Jun 072012

It’s a slow news day, because the Fitzwalker$tan Fiasco still dominates the media.  For the moment, I have nothing to add about that, but I did find a couple stories. I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:37 (average 5:12).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: This Weirdly Political Graphic About Space Aliens Has Been Shared 50k Times On Facebook


We would be saying, "Space Aliens are NOT people!"

From NY Times: In a new line of attack, top Democrats are arguing that Mitt Romney and the Republicans, with their focus on spending cuts, are following Europe’s austerity-first example, to dismal effect so far: Greece over the edge; Italy, Spain, Portugal on the edge; Britain in recession; and the United States suffering through a needlessly weak recovery because of government cuts.

Sadly Europe elected conservatives who goose stepped to the policies of GW Bush and the Republican Regime.  Fortunately they are seeing the error in that.

From MSNBC: Rmoney the draft dodger

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

So he demonstrated for the war, sought four deferments, lied about seeking any deferments at all, and flipped flopped from "no desire to serve" to "longed to serve" in Vietnam.  Lying Chickenhawk!




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–6/7/2012”

  1. So Rmoney lies … AGAIN!  What would you expect from a man who, when asked by his country for his service, immediately replied, “No! Send someone else.”  And then took off for the mansions of Paris and hillsides of France?  (You either have to admire – or question Rmoney’s judgement – in volunteering for “missionary” work in France, in an effort to convert the French to a religion that bans both extracurricular sex AND wine.)

    The National Archives recently uncovered the written report of the first physician to reach Lincoln after he was shot.  Dr. Leale rushed to the President’s box in Ford’s Theater and found him paralyzed, comatose and leaning against his wife. The doctor ordered brandy and water to be brought immediately.  But you can view the entire report for yourself in the doctor’s own exquisite handwriting.  (Unfortunately, you have to open/close each page individually.)

    I did find a PDF of the report that is easier to read.  But I’m including a sample page from the written one below, because I’m amazed at his penmanship.

  2. 4:09  Looks like I am the one to beat.

  3. Indeed, it is amazing that this story was given so little press, could it be that most of our communications industry wants him in office?

  4. MoveOn — Good questions!  If it were the Republican/Teabaggers, they would start looking for ways to out source jobs!

    Rmoney — 4 deferrments — I call that evading the draft!  He said he was for the war but sought deferrments.  He said he didn’t persue deferrments but he didn’t enlist even though he supported the war.  In typical Rmoney style, he has no idea what he is saying.  He has lied so often, he no longer recognises the truth!

    Cartoon — Great cartoon!  Elections in the US.

  5. “Space aliens are people, my friend” ~ latest quote from Rmoney.

    Like so many other rich and priveledged young men with political connections, Rmoney wanted to serve but, but, but…

    Excellent cartoon!

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