
May 212022

Once again, a mass shooting has shocked the country. It was far from the deadliest we have ever seen, but the racist motivation behind this bloodbath makes it all the more appalling. It is redolent of the shooting last year in Atlanta, in which a man shot and killed eight people, most of whom were of Asian ancestry.

The Buffalo shooting lays bare two dire problems the USA has: racism, and easy access to guns. What makes both all the worse is our government’s tendency to turn a blind eye to both. Condemn guns, and the gun nuts accuse you of trying to “disarm everybody.” Condemn racism, and you are a knee-jerk whiner. When some bugnut brags on social media about stocking up an arsenal and posts a manifesto dripping with hate, “Boys will be boys” – as long as the poster is white. What if a Black man did the same? The police would be all over him.

All too often a mass shooting puts our society on the Gun Control Merry-Go-Round. Right after the massacre: “It’s too soon to talk about gun policy.” Then: “Thoughts and prayers.” The public roars for sensible gun laws. People march hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands strong; they sign petitions, bombard their elected officials with e-mails and tweets and phone calls. But time and again the voice of hoi polloi is drowned out by the jingle-jingle of the NRA’s blood money.

After the Port Arthur mass shooting in Australia, the nation implemented new gun control laws that limit the ownership of self-loading guns and instituted a buy-back program. The massacre took place in Tasmania, which had rejected a redesign of gun laws in all of Australia’s territories earlier that year. Does that suggest anything?

Even while we mourn the slaughter in Buffalo, more mass shootings have blazed across the headlines. Since the United States experiences, on average, at least one mass shooting a day – i.e., a shooting in which at least four people are wounded or killed – plenty more blood has been offered to the Moloch of the gun industry.

Some claim that gun violence is the result of mental illness or exposure to violent entertainment. Then why is the United States the only country that experiences daily mass shootings? Every other country deals with mental illness. People in nearly every other country have access to violent movies, TV shows and video games. So why are they not suffering the same level of gun violence? In the US it’s easier to buy a gun that has the potential for killing dozens at once than to adopt a kitten at the local animal shelter. Why, I ask, shouldn’t people be more carefully vetted before buying a firearm?

Gun lovers harp on the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but they heed only the second clause about the right to keep and bear arms. The amendment begins “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State.” OK, Joe Gun Nut, what part of “well-regulated militia” do you not understand? The framers of the Constitution did not want the freshly-minted United States to have a regular standing army, but rather rely on minutemen (maybe a few minutewomen as well) who were ready at all times to grab their rifles and come to the nation’s defense. Also, the Founding Fathers had no way of anticipating such weapons as machine guns, bazookas, flame-throwers, etc. Many of the worst mass shootings have been done with assault rifles.

The other problem that the Buffalo shooting highlighted is racism, a monster that just will not die. The alleged shooter posted a rambling manifesto that stated he became radicalized early in the COVID-19 pandemic after research seemed to indicate low birth rates among whites, which he feared would “ultimately result in the complete racial and cultural replacement of the European people.” “Replacement theory” has become the phrase du jour for white supremacists. Some whites fear that they are being out-bred by non-whites (another motivation for the anti-abortion crowd) and thus will someday be completely replaced by people with darker skin.

The way I see it, the Old White Straight Male Fundamentalist establishment realizes it is losing ground as its members die off and newer generations reject its values. The OWSMFE cannot accept women, non-whites, LGBTQ+ and non-Christians as deserving of economic or political power. Women belong in the kitchen, gays in the closet, Blacks out in the field picking cotton. They have no concept of sharing power with people who are different from them. Thus, their mouthpieces on Faux News and dodgy websites vomit hateful propaganda in hopes of igniting a race war.

When hate meets guns, the result is tragedy like what we saw in Buffalo. This is why we need not just more sensible gun policies, but also education that makes our children aware of racial problems. Only then can we truly address race relations, and maybe find a solution.

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May 072022

Looks as though the Republican-corrupted SCOTUS has voted to overturn Roe v Wade and send reproductive rights back to the individual states. Already, fortunately, people and institutions are making plans to fight back.

Without Roe v Wade, the USA will become a crazy quilt of restrictions, while evil vigilantes hunt for anybody planning to have an abortion or help someone who is, hoping to collect their thirty pieces of silver. Women will be forced to travel hundreds, possibly thousands, of kilometers, for care. Those who can’t will try to obtain Plan B pills, possibly exposing themselves to prosecution – and persecution – or fake medicine. Many may go the old “coat hanger” route, like animals caught in leghold traps chewing off their own paws, trying to self-abort with knitting needles or other long, sharp objects. A lot of them will suffer infection, excessive bleeding, even death. And the “pro-life” crowd won’t give one hair off a rat’s ass.

However, there is good news – and the possibility that we can turn the compulsory-birth ogres’ victory into one of the Pyrrhic variety. A number of blue states, including Colorado, California, New York, Minnesota and Vermont, are ready to become bastions of reproductive rights. Many of them could even codify reproductive rights in their state constitutions, which would be sharp blows to the anti-choice hordes. Some companies have already declared that they will provide assistance for their employees who need to travel out of state for abortions, even though this could expose the company to harsh fines and other legal actions.

The possibility of the GOP getting a hammerlock on the Senate this election cycle is a frighteningly real possibility. The party of the incumbent President tends to lose ground in the midterms. We have already seen how the GOP-controlled Senate has frustrated Biden’s attempts to pass meaningful legislation, such as the Green New Deal. Repubs appear to have just one item on their agenda: Frustrate Democrats. The successful nomination of Justice Jackson must be a fluke.

On the other hand, leaking the SCOTUS decision has galvanized Progressives and reproductive rights advocates. Overturning Roe v Wade could backfire horribly against the Right-wing Reich. Not just the aforementioned states making abortion the law, but also motivated voters turning out in droves to support Democrats and flip seats to blue at all levels of government. Local and state races will be critical if the SCOTUS does go ahead and gut Roe v Wade. Since the leak was a rough draft and not the final word, they have the opportunity to change their decisions before releasing the final ruling. However, I doubt they will even after the tremendous poop storm that has arisen after the leak.

If you think that abortion is the only thing the Right is after, you are wrong – dead wrong. They intend to push us back – way back. They intend to strip LGBTQ people of their rights, not just the right to same-sex marriage but even their right to be true to themselves. And why stop there? They could easily set civil rights as well as women’s rights back decades. They could make it a lot harder to become a legal immigrant, or a citizen unless you’re white, straight and rich. Give them a centimeter, and they’ll take an entire meter.

This is why we need to fight back hard and loud. We need to let our (alleged) representatives in government know that WE THE PEOPLE will NEVER allow our precious rights to be taken away – not without a long, hard and bloody fight. And if they still insist on catering to a shrinking minority, we will vote them out – because we must.

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May 012022

Military spending in the United States is out of control, as you probably know. The US spends more on its military – euphemistically called “defense” – than the next fourteen countries combined. In other words, we spend more on our army, air force, navy, etc. than China, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Germany, or India, or the United Kingdom. The US alone accounts for at least 41% of the world’s military expenditure. Even if our military budget was reduced to a third of what it is now, we would still be the #1 spender.

President Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex more than 60 years ago. He said, “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.”

Our civilization is actually more peaceful today than it has been in the past, despite the Russian invasion of Ukraine. However, we continue to spend more and more and more on “defense,” some of it on dodgy weapons and systems. The Pentagon has never passed an audit.  The F-35 fighter jet has proven to be not only absurdly expensive, but also severely problematic. You may recall the scandal involving $1000 screwdrivers and toilet seats. So, why do we still not hold the Pentagon accountable? And as if that isn’t enough, while the contractors are insanely over-funded, deployed military personnel have to beg for phone cards to stay in touch with their families and friends back home.

During World War II we set up bases around the world for peacekeeping. Decades after they ceased to be needed, those bases are still operating. A common response to cutting defense spending and closing overseas bases is “We need it in case we go to war!” No, we don’t need to spend $750 billion a year to “prepare.” And why do we maintain so many bases far away from home? Many will point to the current Ukraine war as a good reason to have men (and women) and materiel in other parts of the world in case trouble rears its ugly head. Isn’t that what NATO is supposed to be for – squelching such trouble in Europe? Nothing wrong, though, in offering aid and allowing independent soldiers of fortune to join the fun.

One reason we spend insane amounts on “defense” is the power of defense contractor lobbyists. Many big corporations, such as Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon and L3Harris, have lucrative contracts with our military to build planes, missiles, electronics and the like; thus, it is in their interest to keep the military budget nice and fat.

While our defense budget is obscenely bloated, our infrastructure is crumbling, our electrical grid is vulnerable to weather and cyberattacks, our schools are horribly underfunded so teachers have to buy or beg for supplies and work multiple jobs. While defense contractor CEOs wallow in luxury like swine, veterans are sleeping in cardboard boxes, and on average 35 die by their own hands every day. Vets must wait months, even more than a year, to receive the physical and psychological therapy they need.

Just 3% of our defense spending could end hunger worldwide. A mere 10% reduction in the Pentagon’s budget could help millions of struggling Americans with affordable housing, community centers, higher salaries for teachers, more supplies and equipment for schools, clean water, nutritious meals for students, affordable health care, and free or at least affordable college. Yet every year our military budget sets a new record.

Spending more and more on our defense while neglecting our schools, roads, utilities and people will cost us dearly; in fact, it is already costing us dearly. Remember Flint, Michigan? There was another country that overspent on its military, and it collapsed. Know what it was? The Soviet Union. We definitely don’t want to follow the late, unlamented USSR into oblivion.

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Apr 162022

Millions of people suffer the burden of crushing student loan debt. They borrowed tens of thousands in order to attend college, got their degrees, and had high hopes of paying their loans off – only to find that jobs were in short supply, and what jobs they could get had low wages and often no benefits. They more back in with Mom & Dad, pinch every penny they can get their hands on, pay as much every month as is humanly possible – and still the debt goes up, and up, and up. Often the debt increases faster than they can pay, so they find themselves owing more on interest than on the original loan. To add insult to injury, they can’t get out of this by declaring bankruptcy. Thus, barring the kind of miracle that happens only in silly Hollywood movies, they will be saddled with crushing debt the rest of their lives.

If the Devil ever found himself in a bind and way behind, all he would have to do is offer student debt relief in exchange for souls – and then he’d need to hire a platoon of assistants in order to deal with all those desperate grads. I would not be at all surprised if some people have, upon realizing there was no hope to pay off their debt other than winning the lottery or selling their souls, decided to end it all. Others may have disappeared themselves, or tried to do so – not easy in this age of the Internet and smart phones, unless you plan to hide in the jungles of Central and South America the rest of your life.

Sadly, some respond to this unhappy situation with snark such as “Well, you shouldn’t have majored in 14th Century Peruvian Pottery!” or “There’s an easy solution to your loan problem – pay it off!” Out of the mouths of lobotomized nincompoops hast thou ordained codswallop. To the former comment: These people aren’t getting Mickey Mouse degrees, they’re getting degrees in business and computers and other fields that should help them land well-paying jobs right out of college. They should be able to walk off campus, sheepskins in hand, and drive straight to their new employers, ready to pay off their loans in a year or two. But that doesn’t always happen.

To the second snark: How the Hello Kitty are they supposed to pay off those loans when they don’t have the money for that? How are they supposed to pay off their debts when they can barely afford basic living expenses? The people at whom you direct your vile, ignorant snark are living in rat-holes that they share with other people, subsisting on ramen and lentils, buying clothes at thrift stores, darning their socks and underwear – and this is what you give them? Where human beings have hearts, you have ice-cold chunks of obsidian. You might as well tell starving beggars “All you need to end your hunger is a good meal!” then walk away without offering even an after-dinner mint.

The interest on student loans is outrageous. I recently saw a graphic – which I tried to find – about a typical loan, and how much the grad had payed off, and what remained. The unpaid part of the loan was considerably larger than the original loan. How is this allowed to happen? Permitting interest to balloon like this is not just criminal, it is downright evil. The slimy pieces of worm-ridden filth who run student loan providers have neither hearts, nor souls, nor consciences. They should be arrested and then tried, convicted and sentenced for usury – if not out-and-out fraud.

We need to make higher education affordable, if not free. Maybe community colleges can be free, or education up to a Bachelor’s level. Or we can bring back the apprenticeship system, so if you want to be a computer programmer you learn the ropes under a skilled, experienced programmer. No matter what the best solution, our higher education system needs a serious overhaul. Hell, our ENTIRE education system needs an overhaul. I’ll tackle the joke that is K-12 education in the USA in a separate essay.

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Apr 102022

This may be my last Sound Off! posting for a while. I have other projects that require attention. However, life, the universe and everything provide plenty of inspiration.


You have no doubt heard about “preppers,” people getting prepared for a disaster so devastating that it completely disrupts our society. Many of the rich are preppers too, buying luxury bunkers or houses on distant islands where they hope to ride out The End. We despise the 1% for being so callous towards the rest of us, for owning Congress lock, stock and barrel so they can block laws that will increase the minimum wage, protect workers’ rights, etc. And now they’ll survive Doomsday, and we won’t.

Or will they?

They can boast and brag all they like, but there are some potential roadblocks that could prevent escape. Their getaways are not as secret as they may think. Unless the fat cats assembled those bunkers with their own hands, somebody else built them and knows where they are. What’s to stop the construction workers who know where the bug-out bunkers are from getting to them first? It probably would not be too difficult for others to find the locations of these hideaways.

In the novel Lucifer’s Hammer, an independently wealthy amateur astronomer builds a doomsday bunker for himself and his family, but after the doo-doo hits the fan he discovers that his servants have gotten their first – and they aren’t sharing. That is Problem #1: The Richie-riches have to get to their bunkers before anybody else does. If not, those claiming them will run the age-old line about possession being nine-tenths of the law. But what law will be in force after everything goes kaboomba?

Also, they have to get to their Doomsday dugouts at all. After whatever armageddon effs up civilization, many roads may be impassible, or guarded by brigands and highwaymen (and highwaywomen). Thus, the 1%-ers may not be able to get anywhere near their bunkers, or to ports where they could escape on their super-yachts, or to airports in order to board their Lear Jets. There’s many a slip ‘twixt cup and lip, as the old saw goes. Even if they get to their yachts, they may encounter well-armed pirates while trying to flee across the ocean blue. And if they hope for escape by air, they’ll need not just loyal pilots but also control towers and guidance. The more complicated you think the plumbing, the easier it is to clog the drain.

Even if Mr. & Ms. Moneybags and their snotty brats and their obnoxious Pomeranian do manage to pile into the family Rolls Royce, and the chauffeur is still loyal enough to drive them to their hideaway, even if they don’t get ambuscaded along the way, and even if they arrive ahead of the 99% hordes, they may be merely delaying the inevitable. OK, you’re in your luxury Hole in the Ground, with a couple year’s worth of supplies – but now your troubles may really begin. How long before cabin fever sets in? People under lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic can tell you a thing or three about when the kids and/or significant other and/or dog really get on your nerves. Unlike the pandemic lockdown, folks cowering in their bunkers won’t have any way out. It’s one thing when you can sneak into the backyard, or even go for a stroll around the townhouse complex; but when you’re sealed in a bunker, you learn the meaning of claustrophobia. No matter how luxurious your surroundings and your chow, no matter how much you love and cherish each other (or think you do), sooner or later you’re going to be at each other’s throats.

Oh, guess what – you forgot to bring your servants with you. They’re not welcome in your bugout bunker, only the Moneybags family. Oh no, now what will you do? You have to cook your own food, make your own beds, clean your own messes. No more ringing the bell for the butler. And before long, those MREs are going to get boring. Soon the kids will be screaming that they’re [bleep]ing sick of games and books – they wanna go outside! How long before you lose it and smack ‘em upside the head?

What’s outside? A gloomy post-apocalyptic landscape and hordes of marauders. What if they find your hideout? They can’t get in, you say – but maybe they hate you for how you screwed up the planet and then retreated to your personal hobbit hole to escape the consequences. If they find the entrance, they can just plug it up with dirt, rocks and whatever so that your bunker will become your tomb. Or they may find the air inlet and decide to pour something really noxious in it – or close it off.

Even if your luxury lair is completely sealed off from the outside, you’ll have to rely on the machinery keeping it livable to work. And you’ll have to rely on a steady power source. Oh, you don’t know how to fix a generator or air circulation unit? Too bad the loyal fixit for your quasi-castle in the Silk Stocking District wasn’t part of your plans.

How long, Mr. Bigbux, do you anticipate staying in your hidey-hole? What kind of world will be awaiting you when you finally have to come out? Because come out you eventually must. And what kind of world will await you?

The power of the 1% comes from their wealth. However, whatever doomsday they dodge by heading for the hills, or their private islands, will destroy the infrastructure on which they rely. Money will have no value, except as kindling or butt-wipe. Numbers in a computer can’t be eaten, or worn, or used to forage or catch prey. How many richie-riches have any real training in how to survive in the wilderness? They’ve been pampered and coddled all their lives; they cannot survive without luxury.

Even if they manage to ride out the End of the World in their hiding places, they may find no place for them in the aprés-armageddon world. Nobody will need – or want – a hedge fund manager when everybody is scratching in the dirt for a living, when dollars and Euros and yen and yuan are trash. Those who were once on top of the societal totem pole will find themselves at the bottom.

In Pat Frank’s post-apocalyptic novel Alas, Babylon, an aquarium becomes a metaphor for society. When the power goes out, the fancy fish all die, but the bottom-feeding catfish survive. Thus, people who have done genuine work all their lives and possess the skills needed to help humanity through the dark times have the best chance of thriving.

Those who believe in looking out for their neighbors will do better than individual-minded right-wingers. I have read about preppers who boasted about going to their neighbors’ houses, stealing their supplies and ravishing their wives and daughters. Meanwhile, in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, people who owned guns protected those who didn’t. People who believe in working together and know how to be resourceful will do far better than selfish jerks with useless skills.

Why Wealth Alone Won’t Save Billionaire Preppers

The Super-Rich will Not Survive Long-Term without Survival Skills

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Apr 022022

What if we fail to effect positive change with our ballots? There are two possibilities, and both are ugly. Either we resign ourselves to watching freedom in the USA die, or we fight back with means that are neither peaceful nor legal. States may secede (queue jokes about how well that worked out last time), while resistance movements are inevitable, as are acts of sabotage and terror.

Many of us support multiple progressive causes, such as reproductive rights, marriage equality, maintaining the separation of church and state, and protecting access to the ballot box for all qualified voters. We could easily become targets of discrimination and persecution. We must never think that it couldn’t happen here. How many people would have scoffed at claims that the Nazis would set up systematic extermination of Jews and other “undesirables” before Hitler came to power?

We need to prepare for the worst. I know that I sound like a scaremonger, but just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that nobody is out to get you. History provides plenty of examples when people should have taken precautions and thought about what to do if governments became hostile to those of their particular creed, color, lifestyle, national origin or political view.

For the sake of simplicity, I will use the term “Progressives” to mean any and all people who are likely to be targeted by a dictatorial right-wing regime that gains power in the U.S. This includes liberals, Democrats, left-wingers, greens, et cetera. This includes people of numerous creeds, colors, ethnicities, and socio-economic backgrounds, who are at various places on various political spectra.

Some suggest that Progressives should self-exile to other countries. Canada is a popular hypothetical destination, since it shares a very long border with the USA and English is one of the two official languages. However, emigrating to Canada is not as simple as packing up your lares and penates and driving across the Ambassador Bridge. You’ll need a good reason to move there, as well as the proper Visa. Also, you need to have a job lined up in the Great White North well before you drive across the border.

Mexico is another possibility, if your Spanish is up to snuff. New Zealand and Australia are appealing; the problem is they are so far away. Some European countries may welcome American immigrants, but unless you wind up in Great Britain you’ll have to learn a new language. No matter where you go, though, you had better have a marketable skill or many a door will be slammed in your face.

Some suggest “heading for the hills.” The problem here is, where do you go? Country people tend to be right-wing, so unless you have property out in the boondocks, or kith or kin with a large farm or ranch in the middle of nowhere, or if your wilderness survival skills are really keen, you probably want to forget this one.

This leaves “stay and fight.” If Progressives are to survive an oppressive government, they need to remember there is safety in numbers. Progressives need to have places where many of them can gather and stay together. We’ll probably have to set up an Underground Railroad style system to funnel people to safe places, and make accommodations for those with small children and/or pets, as well as for those with mobility issues.

Progressives will definitely have to resist, and such resistance will not be pretty. Mohandas Gandhi and Rev. Dr. King succeeded with nonviolence because they were up against systems that had decency at heart. A fascist regime never has any decency at heart, just stomping the masses into submission. Also, you can bet your bottom dollar the Powers That Be will attempt to infiltrate resistance movements.

The 2022 general election could be our last chance to save democracy in the United States. We need to muster the Progressive vote, which means getting people registered, double-checking our registration, helping people get to the polls, and in the meantime fighting against any and all forms of voter suppression, including gerrymandering, limiting polling place hours, forbidding the distribution of water and snacks to people waiting to vote, and squelching mail-in balloting.

Time to gird our loins.

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Mar 262022

Lately it seems as though the 1%-ers have declared war on the working class. Not only are unions being weakened with “right to work” laws and workers’ rights being eroded, but voter suppression is rampant in blue-collar districts. Lily-white districts that traditionally vote Republican have easy access to the ballot machines, while polling places in largely non-white and/or working class neighborhoods face closure, limited hours, and a dearth of working machines. We are headed straight for another Gilded Age, with an oblivious quasi-nobility living it up while the workers on whom they depend starve. The 1% are slowly strangling the goose that lays their golden eggs.

One of the great weapons that workers and unions have is the walkout, the strike. Employees refuse to work, forcing companies to make concessions, such as better working conditions or higher pay. We have unions to thank for a lot of the working classes’ gains, at least in part – gains that include 40-hour work weeks, overtime pay, OSHA regulations, child labor laws and paid leave. 

In comparison with workers in other parts of the world, US workers are bad off. For example, we are the only developed nation that has no maternity leave requirements. Mothers must return to work soon after giving birth or risk losing their jobs. Child care is very expensive, so many a working mom has to do her duties with a baby on her hip – literally. Not every working mother has the option of working from home.

In numerous states, corporations have used injunctions, which judges pass and police enforce, to trample workers’ Constitutional rights to free speech and peaceful assembly. These injunctions limit the number of people who can attend a picket, where they can demonstrate, or even if they can walk out in the first place. Read the Bill of Rights, especially the First Amendment, and you will see that these judges – who are obviously in the deep pockets of the Fat Cats – are gladly pissing all over the very heart and soul of this nation. The police who intimidate the protesters are violating their oath to protect and serve, degenerating into Gestapo terrorists who give law enforcement a rotten image.

These companies are raking in millions or even billions of dollars in revenue, and instead of using that to pay their workers decent wages, they are greasing the filthy palms of corrupt judges to destroy the rights of the working class, hire cops to harass workers and guard scabs, or create vicious and nasty smear campaigns against those who oppose them. Many right-wing editorial cartoonists and essayists gladly vomit their anti-union hogwash onto computers or drawing tables, and brainwashed MAGA ninnies believe it.

As if that is not bad enough, many companies hire scabs, who ride for free in buses and get police escorts to the factories and businesses. Jack London had plenty to say about scabs, which you can read here.

By weaponizing police and the courts to their advantage, powerful corporations have proven that they care not in the least about their rank-and-file workers. The cigar-puffing CEOs regard the working class as just another resource to exploit for gain. In their ivory towers the 1% are completely insulated from reality. The glasses of champagne they raise contain the blood of the working stiffs who made their obscene wealth possible.

The United States cannot continue like this, or we will become scarcely different from a lot of developing nations that have a tiny rich elite ruling over hordes of starving, rag-clad serfs. The 99% must rise up and fight back. We need to enlighten those who have been hypnotized by right-wing baloney and open their eyes so they can see they have been working and voting against their own interests for years. We need to get out the youth and nonwhite vote, and battle against voter suppression. We need to campaign for workers’ rights and against the unconstitutional, un-American tactics of greedy corporations. We need to expose these tactics wherever and whenever they are being used. Letters to the editor, getting muckraking journalists on the case, peaceful demonstrations – we cannot let such evil schemes go unchallenged.

Unless we of the 99% fight back, we will be crushed.

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Mar 192022

Lots of people, particularly on the Right, complain about the government sticking its nose into their business. I understand. Nobody likes being bossed around, especially by somebody or some institution against whom you can’t fight back. We all value our privacy, even if our lives are clean as a hound’s tooth.

We have government regulations for a reason. Hell – for LOTS of reasons. Because individuals and businesses alike cannot always be trusted to do what is moral and ethical. Because we need to protect our health, our environment, our lives, our children, our homes, our livelihoods.

In the 1800s, US dairy producers adulterated milk with not just water but also chalk, cow brains, even embalming fluid. Numerous children died from drinking this nasty mixture. In England, bakers stretched their bread dough with chalk, alum lime and powdered bones, which also made it whiter. Poor people bought cheap bread, and the alum interfered with digestion, thus lowering the nutritional value of other food. On The Victorian Web, Professor Anthony S. Wohl writes:

The list of poisonous additives reads like the stock list of some mad and malevolent chemist: strychnine, cocculus inculus (both are hallucinogens) and copperas in rum and beer; sulphate of copper in pickles, bottled fruit, wine, and preserves; lead chromate in mustard and snuff; sulphate of iron in tea and beer; ferric ferrocynanide, lime sulphate, and turmeric in chinese tea; copper carbonate, lead sulphate, bisulphate of mercury, and Venetian lead in sugar confectionery and chocolate; lead in wine and cider; all were extensively used and were accumulative in effect, resulting, over a long period, in chronic gastritis, and, indeed, often fatal food poisoning. Red lead gave Gloucester cheese its ‘healthy’ red hue, flour and arrowroot a rich thickness to cream, and tea leaves were ‘dried, dyed, and recycled again.’

As late as 1877 the Local Government Board found that approximately a quarter of the milk it examined contained excessive water, or chalk, and ten per cent of all the butter, over eight per cent of the bread, and 50 per cent of the gin had copper in them to heighten the color.

Can you imagine what sort of witch’s brews would be in our drink, food and medicine if we didn’t have regulations on what could be put in anything we ingest? If unhealthful crap is cheaper than real sustenance, and especially if it enhances flavor and/or color, in it goes.

Before the Clean Air Act, pollution was choking much of the United States. Ever seen before and after pictures of certain U.S. cities? China doesn’t have the kind of environmental regulation we have, and pollution is wrecking the country. Thousands of its rivers have disappeared, and most of the rest are severely contaminated. According to some estimates, up to 90% of China’s groundwater and half of its river water is unfit to drink; in fact, the water from 25% of Chinese rivers and more than half of that country’s groundwater is unsuitable even for agricultural or industrial uses. The USA would almost certainly be in a similar fix if not for the EPA and numerous environmental laws. Ever hear of a place called Flint, Michigan?

Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle exposed the exploitation of immigrant workers in industrial cities. Though the story was fictional, Sinclair based it on inconvenient truths. Sinclair’s muckraking revealed the shockingly unsanitary conditions in the meat packing industry. Inexpensive sausages could contain spoiled meat, rat droppings, poisoned bread, mold, borax, even ground-up rats.

Still wonder why we have regulations that control what goes into our food and medicines? Still wonder why we have any regulations at all?

Government regulations are what give us such blessings as a 40-hour work week, overtime pay, safety regulations that reduce the chances of workplace injuries, cleaner air and water, safer roads and bridges – you get the picture. People have a bad tendency to put their interests ahead of everything else, even if in the long run doing so will be to their detriment. Sadly, we can be remarkably short-sighted, putting momentary personal gain ahead of long-term well-being or even survival.

Yes, government can be a pain in the butt. Yes, some regulations go overboard or are entirely unnecessary. However, consider the alternative. If you like your air clean, the water coming from your tap potable, your sausage and bread free of dead rats and floor sweepings, your medicines unadulterated, and your place of work reasonably safe, please keep your grumbling to a minimum. It’s OK to raise a fuss when you have a legitimate beef, but don’t tar all regulations and statutes with the same brush.

Government is not best when it governs least. Government is best when it governs where it should govern, and does not govern where it should not govern.

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