Oct 152012


Once again I always try to share a clip of Bill, whenever I find one, because his humor is so spot on, despite his rough edges.  On Friday, Bill took a wonderful shot at Republican Supply-side pseudo Christian hate group, Focus on the Family, and their bogus predictions of what Obama’s election would bring.

Some of my predictions have been wrong, but I’m a hell of a lot better than 0 for 34!


  12 Responses to “Bill Maher–New Rules–10/12/2012”

  1. A few rough edges -? So what ?  This sure was spot on !!!!

  2. RepubliCONs try their damnedest to create "self-fulfilling" prophesies – so they're always surprised when everyone else decides to ignore them! Joe Biden's "use your common sense" falls on deaf ears in RepubliCON circles – they simply have NO Idea what that means!;)

  3. Some of my predictions have been wrong, but I’m a hell of a lot better than 0 for 34!

    For the far Right Christian Group "Focus on the Family", If your doing God's work and God is Perfect – How come your always wrong.?

  4. Yes. As Joe Biden says: "Use your common sense."

  5. Bill Maher —

    All the Republicans in 1993 said that Clinton's raising taxes would destroy the economy, and it did the opposite.    In 2003 George Bush was certain that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.  In 1964, Reagan said Medicare would destroy our freedom.  As Joe Biden says, "Folks, use your common sense."  

    Republicans — 0 for 34 — that's nasty!  So where does that put their platform? — in the toilet!
    Get out the vote!!!!!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!      Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

  6. New Rule!  The next time the politicians sit around debating what to do to help the poor and do nothing, they have position themselves to live in poorest area in the US until they can decide. Need help locating such a place, well get out of your candy ass self absorb lives and step out on the streets of American and I'm sure you won't have to walk very far  or should I say chauffeured!  Really by the time the poor and the sick get help they'll be dead — is this a plan of the Republicans?  Wait a plan that the Republicans can say is working!!!!  

    • Welcome Beth! πŸ™‚

      If I walk out the front door of my apartment building in the early morning, whether I turn right r left, I encounter people sleeping on the sidewalk.  The Republican plan is that those who cannot bay get the death benefit.

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