Willard’s Top Ten

 Posted by at 9:14 am  Politics
Nov 052012

One of the hallmarks of Willard Romney’s campaign has been the clear and irrevocable stances he has taken on both sides of every issue.  It’s hard to tell what, if anything, he represents.  However, Robert Reich has determined that there are some things we actually can know about him and has formulated a list of his guiding principles.


…The ten guiding principles of Romneyism are:

1. Corporations are the basic units of society. Corporations are people, and the overriding purpose of an economy is to maximize corporate profits. When profits are maximized, the economy grows fastest. This growth benefits everyone in the form greater output, better products and services, and higher share prices.

2. Workers are a means to the goal of maximizing corporate profits. If workers do not contribute to that goal, they should be fired. If they cannot then find other work that helps maximize profits in another company, their wages must be too high, and they must therefore accept steadily lower wages until they find a job.

3. All factors of production – capital, physical plant and equipment, workers – are fungible and should be treated the same. Any that fail to deliver high competitive returns should be replaced or discarded. This keeps an economy efficient. Fairness is and should be irrelevant.

4. Pollution, unsafe products, unsafe working conditions, financial fraud, and other negative side effects of the pursuit of profits are the price society pays for profit-driven growth. They should not be used as excuses to constrain the pursuit of profits through regulation.

5. Individual worth depends on net worth — how much money one has made, and the value of the assets that money has been invested in. Any person with enough intelligence and ambition can make a fortune. Failure to do so is sign of moral and intellectual inferiority… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Alternet>

There are five more that I have not included, and clicking through to read the rest of them is well worth your time and effort!

To summarize, Romney will push government of, by and for the 1%.  When Romney said he didn’t care about 47% of Americans, he lied.  The truth is far closer to 99%.



  7 Responses to “Willard’s Top Ten”

  1. Romney has been honest all along- he has deceived people only too willing to be deceived- who are uninformed by intent ; by being to lazy to look and listen to what is being said-  I have never underestimated fools–
    No I do not accept Romney has been dishonest- it's all out there to see , if one wants to look–
    I f they elect this  criminal sociopath – this trash with money- we will all pay- the undeserving along with the fools who will vote for him ; they will vote because he is not Barack Obama–
     I will Vote for Barack Obama– because he is doing a good job in spite of the obstacles and the lies he faces– I will vote for him because I have spent the time to examine both sides , and I have concluded President Obama deserves my precious  vote— and our votes are precious– fought for and lives given for the right to cast  our vote in private !……….
    Vote- and if your neighbor needs help to vote- to get to the polls—  Well  help !!

  2. I will vote for Obama, Romney scares the heck out of me.

  3. 10. The three most important aspects of life are family, religion, and money. Patriotism is a matter of guarding our economy from unfair traders and undocumented immigrants, rather than joining together for the common good. We owe nothing to one another as citizens of the same society.
    If, as Reich says in his article  'A Quick Guide to Mitt's 10 Most Destructive Guiding Principles', Romney believes family, religion and money are the 3 most important aspects of life, how does Romney, and the Republican/Teabaggers who also espouse these aspects of life, justify that and then say that they owe nothing to one another as citizens?  This flies in the face of true Christian teaching!  An "inconvenient truth"?  To be fair, Reich says 'religion', not Christianity.  But it is the Republican/Teabaggers who claim their christian superiority, but they are wrong. Their christianity is nothing more than a cult bearing little resemblance to true Christianity. 
    To me, it is very apparent that Romney, and the Republican/Teabaggers value money and power above all else.  They certainly have no concern for the 99% nor for moral correctness.
    Another great article by Robert Reich.
    Get out the vote!!!!!     Four more years!!!!!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

    • Very true, Lynn.  Of course Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity has absolutely nothing in common with Jesus' teaching or example.

  4. I believe that Robert Reich has seen into Rmoney's soul.

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