was nothing short of jaw-dropping. Not only that, righties are accusing Biden of being soft, when in fact he had some very stern words for Putin.

What do the righties want – all-out war? Blood and guts and the planet reduced to cinders too radioactive for even cockroaches? We need to give sanctions a chance to bleed and cripple Putin’s Russia so we can bring the bloodshed to an end. Russia can’t wage war for long if it has no money to pay its military or buy weapons. Sanctions will take a while to work, so we need to be patient.

Already some people are having nightmares about mushroom clouds. Fear of nuclear escalation is not entirely unfounded. Putin is a child of the Soviet era and the Cold War when kids practiced duck-and-cover at school and people dug bomb shelters in their back yards. Some fear that Putin is just nuke-happy enough that he will decide, if he cannot dominate the world, there won’t be anything left to dominate.

Only time will tell if Ukraine is the beginning of the end for Putin. In the meantime, we need to use sanctions to choke off his military, and diplomacy to try to make him see his folly and realize it is in his, and Russia’s, interest to withdraw from Ukraine. Putin may be crazy, but he isn’t stupid.

Let us hope for the best – and pray.

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Feb 262022

A recent article in The New York Times pointed out that many U.S. businesses are practicing self-censorship in order to appease China’s government. Why? Because when they look at China, all they see are dollar signs. All they see are 1.4 billion potential customers.

Hollywood is notorious for this. “World War Z” was rewritten so that the zombie virus didn’t originate in China. (And this was 6-7 years before COVID-19 broke out!) “Transformers: Age of Extinction” depicted U.S. officials in a negative light and Chinese characters as heroic. This movie was made with support from Beijing, and despite negative reviews – it has a 17% rating on Rotten Tomatoes – it was a box office bonanza, raking in $300 million in China alone.

Movies can have a profound effect on how people view the world. A film that celebrates democracy, condemns racism, or otherwise makes its audience think seriously about current issues or problems can lead to a push for positive change. Meanwhile, respected celebrities can encourage people to do right, such as registering to vote, recycling, helping the less fortunate, protecting endangered species and ecosystems, and so on. However, when people self-censor, they prevent evils from being exposed. We as a society need to shine lights on China’s brutal human-rights violations, such as the oppression of the Uyghurs and other minorities.

Sadly, there seems to be little the Little Guy and Gal can do. Big Business doesn’t care about human rights, only about the Bottom Line. Big Business will gladly grovel before the most brutal dictators as long as there is money to be made. Former Disney CEO Bob Iger said “You try in the process not to compromise what I’ll call values. But there are compromises that companies have to make to be global.” In other words, profit is more important than ethics and morals.

Mussolini said “Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.” We are seeing that right now in the USA, and to a lesser extent in other countries. One of the many early warning signs of fascism is protection of corporate power. How many items do you see on store shelves that are marked “Made in China”? Big corporations have moved much of their manufacturing overseas to where labor is cheap and workers have little or no protection from abuse or on-the-job hazards. Which leads to another early symptom of fascism: suppression of labor.

Authoritarianism is everywhere on the rise. Countries that have long been democracies, where human rights had respect and protection, are moving ever towards the fasces. Canada and Australia are leaning that way. The “Freedom” Convoy received support from Australia as well as the U.S. and Canada, and probably from a lot of other countries. Ironic that people whining about wearing masks and calling it a matter of individual rights are in bed with people who seek to destroy freedom and personal liberty.

The United States is supposed to be a country that stands for freedom, justice, democracy and liberty; but we are sliding into the pit of authoritarianism and fascism. And by catering to the interests of China’s Communist government, we are handing authoritarian and Communist Beijing power over us. How ironic that capitalists who howl about the “evils” of socialism – which they confound with communism – are kissing China’s jackboots in the name of commerce.

As consumers we have some power. We can avoid buying products made in China, or other countries with authoritarian regimes, as much as possible. We can refuse to see movies from studios that cater to dictators. We can sign petitions and post cards, make phone calls, send texts and e-mails, even demonstrate at business headquarters and demand change. We can wait for movies to come out on DVD, then borrow discs from the library. We The People are more powerful than we realize – and more powerful than Big Business wants us to think.

It is up to us to stop authoritarianism’s creep – before it’s too late.

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Feb 192022

You’ve probably heard about the so-called Freedom Convoy of angry Canadian truckers who are fed up with all the common-sense regulations intended to curb the spread of COVID-19. No surprise that the MAGA bugnuts have taken their side. I can understand the frustration of having to heed the mandates, but there is no justification in rebelling against them.

We are now in year 3 of the COVID pandemic, and even with a vaccine and boosters we still have to take precautions. Yeah, yeah, masks are uncomfortable, lockdowns are not fun – but we all need to do our part. This situation is temporary, and the sooner we all each accept our personal responsibilities, the sooner the pandemic will be officially over and the sooner life will return to more-or-less normal.

Unfortunately, a lot of people, out of entitlement or selfishness or cowardice or denial or some combination of the four, are refusing to face reality. COVID-19 is real, 100% REAL. Wearing a mask in public is not the same as being forced to wear a Star of David. Really – how low can you go, people, viciously slapping those of certain ethnicities in their faces? Comparing mask and vaccination mandates to the brutal persecution of Jews isn’t comparing apples to oranges – it’s comparing apples to Portobello mushrooms.

Recently Canada’s Superior Court of Justice blocked GiveSendGo, a crowdfunding site that has raised money for far-right extremist organizations such as the Proud Boys, from sending $9 million to the anti-vaccine truckers. Seriously? Those donors are willing to give $9 million to help advocates of childish selfishness? Nine million bucks would go a long way to feeding a lot of hungry mouths, or housing a lot of homeless people. Or paying the medical bills of COVID-19 victims. But these pseudo-Christians would rather support criminals and terrorists.

The “Freedom” Convoy has paralyzed traffic and trade in both Canada and the United States, blocking the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit, MI and Windsor, ON. One report estimated that U.S. workers and businesses have already lost some $51 million in damaged commerce and wages due to the action. Far from being a convoy of freedom, it is a convoy of destruction, harming commerce and innocent workers. But these spoiled brats don’t care. The Free-Dumb Convoy suck-a-thumbs will allow the economies of two nations to tank just because they’re too chicken-doody to wear masks and get vaccinations. They profess to be defending freedom, but in reality they seek to destroy democracy and enforce fascism.

Thankfully, there has been plenty of backlash against them. Residents of several Canadian cities have held counter-demonstrations against the convoy. Canadian police have arrested more than 100 of these troublesome truckers.

The Freedom [sic] Convoy has done a wonderful job of giving normally polite and respectful Canadians – 90% of whom are fully vaccinated – a collective black eye. Apparently the Great White North has caught second-hand right-wing nuttiness from the USA.

Progressives on both sides of the border need to cooperate in order to battle right-wing extremism, an evil that respects no political boundary.

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Feb 122022

A lot of Americans have in their heads the concept of the “self-made man,” somebody who built his entire life with his own hands. (Or self-made woman, for that matter.) They speak of the settler or mountain man who wrested a living from the wilderness. They talk about self-sufficiency even in these times. Those who harp on this idea fail to realize that “self-made” people in fact rely on hundreds of others, if not thousands.

The essay “I Am A Pencil” points out that even an object as simple as a pencil has a lot of effort behind it. The loggers who selected and felled the tree providing the wood, then removed it from the forest. The workers in the pencil factory. The people who mined and refined the metal that attaches the erasers to the pencils. The ones involved in providing and processing the rubber for the erasers. The people who collected and mixed the chemicals for the paint. All those involved in getting the wood, metal, rubber and paint to the pencil factory, as well as the cardboard and maybe plastic packaging for the pencils and the ink for the packages. The people who convey the pencils to the stores, who stock them in the appropriate places, and who work at the cash registers to sell them. And this is to say nothing of those who designed the factory, who provided the materials to erect the building, who actually erected the building; as well as those who designed, assembled, tested and installed the machinery in the pencil factory, let alone all those involved in assembling the machinery, as well as acquiring the materials to build it. Even a simple pencil involves a great deal of effort.

So, Mr. Totally Self-Sufficient, you really think you can do everything for yourself? You’ll have to start way out in the wilderness – with nothing. Nothing, but your wits. You want to bring tools? Somebody else made those tools. Other people mined, refined and shaped the metal; other people harvested the wood in the handles. Other people transported the materials to the factory, and then the finished tools to the hardware store. Sorry, you’ll have to start from scratch. Completely.

I could write a long article on what goes into all those clothes you’re wearing, as well as your shoes, your belt, your wristwatch. Those gotta go. So there you are, naked, in the middle of nowhere. Whatcha gonna do?

Do you yet appreciate just how intertwined you are with thousands of other lives?

Even the pioneer who turned a wild prairie into a productive farm relied on hundreds of others for his tools, farm implements, clothes, boots, wagon, horses, and so on. The settlers who moved in after the Native Americans were extirpated could never have established their farms and towns without an extensive support network. The Native Americans may have lived off the land, foraging and hunting, but they relied on each other and worked together.

So, Mr. 100% Self-Reliant, where are you gonna start? OK, maybe you think you can make some crude stone tools. Whoops, you just learned that’s not nearly as easy as you think. You need the right kind of rock to do that.

OK, now you have a primitive hand axe. But how are you going to get dinner with that? You think the woods are teeming with deer? You could wander around for hours and never see anything larger than a squirrel. And how are you going to avoid freezing to death without any togs or shelter? Do you know how to skin an animal and prepare its hide to be worn? Do you know even how to make a knife from rock? Do you know what sorts of rocks are best for making stone implements?

Do you know how to set traps for animals so you don’t have to spend all day hunting? And what are you going to hunt with? Bet you don’t know how to make even a spear, let alone throw it. If you decide to fish, what will you use for fishing line, for hooks, for bait? Sure, you can dig up some worms – but how do you make a fish hook from what’s just lying around in the wilderness? You’re probably getting mighty peckish by now.

Even if you know what plants are edible, you’ll have to spend a lot of time foraging before you have enough for a decent meal. And you’ll have to do that tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day. There’s no guarantee you’ll find enough every day – provided, of course, you survive the night. Making fire by rubbing two sticks together is a LOT harder than you think. Gives new meaning to “Naked and Afraid,” doesn’t it?

What if you get sick, or are hurt? How much medicine do you know? Think of all the people involved in making bandages – collecting the materials, designing and assembling the manufacturing equipment, gathering the material to make that equipment, and so on. Ponder the example of the pencil. And what about treatment? Can you self-medicate? Do you know which plants will help you fight off infection and illness? Uh-oh – you’re too sick and/or hurt to forage. So you’ll just have to lie there and suffer until you recover – and hope that you do recover. How will you manage if you need to forage for chow every day?

So, how are you feeling now, Mr. Self-Sufficient?

As the old saw goes, no man is an island. Nobody, however skilled and clever, can survive on his (or her, or whatever) own. We are social animals whose society is an extremely complex web of dependency.

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SOUND OFF! 2/5/22 – Maus

 Posted by at 6:42 pm  Politics
Feb 052022

No doubt you have heard about the McMinn County School Board’s decision to ban Maus, Art Spiegelman’s Pulitzer-winning graphic novel/biography/history about the horrors of the Holocaust. Art’s father Vladek and mother Anja both survived Auschwitz. The story tells how Art manages to get his father to open up about his experiences in Poland before, during and after World War II.

The school board banned Maus because of a few cuss words, a single frame that showed nudity in a non-sexual context, and violence including lynching and torture. Board members felt it was inappropriate for eighth graders – children between 12 and 14 – to be exposed to this segment of history. Never mind those same kids are feasting on violence in movies, comic books and video games, as well as on TV.

The Maus ban is far from an isolated case. Every year the American Library Association publishes a list of the most frequently banned and challenged books. Among the most targeted books are And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson, the true story of two male penguins who successfully raise a chick; and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, loosely based on the author’s own troubled childhood. There have always been people and organizations that try to keep certain books away from children, if not away from everybody, because of objectionable content such as sex, profane language, or the depiction of LGBTQ characters. These days there have been more book bans than ever as conservatives try to squelch access to volumes that address LGBTQ issues and systemic racism.

Conservatives holler about “cancel culture” while practicing it. Alabama wants to protect Confederate monuments but not books that can teach kids valuable lessons about society, history, and themselves. Our children are falling farther and farther behind the rest of the developed world in education, but our elected officials are destroying our educational system so we are raising a generation of ignoramuses. Little wonder we have to look to foreign countries for doctors, engineers and scientists.

Banning a book does not make it go away; in fact, this makes it more appealing. Forbidden fruits are the sweetest as the old saw goes. In fact, a ban can be the best thing that ever happened to a book. Interest in Maus has skyrocketed since news of the ban broke, and now the book – The Complete Maus and the two parts My Father Bleeds History and And Now My Troubles Begin – are best sellers on Amazon. Libraries probably have long waiting lists to check them out. Thus, by telling kids they can’t read this graphic novel, the McMinn County School Board has guaranteed that a lot of them will.

How do you get teens to read a classic book? Make it required reading, and they howl “BORING!!!” Tell them their parents read it and enjoyed it, and they yawn. Tell them all the cool kids are reading it, and they respond with “Meh.” But ban it from the curriculum, and suddenly it’s a hot item.

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Jan 302022

The future is getting rather scary. Former President [sic] Trump and his Republican stooges packed the Supreme Court so it is now 6-3 in favor of conservatives. Even with Democrats in control of the House and a Democrat in the Oval Office, our rights – indeed, the very foundation of democracy in the United States – are in dire peril.

Amy Coney Barrett has a strongly conservative record and has expressed a desire to build a “Kingdom of God” on Earth. Granted, it can be just a reference to doing justice and following “God’s will”; but how many times has “following God’s will” been a justification for bigotry, persecution, even genocide? Christians disagree on what this phrase means, but that does not mean it is free of sinister interpretations. Barrett’s statement could thus be perfectly innocent, but her record on hot-button issues reveals that she leans very strongly to the right. A badly unbalanced SCOTUS is bad news for this country.

Already people are hollering to expand the Supreme Court, pointing out that the Constitution does not specify how many justices sit on this Court. Actually, 13 justices would make sense since there are 13 Federal circuit courts, and each SCOTUS justice is supposed to preside over one circuit court. Chief Justice Roberts currently oversees three circuit courts. If there were 13 justices, each one would preside over just one. And if Biden added four justices, even over the howling of the GOP, the court would be 7-6 in favor of progress. However, we must not, and cannot, count on such a change to occur, and for it to go in our favor.

Justice Breyer’s retirement provides Biden an opportunity to add a young, healthy left-winger to the already badly balanced SCOTUS. Republicans, no doubt, are already conspiring to thwart him. They won’t be satisfied until the Supreme Court is solid red, and probably until Congress is, too.

In a previous posting I warned that democracy in the USA is in dire peril. Indeed, fascism and oppression are rising around the globe. Canada and Australia seem to have caught the disease of fascism as they tip towards the right. Russia looked as though it was headed towards genuine democracy for a while – then Putin came to power, and we all know what happened after that.

So, what can we do? The obvious answer is vote. We need to do our homework and pick good candidates to support, and we need to make sure that people in traditionally marginalized communities are registered to vote – and can get to the polls. We need to fight voter suppression and gerrymandering tooth and nail. We need to keep up the pressure on our elected representatives, even if they are on our side. We need to let our foes know that they can either clean up their act or face the possibility of losing the next election – or worse, the primaries. I know of two Democrats in Congress, and I’m sure you know whom I mean, who probably committed political suicide by voting against legislation that would strengthen and protect voting rights.

We must maintain the Democrat majority in the House, and not only defend all blue Senate seats that are up for re-election but also flip some red seats. Failure to do so will almost certainly guarantee further descent into fascism and chaos as more common-sense bills fail to pass – while bills damaging to democracy go through. Republicans, meanwhile, are doing everything they can to squelch the votes of people who tend to vote Democrat, such as the poor and people of color. They refused to pass voting rights bills that we not only perfectly sensible, but absolutely necessary to preserve the very heart and soul of this country. And with our Supreme Court tilted strongly to the right, our sacred prerogative to vote could be in serious jeopardy.

Governor Santis of Florida proposed an “Office of Election Crimes and Security”, which he would staff with up to 52 people, including 20 police officers, and no doubt mostly or even entirely with his cronies and yes-people. The problem is, when you create a governmental department to look for something, they will find it. If you created a governmental office to stop crimes committed by teddy bears, they would find plenty of evidence for stuffed animals doing wrong.

We have an intense battle ahead of us. We must push back against the Republican red wave with all of our political might. Otherwise we can kiss freedom and justice good-bye, and set the clock back to the late 19th century. Or farther back.

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Jan 222022

Never in living memory has this country been so sharply divided. Not only that, the division isn’t so much along state lines as it is within states and even cities. It’s Left vs Right, Progressives vs MAGA-hat bugnuts. It’s neighbor vs neighbor, and each side is convinced that the other epitomizes Evil, be it Communism or Fascism.

Many a right-wing wack job has declared that left-wingers, progressives and liberals had better watch out because they have targets on their backs. (Never mind that a lot of liberals, progressives and Democrats pack heat!) Proud Bois, Q-Anon and other right-wing bugnuts are actually hoping and even praying for a second Civil War. Um, ever heard the caveat be careful what you wish for? Wanna see Washington, DC in flames? Wanna see your home town get the crap bombed out of it, so you and your family – and your little dog too – spend years living in a refugee tent and getting your meals from a communal soup and sandwich dispensary?

The 6 January 2021 putsch reveals just how dangerous the Radical Right is. Those people were willing to invade the Capitol in order to squelch the results of a legitimate election. Even now, people keep screaming that Trump actually won. A few months ago I saw a billboard proclaiming that Trump received 120 million votes. Haw, haw, haw! Nearly 160 million people voted in the 2020 Presidential election. Neither Nixon in 1972 nor Reagan in 1984 enjoyed such a landslide. Rather than face reality, Trump’s stooges howl “Stop the steal!” and continue to raise hell.

Republicans in Congress have been consistently stymieing legislation vital to the health of democracy in the USA. Why? For no good reason, just because these bills are part of President Biden’s plan to restore this country. Build Back Better, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and other good bills all fell victim to blind, unthinking Republican hatred. Republicans have just one goal, to “own the libs,” and the good of this country and its citizens be damned.

So – is the United States headed towards a second Civil War?

The Political Instability Task Force ranks all countries on a scale from fully functional democracy to absolute dictatorship. For decades the United States was at +10, a perfect democracy; but now it has slipped to +5, a condition known as “anocracy,” when a country combines democratic and autocratic elements. The CIA uses this, among other criteria, to measure a country’s instability and likelihood of civil strife. According to Barbara F. Walter, a professor of international relations at the University of California, San Diego, who is a member of the PITF, +5 is the beginning of where a lot of political violence begins. In her book How Civil Wars Start, she writes “If America has a second Civil War, the combatants will not gather in fields, nor will they wear uniforms…they will go on-line to plan their resistance, strategizing how to undermine the government at every level and gain control of parts of America. They will create chaos and fear. And then they will force Americans to pick sides.”

In other words, if you’re not with me, you’re against me.

Walter envisions the hypothetical Second Civil War as being more of an insurgency, not centralized at all but fought by multiple paramilitary organizations and militias, which at times will cooperate and at other times be at cross purposes. Instead of regular battles, there will be numerous assassinations and acts of terrorism, like The Troubles in Northern Ireland.

Another risk factor for Civil War is when a group that has long had hegemony realizes – or feels – that it is losing its dominance. In the United States, this group is white people, especially conservative Christian white men. Not all whites feel this way, of course; but many of those who do have no problem with shedding blood, and a lot of them are heavily armed. The USA is in the middle of a major transition from white-majority to racial plurality. Thus, conservative whites realize their power is shrinking, and they are terrified of no longer being large and in charge. The groups that start civil wars are usually the ones that feel they are losing power and are desperate to hang on to it. Because white men have held most of the power in this country since its inception, they resent seeing racial and religious minorities, as well as women and non-binary people, gain political power. They realize the future is multi-colored, and if they can’t prevent this, they can delay the inevitable, like spoiled brats stalling for time.

Time and again, racial, ethnic or religious groups who had long been the top dogs have resorted to violence when they knew they were losing their predominance. The insurrection in Washington last year, and recent not-so-subtle calls for secession by notorious right-wingers such as Ted Cruz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, show just how determined and powerful the USA’s Ancien Régime is.

We could be in for an unfortunately interesting decade or two – and remember, if worse comes to worst, we’ll be dealing with all the effects of climate change as well. Hold on tight and hope you survive the ride.

Further reading:

People who study the origins of civil wars see ‘indicators’ the US is on the brink of conflict

US is “closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe”

Political Instability Task Force studying conflicts around the world says the US is close to a true civil war

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