While Willard Whines About Bain

 Posted by at 10:08 am  Politics
Jul 172012

Poor Willard.  As always, he has a problem.  The more he tries to hide the truth about his business record, the more that big, mean Barack Obama keeps calling him out on it, making it most difficult for widdle Willard to etch his sketch!  Willard has been sniveling in overdrive, calling Obama’s tactics hateful and despicable.  Willard needs to change his panties.  That’s just hardball, and the pitch is right over the plate.  To see despicable, look to Willard’s Republican minions, like Michele Bachmann.

17abedinRep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has been known to promote paranoid conspiracy theories and in recent weeks, she bought into one promoted by Islamophobic chieftain Frank Gaffney that the U.S. government has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood.

In letters to several government agencies demanding an investigation, Bachmann and several of her GOP colleagues targeted specific names and individuals in the government. The letter to the State Department Inspector General singles out Huma Abedin, deputy chief of staff for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and asserts that Abedin is the perfect example of the Muslim Brotherhood’s “deep penetration” in the administration. Bachmann’s letter claims that three of Abedin’s family members are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and implies that Abedin’s proximity to Clinton is no coincidence as the department has “taken actions recently that have been enormously favorable to the Muslim Brotherhood and its interests.”

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) called out Bachmann for her fear campaign…

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Graphic credit: London Muslims

Chris Matthews explored this story with Brian Levin and Ron Reagan.

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This is just one more example of the Republican bigotry and hatred that, if anything, serve only to help the small extremist minority within Islam to recruit.


  14 Responses to “While Willard Whines About Bain”

  1. They get crazier all the time– Make not a lick of sense–; They appeale to baseless fears and are playing on  these fears– long ago I learned not to underestimate stupid– There are a lot of stupid out there ; I remember the 'Army-Macarthy' hearings–60 ?years ago– and I remember how people were  all in a tizzy- I was a teen ; it all made a big impression back then , I learned lessons , including  to be a skeptic–, that have served me well–

  2. Did no one tell poor Mitt that there's no crying in presidential politics? If you can't keep up with the big dogs stay under the porch.

  3. If you only look for evil that's what you will find…. even if you have to make it up. Bachman will have a long and prosperous career with FOX news.

  4. Guano Girl is at it again!  If Bachmann and her ilk insist they see terrorists at every turn, they should stop looking in the mirror.
    They are playing on the insecurities and hate of people who don't get "news" from anywhere but Faux Noise, Limbaugh, Beck or Fischer.  I think that Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) well to the subject, but who was listening?

    If she has sources for this type of information, she owes it to the country to reveal them to the proper authorities, but definitely not this way. If she doesn’t have this type of information, she should not be whipping up fear and hysteria about a very important matter.

  5. May I ask why on Earth anyone still listens to anything Batshit Crazy Bachman says?

  6. Willard Romney has Bain Damage…

  7. Come on Mitt, what are you afraid of???  McCain put you out of the running for VP because of your tax returns, and went with Palin. No wonder, he was desperate. Now we got Bachmann and 4 of  her cronies digging in the sewer for any information regarding H clinton's assistant. Why doesn't she stick with her whacky husband's idiotic course of pray away the gay. Can anyone be more stupid.

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