
Feb 142023

You may have seen the “1957 vs 2007” list, which has made the Internet rounds and implies that life was better back in the mid-20th century than it is now. Yes, in some ways 1957 was better than 2007, or today – higher education was affordable, housing was affordable, gas was cheap, and one could support a household on one income. However, that list mysteriously ignores the amount of social progress we have made since 1957 – civil rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, to say nothing of scientific progress. 1957 was a nice year to be alive in the USA, provided you were male, white and straight. If you were not all three of those, life was not necessarily a picnic.

Here are some scenarios that rebut the “good old days” nostalgia:

#1: Mr. Green, a Black man, walks into a restaurant.

1957: It’s for whites only. Mr. Green barely escapes the angry mob that chases him out.

Today: Mr. Green enjoys a nice dinner and leaves a generous tip.

#2: Two men go for a walk through a park.

1957: Other people assume they are gay. The pair are forced to flee for their lives.

Today: Two men enjoy a walk through a park. Some people assume they’re gay, but don’t give a rat’s behind.

#3: While eating out with his family, Mr. Jones suffers a heart attack.

1957: His wife has to beg the restaurant manager to use his phone to call the fire department. The ambulance rushes him to the hospital, but he dies.

Today: His wife whips out her mobile phone and mashes 911. Two other customers, who recently took a CPR course, keep Mr. Jones alive till the paramedics arrive. Mr. Jones recovers, makes some lifestyle changes, and lives long enough to see his grandchildren graduate high school. (He had good insurance, BTW; medical bills are another story to be told another day.)

#4: Suzie wants to be a scientist when she grows up.

1957: Her parents and teachers discourage her, even after she trots out examples such as Marie Curie and Annie Jump Cannon. She aces her science courses, but is refused membership in every science club she applies to. Despite great grades in school, she is turned down by every technical college and university. She winds up marrying an engineer because that is the closest she will ever get to her now shattered dream.

Today: Her parents give her science books and kits for her birthday and Christmas. She joins her school science club, aces her science classes, and comes in third in the state science competition. She matriculates at a prestigious engineering university, earns a Master’s, and gets a plummy job with a reputable research firm.

#5: William is autistic.

1957: He does poorly in school, where he is ruthlessly bullied. His parents put him in an institution.

Today: His teachers understand his difference. He does well in school, goes to college, gets a degree and a great job on graduation.

OK, anybody have other examples?

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SOUND OFF! 2/5/23 !%@*&$

 Posted by at 10:16 am  Politics
Feb 052023

As a society we cuss too much.

I am not squeamish about profanity – I can curse like a wounded Marine when the spirit moves me. However, when we use “four-letter” words at the least provocation, we do our language a disfavor.

When you first encounter spicy food, it’s quite a shock. The first time you try the El Diablo sauce, your mouth feels like a set for The Towering Inferno. A couple more times, and you have adjusted. However, if you use the hottest sauce too much, soon your taste buds become dulled, and you have to use hotter-than-hot sauce to taste anything.

So it is with profanity. The occasional f-bomb and s-bomb and other bombs are fine. If you use them only now and then, they can definitely liven up a conversation. However, when every third or fourth word out of your mouth is one that you wouldn’t learn on Sesame Street, soon the bleepable words lose their oomph. One or two oaths here and there are fine, but too many and they become bland.

Probably every language has its no-no words. They have a purpose, namely, to help blow off steam. Scientific studies have shown that swearing can actually help ease pain. That is why you cut loose with some PG or PG-13 rated language when you stub your toe or hammer your thumb. And that is all the more reason to cut back on your use of oaths – so that when you need them, they will be at full strength.

A long-ago co-worker told me that his mother, while she was in grade school, hear about a classmate getting her mouth washed out with soap because she said “fart.” William Shatner shocked a lot of people when he said “Let’s get the hell out of here!” in the Star Trek episode “City on the Edge of Forever.” Back in the day, even mild profanity prompted strong reactions.

Kids these days are exposed to vulgarities right, left and center. As a result, they become potty-mouths before their ages are in double-digits. Kids think swearing is funny as all-get-out, so they will cuss all over the place.

Mark Twain wrote, “Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” However, overuse of dirty words takes away from their power. Ergo, use your strong language sparingly. Please keep oaths off protest signs – what’s wrong with one or two letters and a string of grawlixes? If we want profane language to provide relief and ease pain, we need to use naughty words less and family-friendly substitutes more; then we can save the “bombs” for when they are truly needed.

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Feb 022023

The rise of the extreme right should have us all worried.

Am I being paranoid? Were those who warned about the rise of Hitler and the Nazis paranoid? Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean nobody’s out to get you. Not every conspiracy theory is bugnuttery. All conspiracy theories begin with facts, but a few remain in the territory of truth.

The Religious Right has been planning for decades to take over this country and pervert it into a theocracy. They are suppressing voters, dumbing down our education system, bleeding social programs white in order to feed the insatiable maw of Defense. They are increasingly injecting religion – specifically, evangelical Christianity – into government. While women struggle for better wages and reproductive rights, while POCs fight for economic and voting rights, while LGBTQ people battle for civil and human rights, the Religious Right seeks to squelch these movements, spreading vicious lies that anybody who is not a straight, white, Christian man or a submissive white woman is a tool of the Devil who seeks to upend this country and ram socialism (which they ignorantly equate with Communism) down everybody’s throat. Meanwhile, they seek to ram their twisted, narrow morality down everybody’s throat. Qui parle.

One look at Florida and you can see where the rest of this country could be headed. Governor DeSantis has not only banned books but also yanked Black studies from school curricula. Librarians are under threat for refusal to pull banned books from the shelves. How else will DeSantis attempt to squelch education and knowledge in his state? Welcome to Florida, please set your watch back 70 years.

I recently discovered a shocking article about a community of home-schoolers who are endeavoring to turn their kids into “wonderful little Nazis.”  I yi yi yi yi! They call Robert E. Lee a “grand role model for young, white men” and Martin Luther King Jr. “the antithesis of our civilization and our people.” That is how hideously twisted their minds are. People who harbor such attitudes would gleefully carry out another Kristallnacht and pass Nuremberg-style laws. Their victims will be numerous, and could easily include people just like you. Yep, you.

Fortunately, there is good news. Progressives and Leftists are rising up and fighting back. When news of overturning Roe v Wade was leaked, the number of women registering to vote spiked. The more liberal states are passing laws to counter the RR’s evil machinations. In the 2022 midterms, the “Red Wave” that right-wingers hoped and prayed for turned out to be a red ripple. Republicans gained only a slim margin in the House, and Democrats hung on to the Senate. Rafael Warnock held off Herschel Walker to keep Georgia’s Senate representation blue.

Even while we hope and work for the best, we need to prepare for the worst. Never, never, NEVER think a horror like Nazi Germany couldn’t happen here. We must accept that even our votes and efforts may not be enough to prevent the extreme right wack jobs from taking over. Ergo, we need to plan what to do Just In Case. Where will we go? Whom can we trust? How can we resist? (Ever notice that, in dystopian movies and novels, there is little if any mention of a domestic resistance movement? Did they forget the Maquis?) And if we have to flee, where will we go?

Let us counter the Religious Reich as much as we can, in every way we can.

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Jan 212023

Whenever I speak or write, I do so from the position of white privilege. I acknowledge this, but I don’t feel guilty about it. I shouldn’t have to feel bad about my heritage. None of us picked our parents, or ethnicity, or race, or socio-economic status, or the faith into which we were born. None of us got to select our DNA.

Back when the Voting Rights Act was about to expire, I thought: Let it expire – we no longer need it. I thought that, since Blacks could no longer be discriminated against at the ballot box, we no longer needed that protection. It was time to remove the training wheels. Little did I know that I was regarding the issue through the filter of white privilege. I knew little, if anything, about how polling stations in largely Black neighborhoods were different from those in lily-white neighborhoods like where I grew up and first voted. I thought everybody had the same access to the ballot box.

Was I ever wrong.

Little by little I learned about voter suppression. I had long been aware of gerrymandering, but I didn’t realize that there tend to be fewer polling locations in Black neighborhoods and fewer voting machines in them. I had always voted in my largely white, largely Republican district where polling places were easily available and had plenty of machines that functioned. I did have to wait more than an hour to vote some years ago, even though it was early voting, but usually the line I had to wait in was short.

Also, I have a rather simple name – even though my first name is rare and does get misspelled on occasion. I don’t have a hyphenated last name, and I have always used the same spelling. As a result I probably don’t have to worry about persnickety bureaucrats stripping my name from the voter list because my name on my voter card doesn’t quite match my name on my driver’s license. This is not to say that I will never fall victim to such baloney, though – my name could be struck just because I voted for too many Democrats.

Then along came the issue of reparations for Blacks to atone for centuries of slavery and discrimination. My first thought was, what a bunch of hooey! Then I looked around and saw that, even though Blacks have a lot more opportunities open to them today than in the past, they still earn less than whites and are less represented in positions of power. We have plenty of Black politicians, and even had a Black POTUS for eight years; but Blacks still suffer and struggle economically.

OK, I thought, I’ll patronize Black-owned businesses when I can. However, I soon realized that wasn’t enough. Starting a business requires a lot of outlay, and banks still discriminate against people of color, however subtly, so getting a loan may be tough.

So – reparations? I am more open to that idea now. I have stepped out of my white privilege ivory tower and seen, if not experienced, how the past continues to put Blacks at a disadvantage. One real eye-opener for me was The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee. I strongly recommend this book, as it shows how oppressing and suppressing people of color comes back to bite white people in their bottoms. As Booker T. Washington said, you can’t hold a man down in the ditch down without staying down there with him. Only by letting people out of the ditch can we get out of the ditch ourselves. Indeed, helping Blacks economically will pay off in the long run when they are better educated and have fuller pockets. Blacks will start more businesses, creating more jobs, which means that more people will have more money to spend and save, thus providing the economy with stimulation.

Many will argue that reparations are outrageous because a) we’re making people in the present pay for the mistakes of our ancestors, and b) recipients will just spend the money on booze. The response to “a” is Blacks still suffer the repercussions of slavery and discrimination, and racism is unfortunately alive and well since it is so deeply ingrained in our society. “B” is a blatantly racist sweeping generalization. In reality, plenty will find the reparations just what they need to start a business, or put a nice down payment on a house or condo. Whatever they do, they will be stimulating the economy.

And how long will these reparations last? Will they be one big lump-sum payment, or given over a course of months or years? Of course they won’t go forever. I leave it to others to debate over how much will be paid out, and for how long.

I may not be able to see issues through Black eyes, but I can get a good idea of their attitudes and problems just by stepping away from white privilege and observing with an open mind.

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Jan 162023

One way people try to show that they are open-minded is to let both sides of an issue have a say. However, sometimes both sides don’t need to have air time. Some debates are better when both – or all, in case there is really more than one point of view – sides get a fair hearing. On the other hand, sometimes one side is clearly in the right and the other clearly in the wrong. Only wisdom and careful examination will reveal which sides deserve respect.

Consider slavery. Do you think that those who defend this “peculiar institution” really deserve a say? If you have a grain if humanity in you, then you agree that no person deserves to be chattel. Everybody deserves to be paid for work, and paid a living wage.

Or how about whether Earth is round or flat? There is no question our planet is round, though not a perfect sphere. The ancient Greeks established our world’s roundness, and their calculations of its size came within a few percentage points of the truth. Irrefutable evidence abounds that Earth is round. I could write a long essay detailing much of the proof, as well as shredding many arguments in favor of a flat planet. The 3D shape of this planet cannot be disputed.

Liberals tend to let those who disagree with them have a say. I say tend to because they are not always as tolerant as they claim to be. Then again, tolerance must have limits. Do we really need to tolerate racism, LGBTQ-phobia, anti-semitism, sexism, willful ignorance? Do we really have to tolerate those who advocate violence against those who disagree with them?

Minds are indeed like parachutes – they function only when open, but if they are too far open the wind blows right through. Both sides of a dispute do not always need a fair hearing, if one side is unquestionably unethical, hateful, ignorant or immoral. Some views really do not need to be tolerated.

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Jan 072023

OK, no excuses – back to Sounding Off.

I hope all of you finished 2022 on a high note, and that 2023 will bring all of you happiness, prosperity, and better luck. 2022 was certainly a tumultuous year, what with Russia invading Ukraine, a hard-fought midterm election here in the US, the death of England’s longest-reigning monarch, and more storms and wildfires thanks to climate change. On the other hand, 2022 did see the Republican’s hoped-for red wave turn out to be a red ripple, and Ukraine has proven to be Putin’s tar baby. Rich countries promised to help developing countries cope with climate change – well, they promised, but that is something.

2023 could be a good year. We may see Russia forced out of Ukraine, possibly even Putin removed from power. Hey, we can always hope! We may see renewable energy making more gains. We may see some endangered species increasing their populations; the numbers of Bengal tigers and kakapos – the largest extant parrot, and the only flightless one – have been rising over the past few years. We might even see the Buffalo Bills win the Super Bowl.

I certainly have high hopes, but my optimism is cautious. We will win for Team Good Guys/Gals only if we keep fighting, only if we keep signing petitions and contacting our elected officials, only if we keep voting and making sure our kith and kin as well as our neighbors are registered to vote, only if we make sure everybody who can vote has access to the ballot box, only if we keep demonstrating and protesting, only if we keep raising hell. As the hoary old cliche goes, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Now a few thoughts on writing these essays. Different people have pointed out, in different ways, that various works of art, ranging from paintings to movies, are not finished so much as they are abandoned. I endeavor to polish my essays thoroughly, thinking about what each word and clause conveys, trying to make sure I express myself clearly. When I do post an essay on Politics Plus, I sometimes feel that I haven’t really finished it, even after re-reading it a dozen times, changing words, rearranging sentences and paragraphs, and agonizing over the message it conveys to the readers. Uploading an essay is, in a way, like saying goodbye to a grown child who is heading out into the Big World.

Happy New Year, everyone.

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SOUND OFF! 11/24/22 Turkey Day

 Posted by at 7:31 am  Politics
Nov 242022

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States, and I am so thrilled. Not!

Not because I have nothing to be thankful for – I have plenty of reasons to be thankful, and I could make a very long list.

Not because of family issues, or because my nearest relatives (at least that I know of) are six hours away by car. Sometimes I get together with friends for a “Friendsgiving” or “Thanksliving” potluck feast; this year, though, I was unable to find one.

Not because of the food – even though I am a vegetarian and have been such for a number of years, there is plenty to eat that doesn’t involve the death or suffering of some unfortunate critter. I admit that I have occasionally had a bite or two of turkey for the sake of tradition. Just because it’s Thanksgiving I’ll eat like a horse – please pass the sweet potatoes, dressing/stuffing, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, cornbread, and of course, the pie!

So why am I so lukewarm about Turkey Day?

Because the more I learn about it, the more I realize U.S. Thanksgiving is a bunch of turkey scat. Long articles have been written explaining how the OG Thanksgiving was utterly different from the popular ideas we have about the settlers and Native Americans getting together for a massive feast. Pilgrims would not have been dressed the way they are shown in a million Thanksgiving cartoons and clip-art pieces; in fact, they dressed in simple, modest clothes that could be colorful but were not flashy. Top hats, black jackets, and buckles on shoes? Male bovine excrement! Besides, know what the fete we identify as the first Thanksgiving was really about? Massachusetts Colony Governor John Winthrop was celebrating the safe return of Colonial hunters after they had slaughtered approximately 700 Pequot natives. Yep – the original Thanksgiving was a festival to honor a bloodbath.

The modern menu is light years removed from what would have been served at the feast. Descriptions of the festival mention “fowl” but not specifically turkey. Native Americans donated some deer, so venison would have been on the table. Seafood likely played a major role since mussels and lobsters were plentiful. There would have been no pies, though, since the settlers had run out of sugar. Potatoes, native to South America, had yet to gain enough popularity with Europeans so they could return to the New World, meaning that they would have been absent, too.

If you plan to go over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s, every form of transportation is going to be a nightmare. Because it’s late November, northern parts of the country could experience nasty weather, resulting in accidents and highway snarls. Air travel is a royal pain in the bottom – airlines price-gouge, airports turn into madhouses (stay the bleep away from Atlanta!), delayed flights can lead to missed connections. Even if you have a direct flight and leave plenty of time, you still have to deal with TSA and all the regulations on what you can’t put in your luggage.

Then you have to deal with your toxic, dysfunctional family. Relatives grill you like a burger patty: When are you gonna get married? When are you gonna get a decent job? Makes you long for your college days when you could cajole your classmates and/or dormitory neighbors into having a potluck Friendsgiving. The food may have been far from gourmet, but at least you didn’t have to feel as though you were dealing with the Spanish Inquisition.

Thanksgiving is probably the worst one day for food waste. Whoever is hosting cooks enough victuals to feed an army. Even after the family have all stuffed themselves till they feel like Trigger, and guests are encouraged to take home “care packages,” a lot of Thanksgiving offerings unfortunately wind up in the trash. How many of you got sliced turkey sandwiches in your school lunch boxes well into December? No point in bringing the leftovers to the office when all of your co-workers are trying to cram someone’s godawful green bean casserole down your craw.

Many are the websites with lists of reasons why Thanksgiving sucks, or tales of Thanksgiving dinner disasters. A lot of the latter are downright hilarious – since they didn’t happen to you. They also may make you thankful you don’t have to celebrate with your screwy family. What’s wrong with getting together with friends who treat you like a human being and don’t bug you about your personal life? You have better things to do on Turkey Day than be put through the wringer by your demanding parents and judgmental aunts and uncles.

It’s OK to celebrate all by yourself. Get some takeout, grab some craft beer or a good bottle of wine, stuff your face while watching the Detroit Lions lose, and count your blessings. No matter what your situation, you’re bound to realize you have a lot to be thankful for.

And while you are enjoying Thanksgiving, remember the horrible things that the Native Americans/First Nations peoples suffered for centuries. Remember the other side of the holiday’s history.

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Nov 122022

The midterm elections are over, and the news is good and bad. In some states, voters defeated Republicans and right-wing legislation. In others, though, the GQP gained or maintained the upper hand.

Here in Georgia, record turnout made me hopeful that the Peach State would remain blue, and we would elect the USA’s first black female governor. Nope. Also, I hoped that Marcus Flowers would upset the bitterly hated Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is an embarrassment to this state. I spent weeks encouraging people to register, support Progressive candidates, and get their arses to the polls. Unfortunately, Georgia has backslid horribly, with Repubs voted or re-elected in several important positions.

The news is not all bad in Georgia, though – several important Democrats hung on to their seats in both national and state positions, and in the Georgia legislature Democrats flipped one seat each in the House and Senate. Nikema Williams and Lucy McBath both won handily. Raphael Warnock still has a chance to beat Herschel Walker in next month’s runoff.

Texas was another site of bad news, as Democrats got burned and voter turnout was sadly low. Three more Texas towns became “sanctuary cities for the unborn,” meaning that residents can become citizen bounty hunters and bring lawsuits against anybody who has or performs an abortion, or transports a womb-bearer out of state for the procedure. On the other hand, every incumbent in Texas who received an endorsement from Planned Parenthood won.

Georgia and Texas, as well as Florida, may remain strongly red; but they are not the entire country. The MAGAs can gloat all they like – in other states Democrats, and Democracy, triumphed. John Letterman held off the notorious mountebank Dr Oz. Four states, at last count, have protected the right to abortion, by either adding reproductive rights to their state constitutions or rejecting abortion bans. We are far from getting the last laugh at the expense of the forced-birth horde, but at least we can giggle. And as I was writing this, I learned that Wisconsin’s voters re-elected Governor Tony Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul, both of whom have pledged to not enforce an anti-abortion state law from 1849. Not only that, Democrats flipped the Michigan state senate, which Republicans have dominated for four decades. On top of all that, Tennessee, Alabama, Vermont and Oregon all voted to abolish involuntary servitude and slavery as punishment for crime.

This is no time to rest on our laurels, though! We still have a lot of work to do. In the states where Democrats won, you can be sure the tRump chumps will start hollering “Election fraud!” Remember when some bug-eating knuckle-walkers plotted to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan? Not only that, a few races are still not decided, so there will be runoffs. Ranked-choice voting would have prevented these, but that is the subject of another essay entirely.

Republicans continue to use dirty tactics to suppress the votes of population segments that tend to support Democrats. Gerrymandering, reducing early voting hours, closing polling venues, providing fewer voting machines, not maintaining the ones in “undesirable” areas – these are just some of the tricks they use. And this is to say nothing of the misinformation they spread about voter fraud, or armed vigilantes waiting at polling stations.

Right-wingers hoped for a red wave. What they got was a red ripple. Overall, the midterms were a victory for Democrats and Progressives; more victories may come in the next month as runoffs decide those races that are still in the air.

There is now hope for the United States of America. The results of this midterm election could indicate that the country is indeed turning away from fascism and authoritarianism, and back towards its true roots and spirit.

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