
Dec 172023

If you know anything about Project 2025, you should be worried. This vile plan that right-wingers would put into motion if the GOP regains the Oval Office is horror piled upon horror. The more I read about this madness, the more I realize it slithered out of the most sordid depths of the pit of pure evil. This coalition of some 75 partner organizations, led by the ultra-conservative think tank Heritage Foundation, is preparing for the next conservative administration with plans that will totally shred the Constitution, the very heart and soul of this country. They will undo nearly a quarter of a millennium of progress.

The Project involves invoking the Insurrection Act, which would put the Orange Ogre in charge of the military and the police. Since many police departments in this country are already militarized, and since racism and other forms of bigotry run rampant in U.S. constabularies, this will make life a lot worse for many marginalized segments of the population. What’s even worse, the Project doesn’t depend entirely on the Mango Menace – any ol’ Republicanazi will do.

T-Rump claims that he’ll be dictator for only one day. One day my ass. Give him a millimeter, he’ll take an entire kilometer. The Project calls for an executive branch with essentially unlimited power and zero accountability to Congress, or the public. It seeks to ban pornography – and its definition of porn is extremely broad, encompassing ANY discussion of gender, abortion, or sexual identity that is not straight. They want the Executive Branch to dominate without any checks or balances. If that isn’t fascism, what is?

Project 2025 has four goals: 1) Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect children, 2) Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people, 3) Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders and bounty against global threats, and 4) Secure our god-given individual right to enjoy the “blessings of liberty.” I can here the snickering from here. The only family they acknowledge is the jejune Leave It to Beaver nuclear family in which Dad works and Mom stays home as a “domestic goddess.” Dismantling the “administrative state” means getting rid of numerous necessary regulations and departments that keep our air and water clean, protect consumers from fraud, and ensure the reasonable purity of our food and medicine.

The noted supporters include Donald Devine, best known as Ronald Reagan’s “terrible swift sword” because he was always eager to slash spending (except on defense, of course); Stephen Moore, Heritage Foundation distinguished fellow and Faux News contributor; and Peter Navarro, one of the few people in tRump’s inner circle who didn’t get fired.

It involves dismantling the FBI and Homeland Security. Funny, seems to me that these reich-wing bugnuts ought to LOVE Homeland Security. It calls for eliminating the Department of Education (Make America Ignorant Again) and the Department of Commerce (put the corporate Fat Cats in charge). It would also put POTUS in direct charge of the Department of Justice, among other departments. How could that NOT be a dick(tator) move? There is a reason why the U.S. Constitution has built-in checks and balances to prevent any one person from gaining too much power.

Women will lose all of the rights they have fought for so fiercely over more than a century. Not only will abortion be totally illegal, womb-bearers will have to report their pregnancies. What happens if a pregnancy ends in a miscarriage or stillbirth? Will the mother be charged with murder? Imagine how swiftly prisons will fill with women who were innocent victims of rotten luck. Imagine what their partners and their children will suffer.

LGBTQ people will have to hide in the closet once more. POCs will have little recourse to fight the inevitable tsunami of racism that the Project will set into motion. Remember what I wrote earlier about the police? When cops and soldiers are practically identical, just imagine what police will do to non-whites whom they arrest, and to non-white neighborhoods. (On the other hand, don’t – it would be serious nightmare fuel.) Hate crimes will be not just legal, but the law.

Hitler is dancing in Hell.

You can read the entirety of Project 2025 here – that is, if you want to. It runs for approximately 950 pages, so unless you are into marathon reading you probably want to read only a segment here and a segment there.

If this doesn’t scare the pants off you, either you’re not paying attention, or you support this insanity.

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Nov 122023

There is hope for the United States of America.

Over the last few years, things didn’t look good. SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade. TFG gained popularity while President Biden sank in the polls. The environment continued to degrade. Disasters and wars dominated the news. Nut jobs tried to pull off a putsch to prevent the results of a legitimate election from being made official. And just recently Hamas launched a brutal attack on Israel, which retaliated by bombing innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip and frustrating efforts to get humanitarian aid through to them.

Now the news is sounding a lot better. Voters in Ohio ensconced reproductive rights in their state’s constitution, while those in Kentucky re-elected a Democrat as governor. Virginia voters prevented a Republican trifecta, foiling Governor Youngkin’s efforts to outlaw abortion in that state. Candidates who campaigned on protecting abortion rights clobbered their Republican opponents. The Blue Wave in Virginia guarantees that their legislature will protect reproductive rights, at least in the foreseeable future. The anti-choice “victory” in overturning Roe v Wade is looking more and more Pyrrhic.

On top of that, efforts by the infamous pro-censorship group Moms for Liberty to take over school boards across the country were stymied. Evidently, enough voters saw through the parental-rights sheep’s clothing and beheld the hatemongering wolf underneath.

And why did these come about? Because millions of people refused to give up. Because millions of people in those three states got their butts to the polls and voted. This election cycle may indicate that We The People are not just slowing this country’s tumble into fascism, but reversing it and starting to restore genuine democracy.

This is no time for complacency, though – this is time for momentum. Our recent victories should inspire us to work harder in the next election cycle. 2024 is an important election since US voters will be selecting not just our Representatives and a third of our Senators, but who will occupy the Oval Office for the next four years. Biden may run for re-election, and though he has not been an outstanding leader he definitely has been better than his predecessor. We need to make sure the Tangerine Troglodyte is disqualified from running – democracy in the USA will not survive if he gains a second term. And if you think he can’t carry out his insane plans, guess again. Have you forgotten the coup on the 6th of January? He has a large enough base of fanatical followers that he could become a dictator.

While writing this essay, I learned that Rep. Brandon Prichard of North Dakota wants authorities in Ohio to overturn the recent election results. He claims that “[d]irect democracy should not exist.” This cannot be an isolated case. You can be certain that GQP candidates and office holders will want elections that give results they don’t like ignored.

Once again we need to Vote Blue No Matter Who. I hope that, by 2026, we can be more choosy and elect Democrats who truly believe in and support what that party is supposed to represent.

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Oct 282023

Who is Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of the House? Who is this man, who sits two heartbeats away from the Oval Office?

What we do know about him: He is an anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ, anti-POC, anti-contraception, anti-vax, anti-woman, pro-theocracy bugnut who believes that the perfectly fair 2020 election was rigged and wants to give Big Business even more tax breaks. He was an aggressive architect of the effort to overturn the most recent Presidential election results – he signed onto an ultimately unsuccessful lawsuit that was an effort to invalidate votes from some battleground states where Biden won. He regards Social Security as a Ponzi scheme, and wants to undermine that program, as well as Medicare and Medicaid. He blames the “human heart” on all the gun violence in the USA. He voted against sending assistance to the Ukrainians – twice.

Maybe the GQP selected him because of his mild-mannered nerdy appearance. Even his name sounds generic. Also, he doesn’t have the name-recognition baggage that many of the other candidates for Speaker did. However, as the ancient saw goes, looks can be deceiving. Peek beneath sheep’s clothing and you may find a ravening wolf. He has been described as “Jim Jordan with a jacket and a smile.” The main reason he was picked, no doubt, is because his lips are firmly attached to tRump’s fat rear end.

He says that his faith “informs everything I do.” James Madison quoted, way back in the 18th century, “There is not a shadow of right in the general government to intermeddle with religion. Its least interference with it would be a most flagrant usurpation.” We have seen what happens when government and religion intermingle, and the results are never pretty. It has led to pogroms and literal witch hunts, oppression of women and racial/ethnic minorities, persecution of non-binary people and those who follow the “wrong” religion.

In an interview on Real America’s Voice, Matt Gaetz asserted that the MAGA movement is ascendent, and making Johnson Speaker of the House shows “where the power in the Republican Party truly lies.” Mike Johnson is just another puppet of tRump, who will maintain TFG’s power in our government and over Republicans. Currently there are no moderate Republicans – they are all MAGA extremists and wack jobs. A while ago I wrote an essay titled “R.I.P. GOP” about how the Republicans have degenerated into a cult of personality, shamelessly worshipping the Golden Calf – or, rather, the Orange Ogre.

Then there is the often-replayed incident when a reporter asks Johnson about the attempt to overturn the 2020 election, and a horde of Republicans boo and one yells “Shut up!” like a spoiled infant. The same reporter gets a similar negative response when asking about aid for Israel and Ukraine.

Johnson believes that gay marriage is “the dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy that could doom even the strongest republic,” and that SCOTUS’ rulings upholding separation of church from state go against Scripture. He wants to institute national bans on abortion and gay sex. In an interview with Fox News, he said “I am a Bible-believing Christian. Someone asked me today in the media, they said, ‘It’s curious, people are curious. What does Mike Johnson think about any issue under the sun?’ I said, ‘Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it – that’s my worldview.’ That’s what I believe and so I make no apologies for it.”

If that doesn’t scare the pants off you, what will?

And it gets better – or worse. He claims that mass shootings are the result of no-fault divorce laws, teaching evolution in schools, and the counterculture of the 1960s. He blames Roe v Wade for removing “able-bodied workers” from the economy to provide for Social Security. Really? How are those “able-bodied” workers supposed to support social programs when they have a hard time finding work since so many jobs have gone overseas or been automated – or when they’re in prison, earning laughable excuses for wages doing what amounts to slave labor? You want kids to grow up to support you, then you better make sure they can support you when they grow up.

By ousting Kevin McCarthy but getting Mike Johnson, this country may have gone from the frying pan into the fire. Fortunately, US registered voters have a little over 12 months to get organized and give the House a blue majority again.

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Oct 122023

No doubt you’ve heard about Hamas’ recent savage attack on Israel. Which side do you take? On the one hand, Israel has the right to defend itself; on the other, they have been stomping on Palestinians for going on eight decades now.

Hamas is a terrorist organization, and I have nothing but contempt for terrorists. They are slaughtering civilians and have threatened to kill hostages. But Hamas did not arise in a vacuum. In order to understand why they exist and why they behave as they do, let’s back up and get a quick ’n’ dirty history of modern Israel and Palestine.

Even as far back as the 19th century there was talk of letting Jews have their own country. Jews view Israel as their Promised Land, belonging to them and them alone thanks to Old Testament legend. Yes, the ancient Hebrews lived in that region, where Solomon built his temple – but just because Jews of long ago occupied those lands, does that give them the right to claim them today, especially at the expense of those who had been living there for generations before?

Paging all First Nations and Native Americans!

The Palestinians were never compensated for their seized lands. Not the teeniest bit. They were simply ordered out of their homes. Then they were allowed some space on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but even there they are subjected to persecution and harassment. What land they are allowed to retain is little more than an open-air prison. Israeli settlers regularly bulldoze Palestinians’ homes, sometimes with people still in them. Jewish Israelis illegally settle in Palestinian regions, and though most nations acknowledge that these settlements are illegal, they do nothing to stop this land theft. And they can get away with such atrocities because Israelis and Zionists can always play the Jew Card and howl about how Jews have been picked on and persecuted for millennia.

If you dare to speak out against Israel’s policy of oppression and occupation, angry Zionists wrestle you to the ground and stamp you head to toe with swastikas. Never mind that you can easily be pro-Jewish and even pro-Israel but still oppose Israel’s inhuman treatment of the Palestinians. Hate the sin, but love the sinner.

Time for a thought experiment. Just imagine you are a member of an ethnicity that has been trampled for decades. Your great-grandparents’ land was stolen, their houses demolished after they escaped with just a handful of possessions. The people doing the trampling are a nation that has the world’s sympathy and powerful lobbies to guarantee it will receive plenty of foreign aid, while your people get only a trickle – if even that much. Your voices go unheard while you scratch out a living, dwelling in a shack and being subject to random searches and other forms of harassment wherever you go. You live in constant fear of being beaten or shot. Those who speak out on your behalf are quickly squelched and labeled bigots and hate-mongers. You hear numerous stories from your neighbors and friends about how your people are oppressed so hard they cannot stand, how they suffer violent discrimination. You often go hungry, not because your family cannot afford food, but because you cannot always get to a grocery store to buy comestibles thanks to frequent blockades and road closures. And at any time what little you have could be taken from you.

Imagine all of this has gone on and on and on, year after year, decade after decade. Imagine you have seen unarmed children, some of whom are related to you, killed by soldiers with military rifles. Imagine your entire village suffers collective punishment every time an angry teenager throws a rock at occupying soldiers or their vehicles. Now tell me you wouldn’t become a terrorist.

I am not trying to justify Hamas’ actions, now or at any time. All I am doing is asking that you imagine you were born and raised in what little territory Palestinians can still claim, subjected to what Israel regularly inflicts on them while the rest of the world pays barely any attention to their plight.

Already Israel has cut off all food, fuel and electricity from entering the Gaza Strip. They claim it is to stop Hamas, but this will harm innocent civilians who are living there. Israel could allow humanitarian aid to get through – when was the last time an Israeli soldier was killed by a loaf of bread? It is one thing to strike back at bloodthirsty terrorists, but allowing civilians to starve and freeze is another. Netanyahu could easily use the Hamas assault as an excuse for extirpating all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and possibly those in the West Bank region as well.

Not all Israelis and not all Jews approve of Israel’s cruel occupation of Palestinian lands. More and more, Jews and Gentiles alike are demanding justice in the Middle East, calling for Israel to acknowledge Palestine’s right to exist and accept a two-state solution. Hamas’ terrorist actions are unacceptable; however, Israel has been sowing dragon’s teeth for decades.

Whatever your reaction to the current Middle Eastern war, and to this essay, remember this: Never underestimate the will of an oppressed people to be free.

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Sep 102023

What the f#*% is wrong with the United States?

Sometimes it seems as though the English language needs some new cuss words since the F-bomb gets used so much it’s starting to lose its impact. (To be polite I did censor it in this essay, though.)

First – this country seems to be waging war against the homeless and the poor. Gentrification is destroying affordable housing, while greedy companies are snapping up homes for sale and offering them for rent. Cities are passing ordnances against feeding the homeless. I wrote before about how this country manhandles the unhoused, so I won’t go over that ground again.


Second – recently the United Nations voted on whether or not food is a human right. The wonderful US of A was the only country to vote that food is not a human right.

Yep, you read that right – the USA was the ONLY COUNTRY that voted food is not a human right. Not Russia, not North Korea, not China, not some third world developing country, but the country that should be the First World poster child voted that people do not have the right to eat. What a country – we force womb-bearers of every age to give birth, but don’t believe in feeding anybody.


Third – Patrick Braxton, the duly elected Mayor of Newbern, AL, is not being allowed to serve. He ran properly, dotting all his i’s and crossing all his t’s, to be Mayor of a town that is 85% African-American. The town had not seen a proper election for six decades, so Braxton submitted all of the necessary paperwork, and being the only one to do so he became Mayor. However, the town’s white minority (sound like a certain country?) Is determined to keep Braxton out of City Hall.


Fourth – In Cedar Glen, CA, Lauri Carleton, owner of the Mag.pi shop, was shot and killed for displaying the rainbow Pride flag. Police gunned down the suspect, but the hate remains. Carleton is likely to be called a martyr, but extreme right wingers could label her killer a martyr, also.

It’s not safe to display a flag that shows your support for non-binary people? What’s next – shooting somebody for having a “Black Lives Matter” sign in his/her front yard? One could go on and on and on about how vicious and violent right-wing bugnuts are. The January 6th putsch is a very obvious example – and there are plenty more. Plenty more.


Finally – When tRump went to the Fulton County Jail to face his indictments in Georgia, dozens of supporters lined the street. Already some wack jobs are calling for violence if TFG is convicted of any of the charges brought against him. His glowering mug shot has become a bloody shirt for the extreme right.

In several articles I have read that the next civil war in this country may not involve secession, but be individual actions by small groups committing acts of terror. The war may be more like civil wars in other countries, pitting neighbor against neighbor, tearing families apart, with no definable boundaries between This Side and That Side. It will be ragtag rebels against the Feds. Both sides will claim to be the Good Guys, while both sides behave like Bad Guys.

We can still turn this country around and set it back on the path towards civilization, but we have to watch out for the nut jobs who have funny ideas about what constitutes real civilization.

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Aug 202023

Our planet is getting hotter – there is no denying this. Disasters such as wildfires and storms are getting worse. The tragic fires on Maui are shaping up to be the worst disaster in Hawaii’s history as a U.S. state. Corals are dying, ocean water is getting warmer, arctic ice is melting. The gulf stream could shut down in a few decades, possibly a few years, though only time will tell.

We all know about how climate change is affecting weather patterns, leading to more powerful storms, larger and more frequent wildfires, rising sea levels, increases in droughts and famines. Viruses that have long lain dormant in arctic ice and permafrost will escape, possibly triggering new epidemics. You thought the COVID pandemic was fun? Wait till something even nastier sweeps through the population.

This past July was the hottest month in recorded history, at least since people have been measuring and recording temperatures. Meanwhile, the United States is experiencing a rash of mass shootings. Could there be a connection between record heat and record violence? Of course, it could be just a coincidence – correlation does not mean causation. However, weather does have an effect on human emotions and thought.

Increasing temperatures affect our reproduction – and doubtless that of other species as well. Hight heat makes pregnancy riskier, increasing the probability of premature birth. Also, heat affects the effectiveness of birth control, including condoms and the morning-after pill. This makes the battle for reproductive rights all the more important.

As usual, the ones suffering most from the heat and the other effects of climate change are the poor, the old, the young, and residents of developing countries. The wealthy can go pretty much wherever they want, while the economically disadvantaged are pretty much stuck where they are. And if they must leave their present homes, they have limited resources to travel; many have nothing but their own feet for mobility. Owners of boats that transport refugees often charge exorbitant prices for passage, and provide very little necessities, if any at all.

Already hordes of refugees are fleeing stricken areas, and sadly some countries are trying to turn them aside. Wars will erupt as nations battle over dwindling resources. Since more heat means hotter tempers, anger will flare into violence again and again and again. Not only that, people will fight to the death when survival is at stake.

Increasing heat hurts us all both physically and mentally. It is in everybody’s interest to do what we all can to curtail the effects of climate change. Even if we have passed one or more tipping points, we may be able to avoid the worst ones. This will happen only when cooler heads prevail – and cool heads are hard to come by these days.

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Aug 062023

“The Gulf Stream is about to collapse!” the headlines scream. “It could happen as early as 2025! Total chaos is just around the corner!”

Or is it?

Face it – news people relish sensationalistic headlines, because as the old saw goes, if it bleeds, it leads. Any story that can generate click-bait headlines gets more attention. I have shared stories like this with my extensive mailing list to which I send articles and petitions, although I sometimes caution people to take such with a grain of salt or two.

Now cooler heads are speaking out. “Not so fast!” they declare. Yes, the Gulf Stream may collapse, but not for a few decades.

True, our planet is getting hotter, and the evidence points strongly to human actions as the main cause. However, that does not mean we are headed straight for Doomsday. We could be en route to complete societal collapse as weather patterns shift, leading to droughts, crop failures, famines, mass refugee migrations, disease and war. Thus, it can’t hurt to prepare for the worst. On the other hand, we shouldn’t get “Debbie Downer” syndrome and moan there is nothing we can do, we’re going to be back to troglodytes in a generation. We still have hope to curtail climate change and reduce its worst effects. We cannot stop the planet from warming – we have to deal with what this will bring about. But we can each do our little bit.

Climate change is prompting ice caps and glaciers to melt faster. More cold freshwater in the northern Atlantic slows down the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), and this weakens the gulf stream. But will it suddenly shut down in 2025? Probably not. Computer models may have suggested a cessation or at least a great weakening of the stream as early as 2025, but computer models are just that – models. They can give indications and reveal trends, but they are not always perfect or even accurate predictors of what will come.

Evidence from satellites suggests that the gulf stream has been weakening since the early 1990s, and it could shift south. Even if it does not turn off in 2025, even if it continues its merry way well into the 21st century, a weaker gulf stream means colder winters in northeastern North America and northwestern Europe. We will still see more and stronger hurricanes, as well as greater weather extremes, expanding deserts, wet areas getting wetter and dry areas getting drier. Climate change is already affecting weather patterns, and could have some affects we have not anticipated. Changes in ocean currents can be devastating to large swaths of land, if not entire continents.

However, we should not react with fear and panic, but preparation. We also shouldn’t take too seriously the Doomsday Dons hollering about an imminent collapse of the gulf stream, or the AMOC, though there is plenty of compelling evidence they are both getting weaker. We don’t fully understand the complexity of ocean currents, or weather, or climate. We do, however, know the planet is getting hotter, and that human action is causing this or exacerbating a natural trend. We need to lean on our elected officials to do more to curb our contribution to climate change, as well as prepare for the troubles it will bring.

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Jul 302023

This particular essay may not be up to my normal quality, but I’ve been feeling like [bleep] all weekend and had to get this out.

Democracy is not dying in darkness – it is being brutally murdered in broad daylight. And members of the general public are too busy playing Candy Crush on their phones to notice, or care.

Everywhere you look, democracy is in dire peril. This is not paranoia, but an inconvenient truth. Here in the USA, millions are conspiring to destroy the very foundations of this country. Book bans, restrictions on what children learn, squelching voting rights, chipping away at reproductive freedom – these are just a few of the ways people are demolishing liberty. India, the planet’s largest democracy by population, is suffering attacks on its system. Pro-fascism organizations are on the March, sometimes literally, across Europe.

In Atlanta, the local and state government are doing all they can to squelch protests against the proposed law enforcement training complex known as Cop City. People raising money to bail out those arrested for taking part in peaceful protests were themselves arrested. A petition calling for the general public to vote on whether or not to build the complex is being called into question, and city leaders are scratching for ways to invalidate it. This may sound like an isolated, local incident, but it is symptomatic of the many things wrong with our country.

Recently, the Knesset, the parliament of Israel, removed the power of review from Israeli courts on grounds of “reasonability” in light of the country’s basic laws. The measure passed 64-0 in the 120-seat body, with the far right-wing coalition of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu unanimously in favor and the opposition having left the chamber in protest.

The result? Utter chaos. Hundreds of thousands of protesters filled the streets of every major Israeli city, sometimes blocking major routes. Police reacted with brutality, attacking demonstrators, pounding them with water cannons and even throwing burning wooden planks at them. Large numbers of military reservists have threatened to resign or refuse to show up for periodic training. About a week ago 10,000 reservists threatened to go AWOL, and before that 1,400 officers in the reserves, including 400 fighter jet pilots, claimed they would do the same. Israeli business are fleeing the country, taking with them expertise and money, and the Israeli stock market went into a tailspin.

Everywhere, it seems, right-wingers are advancing, destroying human rights, crushing opposition, turning back the clock. How is this happening? Is there a cabal of the ultra-rich backing them? Or has one right-wing movement in one country encouraged and emboldened others?

However, those who believe in freedom and justice are far from helpless. We have the power of the ballot box, the peaceful protest, the petition, the e-mail, the letter to the editor. And we don’t have to get the direct support of huge mobs – only a small percentage of the population has to get active. As Margaret Mead said, never doubt that a small number of thoughtful, committed people can change the world – indeed, it is the oniy thing that has. It took only a small number of thoughtful, committed people to gain women the right to vote, or to rid the US of the vile Jim Crow system, or to set India free.

Let us hope that is all we need to save democracy, not just in the U.S., but elsewhere.

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