Trickle Down Gushed UP

 Posted by at 9:17 am  Politics
Nov 032012

The Republican Party has been feeding us the same tired line for many years now.  If we give massive tax cuts to the super-rich, they say, the super rich will create jobs, and the wealth will trickle down to everyone.  Of course the wealth has only gushed up, and what has trickled down is inequality and financial crisis.  Republicans are desperate to prevent authoritative contradictions to their lies.


The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) issued a report in September that showed that cutting tax rates for the wealthiest Americans did not spur economic or job growth, refuting a key Republican justification for the party’s continued obsession with maintaining the tax cuts for the wealthy they passed in 2003. But when Senate Republicans aired seemingly minor complaints about it, the agency  quietly withdrew the report , even as its economic team advised it to stand firm.

The report, as ThinkProgress reported in September, found that tax cuts for the rich spurred income inequality , not economic growth. “There is not conclusive evidence, however, to substantiate a clear relationship between the 65-year steady reduction in the top tax rates and economic growth,” the report stated. “However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution.”

The withdrawal came after Republicans like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) aired minor quibbles about language the report used that he viewed as “ politically freighted ”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Alternet>

That report should NEVER been withdrawn.  I don’t care how much Bought Bitch Mitch gets his panties in a bunch and snivels.  The people have a right to know!  You can read the report here.



  11 Responses to “Trickle Down Gushed UP”

  1. Agree – no matter how much Mitch and his minions whine and snivel– this needs to be aired ; Of course anyone who isnt blind stupid and deluded  knows the truth of it-
    – these days tho I am overwhelmed by the level of stupidity and outright willingness to be deceived that  I hear and see from folk I did think of  as having a smidgen of intelligence– fooled me they did!

  2. In the New York Times, Jared Bernstein said “This sounds to me like a complete political hit job and another example of people who don’t like the results and try to use backdoor ways to suppress them,” he said. “I’ve never seen anything like this, and frankly, it makes me worried.”

    From Alternet — "Since Republicans began instituting supply-side policies under President Reagan, growth has lagged and income inequality has surged as the wealthiest Americans make more money while paying less in taxes."
    Corruption Inc aka Republican/Teabagger party SOP — If it doesn't say what we want it to say, if it doesn't support our views — get rid of it!  It is wrong.  The government is fudging the numbers and influencing the report.

    Sometimes, the truth hurts!  What a sorry state of affairs.  The losers in this American debacle — the people! . . . the 99%!
    Keep the report as it is!  Don't change it.  Keep it in circulation!  Corruption Inc be damned.

  3. The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service probably withdrew their report because they didn't want to see Bonehead (Agent Orange) cry like a little girl in public again.
    Trickle down gushes up > the real reason RepublicanTs are so "gushy" ove St. Ronnie RayGun.

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