May 072012

Because Republican’s have refused to compromise on revenue enhancements, $1.2 trillion in across-the-board cuts are scheduled to take effect in January, weighted heavily toward cuts in defense spending.  That’s an anathema to Republicans, because defense contractors, who want to keep producing outdated weapons systems that were appropriate for the cold war, but are not needed today, are a key Republican constituency.  So Ryan and his minions want YOU to BEND OVER instead.

7RyanBendOverRepublicans in the House of Representatives on Monday will fire their first shots of the next deficit-reduction battle, advancing legislation to cut nearly $380 billion largely from social programs while protecting defense spending.

The cuts to food stamps, child tax credits and Medicaid healthcare for the poor, among others, are certain to stall in the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate. But they stake out Republicans’ negotiating stance on replacing $1.2 trillion in automatic, across-the-board spending cuts that are due to take effect in January.

The "Sequester Replacement Act" authored by influential House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan and expected to be approved by the panel on Monday, also will underscore the deep differences between Republican and Democratic spending priorities as campaigns for November’s elections gain momentum.

Already, House Democrats are pouncing on the effort as hurting the poor, claiming that $35.8 billion in food stamp reductions over 10 years will cut off 1.8 million people from the nutrition assistance program… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Reuters>

Why are Republicans doing this?  It’s really quite simple.  Every penny Democrats spend to feed hungry children is a penny Republicans can’t give to a billionaire.  Removing Republicans from office must be our highest national priority.


  18 Responses to “Ryan’s New Assault on Main Street”

  1. Ryan needs to be removed from office, the sooner the better! Let him and Scott Walker start a club for hated Republican ex-officeholders!

  2. Unless you have another source for your “weighted heavily toward cuts in defense spending”, the automatic budget cuts mandated by last year’s Budget Control Act are to be divided equally between defense spending and other:
    The Budget Control Act spells out the steps that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) must take because of the Joint Committee’s inability to agree.  As Table 1 shows, the law calls for $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction through 2021; it requires $984 billion in budget cuts and assumes those savings will reduce interest payments by $216 billion.[1]  The $984 billion in budget cuts is spread in equal dollar amounts over each of the nine years 2013-2021, or $109.3 billion per year.  Those cuts themselves are divided equally between the “national defense” budget function and all other budget functions: $54.7 billion per year in defense and $54.7 billion per year in non-defense programs.
    [Emphasis added]

    In addition to your focusing on “feeding hungry children”, I would also frame this as something that adversely affects middle class and working class families – rather than just the “poor” like the linked article does.  After all, more than one out of every seven Americans is currently benefiting from food stamps, and one out of every four of America’s children is on food stamps.

  3. Raise the frickin’ taxes on the uber-wealthy, you numbskulls! Yeah, I’m talkin’ to you, you rotten RepublicanTs!

  4. “… But they stake out Republicans’ negotiating stance on replacing $1.2 trillion …” — Now that’s rich.  The word ‘negotiating’ being used in conjunction with Republican/Teabaggers!  I wonder how much ‘negotiating’ they will do as Jan 1 approaches and they realise that their precious defense budget is going to be shaved by $54.7billion per year?  I wonder how they will balance the needs of the uber wealthy to not be taxed with the needs of the military industrial complex and their rapacious appetite for wars to fight?

    Of bigger concern is the damage done by cuts to social programmes, programmes that help the least powerful survive.  I know people who durvive here in Vancouver on $14,000/yr and are seniors.  Were they no in government subsidised assisted living, they might not survive.  Yet, in the US where there are costs that our seniors don’t have to contend with, like expensive medications, food stamps and social security can literally make the difference between life and death.

    I think that Ryan, and indeed all the GOP war mongerers, should be compelled to live on social security and food stamps for one month.  Live in an SRO, take only the clothes on their backs (not cell phones etc), no contact with their families.  Find out how ‘easy’ it is to survive.  A BC politician did exactly this very recently.  He had to sell his backpack for something to eat and bus fare home to the suburbs.  He lost 30 pounds during that month.  He is in his 40’s but it gave him a new appreciation.  But what about those that know they won’t get out in 30 days?  What about those that have no hope for breaking this cycle of poverty?  What about those who only hear that the Republican/Teabaggers want to take away more so that their rich friends can have better mansions, more caviar and foie gras?

    Paul Ryan, the devil incarnate if you ask me, needs to have his butt whooped!

    Every Republican/Teabagger in office is one too many!  Vote Democrat 2012!!!!!  Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

  5. Paul Ryan, hiss, spit, arch my back.  Just hearing his name makes me angry.  He should try living on food stamps or Social Security for a while, see if his attitude changes.

  6. Randiots is so STUPID.

  7. Sequestration was part of the deal they made.  If they try to get out of it, where’s the incentive for the Democrats to even make a bargain with them again?  Can’t they see that?  (Can the Democrats see it?)

    Ryan always looks to me like he should be wearing a black cape and fangs.  “I VANT to DREENK your BLAAD!”  Kinda fits.

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