
Nov 012022

I know I’ve been remiss about my Sound Off! postings, but I’ve had other cakes to bake what with an important election going on. After it is over, I hope that I will have more time to dedicate to writing my essays. So, without further ado, here is the latest.

What poses a greater danger to Democracy than terrorists, Islam, LGBTQ people, socialism, atheism, or people who douche-park? Christian Nationalism.

Christian Nationalism is based on the entirely mistaken notion that the United States was founded on Christian principles. The Founding Fathers may have been religious, but many of them were freethinking deists. They believed in a Higher Power, but did not adhere to any particular faith. Also, American colonists had witnessed how bad things can get when religion and government mix, in the old world and the new. Groups who fled religious persecution in Europe became the persecutors when they set up their own societies in North America.

The Founding Myth by Andrew Seidel completely destroys the claims of Christian Nationalists one by one. This book also shows that “Christian” law would be totally opposed to the Constitution and the spirit of this nation. It is a must-read.

The following quotes prove that the Founding Fathers did not in any way plan to set up the United States as a Christian nation:

“Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.” – Thomas Jefferson

“All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.” – Thomas Paine

“Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Religion and government will both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together.” – James Madison

“During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution.” – James Madison

“The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion” – from the Treaty of Tripoli, signed by President George Washington

“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or [Muslim] nation.” – John Adams

“The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext, infringed.” – James Madison

Christian Nationalists are trying to re-create something that never existed in the first place. They are not trying to return the USA to Christian values, they are trying to destroy the heart and soul of this nation. They are living in a fantasy world and working under a host of misconceptions.

If they gain power, their plans will be devastating to this country and its residents. All manner of people will face violent, vicious persecution: non-Christians, feminists, people of color, scientists, LGBTQ, and many, many more. Even many Christians will come under fire because they adhere to the “wrong” kind of Christianity. Human and civil rights will be abolished. The USA will become like those countries in the Middle East that are under the thumbs of Da’esh (aka ISIS, ISIL, Islamic State) or the Taliban. For Christian Nationalists, The Handmaid’s Tale and 1984 are guidebooks, not warnings.

Education will suffer as only schools that indoctrinate pupils with fundamentalist religion will be permitted. Dissent will be harshly punished – when people are absolutely convinced they are Right, any means of enforcing their will is acceptable. Racism, LGBTQ-phobia and sexism will become the law of the land. The horrors are far too numerous to list in one of my essays; indeed, entire books enumerate the likely results of a religious right takeover.

There is one way we can fight back, which is not only peaceful but legal: VOTE! Make sure all your kith and kin vote if they are registered. Volunteer to drive people to the polls. Make sure you do your homework about all candidates in all elections, and remember the down-ballot races – that is where extremists began their takeover. The 2022 midterm election could be the last chance we have to save our country.

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Oct 172022

In the upcoming midterm elections, Democrats are hoping for a Blue Wave, while Republicans are hoping for a Red Wave. Both parties, though, and especially Republicans, need to beware another wave – the Pink Wave.

After SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade, there was a major surge in women registering to vote. Women have been raising serious hell since the news of the overturn was leaked. Politicians who support abortion bans are on thin ice, while judges and voters alike are blocking antiabortion laws or finding ways around them. Petitions calling for making reproductive rights the law of the land abound; I have signed and shared a number of them. Some Republicans are even calling for the party to at least review its abortion stance.

Cue the late Helen Reddy’s “I Am Woman.”

For far too long, women have been second-class citizens of the United States. Our grandmothers, great-grandmothers, great-great-grandmothers, and further back fought like tigresses to secure the right to vote. It took 133 years from when the Constitution was first written down to when women gained suffrage. It took another century for a woman to be elected Vice President of the US. Even today, women are under-represented in government at many levels. We have plenty of ladies in Congress, in state and local positions, even some women governors; but still the percentage of female elected officials does not reflect the percentage of our population that has XX chromosomes. In addition, some of these women are Republicans, members of the very party that is plotting to undo decades of social and moral progress. They are of course entitled to their political views, but supporting the degenerating GOP reeks of hypocrisy.

Women today still face discrimination and bigotry in many fields, as well as healthcare. Female patients frequently suffer arrogant dismissal of their symptoms. Pregnant women are often treated like brood livestock – an OB/GYN’s attention is all too often 100% on the fetus and 0% on the womb-bearer. Even women doctors fall into the trap of prejudice against female patients.

In the job world women are still second best. The gender pay gap still persists, and is worse for women of color than for white women, though it is gradually closing. Women tend to be overlooked for promotions in many fields even when their work is just as good as that of their male peers, if not better. They are underexposed in the art world, which is the reason for the legendary Guerrilla Girls. Of all the people who have won the Best Director Academy Award, so far only one has been a woman.

We women are mad as hell, and we’re not gonna take this anymore. More and more we are flexing our political muscles. Remember the Women’s March in 2017, which caused hobby shops to run out of pink yarn because so many people knitted Pussy Hats? It was the largest single day protest in modern US history, and five and a half years later the activism it stirred up hasn’t ebbed. As mentioned above, there has been a serious uptick in the number of women registering to vote over the last few months. More and more women are running for office, from dogcatcher to State Governor.

The ERA, which should have been part of the Constitution decades ago, may be on the cusp of ratification. The current U.S. Congress has more female members than ever before, the majority of them Democrats; and we voters have an opportunity to increase that number even more this year. The 2022 elections are a watershed that could tip the balance of power back towards Regular Joe and Jane, and reverse many of the gains by the sexist extreme right.

Patriarchs beware: Females of the species are getting politically active and politically savvy. We are women, hear us roar in numbers too big to ignore.

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Oct 082022

Who are Libertarians? They claim to be the party of minimal government. They repeat the old saw that government is best when it governs least. This idea appeals to a lot of people, especially those who have first-hand experience dealing with governmental red tape and sluggish bureaucracies.

On the surface, it looks great – low taxes and minimal governmental interference. However, if you really think about it, a libertarian system would be a nightmare.

Minimal government leaves a power vacuum. And who will fill it? Whoever is large and in charge – namely, big corporations that want no regulations on mergers, pollution, or worker safety. If Libertarians get control, we won’t have utopia, we’ll have Animal Farm. Powerful CEOs will be our new rulers.

To those who don’t like government regulation, I have just a few questions: Do you breathe? Do you eat? Do you drink – that is to say, beverages in general? You (usually) enjoy reasonably clean air thanks to government restrictions on pollution. Ever see pictures of U.S. cities before the Clean Air Act? If you can count on the water coming out of your tap being potable, thank the government regulations in place to make sure it is. If you can count on any food that you buy at a grocery store or a restaurant to be reasonably free of contamination and adulterating substances, thank the people who demanded, and those who passed, the laws to protect you from tainted chow.

Regulations give us the 40-hour work week, overtime pay, minimum wage, job safety, and more. Regulations protect the environment we need to survive, make sure that our buildings and infrastructure are reasonably safe, and guard us from shady business practices. A Libertarian system would remove all of these laws, and once again the Little Guy and Gal would be at the mercy of greedy corporations whose sole interest is raking in the moolah to keep their CEOs and shareholders fat and happy.

China has almost no anti-pollution regulations. The air in its biggest cities is often choked with smog thanks to the Chinese Communist Party’s blatant disregard for the environment. Many of China’s rivers are so contaminated that their water is unsuitable not just for drinking but also for agriculture. More than once I have read that China will run out of fresh water sometime around 2030. Stick that in your bong and smoke it.

Minimum taxes mean a lot less money for police and fire departments, public parks, schools, bridges, roads, public transit – and, wait for it, defense. You want the mighty USA to have an imposing presence worldwide, but how will you pay for all that when the wealthy and mega-corporations enjoy fat tax breaks and corporate welfare, while the working class can barely feed itself?

Libertarians have the idea that government should be run like a business. You can’t do that anymore than you can fly a plane the same way you drive a car. Privatization has proven to be disastrous in the health care sector. Many hospitals put profit ahead of patients, resulting in ridiculous fees, obscene overcharging, and hundreds of thousands of personal bankruptcies every year. Do NOT get me started on how atrocious the USA’s health “care” system is!

Once upon a time, fire departments were privately run affairs. You paid your dues to the local fire station and displayed a plaque showing which brigade you supported. Firefighters not from the firehouse you shelled out to would go right past your house if it was on fire, even if your children and your little dog too were trapped inside. Can you imagine the howling and screaming when somebody came up with the concept of public fire departments?

Police departments would probably become privatized, too. Remember the movie RoboCop, in which an evil corporation takes over Detroit’s police department? Every big corporation would have its own police force, which would not be enforcing the law of the land but the will of the Board of Directors. This country has enough problems with cops already. Now imagine if an officer’s loyalty was to the Mega-Corp that runs the police force rather than the community. So much for Protect and Serve.

What with police in the U.S. being increasingly militarized, it’s no big jump to major corporations having their own armies. Imagine soldiers with logos for Amazon, Disney, Wal-Mart or Nestlé instead of national flags.

So, Libertarians, let’s see how you enjoy breathing smoggy air while walking to your job because you can’t afford a car and there’s no public transit. Let’s see how happy you are working 16 hours a day for slave wages, subsisting on adulterated cheap food, dwelling in a vermin-infested one-room hole in the wall with all the rest of your family, and living in fear of Monsanto’s heavily armed goons, all while hoping you don’t turn an ankle or break an arm because then you won’t be able to work and will wind up homeless. Welcome to the new Guilded Age.

Libertarianism and Communism both promise utopia but deliver dystopia. We have already seen that Communism is a failure; a Libertarian government would be the same, just for different reasons. Communism puts too much in the public sector, while Libertarianism puts too much in the private sector. Government is not best when it governs least, but when it governs where it should govern and does not govern where it should not govern.

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Oct 012022

Over the past few months I have been doing a lot of text-banking for the Working Families Party, an organization that has the goal of electing candidates who actually care about the working class. Responses range from enthusiastic to vulgarly opposed. I don’t let the infantile rubbish from the MAGA jerks bother me – it’s their problem, not mine.

A few respondents have answered that voting won’t save us, only revolution will. I say, let’s give the polls one last chance, because ballots are better than bullets. Revolution is not nearly as easy as one may think. So, revolutionaries, how are you going to revolt? Throw bricks and Molotov cocktails? You’ll need to be a lot better organized than a wild mob. And if you have images of Minutemen kicking redcoat butt in your mind, remember that the American colonies succeeded only because they got help from the French and the Spanish.

Before you even contemplate starting a revolution, you need to think about what you will do if you succeed. Revolutions and marriages fail for the same reason: What the participants regard as “That’s all she wrote” is, in reality, just the last paragraph of the prolog. The American Revolution succeeded because the Founding Fathers had a plan to create a new kind of country, a new kind of democracy.

The United States they created was deeply flawed – racist, sexist and elitist. We needed a bloody Civil War to end the evil of slavery, and decades more tumult and protest to end legal discrimination against people of color. Women had to wait till the 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920 so they could vote, and even after 50 years of marching and hell-raising the ERA still has not been added to the Bill of Rights, though as I write this it may be on the cusp of ratification. Racism, sexism, homophobia and other ills are still rampant; though they are technically illegal, society and culture keep them alive.

I do believe we are at a crossroads, and we have three choices. We can vote out all or at least most of the extremist Republicans who are up for re-election, and turn this country’s course back towards moral and ethical progress. Or we can degenerate further into fascism and oligarchy. Or we can have a revolution.

Revolutions, though, don’t have to be violent. Gandhi used nonviolent means to unite the peoples of India and gain that country’s independence. The former satellites of the Soviet Union, with the notable exception of Romania, threw off the chains of Communism peacefully. Problems still abound as different ethnicities bicker and even fight over who has the right to what land, but at least they initially took the path of irenic change. A successful revolution can involve minimal bloodshed, or none at all.

This is why we need to get out the progressive vote this election. Make sure you are registered to vote, get your progressive kith and kin registered, offer to help people get to polling places, and cast an informed ballot. Do your homework on the candidates, and remember the down-ballot races, because those are where extremists begin their takeover.

The alternatives to using legal, peaceful means to turn our country around are unthinkable.

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Sep 182022

You have, no doubt, heard of preppers, people who prepare themselves and their families for disaster. Preppers are not necessarily gun-toting wackos – they are simply fully aware that calamity could strike at any time, and they will have only their own resources to rely on for days, weeks, possibly months. Preparedness is something we should all practice.

In a recent essay  I pointed out that The End could be closer than we think, not due to any prophecy or divine wrath but because of humanity’s rape of Earth. We have overextended ourselves, exploiting resources past the point of sustainability. Human action is heating the planet, changing weather patterns, melting arctic and antarctic ice, causing droughts in some areas and horrendous floods in others. Food and water shortages will result in famines, mass migrations of refugees, and bloody wars.

Climate change is not the only existential threat that could shred the thin fabric of civilization. A coronal mass ejection scoring a bullseye on our planet, a supervolcano eruption, a comet or asteroid impact, or any of a number of massive calamities could result in the you-know-what hitting the fan. We have already seen how the COVID-19 pandemic played Old Scratch with our society, as well as laying bare some of its weaknesses. The next pandemic could be a lot worse.

The event that forces us to be resourceful, and will vindicate preppers, need not be world-shattering – it could be hyperinflation, a gas pinch, massive civil unrest, or a natural disaster such as a hurricane or earthquake. Remember how Hurricane Katrina ravished Louisiana and Mississippi? People who didn’t have enough supplies at home had to loot salvage food, beverages, diapers, etc. Interestingly, people who owned guns apparently rarely took advantage of the unarmed; many gun owners protected their gunless neighbors from looters and hoodlums.

This is why we all should be Preppers. You don’t have to go full survivalist mode with a bugout bunker way out in the boondocks and enough guns to arm a platoon – all you need to do is take some simple measures at home. Stock up on nonperishable food and keep it in a safe place, well-sealed to preserve it and keep out bugs and rodents. You should rotate your stores too, especially canned goods so they don’t expire. Keep plenty of water on hand, too, because the plumbing may not be working, or water may be contaminated. Remember Flint, Michigan? If you have enough warning, fill bathtubs, sinks, buckets, etc. with tap water.

Since there may be no power after a major disaster, you’ll need flashlights, batteries, matches, candles, and means to heat food such as Sternotm. If you have a backyard barbecue, keep charcoal briquettes and lighter fluid on hand. Have a battery-powered radio in order to catch any news. If you have room for a backup generator, get one of those and keep fuel handy at all times. I know blackouts are no fun because I’ve lived through quite a few of those.

Necessities go beyond food and warmth. Hygiene is always vital, so include soap, shampoo, toothpaste, extra toothbrushes, dental floss, washcloths, feminine hygiene, and diapers if you have rugrats. Hygiene items could become items of barter with your neighbors, as maintaining a good relationship with all those around you will be important in the dark days.

Until whatever organization comes along to help, you will need to while away the hours without the Internet. Books, card and board games, puzzles, even jam sessions can take people’s minds off their troubles for a while. Thus, include books, games, jigsaw puzzles, crossword and other brain-teaser collections, and maybe sheet music in your survival stash.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money or go to a lot of effort in order to prepare for riding out a disaster and its aftermath. Look up prepping, invest in a survival book or three, maybe join a group to get and exchange tips. Never count on any government or even the Red Cross to save your patooty in a time of crisis – make sure you can look after yourself and those closest to you, at least for a while.

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Sep 042022

One favorite meme of the forced-birth crowd is “We should save every fetus because you never know which one will grow up to find a cure for some horrible disease, or write the Great American Novel, or change the course of history.” Yeah, right.

They love to hound reproductive rights activists with, “What if the kid grows up to be another Lincoln or Mozart or Einstein or Reverend King?” Of course they never ponder whether any of the babies they “rescue” will grow up to be another Hitler, or Stalin, or Caligula, or Idi Amin, or Pol Pot, or Chairman Mao. Or another Charles Manson, or Ted Bundy, or John Wayne Gacy, or Timothy McVeigh, or Jeffrey Dahmer. No, they never think about an innocent little tot growing up to be a monster.

The stale “What if so-and-so’s mother had an abortion” male bovine solid bodily waste ejecta has more problems, too. How is the next Great Artist or Great Scientist or Great Leader or Discoverer of a Cure for Some Nasty Malady supposed to become a historical figure in the first place without the proper support network? Abraham Lincoln was born into poverty, but a) he was wanted and loved, b) he had some extraordinary luck, and c) the USA wasn’t waging a war on the poor while he was growing up.

In order to develop their brains so they are Super Scientist/Leader/Artist material, those children require a great start in life. They need housing so they can feel secure and have protection from the elements. They need nutritious food so their brains will develop. They need love and support from their families. They need stimulating toys, books and activities to make them interested in reaching their potential and contributing to society. No child who lives in abject poverty and experiences hunger and malnutrition for the first several years of life is going to grow up to be the Next Big Name.

For starters, how about making sure every womb-bearer has access to affordable prenatal and perinatal care? Pregnant folks need not just proper nutrition, but also the right medical attention, especially if they suffer complications. If you’re in the family way, you need to take special care of yourself to give your little cherub the best possible start in life.

Giving birth is expensive in this country. Even a regular, uncomplicated birth can cost thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars; if any problems arise, up goes the bill. Do NOT get me started on how our for-profit health “care” system stiffs patients, or how insurance companies d*ck their customers around! If you want to force everybody who gets pregnant to give birth, but deny the proper medical attention to increase the chances of a healthy birth, you are the worst kind of hypocrite.

Secondly, too many US residents, citizens and immigrants alike, lack access to proper nutrition. Food is getting more and more expensive, due to not only increasing costs to produce and transport it, but also because droughts and changing weather patterns are causing crop failures. The minimum wage has not increased in 13 years, while the cost of everything has gone up and up and up. Nutritious food costs more than junk food. If you have $8 to spend on dinner and four hungry mouths to feed, and a hamburger costs $2 while a salad costs $8, are you going to spilt the salad four ways? No, you’re going to buy four hamburgers even though they are not as good for you (or the environment) as the salad.

Next, to make sure these Little World Changers can realize their potential, they need the proper schooling. The current education system in the USA is a joke. And who are doing their best to make sure it remains a joke? Republicans, the same people who have appointed themselves controllers of everybody’s naughty bits (except their own, of course). Right-wingers refuse to increase our education budget even while teachers are living like rats and having to buy their own school supplies. US children lag most of the developed world in science and mathematics. Meanwhile, Republicans lose their feces over Critical Race Theory and try to pull books from libraries. How is this country supposed to generate Nobel laureates, the latest in high-tech gadgetry, and amazing treatments and cures when many high-school graduates read at a 5th grade level? The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated this country’s educational problems when kids were getting their lessons via ZOOM and parents were struggling to school them while trying to work from home. It’s not enough to create babies with potential – you have to provide them with a well-rounded education, one that actually makes them think for themselves rather than just regurgitate answers.

After all that, they need to survive to adulthood. Perfect safety can never be guaranteed, but we can take reasonable steps to reduce risk. The USA is one of the most gun-happy countries on Earth, if not #1. On average a mass shooting takes place every day; the ones we hear about are the worst in terms of body count and/or location. What if one of the children shot dead in Uvalde would have become a world-changer if only he/she had grown up? Or what if one of them would have sired or given birth to a world changer? And just who most vigorously fight even the most sensible gun laws? Yep – Republicans. The same people who want every conception to get a Social Security number.

Finally, those potential movers and shakers need a college education. (Yes, Steve Jobs was a dropout, but like Lincoln he had some lucky breaks.) College used to be free in the US.  In many countries it is free. I could go on and on and on about predatory loan companies and the crushing debt that saddles graduates; that is, in fact, a topic worthy of its own essay. How are the world changers supposed to be out finding cures for currently incurable maladies, writing the Great American Novel, composing timeless music, running for office, or stirring the masses to fight injustice when they are living in ratholes, working three minimum-wage jobs, and subsisting on beans and rice and ramen?

If the forced-birth crowd really gave a rat’s derriere about human life, they would work to support life after birth. They would be screaming to protect SNAP and WIC, for the minimum wage to be a living wage, for public schools to receive more funding, for health care to be affordable, and for college – at least to the Bachelor’s level – to be free, or at least not so outrageously expensive. They would be demanding that student loans be strictly regulated to avoid usury and curb loan sharking. Instead, they abandon babies at the moment of birth, and howl about socialism, which they confound with Communism. As soon as the babies are born, they are forgotten.

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Sound Off Lite

 Posted by at 7:34 pm  Politics
Aug 312022

I have done my best to write a new Sound Off! essay once a week, but as of late I have had so much on my plate that it’s been very hard to devote any time to this. However, I am working on a couple ideas, and keeping up with current events will certainly provide more grist for my mill. There’s always something to inspire me.

Currently I am reading a fascinating book – The Founding Myth by Andrew Seidel. It explains how the United States was founded on reason and humanistic principles, not on Judeo-Christian rules. In fact, this country’s government and Constitution are just about diametrically opposed to the morality of the Old and New Testaments. I can probably get more than one essay out of my personal observations. If you can find this book at your library, or at a book store, I highly recommend it.

Please bear with me as I get a couple matters sorted out so I can go back to Sounding Off.

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Aug 202022

Right-wingers are getting increasingly vicious. I say increasingly because they’ve been vicious for a long time, since way before Trump was elected. Over the past few years, though, their savagery and evil have leveled up.

Kyle Rittenhouse. The car attack in Charlotte. The spa slaughter in Atlanta. Armed vigilantes at polling stations. And, of course, the 6 January putsch. Right-wingers will stop at nothing to impose their fascism on this country, and they could not possibly care less how much blood they shed.

The Republican Party has ceased to be a legitimate political party, and has degenerated into the Donald Trump Fan Club. Republicans don’t give a rat’s behind about this country, or what it is supposed to represent, or anybody other than white, straight, wealthy, fundamentalist Christian men. They are also all too willing to crucify any in their ranks who show any integrity. Look what happened to Liz Cheney when she refused to walk in lock-step with her peers and voted to impeach Trump for inciting the capitol attack. She was stripped of her committee memberships, and even though she had voted with Trump 93% of the time, she just lost a primary election to a Trump toady.

Just the other day I read on NextDoor about a woman whose granddaughter’s residency, and thus eligibility to vote, was challenged. Why? Fortunately, the granddaughter was able to prove her residency was legitimate; unfortunately, this meant sacrificing time and effort. I doubt this was an isolated incident, and am thankful this woman spoke up.

Doctors who provide abortions have received death threats for decades. Now doctors who provide gender-affirming care to transgender children are being targeted. Indeed, it seems that hardly anybody is not a target of the Right. School counselors, public education, libraries – nothing is off limits for them.

Here are some threats that progressive organizations have received from right-wingers. I don’t recall the sources or the targets, but the words are still chilling.

  • “I am a hunter — and I think you should be hunted.”
  • “You will never be safe in Arizona again.”
  • “I’m really jonzing to see your purple face after you’ve been hanged.”
  • “I hope you die of COVID and kill your entire f—ing family.” 
  • “You should be thrown in jail for being a terrorist.” 
  • “Too bad they didn’t abort all you traitor trash Nazi liberals.” 
  • “Die where you are standing.” 
  • “You insipid morons ALL deserve a bullet.” 
  • “Every one of you should be in prison for the rest of your sorry lives.” 
  • “I will kill you without remorse.” 
  • “You are not an American but a force of evil. I challenge you to a duel to the death. Pick the spot and time within the next 30 days. Your head will be on a pike when this is over you cowardly bastard.” 
  • “We are looking for you. If you don’t like our Constitution, then leave or die!”

These sentences demonstrate all too clearly the mentality of the Right. They are absolutely convinced that they are right – in the sense of correct, moral, etc. – so they believe they can get away with anything. Now, where have I heard that before? In their minds, the only good Liberal is a dead Liberal.

Left-wingers, Progressives, Democrats need to stop trying to compromise because the Right will not compromise. Period. You cannot compromise with the increasingly dangerous Right any more than you can compromise with a tornado. We need to stop being Neville Chamberlain and become Winston Churchill.

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