Personal Update

 Posted by at 7:42 am  Personal
Aug 162012

I have been unable to sleep due to extreme heat.  Today and tomorrow are forecast to be the hottest days of the year to date.  I will probably be unable to return before Saturday.


  6 Responses to “Personal Update”

  1. Time to find a cooler place, TomCat!

  2. Sending you some cool thoughts – but they most certainly don't come from KCMO (although today isn't too bad).
    Doesn't Portland have some city code that forces landlords to provide a minimum and maximum temperature?  (I know when I was in med school in Chicago, Chi-town did.)

  3. Today is 34 C and tomorrow is supposed to be the same, and little breeze.  Saturday will cool marginally and Sunday a bit more with rain scheduled.  I keep my fans on 24/7 but they turned off the power today while I was out (installed 'smart metres') so the place was like an oven.  My poor little babes in their fur coats.  Tonight temp will drop to 17 C about 3 am before it starts to climb again.  I can see I'll be up much of the night and try to sleep in the very early morning.  Heard on the radio today that we have had 90% less rain than average so we too are caught in the weather.
    One thing that really works for me, especially during the night, is a cool shower.  Seems to work wonders.
    Take care everybody!  Namasté

  4. Please try to stay as cool in body as you are in mind.
    Peace to you.

  5. Try to Chill Out Tom Cat… 🙂

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