
Jul 242022

When the compulsory-birth crowd howled in evil delight at the overturn of Roe v Wade, they thought that now abortion will magically disappear in the United States.

They did not think about the real consequences of the laws they demanded, not just banning abortion – sometimes even to save the life and health of the mother – but also allowing citizen bounty hunters to squeal on anybody suspected of traveling to a woman-friendly state to get an abortion.

They did not think about people suffering ectopic pregnancies, which are never viable, and can be fatal.

They did not think about people being denied essential medications for conditions such as arthritis and lupus because those drugs can induce abortion, even when those people are not pregnant.

They did not think about people who will now be forced to carry nonviable fetuses to the very end.

They did not think about families that will be devastated when Mommy is imprisoned. Do NOT get me started on the Prison-Industrial Complex!

They did not think about people who will, out of desperation, try to self-abort or seek out “back alley” practitioners. Many of them will die, or suffer terrible pain, or be rendered infertile.

They did not think about parents who will lose children, spouses who will lose partners, children who will lose parents.

They did not think about the increase in womb-bearers who are seeking sterilization.

They did not think about businesses that are now reluctant to relocate or expand, or even remain, in states with strong anti-abortion laws. Or the businesses that say they will help their employees travel to abortion-friendly states.

They did not think about states deciding to add reproductive rights to their constitutions.

They did not think about how powerful the backlash would be, not just here but around the world. More and more civilized nations now regard the United States as a rogue nation. Citizens and residents of other countries actually pity US residents. While reproductive rights have gone forward in many countries, even traditionally highly religious ones such as Ireland, they are sliding backwards here.

The forced-birth crusaders have extremely narrow tunnel vision, capable of seeing only the fetus and not the circumstances – or the person carrying it.  They never think about what the babies they plan to “rescue” will need once born. They never think about what kind of world people will be bringing children into, whether those children will grow up enjoying rights and freedom or suffering oppression and fear. They never consider if those children will grow up in grinding poverty, constantly hungry, seldom if ever getting even basic medical attention, suffering abuse and/or neglect, perhaps hardly ever seeing Mommy except when she is exhausted from working three or more jobs just to make ends meet.

They never think about the reality of climate change and how it will affect us and our civilization. They never consider how droughts and changing weather patterns will lead to famine, refugee migrations, war, and possibly pandemics. Thought COVID-19 was bad? Some emerging diseases could be worse. People weakened by hunger + large groups moving hundreds and maybe thousands of kilometers = a golden opportunity for contagions to spread like juicy celebrity gossip.

Making sure that every conception sees the light of day is the sole concern of self-named pro-lifers. But once that happens, their work is done. They then turn their attention to the next batch of embryos, and the post-born and the entire planet be damned.

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Jul 142022

My apologies for not posting a Sound Off! in a while, but I have been on a cross-country road trip and attended a national convention. Between the two I had scant time to work on my essays.

What the actual f—- is wrong with the United States of America? More specifically, what the actual f—- is wrong with its Supreme Court?

Currently we have the worst Supreme Court ever. In a matter of days the (in)justices stripped women of the right to control their bodies, while hiding behind the stalking-horse of protecting human life; undid sensible gun safety regulation, in the name of kowtowing to the gun nuts; destroyed the vital wall of separation between church  and state by allowing coach-led prayer at public schools and approving vouchers that will go to faith-based institutions; and effectively gutted the EPA. In other words, f—- women, f—- religious freedom, f—- the environment, and f—- anybody who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when some Froot Loop with a gun starts shooting.

Days after the SCOTUS’ string of disastrous decisions, a lunatic marred 4th of July celebrations in Highland, IL by firing on a crowd gathered for a parade, killing seven and wounding two dozen. One doctor described the victims as having “wartime injuries.” Sadly, few things are quite as all-American as a bloody mass shooting. There have been well over 300 in the United States so far in 2022, but of course only the deadliest, or those most shocking because of their location, make national news.

Our country was founded on some great ideas, such as freedom of religion, which includes keeping state and church separate. The Founding Fathers were all too aware of what happens when religion and politics get entangled together. One need but look at many Middle Eastern nations today, or at Europe before the Renaissance. Witch hunts, inquisitions, oppression of religious and ethnic minorities and women, obstructing scientific and ethical progress – all are characteristics of a theocracy. And even being of the “right” religion does not guarantee freedom from persecution if you are of the “wrong” sect. Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims duke it out continually, while Catholics and various Protestant sects have persecuted each other in the past. Even some Protestant denominations have harassed other Protestants.

Religion and politics make for a toxic mix. Now that public school staff are allowed to proselytize (Kennedy v Bremerton), and public money will go to Christian schools in Maine (Carson v Makin), you can bet your bottom dollar that more of the camel is going to slither into the tent. We didn’t act fast or vigorously enough when just the nose was in the tent, and now the entire head is within. And since the SCOTUS does not properly represent the religious make-up of the USA, it will continue to destroy everything that this country is supposed to represent and protect.

Overturning Roe v Wade made the anti-choice hordes howl in evil delight. What these narrow-minded chumps don’t realize – or care about – is that the anti-abortion laws they have demanded will do far more harm than good. It has opened up an enormous can of slimy, filthy worms. In Texas, a pregnant woman claimed that her fetus counted as a person so she could use the HOV lane. Already women are being arrested for suffering miscarriages. Also, what if a woman is suffering an ectopic pregnancy, which is not, repeat, NOT viable? If you think there is some magical way to transplant an ectopic embryo into a uterus and have it become a viable fetus, you probably think that the Moon is made of green cheese and tRump won the 2020 election by a landslide.

One excuse given for overturning Roe v Wade is that abortion isn’t explicitly protected in the U. S. Constitution. Wanna know something else that is not in the Constitution? The filibuster. According to that logic, we should abolish the filibuster. Then maybe Biden and the Democrats will be able to get something done and save the U.S. from certain doom.

Siding with polluting Big Business by declaring that federal environmental regulators cannot take the dramatic action necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions was unforgivable. This decision will make it impossible for this country to take the drastic steps necessary to curb the effects of climate change and protect the public from climate-related disasters. The six in-justices have now made it almost impossible for the US to meet Biden’s environmental goals. Big Coal and Big Oil have won, and the Little Guy and Gal have lost.

Instead of red, white and blue I wore black and green on the 4th, my subtle protest against the direction this country has taken. I worry about what will come next, if Democrats do not maintain their control of the House and win enough seats in the Senate so the Republican’ts lack the numbers necessary to filibuster any legislation they don’t like. The GOP no longer cares about this country and its residents, only party politics. Unfortunately, the same can be said of a lot of Democrats. The party of the left is full of DINOs who are elephants in donkey’s clothing, and Dumb-ocrats who lack spines and think that compromise always works. Anybody who believes that making nice-sounding agreements with The Enemy has never heard of Neville Chamberlain. In a previous essay, I pointed out that Democrats need to stop being marshmallows and start being tough cookies. Now more than ever they need to “grow a pair” collectively and individually.

We have one final chance to save our country, to stop the slide into religious fascism. We need to get out the Progressive vote this November. We need to do more than “vote blue no matter who” – we need to back Democrats who are fighters, who actually give a rat’s derriere about this country, who will listen to John and Jane Q. Public. Because if we can’t make real change at the ballot box – what follows will be ugly. Very ugly.

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Jun 252022

So the Supreme Court has reversed Roe v Wade. They have turned the United States back into a crazy quilt of widely differing abortion and other reproductive laws. Anti-choice bums can dance and jump and guzzle champagne all they like. Guess who else was cheering: Organized crime bosses, rubbing their paws as they contemplate the back-alley “clinics” they will open or coerce into supporting the Mob.

Fortunately, there is plenty of good news. Many local and state governments began taking steps to safeguard reproductive freedom as soon as the Roe leak became national news. California lawmakers have passed legislation that protects abortion providers and patients from civil actions coming from states hostile to reproductive rights. Colorado, which has long protected abortion rights, is preparing for a tsunami of patients from other states. Numerous companies have pledged to help their employees travel to where they can get abortions. Cities have passed resolutions protecting reproductive rights, and many state DAs have declared that they will not enforce trigger laws or pre-Roe laws.

This will lead to tension with states such as Oklahoma and Texas that want to prevent people from getting abortions – by any means possible. Citizen bounty hunters hoping to collect their thirty pieces of silver will be lurking on highways and byways, and examining social media for clues to who is seeking an abortion. Defenders of reproductive rights will need to take many precautions against spying, as an innocent message that has nothing to do with abortion could easily be misinterpreted. And since we are such a heavily armed country, there almost certainly will be bloodshed. Anti-choice crusaders have proven time and again that they will use violence to further their evil ends.

If anti-choice advocates are hoping for an abortion-free America, dream on. All you have done is halt legal abortions, and only in certain states. Illegal back-alley abortions will still occur. Desperate women will resort to knitting needles and “accidental” falls. Also, what about the pills for medical abortions, easily available by mail – and almost certainly easy to smuggle? Human ingenuity found plenty of loopholes in Prohibition, and ingenuity – along with determination and desperation – will help people wiggle through or past any anti-choice laws.

This is not the end of the battle over U.S. wombs – this is only Pearl Harbor. The reversal of Roe v Wade has spurred abortion rights advocates to take to the streets and raise hell, to pester their elected officials, to support organizations like Planned Parenthood, to pledge action in defense of reproductive rights. We need to demand laws that protect reproductive freedom, and vote in candidates who will heed the voice of the people rather than a small and narrow-minded minority.

At the end of the movie Tora Tora Tora, Admiral Yamamoto says “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” There is no hard evidence he actually said this, but the quote is germane to the defenders of reproductive choice. A comfortable majority of US residents wanted Roe v Wade to stay, and that majority is now mad as hell. And that majority votes! We can make sure that “right-to-life’s” victory is Pyrrhic in the extreme.

Time once again to cause Good Trouble.

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Jun 192022

The possibility of Roe v Wade being overturned has made millions uneasy. People who can get pregnant are fearful that they will be denied access to not just abortion, but also birth control and even vital information about reproduction. Those who provide reproductive care are justifiably concerned about violence and persecution from anti-abortion militants. Non-binary people are nervous, too, since an abortion ban will be the first domino that topples all reproductive and sexual freedom.

One method anti-abortion crusaders use to find victims is spying on location data, web searches, and apps such as menstruation trackers to decide if someone is seeking to terminate a pregnancy. Any web search on the subject on pregnancy could easily be construed as a quest for an abortion. Having the law on their side will greatly increase the danger since they will have access to more and better resources. If you live in Oklahoma and plan to visit friends or family in Colorado, somebody could think that your itinerary includes a visit to an “abortuary” and squeal to law enforcement in hopes of collecting thirty pieces of silver.

Spying on everybody’s internet and cell phone activity will seriously affect access to medical abortions. How difficult would it be to read phone or Internet records to sniff out people who are ordering pills that induce miscarriage? Search engines, such as DuckDuckGo, that claim to be private and secure are not as confidential as most people believe they are.

This is not just the camel’s nose in the tent, this the camel’s entire head. Anti-choice activists are willing to sacrifice everybody’s precious privacy just to destroy reproductive freedom. On top of that, the right-wing (un)holy war against human and civil rights isn’t going to stop with abortion. They aim to ban birth control, same-sex marriage, and more. They aim to reduce women to the status of brood cows and force LGBTQ people back into the closet. They aim to ram their cruel, narrow-minded, perverted morality down everybody’s throat. I would not put it past them to gut statutes that ban racism, sexism, and even discrimination against pregnant people – to say nothing about further voter suppression.

Legislation against abortion hurts the poor and people of color the most. People of means, and who have the right connections, can take a few days off and travel to a city, state or even foreign country where they can get abortions. Many marginalized people can barely make ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck, constantly finding month left over at the end of the money. Without paid leave, they cannot afford to take off a few days, and they probably can’t afford the travel in the first place. As a result, many will try to self-abort with knitting needles or “accidental” falls down stairs.

Any wonder there was such a ferocious backlash following the Supreme Court leak? Any wonder why people have been marching by the thousands and tens of thousands? Hundreds, if not thousands, of petitions have circulated demanding that local and state governments protect reproductive rights. Some cities have declared that they will become sanctuary cities for those who seek abortions. Many district attorneys have declared that they will not enforce anti-choice laws. More actions are to come.

Unfortunately, within the last couple months a terrorist group called Jane’s Revenge has reared its ugly head, spray-painting threatening messages and setting fire to a crisis pregnancy “clinic.” Right-wing media have been big on reporting these actions, while mainstream and left-leaning media have been mostly silent. The reproductive rights community needs to distance themselves from these bugnuts; if they are our own, we need to expose them and turn them in.

On the other hand, is Jane’s Revenge really a few left-wing loose cannons, or actually a false flag operation? Anti-choice activists have accused their opponents of bombing or torching their own clinics. Do you think they wouldn’t attack their own properties in order to make themselves look like the ones who are being oppressed? It is possible – and I would not be surprised – if the Jane’s Revenge attacks are actually the work of anti-choice activists. Even so, reproductive rights people need to make it clear that such behavior is not acceptable in our ranks. I’m sure many of us have been tempted to do something violent and stupid, but we must never allow the anti-choice bums to drag us down to their rotten level.

We need to fight back with all our might and effort against this vile crusade to destroy reproductive rights. We cannot afford to lose this fight. But we must do so with means that are peaceful, harmless, and, for the most part, legal. We need to make good trouble, not bad trouble.

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Jun 042022

Two issues have occupied much of the media lately: guns and abortion, two very touchy topics. The leaked SCOTUS decision that could gut Roe v Wade and the recent spate of mass shootings have inspired numerous headlines, opinion pieces and editorial cartoons.

The recent surges in mass shootings and attacks on reproductive rights could be among the last hurrahs of the Old Boy Network, the white, straight, wealthy, fundamentalist Protestant patriarchy that has controlled this country from Day One. The framers of the Constitution originally intended for voting rights – hell, most civil rights – to be strictly for white men who owned land. Women, people of color, and those who didn’t own land need not apply. It took a bloody civil war to end the evil of slavery, and decades of hell-raising after that to give nonwhites nominal legal equality. Women could not vote in this country till the 19th Amendment passed in 1920, and we are STILL fighting to pass the ERA, though we may be on the threshold of success.

Over the last many years we have seen the rise of “men’s rights” groups and the Incels, as well as organizations such as the Proud Boys. The anti-abortion movement has succeeded in getting harsh laws passed to strip women of reproductive choices, though courts have struck down a lot of them. Many of these extremists are anti-government (while they want everybody’s intimate lives to be strictly regulated) and strongly for more access to guns – in a country where there are 12 guns for every 10 residents. Pro-gun and anti-abortion go together hand in hand because both represent male dominance over women. Of course, not everybody is either pro-gun and anti-choice or vice versa; one can be pro-gun and pro-choice, or against both. However, many gun advocates are anti-choice, and many abortion foes lean strongly right on many other issues.

The “great replacement theory” that wound up front and center after the Buffalo massacre is typical of the vile bilge that extreme right-wingers like to spew. They fear that white people are being replaced by non-whites, which is why they feel a need to kill POCs. Why? The times, they are a-changin’. Out with the old, in with the new. That is how life always has been. All change inspires opposition and protest, all change is painful. But change and grow as a society we must.

In my essay about the Buffalo shooting I touched on the fears of the Straight White Rich Male establishment losing its grip. Extending such rights as voting, marriage, and equality before the law is not a zero-sum game. When people who are different from you gain civil and human rights, your own rights are not lessened; in fact, everybody wins.

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May 292022

Recently I wrote an essay about gun violence in response to the bloodbath in Buffalo. Then, less than two weeks later, an even deadlier massacre took place, in Uvalde, TX. Both senseless massacres have aroused nationwide sorrow and rage, as well as demands for better gun laws.

In the wake of the University of Texas tower shooting, President Lyndon Johnson called for gun regulation and signed the Gun Control Act of 1968. In the 56 years since the tower massacre, the US has passed hardly any gun restrictions; most of these, such as a ban on assault rifles, have later been lifted.

You may have heard the saying that for every thousand people hacking at the branches of evil, you’re lucky to find even one hacking at the roots. We really need to go after the roots of gun violence. One is our infatuation with guns, tied to our wild-west cowboy culture. We give kids toy guns and encourage them to have make-believe shootouts. We glorify guns in our movies, comic books, TV shows, even pop music. Our leaders and media preach the gospel of the Almighty Gun.

Another root is white supremacy, intertwined with toxic masculinity. Many of those who carried out the bloodiest mass shootings acted out of hate – the Orlando bloodbath took place at an LGBTQ club, the multiple shootings in Atlanta in March of 2021 targeted mostly Asian-Americans, the El Paso Walmart killer went after Hispanics. The horror in Buffalo brought white supremacist “replacement” paranoia front and center; this idiotic theory needs an essay of its own.

We need to demystify guns, knock them off their gore-soaked altar and respect them for what they are. The Swiss do not have mass shootings the way we do because they respect guns. Having a rifle for sport or a handgun for personal protection is one thing, but there is no reason for a private citizen to own a military weapon.

Typical pro-gun arguments include “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” True, but guns make it a lot easier to kill, and to slaughter people wholesale. Can you imagine the Las Vegas shooter assaulting the crowd with a bow and arrow? Or the Parkland killer hacking his way through the school with a steak knife? Or the Tree of Life Synagogue attacker going after his victims with an axe?

Another is “Gun laws don’t stop gun violence.” We have laws against murder and homicide, but people still kill. We have laws against theft, but people still steal. We have laws against drunk driving, but people still get behind the wheel when they are half seas over. Et cetera.

We need to stand up to the vicious, powerful bullies in the gun lobby. We need to pass common-sense gun laws in this country, such as background checks, banning private ownership of assault rifles, red-flag laws, and the like. They won’t stop every evildoer, but they will definitely reduce the carnage. This is why we need to get our behinds to the polls and vote for candidates who will listen to us, the voters who are fed up with gun violence.

We must never give in to “learned helplessness,” which is what the conservatives want us to do. The suffragettes never gave up, which is why women in the US and UK – and elsewhere – can vote. The civil-rights activists never gave up, which is why people of color can drink from the same water fountains as whites and sit anywhere they like on a bus. The abolitionists never gave up, which is why slavery is no longer legal.

To all the right-wingers and the mouthpieces of the firearms industry: You can take your empty, insincere thoughts and prayers and shove ’em.

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May 212022

Once again, a mass shooting has shocked the country. It was far from the deadliest we have ever seen, but the racist motivation behind this bloodbath makes it all the more appalling. It is redolent of the shooting last year in Atlanta, in which a man shot and killed eight people, most of whom were of Asian ancestry.

The Buffalo shooting lays bare two dire problems the USA has: racism, and easy access to guns. What makes both all the worse is our government’s tendency to turn a blind eye to both. Condemn guns, and the gun nuts accuse you of trying to “disarm everybody.” Condemn racism, and you are a knee-jerk whiner. When some bugnut brags on social media about stocking up an arsenal and posts a manifesto dripping with hate, “Boys will be boys” – as long as the poster is white. What if a Black man did the same? The police would be all over him.

All too often a mass shooting puts our society on the Gun Control Merry-Go-Round. Right after the massacre: “It’s too soon to talk about gun policy.” Then: “Thoughts and prayers.” The public roars for sensible gun laws. People march hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands strong; they sign petitions, bombard their elected officials with e-mails and tweets and phone calls. But time and again the voice of hoi polloi is drowned out by the jingle-jingle of the NRA’s blood money.

After the Port Arthur mass shooting in Australia, the nation implemented new gun control laws that limit the ownership of self-loading guns and instituted a buy-back program. The massacre took place in Tasmania, which had rejected a redesign of gun laws in all of Australia’s territories earlier that year. Does that suggest anything?

Even while we mourn the slaughter in Buffalo, more mass shootings have blazed across the headlines. Since the United States experiences, on average, at least one mass shooting a day – i.e., a shooting in which at least four people are wounded or killed – plenty more blood has been offered to the Moloch of the gun industry.

Some claim that gun violence is the result of mental illness or exposure to violent entertainment. Then why is the United States the only country that experiences daily mass shootings? Every other country deals with mental illness. People in nearly every other country have access to violent movies, TV shows and video games. So why are they not suffering the same level of gun violence? In the US it’s easier to buy a gun that has the potential for killing dozens at once than to adopt a kitten at the local animal shelter. Why, I ask, shouldn’t people be more carefully vetted before buying a firearm?

Gun lovers harp on the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but they heed only the second clause about the right to keep and bear arms. The amendment begins “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State.” OK, Joe Gun Nut, what part of “well-regulated militia” do you not understand? The framers of the Constitution did not want the freshly-minted United States to have a regular standing army, but rather rely on minutemen (maybe a few minutewomen as well) who were ready at all times to grab their rifles and come to the nation’s defense. Also, the Founding Fathers had no way of anticipating such weapons as machine guns, bazookas, flame-throwers, etc. Many of the worst mass shootings have been done with assault rifles.

The other problem that the Buffalo shooting highlighted is racism, a monster that just will not die. The alleged shooter posted a rambling manifesto that stated he became radicalized early in the COVID-19 pandemic after research seemed to indicate low birth rates among whites, which he feared would “ultimately result in the complete racial and cultural replacement of the European people.” “Replacement theory” has become the phrase du jour for white supremacists. Some whites fear that they are being out-bred by non-whites (another motivation for the anti-abortion crowd) and thus will someday be completely replaced by people with darker skin.

The way I see it, the Old White Straight Male Fundamentalist establishment realizes it is losing ground as its members die off and newer generations reject its values. The OWSMFE cannot accept women, non-whites, LGBTQ+ and non-Christians as deserving of economic or political power. Women belong in the kitchen, gays in the closet, Blacks out in the field picking cotton. They have no concept of sharing power with people who are different from them. Thus, their mouthpieces on Faux News and dodgy websites vomit hateful propaganda in hopes of igniting a race war.

When hate meets guns, the result is tragedy like what we saw in Buffalo. This is why we need not just more sensible gun policies, but also education that makes our children aware of racial problems. Only then can we truly address race relations, and maybe find a solution.

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May 072022

Looks as though the Republican-corrupted SCOTUS has voted to overturn Roe v Wade and send reproductive rights back to the individual states. Already, fortunately, people and institutions are making plans to fight back.

Without Roe v Wade, the USA will become a crazy quilt of restrictions, while evil vigilantes hunt for anybody planning to have an abortion or help someone who is, hoping to collect their thirty pieces of silver. Women will be forced to travel hundreds, possibly thousands, of kilometers, for care. Those who can’t will try to obtain Plan B pills, possibly exposing themselves to prosecution – and persecution – or fake medicine. Many may go the old “coat hanger” route, like animals caught in leghold traps chewing off their own paws, trying to self-abort with knitting needles or other long, sharp objects. A lot of them will suffer infection, excessive bleeding, even death. And the “pro-life” crowd won’t give one hair off a rat’s ass.

However, there is good news – and the possibility that we can turn the compulsory-birth ogres’ victory into one of the Pyrrhic variety. A number of blue states, including Colorado, California, New York, Minnesota and Vermont, are ready to become bastions of reproductive rights. Many of them could even codify reproductive rights in their state constitutions, which would be sharp blows to the anti-choice hordes. Some companies have already declared that they will provide assistance for their employees who need to travel out of state for abortions, even though this could expose the company to harsh fines and other legal actions.

The possibility of the GOP getting a hammerlock on the Senate this election cycle is a frighteningly real possibility. The party of the incumbent President tends to lose ground in the midterms. We have already seen how the GOP-controlled Senate has frustrated Biden’s attempts to pass meaningful legislation, such as the Green New Deal. Repubs appear to have just one item on their agenda: Frustrate Democrats. The successful nomination of Justice Jackson must be a fluke.

On the other hand, leaking the SCOTUS decision has galvanized Progressives and reproductive rights advocates. Overturning Roe v Wade could backfire horribly against the Right-wing Reich. Not just the aforementioned states making abortion the law, but also motivated voters turning out in droves to support Democrats and flip seats to blue at all levels of government. Local and state races will be critical if the SCOTUS does go ahead and gut Roe v Wade. Since the leak was a rough draft and not the final word, they have the opportunity to change their decisions before releasing the final ruling. However, I doubt they will even after the tremendous poop storm that has arisen after the leak.

If you think that abortion is the only thing the Right is after, you are wrong – dead wrong. They intend to push us back – way back. They intend to strip LGBTQ people of their rights, not just the right to same-sex marriage but even their right to be true to themselves. And why stop there? They could easily set civil rights as well as women’s rights back decades. They could make it a lot harder to become a legal immigrant, or a citizen unless you’re white, straight and rich. Give them a centimeter, and they’ll take an entire meter.

This is why we need to fight back hard and loud. We need to let our (alleged) representatives in government know that WE THE PEOPLE will NEVER allow our precious rights to be taken away – not without a long, hard and bloody fight. And if they still insist on catering to a shrinking minority, we will vote them out – because we must.

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