
Apr 152023

You may have heard or read the shocking news that some Republican lawmakers are considering loosening the laws governing child labor. In fact, children have been found working in slaughterhouses, at an age when they still haven’t given up TV cartoons. Seriously? What century is this, anyway?

A photo of a little girl working in a factory helped spur the movement to ban child labor. Kids need to be in school, developing their intellects and social skills, not watching spools of thread or hacking animal corpses. Their minds and bodies are still growing. Forcing them to work stunts mental as well as physical growth. How can they learn when they’re working 16 hours a day? It is as though Big Business is grooming them for a lifetime of wage slavery.

We think of child labor as something that happens in developing nations, but it is happening right here in the United States. Companies such as Hearthside Food Solutions, General Mills, PepsiCo, Hyundai and Chipotle have been caught using child labor. This summons memories of the Gilded Age, when everybody in a family had to work just to make ends meet because wages were so low – and worker protections were a joke if they even existed. Many children lost limbs, eyes and even their lives handling manufacturing equipment or slaving away in mines.

There is no excuse for allowing – or forcing – children to work. While we condemn chocolate companies for allowing enslaved children to harvest cacao for our M&Ms and Hershey bars, we unwittingly support child labor here. We need to contact those companies that allow children to work when too young, or longer-than-reasonable hours, or in dangerous positions; and we need to demand that our elected representatives tighten regulations on underage workers.

And just who have been attacking child labor laws in the USA? Republicans, of course. They seek to roll back child labor legislation by increasing permissible hours and broadening the types of jobs kids can do – including hazardous jobs, such as the aforementioned slaughterhouse positions. In addition, the laws that Republicans have written shield employers from liability for injuries, illnesses or workplace fatalities involving very young workers. In other words, if Junior dies on the job, tough noogies Mommy and Daddy. Just as in Victorian times.

The kicker is the same people seeking to loosen regulations on child labor are pretty much the same people who fiercely defend embryos and fetuses. Die in an abortion, that is a horrible tragedy and a crime; rip your arm open in an abattoir and bleed out, or get crushed by heavy equipment, that’s only a statistic.

Charlie Wishman, president of the Iowa AFL-CIO, stated “All of these protections have been put in place for a reason. Child labor law is there to make sure that kids are working in age-appropriate work activities or occupations that are appropriate for their age. We think this is a rewrite of our child labor laws in Iowa that are going way, way, way too far and has the potential to put kids in dangerous situations.” Children working in positions inappropriate for their age is just one of many reasons why we have unions, and why they are important. Kids belong in the classroom and the playground, not the factory.

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Apr 092023

I hate violence in real life. I abhor war, and hold those who use vandalism and/or assault to further their cause in great contempt, even when done for the sake of a cause I strongly support. I can understand people being angry, because I certainly do get pissed off; however, when people throw bricks through windows and set fire to vehicles, you can count me out. I am not afraid to admit that violence has tempted me, but I have always managed to canalize my angry energy towards more constructive activities, such as helping organize peaceful demonstrations, making signs, creating and sharing petitions, and contacting my elected representatives.

There is nothing wrong with getting angry. If we didn’t get ticked off over injustice, then society would not progress, and wrongs would not cease. Every societal reformer was angry. Martin Luther was angry when he wrote his 95 Theses. John Brown was angry when he staged his raid on Harper’s Ferry. Mohandas Gandhi was angry when he organized the Salt March. Rosa Parks was angry when she refused to surrender her seat on that bus. Everybody who took to the streets to protest the overturn of Roe v Wade was angry. Properly used, anger can be constructive as it helps bring about positive change.

Unfortunately, anger often leads to violence. People who feel that they are not being heard, especially when they are regularly trampled on, are often unable to squelch their brutish impulses, and thus they lash out. Look at all the violence against Israel and its allies that Palestinians have instigated.

We regard Gandhi and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as paragons of virtue because they used nonviolence to achieve their aims. We admire them because they appealed to humanity’s natural goodness and turned the other cheek. They preached nonviolence, and practiced it even when being brutalized by their wicked opponents.

On the other hand, sometimes nonviolence doesn’t work. Gandhi and King succeeded because the governments they fought against had some sense of human decency. Nonviolence didn’t stop Hitler – today we regard Neville Chamberlain as a jonquil-bellied coward thanks to his policy of appeasement, and mock his ultimately false promise of “peace in our time.” Meanwhile, we adore Winston Churchill because the latter stood up to the Third Reich and rallied the people of the United Kingdom when they stood practically alone against the Axis.

Many groups and organizations out there today preach the vile gospel of using violence against those they hate. We may have had a foretaste of things to come on 6 January 2021 when Trump’s vicious stooges carried out their violent putsch. What if they had done more damage? What if they had managed to grab the vote tallies? Would they have been able to prevent Biden’s official victory over the Tangerine Troglodyte? Several people died during the raid, and many were injured. Can we really be certain that is the last time Trump Chumps and wack jobs like Qanon will attempt something like that? Now that the Orange Ogre has been indicted and faces numerous charges, what horrid shenanigans are MAGA hat wearers plotting?

In times to come we could see more violence on the part of right-wing extremists. Conservative victories embolden them, while defeats piss them off. Just as any excuse will serve a tyrant, so any excuse will serve a hatemonger. They’ll find some justification, however thin, to open cans of whoop-ass.

And how should Progressives react? Peacefully – at first. With letters to the editor, peaceful demonstrations, contacting our elected officials, and signing and sharing petitions. However, if enough of us are hurt or even killed, if enough blood is shed, if our government representatives keep ignoring us, if the police keep taking the side of the bugnuts—

I don’t want to think about it. However, I have something to say to the conservative knuckle-walkers: A lot of the libs whom you want to “own” pack heat. And if necessary we will fight back. For your sake, and for this country’s sake, don’t push us too far.

Let us hope that we can avoid bloodshed. Unfortunately, the way this country is getting so polarized, the way the USA is coming apart at the seams, I fear that there will be blood in the streets – literally.

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Apr 012023

No April Foolin’ here.

Whenever there is a national election, there are always people who say “If so-and-so is elected, I’m getting outta the country!” Yeah, right. I doubt that even one in a thousand of those who talk that talk actually walk even a few steps of the walk.

After Trump won several state primaries, a website on how to move to Canada received so many hits that its servers crashed. Even so, there was no mass exodus across the border in 2017.

In last week’s essay I discussed what we should do if a fascist or extremely religious government does take over the U.S. For some people, fleeing the country may be their best bet. However, unless you do face violent persecution, staying here so you can fight back may be a better option. Emigration should be a last resort. Some of this essay will be redundant, but this essay grew out of the previous one, and some of the points I made previously bear repeating.

Moving to Canada entails a lot more than piling your lares and penates, the cat, and Junior’s Pokemon card collection into the SUV and heading north. Visit any website about how to emigrate to Canada – or another country – and you will see it’s rather complicated.

Even if you get accepted as an immigrant, or a refugee, settling in a foreign country can be expensive.You will have to move a lot of your personal belongings, which could cost thousands of dollars. You will have to find a new place to live and a new job. You probably will have to get a sponsor. You may have to learn a new language, and you certainly will have to learn a new culture. Finally, if you decide to renounce your US citizenship, that will be another big expense.

Besides, if your country is going in the wrong direction, it’s often better to stay and resist. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Contact your elected officials, sign petitions, take part in peaceful demonstrations, attend phone and text banks and postcard-writing parties, and above all, do your homework on those running for office, and VOTE!

Of course, if a real bugnut extremist does get in the White House, and Congress is overrun by right-wing wack jobs, certain people in this country will face persecution and arrest. Non-binary people, anybody who stands up for real science, anybody who is of the “wrong” race or ethnicity or creed, known activists who support certain causes, and many others will risk the ol’ midnight knock on the front door. The urge to flee will be very strong for them if they feel that they have no support network here, or a thin one that cannot accord sufficient protection.

Indeed, for some people emigration may actually make sense. One need but consider the fate of Jews who found themselves at the mercy of the merciless Nazi regime. In some countries today, many people face persecution and even death due to their ethnicity, creed, gender identity or sexual orientation. Even today, in the United States, non-binary people are regularly and often ruthlessly harassed and bullied, and numerous atheists feel as though they must keep quiet about their non-faith lest they face discrimination.

To stay, or not to stay – that is the question. You will have to play this by ear so you can decide whether it is (more or less) safe to stay, or if you really need to bug out. If you are a member of a group that is likely to face violent persecution, you may want to start doing your homework now. Also, you will have to consider the expenses and other problems that emigration entails. How much can you take with you? How will you find work and make friends in your new country? Will you have to learn a new language? Can you get to your destination by car, or will you have to take a plane or ship? Which of your possessions can you sell or donate in order to reduce the burden? Do you have kith or kin in another country, who can sponsor you or at least provide a place to stay? Are you a member of an international group that can assist its members when they move?

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Mar 252023

What if Christian [sic] Nationalists actually do gain power in this country? Don’t EVER think it can’t happen here. If somebody went back 90+ years and warned the people of Germany about Hitler and the Nazis, that person would almost certainly have met with a lot of derision. “No way that would happen here!” Herren and Frauen would have laughed and scoffed.

Right now the USA appears safe; however, six of the current Supreme Court justices are right-wingers appointed by right-wing Presidents. Republicans are doing all they can to suppress the votes of people who tend to go against them with gerrymandering, closing polling locations in areas that are not rich and lily-white, reducing early voting days and hours, and fighting vote-by-mail. Never mind that some people in economically disadvantaged districts and those where whites are a minority, or who rely on mail-in ballots due to mobility issues or lack of transportation, vote for GOP candidates not infrequently. Republicans want to make sure that only white, rich, fundamentalist Christian, preferably male and preferably cisgender people vote. They wanna party like it’s 1789.

Already we have seen just how powerful the Far Right is with how they stacked the SCOTUS and overturned Roe v Wade. Fortunately, the backlash was very intense, as rallies and marches and protests took place across the nation. When word about the overturn leaked, the number of women registering to vote spiked. Donations poured in to Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and other organizations geared toward protecting reproductive rights.

However, protesting and voting may not be enough to prevent the extreme right from taking over. Far too many residents of the US are apathetic and unaware, or brainwashed into supporting Republicans no matter what. The pundits for the GOP know how to bamboozle the public by distracting them with Hunter Biden’s laptop, or child-trafficking pizza parlors, or gas stoves. They appeal to the masses with wildly emotional claptrap about “killing babies” or “taking your guns.” Because so many US residents are poorly educated, and incapable of critical thinking, they are easy to jerk around. Sadly, leaders who can appeal to our base emotions do better than those who appeal to our intellects.

Our nation faces multiple crises – climate change, the debt ceiling, the growing gap between Left and Right, war and rumors of war, economic inequality, racial tension, and more. In times of crisis, people are more vulnerable to anybody who has a silvery tongue and knows the right things to say in order to sway the masses. Unfortunately, the silver-tongued are often not the best at actual leadership, and they rarely have the best interests of hoi polloi and the country in mind.

OK – so what do we do if right-wing religious extremist bugnuts do take power? We need to decide ahead of time so we don’t find ourselves in a panic. Also, if we don’t plan ahead, we may find some avenues of escape or other action blocked. Certain people could be rounded up and put in detention camps with little to no warning.

First, we need a support network of people whom we trust. Which of your neighbors, co-workers, friends, family members, and Meetup buddies can you rely on to have your back if our government becomes totally hostile to those of your ilk?

Second, where will you go? If you can’t stay where you live, what will be your safe haven? Another country? But emigration is not nearly as easy as it sounds – many countries that seem inviting in reality have rather picky criteria as to whom they’ll take in. Getting refugee status may be quite a challenge. Thus, your best bet may be to stay and fight, even if you need to “head for the hills.”

Third, how will you sustain yourself where you go if you have to leave? What job skills do you have that you can use? Or are you going to homestead off the grid like a Prepper? Are you prepared to go into hiding if necessary?

We should all hope, and work, for the best; but we also need to prepare for the worst. Because the worst could happen – it has before.

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Mar 182023

One of the numerous catch phrases that has been circulating during the past few years is “cancel culture.” As you have probably heard, the long-running and much-loved comic Dilbert has been removed from hundreds of newspapers since Scott Adams made blatantly racist comments in a YouTube video. While many cheer the decision to make Dilbert clear out his desk and scram, others bemoan what is perceived as an assault on freedom of speech.

Freedom of expression is important and precious, but 1) it is not an absolute, and 2) free speech – or any other kind of freedom – does not mean freedom from consequences. You make racist comments, you’re going to be pilloried. And it serves you right.

Conservatives have been howling about “cancel culture” for years. Yet who are the ones biggest on practicing it? Conservatives! Look at Governor DeSantis’ decision to reject a supplementary high school course in African-American studies. He has also banned “woke” textbooks, as well as numerous volumes from Florida school libraries. Teachers and librarians face serious repercussions if they do not remove certain books from their shelves.

For decades, conservatives and right-wingers have been censoring information and culture. Why? They snarl that the books they ban – or try to – have “objectionable material” in them. What sort of objections material? Harsh language, sex, violence, drug use, depictions of non-binary characters. OK, I can understand making sure that kindergartners aren’t exposed to 50 Shades of Grey; but when the right lose their sh*t over And Tango Makes Three, they make themselves look foolish. Are they afraid that reading a book about two male penguins who raise a chick will turn all straight kids non-binary? Children who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc. read hundreds of books that feature straight characters, but they still don’t become cisgender.

Right-wingers have their own razor-narrow view on How The World Should Be, and the least deviation from this is unacceptable. They don’t want the minds of children to be stretched and broadened by certain ideas, or to think that anybody other than cisgender, white, fundamentalist Christian males can be heroic and/or large and in charge. They want women and people of color to be quiet and submissive, to remain in the background or serve as eye candy, while non-binary people stay closeted and non-Christians remain quiet. They want the Old Guard of white male Christian wealth to stay in power forever. They simply cannot stand social and moral progress, or stomach the idea of people who are different from them having the same rights and social status.

Not only that, the far right is anti-science. They are the ones who spread the rubbish that vaccines cause autism, COVID-19 is a hoax, Barack Obama is Kenyan, masks infringe on our rights, evolution is fiction, and Earth is no more than 12,000 years old. They refuse to accept scientific truths that contradict the Old Testament; many sincerely believe that the Second Coming and the end of the world are just around the corner – something nut jobs have been preaching for centuries.

In the old days, inquisitions cracked down on dissent, warning people to abandon heretical beliefs or face the rack and the stake. They were the OG cancel culture, squelching free thought in order to keep the sheep in line. Those in power needed to maintain control, and there was no better way than to threaten anybody who got out of line with eternal torment.

Today, people are free to believe as they will; the plethora of information available to the general public makes it easier for people to learn about science and garner overwhelming evidence, even proof, that the scientists are telling the truth. The Internet makes finding out about things a lot easier, though it also makes disseminating propaganda and misinformation easier as well.

To conserve means to keep things the same. A society cannot survive if it stays exactly the same year in and year out. A healthy society changes and progresses over time as people get new ideas and realize that some systems and ways of doing things don’t work. Social and moral progress are just as vital as scientific and technological progress – in fact, they are more vital because we need strong ethics and morals to handle the perils and promises of more knowledge and better technology. A stagnant civilization is a doomed civilization.

Yes, cancel culture on the Left may go overboard; but when those on the Right yowl about “cancelling,” the pot calls the kettle black.

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Mar 122023

I am not particularly religious, and have never been. I don’t have a problem with religious people, just as long as they are not a—holes about their faith.

You’ve probably heard that song “God Bless the USA.” If there is indeed a Deity out there – or maybe many Deities – then may He/She/It/They/Whatever bless the United States of America. This country sure could use a plethora of blessings.

May God/Goddess/the Gods bless the USA with at least some of the following, if not all of them:

A health care system that prioritizes patients over profits, so people don’t have to worry about medical bills bankrupting them and their families.

A sensible gun policy that makes an honest effort to keep guns out of the wrong hands, while allowing responsible adult citizens to purchase firearms for sport or personal protection.

Police officers who actually understand Protect and Serve, who reject racism and elitism, as well as the militarization of police forces; and actively and genuinely look after the communities they patrol.

A voting system that gives every citizen 18 and up, who is not currently incarcerated, access to the ballot box, including voting by mail.

A tax system that puts more of the burden on the ultra-rich and mega-corporations, while giving the Little Guy and Gal a much-needed break.

A minimum wage that is not just a living wage, but a wage that earners can thrive on, so they can stimulate the economy rather than resort to receiving public assistance or working multiple jobs.

Elected officials who actually give a rat’s bottom about this country and its citizens, and listen to the voice of hoi polloi.

An educational system that receives more than adequate funding so teachers can receive decent wages, and not have to buy their own supplies; so school buildings can be kept in good repair; so students can get new, up-to-date books that pass a strict screening process that is performed by teachers.

Higher education that is affordable, if not free, and actually prepares students for the real world.

Reliable infrastructure, as in a robust power grid that gets all of its energy from renewable sources, roads and bridges and sidewalks that are in great shape, airports and railroads that receive regular maintenance and upgrades.

And above all, a strong and adamantine sense of justice, a firm feeling of community, and an overwhelming desire to help one another, in the heart and mind of every U.S. resident, citizen or not.

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Feb 262023

So-called pro-lifers and their gilded male bovine solid bodily waste ejecta. They may be sincere in their defense of embryos and fetuses, but evidently they think life begins at conception and ends at birth. Actions speak far more loudly than words.

“Don’t abort your baby because he/she may grow up to find a cure for some dread malady.” Nice try. Where is your concern for children who have already been born? Where is your protection for them?

The middle-school boy who came out as gay and then was ruthlessly and continuously bullied by his peers until he took his own life could have grown up to find a cure for some dread malady.

The girl who was so badly mutilated in a school shooting that her body had to be identified using DNA could have grown up to find a cure for some dread malady.

The kid who froze to death after a heartless governor did nothing to improve his state’s infrastructure could have grown up the find a cure for some dread malady.

The diabetic teenager who died because her family couldn’t afford her insulin could have grown up to find a cure for some dread malady.

The compulsory birth crowd shriek that we must protect every embryo and fetus because you never know which one will become the next Lincoln or Mozart or Einstein. Nice try – you also never know which one will become the next Charles Manson, or Ted Bundy, or Jeffrey Dahmer, or John Wayne Gacy. Or, for that matter, the next Hitler, or Stalin, or Idi Amin, or Pol Pot. Or the next Donald Trump. Howling that an aborted fetus could have become a President is an excellent example of reductio ad absurdum.

How come “pro-lifers” never seem to be around when activists stage protests against gun violence, war, poverty, environmental destruction, or corporate greed? To those of you who wave signs that say “Abortion kills children,” I say, “Guns kill children. Poverty kills children. Hunger kills children. War kills children. Lack of affordable health care kills children. Abuse and neglect kill children. Pollution kills children. Homelessness kills children. Indifference kills children.”

If you “pro-lifers” really give a rat’s behind about babies, how come you support politicians who suck up to the firearms industry and its powerful stooge the NRA? How come you support politicians who cater to defense contractors? How come you support politicians who oppose raising the minimum wage to a living wage? How come you support politicians who oppose taking measures to deal with the inevitable effects of climate change? How come you support politicians who want to eliminate Social Security and Medicaid? How come you approve of yanking immigrant children out of their mothers’ arms and locking them in cages like stray animals? How come you heed garbage about the COVID-19 pandemic and refuse to wear masks or get vaccinated?

Meanwhile, the people whom you brand “commie baby killers” are the ones volunteering at food banks, distributing socks and hygiene supplies to the homeless, writing and signing petitions calling for better wages and environmental protections, raising hell for affordable child care and housing and healthcare, pestering our elected officials for sensible gun laws, demanding that our government wean us off dirty fossil fuels, and supporting immigrants, the LGBTQ community, and other groups frequently subjected to persecution.

Maybe some of you forced-birth activists support one or more of those causes. I realize that I shouldn’t tar you all with the same brush, but your numbers appear to be lacking when it comes to supporting the post-born. How often do you actually turn up – once or twice a year? And are you really doing enough volunteering to help all the people you will impose on the world?

Besides, the compulsory birth crowd support life in prison, and in some cases the death penalty, for doctors who perform abortions and women who have them. Know who else supported such harsh penalties for abortions? The patron saint of the “pro-life” movement – Adolf Hitler. Yes, that personification of evil was the greatest “right-to-life” activist in history. In the nightmare that was Nazi Germany, abortion was totally outlawed. Doctors found guilty of doing abortions were sentenced to death, while women who had abortions were sentenced to 10 years of hard labor, which was pretty much tantamount to a death sentence there and then.

Some have even offered to adopt babies. OK, sweetie, what if the baby is born with severe birth defects? What if the baby needs a lot of special, expensive care just to stay alive? Unless you have really deep pockets and/or good health insurance, you’ll be living in a trailer and subsisting on beans and rice while Junior works at a nearby burger joint.

If you really were concerned about “family values,” you’d want the minimum wage to be a living wage. You’d want childcare to be affordable – right now it costs as much as college. Nowhere in this country is the current federal minimum wage enough to keep up with rent, let alone utilities and other expenses. Stop demanding that women have babies when they can barely keep their own mouths fed.

You say that sex has consequences, that abortion is dodging responsibility. How quickly you forget the children you profess to be protecting! You want the woman to be saddled with caring for a baby, but you never think for one moment about that kid’s life. You fill your fliers and ads with pictures of cute babies – which are white 99% of the time, and healthy and well-fed 100% of the time. But you never think about what happens AFTER birth. You never think about whether all those children you “rescue” will be fed, or clothed, or housed, or educated. You never think about whether they will have access to affordable health care, or higher education – provided they live that long. And you certainly don’t care whether they are reasonably safe in school, or anywhere else.

And what about the men? It takes two to tango, after all. A man’s contribution to a baby is basically wham, bam, thank you ma’am. Many a lass has been lured into some Lothario’s bed by the ancient lie “If you get pregnant, I’ll marry you and help support the kid.” That’s right down there with “His bark is worse than his bite” and “The check is in the mail.” Men get all the rights, women get all the responsibility. You impose all of the consequence on the one who gets the “baby bump” while the male gets away scot-free. Face it – the anti-abortion movement is all about controlling womb-bearers.

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Feb 142023

You may have seen the “1957 vs 2007” list, which has made the Internet rounds and implies that life was better back in the mid-20th century than it is now. Yes, in some ways 1957 was better than 2007, or today – higher education was affordable, housing was affordable, gas was cheap, and one could support a household on one income. However, that list mysteriously ignores the amount of social progress we have made since 1957 – civil rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, to say nothing of scientific progress. 1957 was a nice year to be alive in the USA, provided you were male, white and straight. If you were not all three of those, life was not necessarily a picnic.

Here are some scenarios that rebut the “good old days” nostalgia:

#1: Mr. Green, a Black man, walks into a restaurant.

1957: It’s for whites only. Mr. Green barely escapes the angry mob that chases him out.

Today: Mr. Green enjoys a nice dinner and leaves a generous tip.

#2: Two men go for a walk through a park.

1957: Other people assume they are gay. The pair are forced to flee for their lives.

Today: Two men enjoy a walk through a park. Some people assume they’re gay, but don’t give a rat’s behind.

#3: While eating out with his family, Mr. Jones suffers a heart attack.

1957: His wife has to beg the restaurant manager to use his phone to call the fire department. The ambulance rushes him to the hospital, but he dies.

Today: His wife whips out her mobile phone and mashes 911. Two other customers, who recently took a CPR course, keep Mr. Jones alive till the paramedics arrive. Mr. Jones recovers, makes some lifestyle changes, and lives long enough to see his grandchildren graduate high school. (He had good insurance, BTW; medical bills are another story to be told another day.)

#4: Suzie wants to be a scientist when she grows up.

1957: Her parents and teachers discourage her, even after she trots out examples such as Marie Curie and Annie Jump Cannon. She aces her science courses, but is refused membership in every science club she applies to. Despite great grades in school, she is turned down by every technical college and university. She winds up marrying an engineer because that is the closest she will ever get to her now shattered dream.

Today: Her parents give her science books and kits for her birthday and Christmas. She joins her school science club, aces her science classes, and comes in third in the state science competition. She matriculates at a prestigious engineering university, earns a Master’s, and gets a plummy job with a reputable research firm.

#5: William is autistic.

1957: He does poorly in school, where he is ruthlessly bullied. His parents put him in an institution.

Today: His teachers understand his difference. He does well in school, goes to college, gets a degree and a great job on graduation.

OK, anybody have other examples?

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