When the compulsory-birth crowd howled in evil delight at the overturn of Roe v Wade, they thought that now abortion will magically disappear in the United States.
They did not think about the real consequences of the laws they demanded, not just banning abortion – sometimes even to save the life and health of the mother – but also allowing citizen bounty hunters to squeal on anybody suspected of traveling to a woman-friendly state to get an abortion.
They did not think about people suffering ectopic pregnancies, which are never viable, and can be fatal.
They did not think about people being denied essential medications for conditions such as arthritis and lupus because those drugs can induce abortion, even when those people are not pregnant.
They did not think about people who will now be forced to carry nonviable fetuses to the very end.
They did not think about families that will be devastated when Mommy is imprisoned. Do NOT get me started on the Prison-Industrial Complex!
They did not think about people who will, out of desperation, try to self-abort or seek out “back alley” practitioners. Many of them will die, or suffer terrible pain, or be rendered infertile.
They did not think about parents who will lose children, spouses who will lose partners, children who will lose parents.
They did not think about the increase in womb-bearers who are seeking sterilization.
They did not think about businesses that are now reluctant to relocate or expand, or even remain, in states with strong anti-abortion laws. Or the businesses that say they will help their employees travel to abortion-friendly states.
They did not think about states deciding to add reproductive rights to their constitutions.
They did not think about how powerful the backlash would be, not just here but around the world. More and more civilized nations now regard the United States as a rogue nation. Citizens and residents of other countries actually pity US residents. While reproductive rights have gone forward in many countries, even traditionally highly religious ones such as Ireland, they are sliding backwards here.
The forced-birth crusaders have extremely narrow tunnel vision, capable of seeing only the fetus and not the circumstances – or the person carrying it. They never think about what the babies they plan to “rescue” will need once born. They never think about what kind of world people will be bringing children into, whether those children will grow up enjoying rights and freedom or suffering oppression and fear. They never consider if those children will grow up in grinding poverty, constantly hungry, seldom if ever getting even basic medical attention, suffering abuse and/or neglect, perhaps hardly ever seeing Mommy except when she is exhausted from working three or more jobs just to make ends meet.
They never think about the reality of climate change and how it will affect us and our civilization. They never consider how droughts and changing weather patterns will lead to famine, refugee migrations, war, and possibly pandemics. Thought COVID-19 was bad? Some emerging diseases could be worse. People weakened by hunger + large groups moving hundreds and maybe thousands of kilometers = a golden opportunity for contagions to spread like juicy celebrity gossip.
Making sure that every conception sees the light of day is the sole concern of self-named pro-lifers. But once that happens, their work is done. They then turn their attention to the next batch of embryos, and the post-born and the entire planet be damned.