
SOUND OFF! 7/17/21

 Posted by at 7:38 am  Politics
Jul 172021

Throughout history, civilizations and societies have fallen into ruin, and often time and tide have obliterated nearly all traces. The lore, literature, music, philosophy and art of these bygone peoples may be completely erased so that all archaeologists can find are tantalizing scraps such as building foundations and shards of pottery, but nothing providing any clues to how and what the vanished people spoke or sang or thought. A great deal of culture and learning has vanished forever when libraries and other depositories of human achievement fell victim to disaster, war or ignorance.

Anybody who has made more than a cursory study of history is aware that, many times in the past, valuable knowledge has been lost so later generations had to rediscover it. The Library of Alexandria is the poster child for the irretrievable loss of accumulated literature and science. It is not the only library that has been lost forever – the Grand Library of Baghdad and the Royal Library of Antioch are just two more of the many that have been demolished and their books and scrolls destroyed, thus denying their contents to posterity.

What if some calamity wiped out our present civilization, and much of our accumulated learning and art vanished? What if descendants of the survivors knew nothing of Stephen Hawking, Giuseppi Verdi, or the Bronte Sisters? What if millennia of history and scientific discoveries were forgotten? If the generations that come after a global catastrophe seek to rebuild, it would be a shame if they had to start from scratch.

Our current civilization may seem robust, but it is actually vulnerable to many threats, both natural and man-made. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated just how fragile our society actually is, and already the effects of climate change are causing widespread destruction and disruptions. Other calamities that could easily end civilization as we know it include an asteroid or comet hitting the planet, a war involving nuclear weapons, a supervolcano eruption, and a coronal mass ejection that scores a bullseye on Earth.

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists recently moved the hands of the “Doomsday Clock” to 100 seconds to midnight because, according to them, world leaders have failed to address the largest threats to humanity. This is the closest the Doomsday Clock has ever been to midnight – even closer than it was at the height of the Cold War. Granted, this does not mean we are doomed; however, we should still be concerned about the possibility of an apocalyptic disaster.

The World One program, a computer simulation created in 1973, predicted the end of civilization in 2040; some of its predictions have been frighteningly spot-on. Though we are making progress in a variety of fields, we are not doing enough to curb climate change, and it may be too late to avoid the worst effects. Changing weather patterns will lead to droughts, causing crop failures and famine. Nations will make war over increasingly scarce resources. Millions of refugees will flee violence and hunger, possibly bringing emerging diseases with them and inadvertently causing deadly pandemics.

Because modern civilization faces many threats, we need some way to preserve our accumulated artistic and scientific achievements. Even if our civilization survives, even if we manage to slog through the worst effects of climate change and confrontations between world leaders, it is better to have that backup available just for the peace of mind.

So, why should we create preserves for our achievements? Imagine if the generations that came after some great calamity knew nothing of Shakespeare or Star Trek. Imagine if they had to rediscover nearly all of what we know today about medicine, engineering, mathematics, astronomy, geology and the like. Imagine if thousands of years worth of history was forgotten, and thus all the important lessons of the past.

If you question the necessity of squirreling away our accumulated knowledge, think of all the precautions you take in your personal life, such as locking your front door and wearing a seat belt. Do you back up the data on your computer, whether on a special device or in the Cloud using a service such as Carbonite® or SugarSync®? Do you keep important documents – or copies of them – such as the deed to your house, the title to your car, your birth certificate, and the like in a safe deposit box? If so, you have a mini-ark for your personal matters. A Knowledge Ark is essentially a safe deposit box for civilization.

A lot of our important knowledge today is on paper – or worse, in electronic form, which is even more vulnerable and ephemeral. Too many people disdain reference books because they can whip out their phones and get the answers they need. Much of humanity’s collective achievement is stored on such volatile media. Computers, tablets and mobile phones are good only as long as the electricity is on or the batteries last. Take away the power, and a great deal could be lost forever.

This is why we need to construct Knowledge Arks using low-tech materials. A disaster that is sufficiently devastating will deprive us of nearly all, if not all, information that is in electronic format. We need hardcopy backups so that we can preserve and eventually recover our accumulated learning and culture. There will be little, if any, power for fancy equipment in the post-apocalyptic world because bare survival will consume the lion’s share of resources as bands of people struggle to stay alive and fight off marauders. Thus, any materials will need to be rugged enough to last until the societies that arise after the doo-doo hits the fan can afford to divert resources from just plain staying alive towards rebuilding and restoration.

Don’t laugh at the idea of civilization collapsing. History is filled with examples of societies and groups that found themselves facing unexpected circumstances. Such a calamity may never happen, but it never hurts to prepare. Better to have the supplies for riding out a disaster – and preserving civilization – but never need them, than to need those supplies but not have them.


SOUND OFF! 7/10/21

 Posted by at 2:59 pm  Politics
Jul 102021

The recent conviction of Derek Chauvin could be a turning point in how this country handles law enforcement. Ever since Floyd’s tragic, needless death last year, people of all colors have been marching in the street, shouting “Black lives matter!” and putting the slogan on display. The Floyd case was like the straw that broke the camel’s back. Anger over white cops unjustly killing people of color finally reached the boiling point.

One crusade currently underway is “defund the police.” The intent is to reduce spending on police departments – as well as end militarization of police – and divert those monies to community services that will ease the burden currently on blue shoulders. The problem with “defund the police” is it sounds as though people are calling for the abolition of police departments. That would be a mistake – a BIG mistake – because, like it or not, we need law enforcement. Conservative pundits are using the phrase as a weapon against BLM and other progressive/liberal movements, claiming that left-wingers all hate police.

The real problem isn’t rotten cops. The real problem is the foundation on which police departments in this country have been built. Our police departments grew out of vigilante organizations that hunted down runaway slaves before the Civil War and intimidated people of color afterwards. Long after the Civil Rights movement, that undercurrent of “keeping the n****rs in their place” still runs through U.S. constabularies today.

Police officers have a tough and often under-appreciated job. They feel a great deal of pressure to perform well – not so much from civilians as from their fellow officers. All too often, people who try to be good cops, to truly protect and serve, find themselves ostracized by their fellow officers. Qualified immunity and the police code of silence allow corruption, as well as racism and other forms of bigotry, to flourish behind the badge. Increase militarization of police forces makes them less guardians of public safety and maintainers of order, and more brutal oppressors.

Police and their defenders talk about the “thin blue line” between an orderly society and anarchic chaos. These people mean well, and like it or not they do have a point – but they are out of touch with reality. Knee-jerk defenders of the police are largely white and well-off so they don’t have to worry about police brutality. They don’t have to worry about being pulled over or shot because they have the “wrong” skin color.

Training of police officers is one thing that definitely needs to be overhauled. Barbers must go through more hours of training than cops. Seriously? Cutting hair is more involved than protecting the public? Also, police training does not include enough de-escalation or non-lethal techniques, which would prevent a lot of tragedies.

“Defund the police” does not mean getting rid of police departments – it actually means less money for police departments and more for public programs that will take many burdens off the shoulders of cops. More funding of mental health care, and training and providing people who can handle mental health intervention, means that civilians can call these specialists instead of the police; not only is there far less chance of a tragic outcome, but the cops can focus on doing what cops are supposed to do.

Many ways to improve our society will have an indirect positive impact on police. More affordable housing means fewer homeless people. Paying everybody a living wage makes crime less tempting. Access to affordable health care, including mental health, means that cops don’t have to intervene when the neighborhood wacko runs amok for the umpteenth time. Legalizing, or at least decriminalizing, street drugs reduces officers’ workload.

Newark, NJ completely revamped its police department after an investigation in July of 2014 revealed a “pattern and practice of unconstitutional policing.” The city tore down its police department completely and built a new one from the ground up. The result? There was not one police-involved shooting in the city in 2020. Not one. NOT ONE. Granted, a lot of people were staying inside due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, remember that there were plenty of shootings by police that year, as well as numerous acts of police brutality, including the death of George Floyd.

If Newark can do it, so can your city. So can Chicago. So can New York City. So can Los Angeles. So can Houston. So can Atlanta. So can Detroit. So can Kansas City. So can Seattle. So can Wichita. So can your home city. Reforming the police is the best way, and probably the only way, to restore public confidence in law enforcement.


SOUND OFF! 7/3/21

 Posted by at 10:32 am  Politics
Jul 032021

From time to time you read or hear a heartwarming story about a community coming together to help a family pay monstrous medical bills, or people giving up vacation time so a co-worker can receive medical treatment, or some other glurge that is supposed to restore your faith in humanity. These stories are certainly inspiring – but when you peel away the unicorns and rainbows, you find the hideous reality underneath.

In the United States, GoFundMe is one of the largest health care providers. At least a third of all projects are families begging for help to pay medical bills. And, unfortunately, there are a few fakes out there, which are not always easy to spot.

What kind of country are we that can spend trillions on defense and billions on tax cuts for mega-corporations and the ultra-wealthy – but blanches at the idea of providing everybody with affordable, if not free, health care and higher education? What kind of country allows insurance companies to d*ck around their customers with weasel words about “experimental treatments,” “pre-existing conditions,” et cetera? What kind of country lets children go home with “I Need Lunch Money” stamped on their arms? Whoever came up with that last idea could frighten Darth Vader into a dead faint.

The not-so-great USA is a hellhole of increasing disparity between the rich and poor, where a traffic ticket can balloon into a debt of over $10,000, where people seeking a good education so they can get well-paying jobs instead find themselves saddled with loans that they have scant hope of ever paying off, where millions of people – many of whom have other mouths to feed – are literally one broken arm from the street. People are working multiple jobs but still unable to make ends meet, even though they are pinching pennies until Abraham Lincoln begs for mercy, shopping at thrift stores and subsisting on beans and ramen. Meanwhile, the rich get richer and richer, at the expense of the Little Guy and Gal.

Stories about people taking heroic measures to help those in need certainly revive one’s faith in humanity, but many of them shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Children should not have to sacrifice their allowances and yard-mowing or lemonade stand money so their classmates can eat – schools should have enough money to provide healthful meals to all students for free. A high school robotics club should not have to construct a special wheelchair for a child with a serious birth defect because the parents’ greedy insurance provider wouldn’t cover even a nickel.

You’ve probably seen a bumper sticker, T-shirt or button that reads “It will be a great day when schools have all the funds they need and the Air Force has to hold bake sales in order to buy a bomber.” Our country’s priorities are utterly messed up when providing the rich with tax breaks, buying more weapons, supporting an apartheid regime, and subsidizing industries hostile to the environment are all more important than feeding, educating, housing and medicating the people.

Stories about people coming to the aid of those who really need it are truly inspiring, and remind me that people are basically good. However, in far too many cases these altruistic acts should not be necessary.

Here is one list of dystopian horror stories

Jun 262021

Congratulations, Republicans. Your party is now Public Enemy Number One.

Your refusal to pass a sweeping voting rights bill proves that you hate democracy. Everybody who voted against this bill did not think for even a split second about the principles on which the United States of America was founded, principles for which millions of brave men – and a few equally brave women – have sacrificed their lives. Everybody who voted against this bill is an enemy of freedom, a hater of justice, a traitor of deepest dye.

From now on the GOP is E-V-I-L. Pure evil. They are the Sith, Death Eaters, COBRA, SPECTRE, the Legion of Doom. Politics in the United States is no longer Liberal vs. Conservative, but Good vs. Evil.

I heard the news that the bill was doomed, but I called my Senators anyway and urged them to support the bill. If I am allowed to brag, at least I did something. The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Good people are doing a lot these days, but it may be too little, too late.

In Georgia, Republicans have purged some 102,000 names from the voter polls, months after record election turnout gave Georgia’s electoral votes to Biden AND flipped both of Georgia’s Senate seats to blue. The reason for the purge is obvious – Republicans are determined to regain Georgia, and they know that they can do so only by cheating. Brian Kemp did not win the most recent Georgia gubernatorial election; he stole it by sitting on over 50,000 voter registration applications, at least two-thirds of which were from Blacks.

The official slogan of the Washington Post is “Democracy dies in darkness.” Right now, Republicans are beating democracy to death in broad daylight. This is no time for halfway measures, for marshmallow-livered compromises, for trying-to-please-everybody bipartisanship. This is a time for all Democrats, especially those in Congress, to grow spines. This is a time to declare war on the enemies of democracy.

If you read my post a few weeks ago about how the GOP is essentially dead, I pointed out that Republicans have the goal of destroying democracy and perverting the USA into a one-party state. Those kinds of systems never work out well. From the Soviet Union to Nazi Germany to Red China, one-party systems are invariably oppressive, regardless of whether those who are in charge are Communists or Fascists. The true soul of the “Party of Lincoln” is dead, and what remains is a vile, rotting monstrosity bereft of morality, conscience and scruples.

When the Republican death spiral began is debatable. Some say it started with Nixon, others claim it began during the Reagan years. The election of Trump and his disastrous regime proved the GOP is dead inside. The January 6 putsch and the continued howling that Trump actually won in 2020 clearly show Republicans don’t give a rat’s derriere about the USA, or its residents, or the ideas and principles on which this nation was founded. They are no longer a true political party, but the fan bois of a depraved, incompetent oaf. Hatred – racism in particular – is their motivation, violence their modus operandi, the destruction of democracy in the United States is their goal. They know what they oppose, but have no idea what they really support. They seek to destroy without offering to rebuild.

There is still hope, though – pressure from hoi polloi made Senator Manchin flip on HR1. And we can still win as long as we raise hell, get people registered, double-check that we are on the voting rolls, and fight any and all efforts at voter suppression. Fight like pit bulls we must, because the alternative is unthinkable and unacceptable.

Further reading:–they-want-to-rewrite-history/


Sound Off! 6/19/21

 Posted by at 4:55 pm  Politics
Jun 192021

Violence between Israel and the increasingly squeezed Palestinians has been going on for decades, but recently it suddenly exploded. Israel’s brutal persecution of the Palestinians has gone up several notches. And, of course, Israel’s tail continues to wag the U.S. dog.

Listen – I’m sorry about the way Jews have been demonized and persecuted over the last 2500 years. And I abhor Hitler and the Nazi scum as much as any gentile could. But that doesn’t mean I will knee-jerk take Israel’s side every time. Israel has a right to exist, but only if it acknowledges Palestine’s right to exist, and the human rights of the Palestinians whose ancestors were rudely robbed of their land more than seven decades ago. Israel has a right to defend itself, but it cannot use this as an excuse to commit genocide. The UN recognizes Israel as an apartheid state. Why won’t the United States do the same?

It is a sad irony Israel is inflicting on Palestinians the same kind of atrocities that have been directed at Jews for so long. One would think that Jews, having suffered from the worst instance of ethnic cleansing in history, would not do unto others as has been done unto them. Yet even while the ultimate evil of the Holocaust is still in living memory, Israel continues to exterminate Palestinians – whose numbers include Christians as well as Muslims.

Recently I learned that some US states have a shocking law: If you want government aid, such as to rebuild after a disaster, you have to promise not to boycott Israel. Don’t believe me? Here is a video:

Voltaire wrote, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out whom you are not allowed to criticize.” If criticizing Israel gets your government funding cut off, what does that say?

More and more people around the world – including lots of Jews – are getting fed up with Israel’s status as a sacred cow. People from every walk of life here in the US are getting more and more vociferous about our support of Israel’s ethnic cleansing. I have signed numerous petitions calling for an end to aid for Israel until they accept a two-state solution and leave the Palestinians alone. I have marched on behalf of the Palestinians and for peace in the Middle East. I dare to wear a shirt that proclaims my support for Palestinian rights.

As I write this, Benjamin Netanyahu has been unseated as Israel’s Prime Minister. If his own government has had enough of his brutality towards Palestine, so much that disparate parties with a wide range of political standings were willing to unite in order to effect his ouster, that may indicate Israel is finally ready to face its own dark side.

Naturally, Zionist bugnuts attack anybody who refuses to bow and scrape before their favorite golden calf. They accuse pro-Palestine activists of being Nazis, or at least of being anti-Semitic. Excrementum tauri! Opposing Israel’s vicious persecution of Palestinians does not make you anti-Israel, let alone anti-Jewish. You can hate the sin but love the sinner.

Some claim that Jews are entitled to Israel just because Jews had a nation there over 2000 years ago. Bonjour! Paging all First Nations/Native Americans, whose lands were stolen within the last two to three centuries. If Jews are entitled to Israel, then American Indians and Hispanics are entitled to all of the Americas. If we can shove Palestinians out of the Levantine, we can send all the white people here back to Europe, all the Black people back to Africa, et cetera.

Zionists point out that Hamas’ one goal is the destruction of Israel. No love is lost between me and Hamas – indeed, no love is lost between me and any terrorist organization. However, we need to take a walk in Palestine’s shoes. Imagine that you are part of an ethnic minority whose ancestors were robbed of their rightful homes and lands. Imagine your oppressors have the support of a powerful nation that squelches any and all criticism of how your people are treated. Imagine that, whenever somebody so much as throws a rock at one of your oppressors’ goons, they react with bullets and missiles, killing not just the rock thrower but also anybody who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time – including children and pregnant women. Imagine that your cries for justice, which have gone on not just for decades but for generations, have fallen on deaf ears. Do you really think that you would not become a terrorist? By drowning out the voices of Palestinians, Israel has sown the wind, and Hamas is the whirlwind it is reaping.

The only solution is a two-state solution, with Israel allowing the Palestinians to flourish. The time is long overdue for the lion to lie down with the lamb.


SOUND OFF! 6/12/21

 Posted by at 4:19 pm  Politics
Jun 122021

The recent cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline is a wakeup call in more ways than one. Not just about the lack of cybersecurity in our infrastructure, not just about how vulnerable we are to malicious hackers, but also how we really need to wean ourselves off fossil fuels.

As soon as news of the attack got out, demand for gas spiked, as people topped off and hoarded, making the situation worse. (Putting gasoline in plastic bags? Stupid and foolish – as well as illegal. What’s wrong with a Jerry can?) Prices jumped at many stations, sometimes enough to constitute price gouging.

Some people may recall the gas pinch in 2008 after Hurricanes Gustav and Ike damaged refineries on the Gulf Coast. Drivers waited in line for hours; occasionally, fisticuffs broke out. People followed tanker trucks like ducklings. 911 operators got sick of people calling to ask where they could find gas.

The shutdown of the Colonial pipeline and resulting fuel pinch will have wide-reaching consequences. It supplies 45% of the Southeast’s gasoline and aviation fuel, which means that other shortages are looming. Lack of fuel hurts commercial transportation, which means many goods will be in short supply. As the hoary old saw says, if you bought it, a truck brought it. Even locally made goods contain materials transported from somewhere else.

If we got all of our energy from renewable sources, hackers would be less of a concern. Imagine if our homes and businesses were all solar and/or wind powered. Decentralized energy is far less vulnerable to evildoers than a single pipeline supplying a hefty portion of the petrol for a region.

Meanwhile, we need to improve the cybersecurity of our infrastructure. Ransomware attacks are particularly nasty because nearly always the victim has the choice of ponying up or losing vital data and computer systems. Colonial Pipeline paid the ransom to the DarkSide crime ring, which will just encourage other cybercriminals to make similar attacks – even though the Justice Department succeeded in recovering most of the bitcoin payment. Also, countries that harbor cyberterrorists and do not crack down on these villains need to be held accountable.

In the short run, we need to shore up our infrastructure against assaults such as the one loosed on Colonial Pipeline. In the long run, we need to kiss oil and other limited, unrenewable energy sources good-bye. President Biden’s Green New Deal will set us on that path.


Sound Off! 6/5/21

 Posted by at 3:05 pm  Politics
Jun 052021

So-called pro-lifers are among the biggest hypocrites and liars out there. They profess to be defending the sanctity of human life, when in fact they care about only the nine months (or less) between conception and birth. They are perfect examples of zealots, who redouble their efforts when they have forgotten their aim. They knee-jerk attack Planned Parenthood when that organization is about a lot more than abortion. They use all manner of sophistry to attack not just abortion, but birth control and sex ed in schools. The “right to life” movement is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The abortion debate is unusual in that it isn’t one end versus the other, but one extreme versus the middle ground. Pro-choice means exactly that – pro-choice. It’s up to the one with the “baby bump” to determine the outcome of the pregnancy. Pro-choice can actually be anti-abortion sometimes. This is because the real opposite of anti-choice is – anti-choice. One side says that every pregnancy should be carried to term, while its real opposite is that every pregnancy should be terminated. Unless you want humans to go extinct, you don’t want to harbor that attitude. If you are truly pro-choice, you support a woman who wants to carry her pregnancy to term when others tell her to terminate.

If you really examine both sides of the abortion fight, you realize that pro-choice is actually anti-abortion, while “pro-life” is pro-abortion.

Say what?


Pro-choice activists by and large support better birth control, better access to birth control, and comprehensive sex education, all of which prevent abortions by preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first place. Anti-choice activists oppose these measures for the most part. It is like opposing highway deaths while condemning seat belts, airbags, and defensive-driving training.

Self-appointed custodians of other people’s wombs may be sincere in protecting embryos and fetuses, but after the moment of birth their concern drops to zero. They may make the occasional pseudo-charitable gesture, crowing about giving one box of food to a homeless shelter; but their concern for human life that is not white, straight, male, fundamentalist Christian and wealthy is scantier than a stripper’s outfit. Where are they when people hold rallies against hunger, against war, against gun violence? Lots of things stop beating hearts, so why don’t the soi-dissant guardians of human life oppose them?

Not only that, many of them show no interest in providing for those babies that they want to “rescue” from the “abortion mills.” They want every ejaculation to get a Social Security number, but could not possibly care less whether those babies are fed, or housed, or clothed, or educated, or medicated when necessary. In fact, they don’t seem willing to make sure all pregnant women have access to affordable prenatal and perinatal care, or even to proper nutrition. Sure, sure, they’ll trot out one or two individuals they have “helped” – but are they willing to provide assistance for ALL expectant mothers? The people who oppose abortion are often the same ones who oppose providing affordable child care so the mothers can work and earn money rather than depend on public aid.

Sister Joan Chittister, a Roman Catholic nun, rather famously said, “I do not believe that just because you’re opposed to abortion that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don’t? Because you don’t want any tax money to go there. That’s not pro-life. That’s pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is.” Even though she was speaking from an anti-abortion viewpoint, she still gets credit for pointing out the hypocrisy of abortion foes.

The latest dirty tactic by anti-choice activists is hopping on the voting restriction bandwagon. In other words, they are willing to destroy democracy and civil rights in the name of safeguarding the unborn. Clearly they don’t want the poor and marginalized – those who suffer the worst when denied reproductive freedom – from having a voice in government.

Meanwhile, governors in solidly red states sign “heartbeat” bills that will abolish abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detectable. This often occurs before a woman even knows she is pregnant. Apparently, antis think that life is just a heartbeat. Could that be an indication of their intellectual capacity, or at least of their understanding of biology?

Outlawing abortion will never stop abortion, merely force it underground. Women facing unwanted pregnancies will try all manner of risky methods to self-abort. “Back-alley” quasi-clinics will pop up like mushrooms after a frog-strangler. Girls and women who can’t find a practitioner, or afford one, may simply abandon their unwanted offspring – one does hear stories about newborns found in trash bins or other places from time to time. The basket-on-the-doorstep cliché has some basis in reality.

Some parrot “Adoption not abortion!” Yeah, right – order women and girls to give birth, and then take their babies away. What if the fetus is racially mixed, or handicapped? Currently there are approximately 424,000 children in foster care in the United States. Unless they get adopted, as soon as they turn 18 their flimsy support vanishes, and they will wind up homeless, or exploited by human traffickers, or in prison.

The anti-choice crusade never has been, is not, and never will be about protecting the sanctity of human life. It always has been, is, and will always be about controlling women, about reducing half the population to the status of brood cows. Controlling women’s reproduction is the mark of a highly bigoted and patriarchal society. Such a society is a sick society, trying to fly with only one wing. Denying half of its residents many opportunities means that many great minds are forbidden to develop. To paraphrase Malcolm X, you can’t keep Woman down without staying down with her.

Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one. But don’t force your views on anybody else’s uterus. And while you’re at it, care about life AFTER birth.


In Memory of TomCat

 Posted by at 4:01 am  Politics
May 302021

I never met TomCat in person, but I already feel his absence.

We met in cyberspace thanks to the now defunct Care2. Some of you may have been on that site, which started out as a click-to-donate suite and then expanded to include petitions, articles and editorials. I enjoyed contributing to Care2, signing and occasionally creating petitions, and making acquaintance with progressive and pro-ecology people from around the world. I watched sadly as Care2 degenerated and finally died except for The Petition Site. Fortunately, I have been able to stay in touch with many of my Care2 friends, including TomCat.

I have been following Politics Plus for a number of years. I relish reading the blog, seeing Tom’s latest cartoon, and watching the videos, especially the ones with Bill Maher or Beau. Clearly I made quite an impression on Tom since he invited me to join the site and contribute my own thoughts. I appreciate the supportive comments that I get for my Sound Off! essays.

Alas, there will be no more of Tom’s clever cartoons or observations. However, Politics Plus will continue thanks to Joanne Dixon and all who comment. I can think of no better way to remember TomCat and honor his memory than to keep Politics Plus going.
