CNN: A Giant Step Backwards

 Posted by at 2:10 am  Politics
Mar 172010

As if we did not have enough hate media from Faux Noise, CNN is making a bid for the wing-nut hate-monger audience.

media bias CNN has a new political contributor. Erick Erickson, the managing editor of conservative blogging site, will start appearing regularly on the new "John King, USA" later this month, the network announced in a release. The channel is clearly happy about the move — but it shouldn’t be.

Forget Erickson’s politics and whether you agree with them. It’s not whether he’s on the left or the right that matters — it’s the way he expresses his beliefs that’s the problem. Among other things, he’s had readers send fake dog poop to Rep. Earl Pomeroy, D-N.D., because of the congressman’s support for his party’s healthcare reform proposals, he’s celebrated Chicago’s losing the 2016 Summer Olympics by writing, "Obama’s pimped us to every two bit thug and dictator in the world," he’s said that "leftists celebrate each and every death of each and every American solider because they view the loss of life as a vindication of their belief that they are right."

It’s not even like CNN can expect real insight out of this. True, Erickson is remarkably well plugged into the Republican establishment these days, and is a good barometer of where tea partiers will end up — he was one of the earliest supporters of both Doug Hoffman and Marco Rubio, for example. But he’s an activist, an operative, and he’ll spin just as hard as any other person in his position, even at the expense of misinforming CNN’s viewers… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Salon>

I have no problem with his conservatism.  I don’t agree with it, but that’s fine.  I don’t agree with a lot of what I see on corporate infotainment that masquerades as news.  I do object to CNN encouraging hate speech and propaganda.


  14 Responses to “CNN: A Giant Step Backwards”

  1. Ratings ratings ratings CNN has been losing them and any spew that will bring the advertisers back is good enough to accomplish their corporate goal. Time to turn them all off and think for ones self.

  2. CNN has been striving to be the Corporate News Network. We can’t have corporate “news” without right wing propaganda.

    It is a sickness of our culture.

  3. I agree with all including you, TC. But he did question Sarah Palin for ‘selling out’ by joining Fox. I guess his situation is different. bwahahahaha.

  4. Maybe he’ll be out like Lou Dobbs when the right-wing poop hits the fan…

  5. I used to enhoy and really respect CNN. Of course that was before Lou Dobbs turned so blatantly right wing, before they hired Glenn Beck for a time, and before they gave that sneaky closet Republican John King his own show “State of the Union” and now “John King, USA”.

    CNN used to stand for and practice journalistic integrity. Now, with the exception of Christianne Amanpour, and perhaps Suzanne Malveaux, it just stands for “me too” shit. It is unforgivable for ANY network to imitate Fox “News”!

  6. For a “legitimate” news outlet to provide a megaphone for someone who spews vitriol like Erickson does is simply unacceptable. MediaMatters does a excellent job of succinctly summarizing Erickson’s rants:

    Erickson defends Beck’s statement that Obama is “racist” and lashes out at “Obama Brownshirts.”
    Erickson calls Michelle Obama a “marxist harpy wife.” In a blog post headlined, “Is Obama Shagging Hookers Behind the Media’s Back?” Erickson stated …
    Erickson calls Souter a “goat fucking child molester.”
    Erickson suggested that the Clintons killed Vince Foster and that Dems would kill former Rep. Eric Massa.


  7. I had a little to say about Erickscum today myself. I don’t call them the Cheerleaders’ Neutered Network for nothing, y’know.

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