
Sep 152021

What the hell is it with anti-vaxx and anti-mask people? Why do they refuse to take simple precautions to curb the spread of a very real and potentially deadly disease? This is no time to whine about individual rights, this is a time to take one for the team – a very big team, namely, all humanity. At last count, one out of every 500 US residents has died from COVID-19. That is a LOT of tragedies, a lot of funerals, a lot of lost loved ones, co-workers, neighbors, BFFs, drinking buddies.

As I write this, a number of COVID horror stories are making the rounds. One is about an Alabama man who died of cardiac issues after 43 hospitals with full ICUs turned him away. Why so many hospitals have ICUs that are crammed full should be obvious. And it isn’t so much because of the coronavirus, but the nincompoops who are aiding and abetting not just the spread of the illness but also the rate of mutation. The more people get infected, the more chances the virus has to change and get either deadlier or more contagious, or both.

Another involves a Florida couple whose son had appendicitis. They went to the local ER at around 1 AM, but it was already crowded – so crowded, in fact, there were not enough chairs for all three to sit. One nurse told them the reason for the long delay was simple: COVID. When the young man finally got into surgery, his appendix had burst, which is a life-threatening situation. This did not have to happen, and would not have happened if more people exercised personal responsibility.

Candace Ayers of Illinois, who was fully vaccinated, visited Mississippi, which has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country. She contracted COVID-19 and died. I have made two out-of-state trips in the last three weeks, one to North Carolina to visit a family member who had been hospitalized, and one to Texas for a national convention. A few days after returning home I got tested, and thankfully the results came back negative. Not only have I gotten both of my “jabs,” but I take precautions such as wearing masks and thoroughly washing my hands. Also, I’ve been fortunate.

In Colorado, a bunch of jerks threw garbage and lit fireworks at three mobile vaccine clinics, forcing them to shut down. How many people who wanted to be vaccinated had to wait another day, or several days, because of these ignorant and selfish creeps? What did they hope to accomplish? People like them are enemies of human life.

The problem with common sense is it’s anything but common. Far too many people are ignoring medical pundits who have years of education on the subject of infectious diseases, and years or even decades of experience dealing with such; and listening to ignorant knot-heads whose knowledge of medicine is scanty at best but who spew garbage as if they knew more than Dr. Fauci. These jerks cater to the ignorance-is-strength extreme right-wing crowd, the hypocrites who have purloined “My Body My Choice” to mean they don’t have to wear masks if they don’t want to.

One word very accurately describes anti-maskers: crybabies. They howl that masks make it hard to breathe, and parrot rubbish about masks blocking oxygen or causing a buildup of carbon dioxide. Bonjour! Surgeons wear similar masks for hours, yet you never hear about them keeling over in the middle of operations. FYI, oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules are way, way smaller than even the smallest virus.

Another thing they claim is enforced mask-wearing is a form of oppression. Excrementum tauri. There is a definite difference between oppression and inconvenience. Lockdowns and quarantines are temporary, and so are mask mandates. I wonder how many of those who rail against masks and lockdowns have no problem with the PATRIOT Act, or mass surveillance, or taking off their shoes before boarding an airplane. Individual rights are important, but your rights end where your neighbor’s nose begins. If you are spreading dangerous viruses with every exhalation, you are violating the bodily autonomy of everybody who inhales what you breathed out. If someone catches COVID-19 because you didn’t wear a mask, you are responsible for his/her illness, if that person dies, you have blood on your hands.

Opponents of coronavirus vaccinations belch some of the same sort of B.S. that anti-vaxx bugnuts have been using for years. One claim is we shouldn’t get our corona “jabs” because you don’t know what’s in the vaccine. Have these people ever read the ingredients of the sodas they guzzle, or the Cheesy Poofs or other junk food they shovel into their maws? Another claim about the COVID-19 vaccination is they inject you with a microchip. Even the tiniest microchip is far too large to fit through the fine needles used for coronavirus shots.

Time and again you hear about people who are anti-vaxx, and probably anti-mask as well, who come down with COVID-19 and then urge people to get the vaccine. Quite a few people have died of a disease whose existence they denied, sometimes even to the very end. Others managed to face reality, although often it was too late by then.

Fortunately, the majority of US citizens and residents are willing to listen to disease experts and follow the guidelines that the CDC recommends, such as wearing masks, social distancing, and getting vaccinated. The fact that California’s Governor Gavin Newsom survived the recall attempt should send a clear message to Republicans and other right-wingers that most people understand we all need to exercise self-discipline. We would not need mask or vaccination mandates if people heeded infectious disease experts and understood that individual rights are not absolutes. Just as the better part of valor is discretion, so the better part of right is responsibility.

We all need to accept that we are in the middle of a global emergency. We all need to put on our big kid pants and accept some temporary inconvenience until the pandemic ebbs. If we truly want a “return to normal,” the more people take the proper precautions now, the sooner we can start gathering in large groups, eating at indoor restaurants, attending concerts and sporting events, et cetera.

Sep 042021

Texas’ new anti-abortion law is utter madness. It has opened up a serious can of worms, and not just because health care providers dare not perform abortions for fear of being harshly fined. Even if you don’t like abortion, you should hate and fear this law. Why? First, it legitimizes vigilantism. Second, it is the camel’s nose in the tent. If Texas can get away with offering bounties for turning in people who provide or aid and abet abortions, how much longer before similar laws do the same for non-binary sex, or undocumented immigrants, or supporting genuine science, or bashing the Dallas Cowboys?

S.B. 8 is absolute. There are no loopholes to allow exceptions in case of rape or incest, only for medical emergencies. And how will women be able to prove a medical emergency? No doubt many will try this route, only to get a beaurocratic runaround. Also, any attempt to get this exemption will expose them to Fetus Vigilantes hungry for payouts.

You know that people are going to abuse this law. Hate your neighbors? Claim that the Ms. was planning to have an abortion. Hey, you saw her drive past a Planned Parenthood facility or OB/GYN office! She was definitely contemplating the procedure, or maybe she dropped off a friend for one. Since anybody who is at all involved in an abortion can be sued, even someone who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, or says the wrong thing within earshot of the wrong person, will be in peril.

This law will bring out the worst in a lot of people, resulting in witch hunts and persecution on an unfathomable scale. The fact that people can snitch anonymously, and that their evidence can be very flimsy, makes it all the more dangerous. Encouraging people to squeal on their neighbors is a tactic that oppressive regimes use to keep the masses in line.

S.B. 8 means that, if a creep rapes a woman, he can claim she sought an abortion – even if she didn’t get pregnant – and get his 10-train bounty from her. So, the more women he prongs, the more lucre he can potentially collect. A lovely way to make a living. Or, a fellow could try to blackmail a woman or girl he wants to hump by threatening to report her, giving her a choice of possibly forking over 10 biggies – and exposing her to persecution by anti-choice activists – or spreading her legs. S.B. 8 glorifies the worst aspects of toxic masculinity.

And what about women who suffer miscarriages? What if they didn’t kiss the right arses and are accused of attempting abortion? A miscarriage is tragic enough; adding on prosecution for a crime that never even happened is cruel beyond cruel.

What if somebody can’t pay the bounty? A lot of people don’t have an extra 10 grand lying around. What if the person forced to pay up is living paycheck to paycheck? Can employers garnish the checks of such people – thus making it even harder to pay the bills, keep up with rent, and feed the family? People in desperate circumstances will do terrible things, which I need not list here.

Meanwhile, Governor Abbott has banned mask mandates intended to stem the spread of COVID-19, and also signed legislation that removed the requirement to have a license in order to own a firearm. In other words, Texas values only the lives of embryos and fetuses. Once you’re born, tough noogies – you have to run a gauntlet of dangerous viruses and armed bugnuts.

Already people are fighting back, and happily they are doing so with creative nonviolence. The “squeal” page set up by Texas Right to Life has become a target for phony reports and furry porn, and while writing this I learned that GoDaddy has closed down the site. Activists are organizing marches and protests around the country. Petitions by the busload are making the rounds demanding protection for reproductive freedom.

This evil must be squelched before it spreads to other states – or worse, becomes national law. We need to get progressive people registered to vote. We need to expand the Supreme Court so Biden can add justices who will protect our rights. Because if we cannot stop the tide of fascism with ballots – no, please don’t go there, because then the only two paths are increasing oppression until we envy people in Communist China, or a revolution that will not be peaceful. We must fight back in every nonviolent, clever, and preferably legal way we can now.

Aug 312021

Dear Humanity, 

You’ve been getting on My nerves for centuries, but over the last few decades you have really p*ssed Me off. You are destroying this planet’s ecosphere with your greed and arrogance. You seem to regard Earth as your oyster and its natural resources as pearls to plunder. You are driving species into extinction by eliminating their habitats, or hunting them for bragging rights or phony folk remedies.

You are filling the air, water and land with pollution and garbage. The planet is not your trash can. Animals, including members of your own vile species, are dying because of your refuse. But instead of taking responsibility, you whine about your rights.

You do not have the right to trash the environment. You do not have the right to hunt other animals just for fun. You do not have the right to ravish Earth’s crust for minerals or fuel sources. You do not have the right to cover every last square centimeter of land with your buildings and streets. You do not have the right to make other animals suffer for the sake of your culinary or fashion choices.

I see some people are doing something about it. They buy hybrid or electric vehicles, ride rapid transit, walk or bike for short trips, combine errands, carpool, install energy efficient light bulbs and low-flow shower heads, go vegetarian or at least reduce their consumption of meat, etc. Unfortunately, not enough people are doing enough. Big Fossil Fuel has too many politicians in many countries at its beck and call, so necessary progress on environmental progress frequently hits roadblocks.

You could have been getting all of your energy needs from clean renewable sources years, if not decades, ago. You could all enjoy a sustainable lifestyle, be happy with the basics and maybe just a little bit more. Just a little bit. But no, you gotta have your McMansions on one-and-a-quarter hectare lots, your petrol-swilling SUVs, your bottled water, your fast fashion, your shelves loaded with Funko Pop figurines. And you can’t be bothered with carrying reusable straws and cutlery, or separating recyclables from the rest of the trash, or composting unusable foodstuffs. Nor do you check the fridge and pantry before grocery shopping to make sure you’re not buying stuff you don’t need and that will go bad before you can use it. The amount of food that gets wasted every day is appalling and utterly unacceptable. People are dying of hunger while edible food goes in the garbage. Worse, some grocery store workers pour bleach on it to prevent dumpster divers from salvaging it. Really!

Whenever people in the know speak out on My behalf, they get labeled “tree-huggers” or even “Communists.” Funny, Communist regimes have a very poor track record on environmental protection. People who actually care about Earth should be regarded as patriots because, by taking care of the planet, they protect their countries as well.

Many corporate fat cats don’t care about the ecology because they’ll be food for worms before the feces hits the fan. Those jerks – indeed, everybody – should keep in mind the saying that you don’t inherit the Earth from your parents, you borrow it from your children. When you borrow something, you’re supposed to return it in better shape than you received it.

Don’t get Me any angrier. SARS and MIRS were supposed to be shots over the bow, warning you that I can get really nasty. COVID-19 should be not only showing you just who is Large and In Charge, but also warning you how devastating a pandemic can be. The next one could be worse – a LOT worse. The next one could be more contagious and much deadlier. Hear about that rare tropical disease that just got a few cases in the US?

Humanity, you can still redeem yourselves. More and more people need to both preach and practice sustainability. You need to lean on your respective country’s politicians to pass laws that protect the environment and put your nation on the path towards a green lifestyle. You need to contact the CEOs of big companies and encourage them to make their businesses truly sustainable. You need to sign petitions, write post cards, march and protest, and do your part to reduce how much waste you create. It is up to all of you, as groups and as individuals.


Mother Nature

Aug 212021

The UN recently issued a direct report that climate change is irreversible. The oceans are warming, polar ice is melting, storms are getting more powerful and frequent, wildfires are burning everywhere, and the Gulf Stream is getting weaker and could even cease altogether.

In other words, we’re f####d.

Or are we?

It may be too late to avert some of climate change’s effects, but there may still be time to avert total calamity. We will have to face rising seas, fiercer hurricanes, more wildfires, and possibly new and nasty diseases; but that doesn’t mean civilization is doomed. Disasters will certainly disrupt society, but they won’t necessarily cause everything to break down. We need to prepare for the worst while doing all that we can to mitigate global warming. Even if we have passed a tipping point – thanks a lot, President [sic] Trump! – we can still survive, and avoid worse tipping points. Areas around the equator may be uninhabitable for part of the year, if not all.

Meanwhile, some countries and regions will benefit. Canada and Russia will have longer growing seasons so they will become the new global breadbaskets. The Great Lakes area and the Nordic countries will enjoy milder winters, according to some projections. Being the tough and resourceful critters we are, we’ll find new places to grow such vital crops as coffee, wine grapes and cacao.

We all need to do what we can – use public transit when feasible, bike or walk more, combine trips, eat less meat (better still, none at all), stop buying stuff we don’t need, purchase items such as clothes that will last, donate or Freecycle usable items instead of throwing them away, recycle (and make sure what we put in that special bin actually gets recycled!), use less water, and so on. Also, we need to lean on our elected officials to pass laws and regulations that help the environment and reduce waste, as well as wean us off limited, polluting fossil fuels.

The next several decades are going to be tough. Remember, tough times don’t last, but tough people do. So do tough societies.

Just to be on the safe side, though, let’s start assembling Knowledge Arks.

Aug 142021

What the flap is wrong with some people? We are in the middle of a national emergency – hell, an INTERNATIONAL emergency – and some people simply will not adapt. I’m talking about all those who have a problem with mask mandates, as well as the anti-vaxxers.

People who refuse to be vaccinated against the novel coronavirus are either ignorant, selfish, stupid or cowardly – and probably some combination of the four. One thing all of them are, regardless of their excuses, is unpatriotic. Whatever happened to taking one for the team? A society comprises individuals, and individual rights are important; however, your rights end where your neighbor’s nose begins. A society works – and can protect individual rights – only when everybody follows certain rules.

When anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers hide behind “my body my choice,” they are being self-centered in the extreme. Refusing to wear a mask and avoiding vaccination are not matters of individual rights or risk – all those who are unvaccinated without good reason and go about unprotected pose threats to all those around them. The infection and death rates in the USA would be a lot lower, and ICUs would not be crammed to the gills, if more of us had at least a lick of sense.

Not long after COVID-19 was recognized as a deadly pandemic, “liberation” groups began protesting lockdowns. They claimed that shelter-in-place orders violated their civil rights. Clearly they did not understand the difference between inconvenience and oppression. Individual freedom does not mean doing anything you want, and it does not give you the right to put other people’s lives in peril just because you are a crybaby or don’t like following orders. Just as the better part of valor is discretion, so the better part of freedom is responsibility for one’s actions. Dying stupidly because you didn’t take reasonable precautions to protect against a dangerous disease – especially if you infected others – is a far cry from dying heroically on some battlefield.

During the devastating influenza pandemic of 1918-1919, a group called the Anti-Mask League arose in San Francisco. They managed to get a city ordnance requiring mask-wearing in public rescinded. The result? Flu cases in the city nearly doubled over the next month, and flu deaths spiked. Kudos to Arnold Schwarzenegger for roasting anti-maskers with “No, screw your freedom, because with freedom comes obligation and responsibilities.” Way to go, Governator. Those who are unwilling to accept responsibility do not deserve freedom.

If we used our heads and listened to doctors and scientists, we wouldn’t need mask mandates, because everybody would be taking the proper precautions. How can anybody think that an ignoramus with a big mouth and a half-assed blog is more trustworthy than somebody who has had years of education and decades of experience in the medical field? People who actually care about their family, friends, co-workers, drinking buddies, indeed, all of humanity get the “jab,” practice social distancing, and wear masks even if they are fully vaccinated. If we truly want this pandemic to end as soon as possible, we all need to do our part.

Consider seat belts. People have perished in wrecks even while wearing them; however, you are much more likely to survive an accident if you have yours on. Just ask any police officer, EMT or emergency room doctor. Keep in mind that over 99% of those who have died from COVID-19 have been unvaccinated.

This pandemic is not over, and we may – no, will – have to deal with more variants. We will almost certainly need to get more shots. (As for those evil Bill Gates microchips, even the smallest chip is far too large to fit through a vaccination needle!) We may have to endure another round or two of lockdown. But we need to think of others. There is no reason to not wear a mask in public, and unless you have some medical condition that precludes vaccination there is no reason to not get inoculated. The best weapon to use against the coronavirus is common sense – which, unfortunately, is anything but common.

Bored Panda burns “covidiots”

Aug 072021

OK, so what is Critical Race Theory? And why do right-wingers cringe at it like movie vampires shrinking from crucifixes? Why do right-wing cartoonists depict CRT as an alligator threatening youngsters in a kiddie pool, or as a mad Marxist waving a hammer and sickle in the classroom?

The concept has come to the forefront in the 2020s, but the basic idea has been around since the 1970s. Regardless of political leanings, a lot of people do not understand what it really means. Ergo, we really need to do our homework on the true meaning of CRT before we draw laughably ignorant editorial cartoons or cry wolf in essays and letters to the editor.

CRT is not intended to make whites ashamed of how they have treated – and continue to treat – people of color. It is intended to make all people aware of the systemic racism that is deeply rooted in many of our nation’s institutions, including law enforcement, the courts, health care and finances. Its purpose is to reveal how whites both benefit and suffer from the oppression of Blacks, Latinx, Asians and First Nations/Native Americans. We cannot root out the evil of racism unless we know where it lurks and how it got there.

Scholars are concerned that the United States has become “color blind,” pretending that one’s skin color has nothing to do with one’s socio-economic status. People pretend that we have achieved Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream of a society where people are judged not by the color of their skin but the content of their character. Unfortunately, pretending that we have become a truly non-racist society doesn’t mean we are truly non-racist. Closing one’s eyes to the elephant in the room doesn’t make it go away.

In her book The Sum of Us Heather McGhee points out how racism hurts white people as well as its targets. When they smelled integration, whites were willing to not just cut off their noses to spite their faces, but cut off their entire heads to spite their noses. For example, when swimming pools were integrated, rather than let white and Black kids swim together, the committees that ran the pools filled them in. Private pool clubs, which could discriminate, charged fees that put their facilities out of the reach of disadvantaged white families as well as nearly all Black households.

Conservatives claim that stating our nation was founded on oppression and racism is unpatriotic. Balderdash! Is it unpatriotic to point out the truth? It is unpatriotic to encourage moral and social progress? Is it unpatriotic to seek solutions to the country’s woes? What could possibly be more patriotic than trying to solve problems that have plagued your country for generations?

You’ve probably heard the old saw that, for every 100 people who are hacking at the branches of evil, there is only one attacking the roots. If we want to eliminate racism, as well as other forms of prejudice, we need to stop hacking at the branches and go after the root causes. We need to face up to the inconvenient truth that bigotry pervades our society. We need to confront the racism within us all. We need to accept that ignoring racism, that pretending we are “color-blind,” merely allows it to not only survive but also thrive.

Those who fear CRT, who knee-jerk label it pernicious or subversive, are either ignorant of how racism weakens our society, or shamelessly racist. What is wrong with them? Maybe, as conservatives, they are too happy with how things stand and don’t want them to change. They are glad that straight white rich men are Large and In Charge, and don’t want this country to be any other way. They don’t want to share power with anybody who is “different.” They don’t want anyone rocking the boat. Our boat is one that needs to be rocked – hard.

Further information:


SOUND OFF! 7/31/21

 Posted by at 8:41 am  Politics
Jul 312021

You have probably head that Cleveland’s baseball franchise is changing its name from the Indians to the Guardians. Progressives are hailing this as an acknowledgement that Native Americans/First Nations peoples are human beings, entitled to dignity, not caricatures to be stitched on a sports uniform. People have been demanding this change for years.

I like the choice of “Guardians” because it is uniquely Cleveland, an homage to the Art Deco Guardians of Traffic on the Hope Memorial Bridge. Other names suggested included the “Rockers” and “Rock” because the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is located in Cleveland. “Spiders” was suggested since Cleveland once had a team bearing that name. I would have been happy with any of those, but I’m glad they selected “Guardians.” Besides, there will be inevitable references to the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

Now right-wingers are losing their feces – over a sports mascot. A SPORTS MASCOT, y’all. Who are “snowflakes” now? You howl about knee-jerk liberals, while your conservative knees jerk just as readily, if not even more so. China is threatening war, the global environment is going to hell in a handbasket, and you wig out over a baseball team changing its name. Since when is it bad to realize that reducing certain ethnicities and races to silly team symbols is disrespectful? Do you view this change as wokeness or political correctness run amok? Do you fear a slippery slope that will call for all human-based team names to change? Do you lose bladder control at the thought of the Kansas City Chiefs, Atlanta Braves, Chicago Blackhawks, and the like having to find new designations?

The Washington Redskins finally agreed to change their appellation; it will be interesting to learn what name Washington’s franchise, which is now going by the dull-as-dishwater “Washington Football Team,” selects after next season. Ideas ranging from Griffins to Firefighters have come from a variety of sources. Whatever the decision is, let us consider just how far we want to go with eliminating offensive mascots. Where do you draw the line?


SOUND OFF! 7/24/21

 Posted by at 6:19 am  Politics
Jul 242021

The Democratic victories in the 2020 election were vital, but they were not enough. We ousted Trump, maintained control of the House, and made some gains in the Senate. However, we have more work to do if we are going to truly move this nation forward, if we are to get a Green New Deal and Medicare for All and a living minimum wage and so on. The GOP has a hammerlock on the Supreme Court, and since the Senate is 50/50 they can still block a lot of programs that Democrats propose thanks to the filibuster.

Republican Congressman Chip Roy was caught on hidden camera saying “Honestly, right now, for the next 18 months, our job is to do everything we can to slow all of that down and get to December of 2022…18 more months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done. That’s what we want.” Roy proved that Republicans are concerned with only party loyalty, and this country and its citizens and residents be screwed. They are willing to oppose any and all programs Biden and the Democrats propose for no reason other than toeing the party line. Trump cancelled a pandemic early-warning program in September 2019 just because Obama set it up, and that is just one of many reasons why COVID-19 was so devastating in this country. Republicans have become Trump’s stooges, forced to do his bidding lest they be ostracized. Look at what happened to Liz Cheney when she dared to call a spade a spade.

We need to get rid of “not liberal enough” and start agreeing to disagree. We need to focus on our common goals rather than split hairs. As long as we let infighting hobble us, the Right will ride roughshod over us and ram through statutes we are powerless to stop. We need to stop being so squeamish about offending people. Avoiding racial, ethnic, etc. slurs is one thing; feeling as though you have to walk on eggs with every word you say is another.

We also need to rein in “wokeness” and political correctness. Taking down statues of Confederate generals and leaders is one thing, but removing statues of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington just because they owned slaves is another. The Washington Redskins and Cleveland Indians are changing their mascots; does that mean the Atlanta Braves, Chicago Blackhawks, Kansas City Chiefs, etc. should follow suit? Remember what Voltaire said: We are all creatures of our time; very few of us rise above the ideals of the day. Many things we regard as acceptable today may be unpalatable to our great-grandchildren. You have to draw the line somewhere.

Yes, it’s a timeworn cliche to harp on how we are all in this together, how we all need to work together, blah, blah, blah. However, this cliche has some basis in fact. We need to stop letting the Right divide us with “identity politics” – straight versus LGBTQ, citizen versus immigrant, white versus people of color, and so on – and unite inside and out. We can focus on the big picture and worry about the details later.

Getting liberals to work together is like herding cats. Traditional methods don’t work. You can, however, “herd” cats with food. The can of tuna is victory in elections – local, state and national – over the next few years. We need to focus on winning elections, because only winners make policy; all the losers can do is protest.

Democrats need to grow strong spines, both individually and collectively. It’s the only way we will be able to tackle the Republicans who are dragging this country towards destruction.
