Mar 272010

Yesterday I did pretty well, considering the time I spent asleep, because I caught up with both replying to comments and returning visits.  Today, I should stay up to date.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:07.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From McClatchy DC:

A strong showing by Iraq’s Sunni Muslim minority gave secular Shiite politician Ayad Allawi the narrow lead that he needed to win a landmark parliamentary election over incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki, according to results released Friday by the Iraqi election commission.

Allawi’s mixed-sect Iraqiya coalition won 91 of the next parliament’s 325 seats, compared with 89 for Maliki’s State of Law bloc, the core of which is his Shiite conservative Dawa Party.

As Allawi supporters danced and unleashed celebratory gunfire in Baghdad and western Sunni-majority cities, a stone-faced Maliki appeared on live television to repeat his demand for a recount and assert that the tally released Friday "is not final."

"We do not accept these results," Maliki said, flanked by members of his coalition.

I sincerely hope that this does not turn into a new civil war there.

From Red State Update: The boys take on the aftermath of HCR passage.


What’s up for the weekend?


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 3/27/2010”

  1. I love those guys from Red State – they are just too funny. And the cartoon is most appropriate – guys, that ship has sailed and you lost – get over it already!

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